21 research outputs found
Polymorphic transitions in flufenamic acid-trehalose composites
The combination of poorly-soluble drugs with small molecule co-formers to generate amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) has great potential to improve dissolution rate and kinetic solubility, and thus increase the bioavailability of these active ingredients. However, such ASDs are known to be unstable and to crystallise upon storage or heating. In this work, we explore the crystallisation of flufenamic acid (FFA) from ASDs prepared with trehalose. FFA-trehalose mixtures were prepared at a range of w/w composition ratios, heated to melting and crash cooled to form ASDs. They were then subject to a further heat/cool cycle, which was monitored by simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry – X-ray diffraction to observe the phase changes occurring. These varied with the composition of the blend. Upon short-term storage, formulations with low trehalose contents (FFA:trehalose 5:1 w/w) recrystallised into form I FFA, while higher trehalose contents crystallised to FFA form IV. When heated, all FFA trehalose combinations ultimately recrystallised into form I before melting. Upon a second cooling cycle, systems with low trehalose content (FFA:trehalose 5:1 w/w) recrystallised into form IV, while higher trehalose contents led to FFA form I. It is thus clear that even with a single excipient it is possible to control the crystallisation pathway through judicious choice of the formulation parameters
Modulating Thermal Properties of Polymers through Crystal Engineering
Crystal engineering has exclusively focused on the development of advanced materials based on small organic molecules. We now demonstrate how the cocrystallization of a polymer yields a material with significantly enhanced thermal stability but equivalent mechanical flexibility. Isomorphous replacement of one of the cocrystal components enables the formation of solid solutions with melting points that can be readily fine-tuned over a usefully wide temperature range. The results of this study credibly extend the scope of crystal engineering and cocrystallization from small molecules to polymers
Gravity effect on thermal-solutal convection during solidification revealed by four-dimensional synchrotron imaging with compositional mapping
The effect of gravity on thermo-solutal convection and its impact on solidification dynamics of an Al-15 wt%Cu alloy were studied using high speed synchrotron tomography. A method for mapping the composition of the solidifying samples was developed, enabling three-dimensional quantification of the time evolved solute concentration and dendrite morphology. Differences in solute segregation, dendrite morphology and fragmentation between upwards and downwards solidification were identified, which were attributed to buoyancy-modulated thermal-solutal convection
Sinter formation during directed energy deposition of titanium alloy powders
During directed energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing, powder agglomeration and sintering can occur outside of the melt pool when using titanium alloy powders. Using in situ synchrotron radiography we investigate the mechanisms by which sintering of Ti6242 powder occurs around the pool, performing a parametric study to determine the influence of laser power and stage traverse speed on sinter build-up. The results reveal that detrimental sinter can be reduced using a high laser power or increased stage traverse speed, although the latter also reduces deposition layer thickness. The mechanism of sinter formation during DED was determined to be in-flight heating of the powder particles in the laser beam. Calculations of particle heating under the processing conditions explored in this study confirm that powder particles can reasonably exceed 700 °C, the threshold for Ti surface oxide dissolution, and thus the powder is prone to sintering if not incorporated into the melt pool. The build-up of sinter powder layer on deposit surfaces led to lack of fusion pores. To mitigate sinter formation and its detrimental effects on DED component quality, it is essential that the powder delivery spot area is smaller than the melt pool, ensuring most powder lands in the melt pool
Correlative acoustic time-of-flight spectroscopy and X-ray imaging to investigate gas-induced delamination in lithium-ion pouch cells during thermal runaway
It remains difficult to detect internal mechanical deformation and gas-induced degradation in lithium-ion batteries, especially outside specialized diagnostics laboratories. In this work, we demonstrate that electrochemical acoustic time-of-flight (EA-ToF) spectroscopy can be used as an insightful and field-deployable diagnostic/prognostic technique to sense the onset of failure. A 210 mAh commercial lithium-ion cell undergoing thermal abuse testing is probed with in situ and operando EA-ToF spectroscopy, together with simultaneous fractional thermal runaway calorimetry (FTRC) and synchrotron X-ray imaging. The combination of X-ray imaging and EA-ToF analysis provides new understanding into the through-plane mechanical deformation in lithium-ion batteries through direct visualisation and the acoustic ToF response. Internal structural changes, such as gas-induced delamination, are identified using EA-ToF spectroscopy due to variations in the attenuation and signal peak shifts. This is corroborated using X-ray imaging, demonstrating EA-ToF spectroscopy as a promising technique for detecting onset of battery failure
