10 research outputs found

    Generative image inpainting for retinal images using generative adversarial networks

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    The diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases is heavily reliant on the availability of retinal imagining equipment. To increase accessibility, lower-cost ophthalmoscopes, such as the Arclight, have been developed. However, a common drawback of these devices is a limited field of view. The narrow-field-of-view images of the eye can be concatenated to replicate a wide field of view. However, it is likely that not all angles of the eye are captured, which creates gaps. This limits the usefulness of the images in teaching, wherefore, artist's impressions of retinal pathologies are used. Recent research in the field of computer vision explores the automatic completion of holes in images by leveraging the structural understanding of similar images gained by neural networks. Specifically, generative adversarial networks are explored, which consist of two neural networks playing a game against each other to facilitate learning. We demonstrate a proof of concept for the generative image inpainting of retinal images using generative adversarial networks. Our work is motivated by the aim of devising more realistic images for medical teaching purposes. We propose the use of a Wasserstein generative adversarial network with a semantic image inpainting algorithm, as it produces the most realistic images.Clinical relevance- The research shows the use of generative adversarial networks in generating realistic training images.Postprin

    Teaching Small Language Models to Reason

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    Chain of thought prompting successfully improves the reasoning capabilities of large language models, achieving state of the art results on a range of datasets. However, these reasoning capabilities only appear to emerge in models with a size of over 100 billion parameters. In this paper, we explore the transfer of such reasoning capabilities to models with less than 100 billion parameters via knowledge distillation. Specifically, we finetune a student model on the chain of thought outputs generated by a larger teacher model. Our experiments show that the proposed method improves task performance across arithmetic, commonsense and symbolic reasoning datasets. For example, the accuracy of T5 XXL on GSM8K improves from 8.11% to 21.99% when finetuned on PaLM-540B generated chains of thought

    Everybody Needs a Little HELP: Explaining Graphs via Hierarchical Concepts

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have led to major breakthroughs in a variety of domains such as drug discovery, social network analysis, and travel time estimation. However, they lack interpretability which hinders human trust and thereby deployment to settings with high-stakes decisions. A line of interpretable methods approach this by discovering a small set of relevant concepts as subgraphs in the last GNN layer that together explain the prediction. This can yield oversimplified explanations, failing to explain the interaction between GNN layers. To address this oversight, we provide HELP (Hierarchical Explainable Latent Pooling), a novel, inherently interpretable graph pooling approach that reveals how concepts from different GNN layers compose to new ones in later steps. HELP is more than 1-WL expressive and is the first non-spectral, end-to-end-learnable, hierarchical graph pooling method that can learn to pool a variable number of arbitrary connected components. We empirically demonstrate that it performs on-par with standard GCNs and popular pooling methods in terms of accuracy while yielding explanations that are aligned with expert knowledge in the domains of chemistry and social networks. In addition to a qualitative analysis, we employ concept completeness scores as well as concept conformity, a novel metric to measure the noise in discovered concepts, quantitatively verifying that the discovered concepts are significantly easier to fully understand than those from previous work. Our work represents a first step towards an understanding of graph neural networks that goes beyond a set of concepts from the final layer and instead explains the complex interplay of concepts on different levels.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, accepted at the NeurIPS 2023 GLFrontiers Worksho

    Interpretable Graph Networks Formulate Universal Algebra Conjectures

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    The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) recently empowered researchers to investigate hard mathematical problems which eluded traditional approaches for decades. Yet, the use of AI in Universal Algebra (UA) -- one of the fields laying the foundations of modern mathematics -- is still completely unexplored. This work proposes the first use of AI to investigate UA's conjectures with an equivalent equational and topological characterization. While topological representations would enable the analysis of such properties using graph neural networks, the limited transparency and brittle explainability of these models hinder their straightforward use to empirically validate existing conjectures or to formulate new ones. To bridge these gaps, we propose a general algorithm generating AI-ready datasets based on UA's conjectures, and introduce a novel neural layer to build fully interpretable graph networks. The results of our experiments demonstrate that interpretable graph networks: (i) enhance interpretability without sacrificing task accuracy, (ii) strongly generalize when predicting universal algebra's properties, (iii) generate simple explanations that empirically validate existing conjectures, and (iv) identify subgraphs suggesting the formulation of novel conjectures

