592 research outputs found

    Tras la conexión terrorista marroquí: políticas estatales y wahabismo saudí

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    A diferencia de lo que suele pensarse, una encuesta llevada a cabo por el Pew Research Center indica que la intolerancia religiosa y la radicalización hunden sus raíces en lo más profundo de la sociedad marroquí. La implicación de marroquíes en la mayoría de los ataques terroristas perpetrados en el mundo en los dos últimos años ha empañado la imagen que tenía Marruecos de ser una monarquía moderada y democratizadora. Aunque en parte se puede culpar de ello a los efectos del conflicto israelo-palestino, las autoridades marroquíes también son culpables de fomentar la intolerancia religiosa institucionalizada y ofrecer todo tipo de facilidades para la importación de la variedad más literal, rigurosa e inflexible del Islam: las enseñanzas de los seguidores de Muhammad Ibn Abdel Wahhab (que vivió hacia 1750), que confirió legitimidad religiosa a lo que era una monarquía tribal de Arabia Saudí. En esta tradición se inspiran los grupos radicales y violentos del mundo islámico. A juzgar por la implicación de un número inusualmente elevado de marroquíes en ataques terroristas, se puede decir sin temor que el Islam wahabí está más extendido de lo que pensamos

    Behind the Moroccan Terrorist Connection: State Policies and Saudi Wahhabism

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    Contrary to what is usually believed, a survey by the Pew Research Center indicates that religious intolerance and radicalization is wide and deep in Moroccan society. The involvement of Moroccans in most major terrorist attacks in the world during the past two years has shattered Morocco’s image as a moderate, democratizing monarchy. While this can partly be blamed on the effects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Moroccan authorities are also to blame for fostering institutionalized religious intolerance and for providing all sorts of facilities for the importation of the most literal, rigorous and inflexible form of Islam: the teachings of the followers of Muhammad Ibn Abdel Wahhab (fl. 1750s), who provided religious legitimacy to an otherwise tribal monarchy in Saudi Arabia. Radical and violent groups in the Muslim world draw on this tradition. Judging from the involvement of an unusually high number of Moroccans in terrorist attacks, it is safe to suggest that the Wahhabi Islam is more widespread than we think

    Monitoring DXA Measurement in Clinical Practice

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    Interpreting a DXA Scan in Clinical Practice

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    Effects of employee ownership on the performance of French companies SBF120 : empirical validation

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    Given divergent results of studies on the implications of employee ownership on performance and low interest granted to the probability of the existence of an eventual causality. The purpose of this contribution is to check whether there is a causal link between the two presuppositions and if so, whether the causality is unidirectional or bidirectional. Based on the econometrics of panel data, the error correction models and low exogeneity tests, the results of the econometric treatments, on a sample of French companies quoted on the stock exchange 120 over a period running from 2000 to 2012, reveal the existence of two long-term dynamics in a single direction from the performance indicators (ROA and ROE) to employee ownership.peer-reviewe

    Kyste hydatique du foie révélé par sa fistulisation dans le thorax

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    Une patiente âgée de 28ans, sans antécédent pathologique particulier, avec notion de contact avec les chiens (hébergement d'un chien au domicile), accusait depuis 2 mois des douleurs basithoraciques droites avec gêne respiratoire. Dix jours avant son hospitalisation, le tableau s'est aggravé par l'apparition d'une toux sèche, une asthénie et une fièvre. L'examen clinique a révélé un syndrome d'épanchement basi thoracique droit. La patiente a bénéficié d'une radiographie thoracique de face (A), qui montrait un épanchement liquidien pleural droit de moyenne abondance sans foyer parenchymateux visible. Une tomodensitométrie thoracoabdominale a montré un épanchement liquidien pleural droit associé à une scissurite, l'épanchement communiquant par le biais d'une fistule avec une lésion arrondie, hypodense, bien limitée du dôme hépatique, renfermant une calcification périphérique et ne se rehausse pas après injection de produit de contraste (B). Le complément échographique réalisé a confirmé la présence de la lésion du dôme hépatique avec les caractères sémiologiques suscités (C). Biologiquement, on notait une discrète élévation de la VS à 15mm la première heure avec une sérologie hydatique positive. La patiente a bénéficié d'une chirurgie avec drainage de liquide pleural et fermeture de la fistule. L'évolution post opératoire était favorable. Le kyste hydatique est une parasitose due au développement de la forme larvaire d'échinococcus granulosus. L'hôte habituel est le chien, l'homme étant l'hôte intermédiaire. Toutes les localisations sont possibles. La fistulisation dans le thorax est beaucoup plus rare et varie de 2 à 5% selon les séries.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Prevalence and Characteristics of Lung Involvement on High Resolution Computed Tomography in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Systematic Review

