7 research outputs found

    Valutazione Del Benessere Psico-Fisico Nell'aderenza Terapeutica Nelle Donne Con Malattia Renale Policistica Autosomica Dominante: Uno Studio Osservazionale

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    Evaluation Of The Psychophysical Well-Being In The Compliance Of Women With Autosomal Dominant Policystic Kidney Disease: An Observational Study BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common inherited renal disease and affects less than 1 every 400-1,000 people. There are many effective treatments, including blood pressure management, physical activity, low sodium diet and hydration. Therapeutic education is part of a patient's care and treatment. This approach is an essential strategy in order to face the current healthcare scenario, in which the number of people affected by chronic diseases is progressively increasing. OBJECTIVES: This article aims to analyze the effect of therapeutic education in patients with ADPKD, the level of adherence to pharmacological therapy and their compliance to dietetic and lifestyle recommendations as part of a nursing-led education. METHODS: This is a prospective, longitudinal, observational pilot study. The following measurements were used: Kidney Disease Quality of life - Short Form, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Body Uneasiness Test. At the T0 visit, a nurse selected patients and carried out a personalized educational intervention with the aims of adhering to drug therapies, monitoring blood pressure and dietary behavior (physical activity and water intake). At the T1 visit, patients performed psychological tests. At the T2 visit, the following evaluations were performed: a psychological interview together with the delivery and evaluation of the tests performed, an interview with the nurse to evaluate the adherence to the prescriptions, and a control of parameters such as physical activity, diet, water intake, drug therapy, and blood pressure. RESULTS: Therapeutic education can have a positive impact on patients' health by improving adherence to the pharmacological therapy, diet and lifestyle. CONCLUSIONS: Therapeutic education improve the patient's knowledge, treatments and correct behaviors as well as promotes an independent management of the disease. Through an educational intervention, the patient acquires the ability and the awareness to modify the wrong behaviors and to guarantee a balance between his needs and the pathology, thus improving the quality of life

    L'ereditĂ  di Florence Nightingale nel 2020, Anno Internazionale dell'infermiere: una revisione narrativa

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    Background: Nurses guarantee assistance using different nursing theories, which present different conceptual frameworks, but which have a common vision in the whole of the human being, his holistic needs and the connection with the environment. Florence Nightingale was the first to introduce aspects of the scientific method, structuring a theory focused on the connection between the management of the physical environment and the actions of nurses. Methods: The aim is the evaluation of Nightingale's theory in reference to its contemporary integration, through a narrative review of the literature. Results: The action of nurses on the environment according to Nightingale's theory in care settings and hand hygiene are identified as fundamental in the fight against the spread of infections and in the implementation of the holistic vision. Discussion: Nightingale's theory shows elements of applicability and modernity, such as the acquisition of a greater awareness of healthcare professionals in relation to the care of environments and hand hygiene. Conclusions: Florence Nightingale's theory presents aspects of validity, but further studies are needed to contribute to the evolution of her model, especially in its contemporary contextualization

    Advanced age, time to treatment and long-term mortality: single centre data from the FAST-STEMI network

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    Background. Optimization of the techniques and larger accessibility to mechanical reperfusion have significantly improved the outcomes of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, suboptimal results have been observed in certain higher-risk subsets of patients, as in advanced age, where the benefits of primary PCI are more debated. We evaluated the impact of systematic primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and an optimized STEMI network on the long-term prognosis from a single centre experience.Methods. We included STEMI patients included in the FAST-STEMI network between 2016 and 2019. Ischemia duration was defined as the time from symptoms onset to coronary reopening (pain-to-balloon, PTB). The primary study endpoint (PE) was a composite of mortality and recurrent MI at long-term follow-up. Indywidual outcome endpoints were also assessed.Results. We included 253 patients undergoing primary PCI and discharged alive. Mean age was 67.2 ± 12.5 years, 75.1% males and 19.8% diabetics. At a median follow-up of 581 [307–922] days, the primary endpoint occurred in 24 patients (7.9%), of whom 5.5% died. The occurrence of a cardiovascular event was significantly associated with advanced age (p < 0.001), renal failure (p = 0.03), lower ejection fraction at discharge (p = 0.04) and longer in-hospital stay (p = 0.01). The median PTB was 198 minutes [IQR: 125–340 min], that was significantly longer among patients experiencing the PE (p = 0.01). A linear relationship was observed between age and PTB (r = 0.13, p = 0.009). However, both age ≥ 75 years and PTB above the median emerged as independent predictors of the primary endpoint (age: HR [95%CI] = 5.56 [2.26–13.7], p < 0.001, PTB: HR [95%CI] = 3.59 [1.39–9.3], p = 0.01). Similar results were observed for overall mortality.Conclusion. The present study shows that among STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI in a single centre, the duration of ischemia and advance age are independently associated to long-term mortality and recurrent myocardial infarction. However, longer time to reperfusion was observed among elderly patients

    Bonesio Luisa, Luoghi e forme

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    Pianificazione, valorizzazione e tutela dei luoghi nella loro natura di paesaggi culturali e luoghi di vita dopo la Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio. SobrietĂ , nuovi modelli di territorializzazione. IdentitĂ , comunitĂ  di luogo, paesaggio come identitĂ  locale nel contesto della globalizzazione

    Paesaggio: l'anima dei luoghi

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    I vari contributi del volume costituiscono una mappa di teorie, posizioni, stili d'indagine e approcci progettuali che restituiscono la complessa trama di realtĂ  paesaggistiche lacerate, ma anche la consapevolezza collettiva del significato dell'abitare, della memoria, delle identitĂ  condivise e dei progetti sostenibili di futuro. Una riscoperta dell'anima dei luoghi come responsabilitĂ  di un'etica pubblica, itionerario formativo ma anche ripensamento dei paradigmi che hanno condotto alla devastazione dei paesaggi, allo sfiguramento delle cittĂ , alla dilapidazione di un patrimonio culturale irripetibile e dell'identitĂ  civile della nazione