693 research outputs found

    Multiphase PC/PL Relations: Comparison between Theory and observations

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    Cepheids are fundamental objects astrophysically in that they hold the key to a CMB independent estimate of Hubble's constant. A number of researchers have pointed out the possibilities of breaking degeneracies between Omega_Matter and H0 if there is a CMB independent distance scale accurate to a few percent (Hu 2005). Current uncertainties in the distance scale are about 10% but future observations, with, for example, the JWST, will be capable of estimating H0 to within a few percent. A crucial step in this process is the Cepheid PL relation. Recent evidence has emerged that the PL relation, at least in optical bands, is nonlinear and that neglect of such a nonlinearity can lead to errors in estimating H0 of up to 2 percent. Hence it is important to critically examine this possible nonlinearity both observationally and theoretically. Existing PC/PL relations rely exclusively on evaluating these relations at mean light. However, since such relations are the average of relations at different phases. Here we report on recent attempts to compare theory and observation in the multiphase PC/PL planes. We construct state of the art Cepheid pulsations models appropriate for the LMC/Galaxy and compare the resulting PC/PL relations as a function of phase with observations. For the LMC, the (V-I) period-color relation at minimum light can have quite a narrow dispersion (0.2-0.3 mags) and thus could be useful in placing constraints on models. At longer periods, the models predict significantly redder (by about 0.2-0.3 mags) V-I colors. We discuss possible reasons for this and also compare PL relations at various phases of pulsation and find clear evidence in both theory and observations for a nonlinear PL relation.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, proceeding for "Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation", Santa Fe 200

    Contemporary approaches to managing Atrial fibrillation: A survey of Australian general practitioners

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    © 2015, Australasian Medical Journal Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Background Recent attention to the management of atrial fibrillation (AF) and stroke prevention has emphasised the need to support the use of existing pharmacotherapy through available services and resources, in preference to using the new, more expensive, novel oral anticoagulants. In this regard, general practitioners (GPs) are at the core of care. Aims To survey Australian GPs regarding their approach to managing AF, particularly in relation to stroke prevention therapy, and to identify the range of services to support patient care. Methods A structured questionnaire, comprising quantitative and qualitative responses, was administered to participating GPs within four geographical regions of NSW (metropolitan, regional, rural areas). Results Fifty GPs (mean age 53.74±9.94 years) participated. Most (98 per cent) GPs regarded themselves as primarily responsible for the management of AF, only referring patients to specialists when needed. However, only 10 per cent of GPs specialised in “heart/vascular health”. Most (76 per cent) GPs offered point-of-care international normalised ratio (INR) testing, with 90 per cent also offering patient support via practice nurses and home visits. Overall, key determinants influencing GPs’ initiation of antithrombotic therapy were: “stroke risk”/”CHADS2 score”, followed by “patients’ adherence/compliance”. GPs focused more on medication safety considerations and the day-to-day management of therapy than on the risk of bleeding. Conclusion Australian GPs are actively engaged in managing AF, and appear to be well resourced. Importantly, there is a greater focus on the benefits of therapy during decision-making, rather than on the risks. However, medication safety considerations affecting routine management of therapy remain key concerns, with patients’ adherence to therapy a major determinant in decision-making

    A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a computerized antithrombotic risk assessment tool to optimize stroke prevention in general practice: A study protocol

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    Background: Therapy for stroke prevention in older persons with atrial fibrillation (AF) is underutilized despite evidence to support its effectiveness. To prevent stroke in this high-risk population, antithrombotic treatment is necessary. Given the challenges and inherent risks of antithrombotic therapy, decision-making is particularly complex for clinicians, necessitating comprehensive risk:benefit assessments. Targeted interventions are urgently needed to support clinicians in this context; the Computerized Antithrombotic Risk Assessment Tool (CARAT) offers a unique approach to this clinical problem. Methods/design. This study (a prospective, cluster-randomized controlled clinical trial) will be conducted across selected regions in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Fifty GPs will be randomized to either the 'intervention' or 'control' arm, with each GP recruiting 10 patients (aged ≥65 with AF); target sample size is 500 patients. GPs in the intervention arm will use CARAT during routine patient consultations to: assess risk factors for stroke, bleeding and medication misadventure; quantify the risk/benefit ratio of antithrombotic treatment, identify the recommended therapy, and decide on the treatment course, for an individual patient. CARAT will be applied by the GP at baseline and repeated at 12 months to identify any changes to treatment requirements. At baseline, the participant (patients and GPs) characteristics will be recorded, as well as relevant practice and clinical parameters. Patient follow up will occur at 1, 6, and 12 months via telephone interview to identify changes to therapy, medication side effects, or clinical events. Discussion. This project tests the utility of a novel decision support tool (CARAT) in improving the use of preventative therapy to reduce the significant burden of stroke. Importantly, it targets the interface of patient care (general practice), addresses the at-risk population, evaluates clinical outcomes, and offers a tool that may be sustainable via integration into prescribing software and primary care services. GP support and guidance in identifying at risk patients for the appropriate selection of therapy is widely acknowledged. This trial will evaluate the impact of CARAT on the prescription of antithrombotic therapy, its longer-term impact on clinical outcomes including stroke and bleeding, and clinicians perceived utility of CARAT in practice. Trial registration. Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12613000060741. © 2014 Bajorek et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Source term calculation and validation for 18^{18}F-production with a cyclotron for medical applications at HZDR

