167 research outputs found

    Sul testo di Cic. <i>Phil.</i> 2, 54; 2, 118; 3, 36; 8, 17; 10, 17; 11, 5

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    La discussione che qui svolgo di alcuni loci uexati delle Filippiche ciceroniane rientra nel piĂą ampio progetto di una nuova edizione critica di queste orazioni

    Svetonio, Tacito e il codice Hersfeldense (I)

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    Stemmatic and textual questions on both Suetonius’ De grammaticis and the Dialogus de oratoribus, in the light of a careful study of the Hersfeld manuscript (with remarks on the importance of our evidence about Pier Candido Decembrio, who used this manuscript in 1455)

    Loci vexati nel De Platone di Apuleio (190, 194, 206, 219, 229, 230, 241, 247, 252)

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    The study of the text transmitted for De Platone by Apuleius makes it possible to propose a new constitutio textus for some loci vexati: Plat. 190, 194, 206, 219, 229, 230, 241, 247, 252Lo studio del testo trĂ dito del De Platone di Apuleio permette di avanzare nuove proposte di constitutio textus per alcuni loci vexati: Plat. 190, 194, 206, 219, 229, 230, 241, 247, 25

    I Codici J (Ψ) e il testo delle <i>Partitiones oratoriae</i> di Cicerone

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    Grazie a un'indagine svolta a fine Ottocento da E. Ströbel sulla trasmissione del testo e sullo stemma delle Partitiones oratoriae, si può precisare che mentre gli editori moderni fondano il testo soprattuto sul ramo A (ridenominato Φ), i loro predecessori lo avevano fondato soprattuto sul ramo J (ridenominato Ψ). Non è questa la sede per discutere il giudizio non sempre convincente espresso dall'editore sui singoli testimoni né la poco persuasiva configurazione dello stemma interno a ciascun ramo di tradizione. L'obiettivo che ci si propone in questo studio è piuttosto quello di correggere il giudizio degli editori moderni troppo sbilanciato a favore di un ramo di tradizione contro l'altro

    Hindcast and forecast of the Parsifal storm

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    On 2 November 1995 a Mistral storm in the Gulf of Lions sank the 16 metre yacht Parsifal claiming six lives out of the nine member crew. We analyse the storm with different meteorological and wave models, verifying the results against the available buoy and satellite measurements. Then we consider the accuracy of the storm forecasts and the information available the days before the accident. The limitations related to the resolution of the meteorological models are explored by hindcasting the storm also with the winds produced by some limited area models. Finally, we discuss the present situation of wind and wave hindcast and forecast in theMediterranean Sea, and the distribution of these results to the public

    Hindcast and forecast of the Parsifal storm

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    On 2 November 1995 a Mistral storm in the Gulf of Lions sank the 16 metre yacht Parsifal claiming six lives out of the nine member crew. We analyse the storm with different meteorological and wave models, verifying the results against the available buoy and satellite measurements. Then we consider the accuracy of the storm forecasts and the information available the days before the accident. The limitations related to the resolution of the meteorological models are explored by hindcasting the storm also with the winds produced by some limited area models. Finally, we discuss the present situation of wind and wave hindcast and forecast in theMediterranean Sea, and the distribution of these results to the public

    Reduced Gray to White Matter Tissue Intensity Contrast in Schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: While numerous structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies revealed changes of brain volume or density, cortical thickness and fibre integrity in schizophrenia, the effect of tissue alterations on the contrast properties of neural structures has so far remained mostly unexplored. METHODS: Whole brain high-resolution MRI at 3 Tesla was used to investigate tissue contrast and cortical thickness in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. RESULTS: Patients showed significantly decreased gray to white matter contrast in large portions throughout the cortical mantle with preponderance in inferior, middle, superior and medial temporal areas as well as in lateral and medial frontal regions. The extent of these intensity contrast changes exceeded the extent of cortical thinning. Further, contrast changes remained significant after controlling for cortical thickness measurements. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings clearly emphasize the presence of schizophrenia related brain tissue changes that alter the imaging properties of brain structures. Intensity contrast measurements might not only serve as a highly sensitive metric but also as a potential indicator of a distinct pathological process that might be independent from volume or thickness alterations
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