    Interpretable Neural-Symbolic Concept Reasoning

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    Deep learning methods are highly accurate, yet their opaque decision process prevents them from earning full human trust. Concept-based models aim to address this issue by learning tasks based on a set of human-understandable concepts. However, state-of-the-art concept-based models rely on high-dimensional concept embedding representations which lack a clear semantic meaning, thus questioning the interpretability of their decision process. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Deep Concept Reasoner (DCR), the first interpretable concept-based model that builds upon concept embeddings. In DCR, neural networks do not make task predictions directly, but they build syntactic rule structures using concept embeddings. DCR then executes these rules on meaningful concept truth degrees to provide a final interpretable and semantically-consistent prediction in a differentiable manner. Our experiments show that DCR: (i) improves up to +25% w.r.t. state-of-the-art interpretable concept-based models on challenging benchmarks (ii) discovers meaningful logic rules matching known ground truths even in the absence of concept supervision during training, and (iii), facilitates the generation of counterfactual examples providing the learnt rules as guidance

    Global Concept-Based Interpretability for Graph Neural Networks via Neuron Analysis

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) are highly effective on a variety of graph-related tasks; however, they lack interpretability and transparency. Current explainability approaches are typically local and treat GNNs as black-boxes. They do not look inside the model, inhibiting human trust in the model and explanations. Motivated by the ability of neurons to detect high-level semantic concepts in vision models, we perform a novel analysis on the behaviour of individual GNN neurons to answer questions about GNN interpretability. We propose a novel approach for producing global explanations for GNNs using neuron-level concepts to enable practitioners to have a high-level view of the model. Specifically, (i) to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work which shows that GNN neurons act as concept detectors and have strong alignment with concepts formulated as logical compositions of node degree and neighbourhood properties; (ii) we quantitatively assess the importance of detected concepts, and identify a trade-off between training duration and neuron-level interpretability; (iii) we demonstrate that our global explainability approach has advantages over the current state-of-the-art -- we can disentangle the explanation into individual interpretable concepts backed by logical descriptions, which reduces potential for bias and improves user-friendliness

    Interpretable Neural-Symbolic Concept Reasoning

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    International audienceDeep learning methods are highly accurate, yet their opaque decision process prevents them from earning full human trust. Concept-based models aim to address this issue by learning tasks based on a set of human-understandable concepts. However, state-of-the-art concept-based models rely on high-dimensional concept embedding representations which lack a clear semantic meaning, thus questioning the interpretability of their decision process. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Deep Concept Reasoner (DCR), the first interpretable concept-based model that builds upon concept embeddings. In DCR, neural networks do not make task predictions directly, but they build syntactic rule structures using concept embeddings. DCR then executes these rules on meaningful concept truth degrees to provide a final interpretable and semantically-consistent prediction in a differentiable manner. Our experiments show that DCR: (i) improves up to +25% w.r.t. state-of-the-art interpretable concept-based models on challenging benchmarks (ii) discovers meaningful logic rules matching known ground truths even in the absence of concept supervision during training, and (iii), facilitates the generation of counterfactual examples providing the learnt rules as guidance

    Interpretable Neural-Symbolic Concept Reasoning ⋆

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    International audienceDeep learning methods are highly accurate, yet their opaque decision process prevents them from earning full human trust. Concept-based models aim to address this issue by learning tasks based on a set of human-understandable concepts. However, state-of-the-art concept-based models rely on high-dimensional concept embedding representations which lack a clear semantic meaning, thus questioning the interpretability of their decision process. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Deep Concept Reasoner (DCR), the first interpretable concept-based model that builds upon concept embeddings. In DCR, neural networks do not make task predictions directly, but they build syntactic rule structures using concept embeddings. DCR then executes these rules on meaningful concept truth degrees to provide a final interpretable and semantically-consistent prediction in a differentiable manner. Our experiments show that DCR: (i) improves up to +25% w.r.t. state-of-the-art interpretable concept-based models on challenging benchmarks (ii) discovers meaningful logic rules matching known ground truths even in the absence of concept supervision during training, and (iii), facilitates the generation of counterfactual examples providing the learnt rules as guidance