8 research outputs found

    Speech Acts Performed by Voldemort within the Movie “Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows Part I”: Types and Translation Strategies

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    This research investigates what types of speech acts that Voldemort used and the procedures applied in translating its subtitle in movie “Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows Part 1”. Descriptive qualitative analysis was set up as the method whilst the theories of Yule (1996) and Vinay & Darbelnet (1958) were used as the main roadmap to analyze the data. The researcher collected data by employing a note-taking technique and gaining the data by searching, downloading, watching the movie, taking notes and marking its transcript in its dialogue. In analyzing data, the researcher used the content analysis technique and the steps are by searching, identifying, classifying them according to the speech acts theory of Yule (1996). As the result, 67 speech acts performed by Voldemort were discovered such as; declarative, representative, expressive, commissive, and directive. Meanwhile, the directive speech act was dominantly used (29 data). On the other hands, it was encountered that a number of translation procedures were applied. They are literal translation, pure borrowing, modulation, generalization, adaptation, addition, deletion while literal translation dominates (42 data)

    The Ideological Embodiment on Nadiem Makarim’s Speech: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This study purposes to uncover the symbolic ideology and the structures of the speech discourse delivered by the current new-inaugurated educational and cultural minister; Nadiem Makarim on National Teacher’s Day. The descriptive qualitative method was employed to shed a light on the interpretation and finding of the study whilst the model of van Dijk in CDA was used to identify and answer the problems. The data were totally elicited from the speech text whilst it was as well used as subject of the study. The documentation method was applied and the data were afterwards expounded descriptively. The finding denotes that of the speech discourse’s structures including macro, micro, and supra, the speech is perceived to have certain language style usage by underlying topic of speech on conveying the mission of providing a change towards Indonesia’s Better Education. In addition, the ideology is as well indicated in ways behind the structures organized. The macro structure puts the ideology beneath the theme and the topic which are in the forms of ideology purposed as system of beliefs and system of actions. In essence, the tendency of the ideology lies on the aspect of speech theme in which it was utilized to invite (deliberately aimed) the educators and all parts getting involved in education realm and to believe and to act as what was expected


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi Self Directed Learning pada pembelajaran mata pelajaran PAI dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat serta solusi dalam penerapan strategi Self Directed Learning . Penelitian ini merupakan studi lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi partisipasi pasif (passive participant), wawancara mendalam (in depth interview), dan dokumentasi. Selanjutnya peneliti melakukan keabsahan data dengan perpanjangan pengamatan, triangulasi dan member check. Selanjutnya untuk analisis data, yaitu reduksi data, display dan kesimpulan. Adapun subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala madrasah, guru Aqidah Akhlaq, Al-qur’an Hadits dan SKI serta peserta didik kelas VIII MTs Nihayaturroghibin Sundoluhur Kayen Pati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penerapan strategi Self Directed Learning pada pembelajaran mata pelajaran PAI dengan tahapan berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan berbagai macam cara diantaranya: belajar mandiri tipe terpimpin, bank soal mandiri, uji cakap mandiri, dan cari tugas mandiri, selanjutnya penilaian. Dan terdapat faktor pendukung dan penghambat serta solusi dalam penerapan strategi Self Directed Learning yakni dari faktor guru, peserta didik dan sarana prasarana. Selanjutnya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan dan pembelajaran bagi para pemegang kebijakan maupun para guru rumpun mata pelajaran PAI untuk lebih menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif

    The Ideological Embodiment on Nadiem Makarim’s Speech: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This study purposes to uncover the symbolic ideology and the structures of the speech discourse delivered by the current new-inaugurated educational and cultural minister; Nadiem Makarim on National Teacher’s Day. The descriptive qualitative method was employed to shed a light on the interpretation and finding of the study whilst the model of van Dijk in CDA was used to identify and answer the problems. The data were totally elicited from the speech text whilst it was as well used as subject of the study. The documentation method was applied and the data were afterwards expounded descriptively. The finding denotes that of the speech discourse’s structures including macro, micro, and supra, the speech is perceived to have certain language style usage by underlying topic of speech on conveying the mission of providing a change towards Indonesia’s Better Education. In addition, the ideology is as well indicated in ways behind the structures organized. The macro structure puts the ideology beneath the theme and the topic which are in the forms of ideology purposed as system of beliefs and system of actions. In essence, the tendency of the ideology lies on the aspect of speech theme in which it was utilized to invite (deliberately aimed) the educators and all parts getting involved in education realm and to believe and to act as what was expected