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    To determine the prevalence of lung involvement and the spectrum of abnormalities revealed on HRCT in patients with AS, a systematic literature review was conducted in the Medline database up to May 2009 and in the abstracts of rheumatology scientific meetings (2006–2008). A hand search of references was also performed. Among the 264 selected articles, 10 articles (303 patients) allowed a calculation of the prevalence of lung abnormalities on thoracic HRCT in AS. A total of 185 patients (61%) had an abnormal thoracic HRCT: upper lobe fibrosis in 21 (6.9%), emphysema in 55 (18.1%), bronchiectasis in 33 (10.8%), and ground glass attenuation in 34 (11.2%). Non specific interstitial abnormalities were observed in 101 (33%) patients. The most common observed abnormalities were pleural thickening (52%), parenchymal bands (45%) and interlobular septal thickening (30%). Only the prevalence of upper lobe fibrosis increased significantly with disease duration (3 studies). Mild and non-specific interstitial abnormalities on thoracic HRCT are common in patients with AS, even in patients with early disease and without respiratory symptoms

    Synthesis of Stable Alkaline Ferrates (VI) by Dry Process: Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment

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    This article presents a new process for synthesizing ferrate VI alkali K2FeO4 with high yield and purity of 98.3 to 99.1%, stable for 12 months at a temperature around 30°C, by heating the mixture of Potassium peroxide K2O2 and Fe2O3 with a K/Fe ratio = 4 at a temperature of 560°C for 5 hours under a current of oxygen, under the most favorable conditions. This is much better than that synthesized by deferent synthetic routes. The synthesis of VI ferrates was carried out under different experimental conditions (the K/Fe ratio varies from 1 to 6, T varies from 200 – 750°C, time varies from 6 to 17h and product storage temperature varies from 20 to 40°C) in order to obtain an optimal yield of ferrate VI stable and of high purity as well as to minimize the cost and to facilitate their storage and their transport. The presence and quality of iron VI was confirmed in the phase obtained by XRD, IR spectrometry, UV spectrophotometry and by the volumetric titration method quantitatively and qualitatively. The degradation rate of iron VI after 12 months of storage at around 30°C was observed and determined by Mossbauer spectrometer, UV spectrophotometry and by the volumetric titration method

    Risk factors of osteoporosis in healthy Moroccan men

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although not as common as in women, osteoporosis remains a significant health care problem in men. Data concerning risk factors of osteoporosis are lacking for the male Moroccan population. The objective of the study was to identify some determinants associated to low bone mineral density in Moroccan men.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>a sample of 592 healthy men aged 20-79 years was recruited from the area of Rabat, the capital of Morocco. Measurements were taken at the lumbar spine and proximal femurs using DXA (Lunar Prodigy Vision, GE). Biometrical, clinical, and lifestyle determinants were collected. Univariate, multivariate, and logistic regression analyses were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>the mean (SD) age of the patients was 49 (17.2) years old. The prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia were 8.7% and 52.8%, respectively. Lumbar spine and hip BMD correlated significantly with age, weight and BMI. When comparing the subjects according to the WHO classification, significant differences were revealed between the three groups of subjects for age, weight and BMI, prevalence of low calcium intake and low physical activity. The multiple regression analysis found that only age, BMI, and high coffee consumption were independently associated to the osteoporotic status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ageing and low BMI are the main risk factors associated with osteoporosis in Moroccan men.</p