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    In this document we present the calculation and experimental validation of a source term for 18^{18}F-production with a cyclotron for medical applications operating at 18 MeV proton energy and 30 μA proton current. The Monte Carlo codes MCNP6 and FLUKA were used for the calculation of the source term. In addition, the radiation field around the 18^{18}O-enriched water target was simulated with the two codes. To validate the radiation field obtained in the simulation, an experimental program has been started using activation samples which are placed close to the water target during an 18^{18}F-production run of the cyclotron. After the irradiation, the samples are analysed and the resulting activation is compared to Monte Carlo calculations of the expected sample activation. We find good agreement between simulations and experimental results, with most calculation to experiment (C/E) ratios well between 0.6 and 1.4

    Constant Curvature Coefficients and Exact Solutions in Fractional Gravity and Geometric Mechanics

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    We study fractional configurations in gravity theories and Lagrange mechanics. The approach is based on Caputo fractional derivative which gives zero for actions on constants. We elaborate fractional geometric models of physical interactions and we formulate a method of nonholonomic deformations to other types of fractional derivatives. The main result of this paper consists in a proof that for corresponding classes of nonholonomic distributions a large class of physical theories are modelled as nonholonomic manifolds with constant matrix curvature. This allows us to encode the fractional dynamics of interactions and constraints into the geometry of curve flows and solitonic hierarchies.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 27 pages, the variant accepted to CEJP; added and up-dated reference

    Numerical investigation of three types of space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equations in 2D

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    Recently, the fractional Bloch-Torrey model has been used to study anomalous diffusion in the human brain. In this paper, we consider three types of space and time fractional Bloch-Torrey equations in two dimensions: Model-1 with the Riesz fractional derivative; Model-2 with the one-dimensional fractional Laplacian operator; and Model-3 with the two-dimensional fractional Laplacian operator. Firstly, we propose a spatially second-order accurate implicit numerical method for Model-1 whereby we discretize the Riesz fractional derivative using a fractional centered difference. We consider a finite domain where the time and space derivatives are replaced by the Caputo and the sequential Riesz fractional derivatives, respectively. Secondly, we utilize the matrix transfer technique for solving Model-2 and Model-3. Finally, some numerical results are given to show the behaviours of these three models especially on varying domain sizes with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions

    Period-Color and Amplitude-Color Relations in Classical Cepheid Variables - VI. New Challenges for Pulsation Models

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    We present multiphase Period-Color/Amplitude-Color/Period-Luminosity relations using OGLE III and Galactic Cepheid data and compare with state of the art theoretical pulsation models. Using this new way to compare models and observations, we find convincing evidence that both Period-Color and Period-Luminosity Relations as a function of phase are dynamic and highly nonlinear at certain pulsation phases. We extend this to a multiphase Wesenheit function and find the same result. Hence our results cannot be due to reddening errors. We present statistical tests and the urls of movies depicting the Period-Color/Period Luminosity and Wesenheit relations as a function of phase for the LMC OGLE III Cepheid data: these tests and movies clearly demonstrate nonlinearity as a function of phase and offer a new window toward a deeper understanding of stellar pulsation. When comparing with models, we find that the models also predict this nonlinearity in both Period-Color and Period-Luminosity planes. The models with (Z=0.004, Y=0.25) fare better in mimicking the LMC Cepheid relations, particularly at longer periods, though the models predict systematically higher amplitudes than the observations

    Fractional Hamilton formalism within Caputo's derivative

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    In this paper we develop a fractional Hamiltonian formulation for dynamic systems defined in terms of fractional Caputo derivatives. Expressions for fractional canonical momenta and fractional canonical Hamiltonian are given, and a set of fractional Hamiltonian equations are obtained. Using an example, it is shown that the canonical fractional Hamiltonian and the fractional Euler-Lagrange formulations lead to the same set of equations.Comment: 8 page

    Towards the Formalization of Fractional Calculus in Higher-Order Logic

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    Fractional calculus is a generalization of classical theories of integration and differentiation to arbitrary order (i.e., real or complex numbers). In the last two decades, this new mathematical modeling approach has been widely used to analyze a wide class of physical systems in various fields of science and engineering. In this paper, we describe an ongoing project which aims at formalizing the basic theories of fractional calculus in the HOL Light theorem prover. Mainly, we present the motivation and application of such formalization efforts, a roadmap to achieve our goals, current status of the project and future milestones.Comment: 9 page