Characterising thermal runaway within lithium-ion cells by inducing and monitoring internal short circuits
Lithium-ion batteries are being used in increasingly demanding applications where safety and reliability are of utmost importance. Thermal runaway presents the greatest safety hazard, and needs to be fully understood in order to progress towards safer cell and battery designs. Here, we demonstrate the application of an internal short circuiting device for controlled, on-demand, initiation of thermal runaway. Through its use, the location and timing of thermal runaway initiation is pre-determined, allowing analysis of the nucleation and propagation of failure within 18 650 cells through the use of high-speed X-ray imaging at 2000 frames per second. The cause of unfavourable occurrences such as sidewall rupture, cell bursting, and cell-to-cell propagation within modules is elucidated, and steps towards improved safety of 18 650 cells and batteries are discussed
Correlative full field X-ray Compton scattering imaging and X-ray computed tomography for in situ observation of Li ion batteries
Increasing electrode thickness is gaining more attention as a potential route to increase energy density for Li ion batteries although the realizable capacity and rate capability are usually limited by Li+ ion diffusion during (dis)charge, especially at increased (dis)charge rates. It remains challenging to visualize and quantify the low atomic number Li+ chemical stoichiometry distribution inside the electrode within commercially standard battery geometry, e.g. coin cells with stainless steel casings. Here, we map the distribution of Li + chemical stoichiometry in the electrode microstructure inside a working coin cell battery to show the amount of electrode materials contributing to energy storage performance using innovative in situ correlative full-field X-ray Compton scattering imaging (XCS-I) and X-ray computed tomography (XCT). We design and fabricate an ultra-thick (∼1 mm) cathode of LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 with a microstructure containing vertically oriented pore arrays using a directional ice templating method. This novel technique paves a new way to map low atomic number elements in 3D structures and study how the microstructure improves Li + ion diffusivity and energy storage performance
Metal-Organic Nanosheets Formed via Defect-Mediated Transformation of a Hafnium Metal-Organic Framework
We report a hafnium-containing MOF, hcp UiO-67(Hf), which is a ligand-deficient layered analogue of the face-centered cubic fcu UiO-67(Hf). hcp UiO-67 accommodates its lower ligand:metal ratio compared to fcu UiO-67 through a new structural mechanism: the formation of a condensed "double cluster" (HfO(OH)), analogous to the condensation of coordination polyhedra in oxide frameworks. In oxide frameworks, variable stoichiometry can lead to more complex defect structures, e.g., crystallographic shear planes or modules with differing compositions, which can be the source of further chemical reactivity; likewise, the layered hcp UiO-67 can react further to reversibly form a two-dimensional metal-organic framework, hxl UiO-67. Both three-dimensional hcp UiO-67 and two-dimensional hxl UiO-67 can be delaminated to form metal-organic nanosheets. Delamination of hcp UiO-67 occurs through the cleavage of strong hafnium-carboxylate bonds and is effected under mild conditions, suggesting that defect-ordered MOFs could be a productive route to porous two-dimensional materials.M.J.C. was supported by Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge; M.J.C., J.A.H., and A.L.G. were supported by the European Research Council (279705); and J.L., A.C.F., E.C.-M., and C.P.G. were supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (U.K.) under the Supergen Consortium and Grant (EP/N001583/1). D.F.-J. thanks the Royal Society for funding through a University Research Fellowship. The Diamond Light Source Ltd. (beamlines I11 (EE9940, EE15118), I12 (EE12554), and I15 (EE13681, EE13843) is thanked for providing beamtime. Via our membership of the UK’s HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC (EP/L000202), this work used the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service (http://www.archer.ac.uk). Part of this work was performed using the Darwin Supercomputer of the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service (http://www.hpc.cam.ac.uk/), provided by Dell Inc. using Strategic Research Infrastructure Funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England and funding from the Science and Technology Facilities Council
Use of synchrotron X-rays for direct observation of wear damage in optically-opaque contacts by means of CT imaging and X-ray diffraction
In a simulated in-situ experiment annular contacts of 6082-T6 aluminium alloy were first exposed to various degrees of fretting wear, before synchrotron X-ray CT and diffraction were applied to examine the extent and development of wear damage. The wear volumes measured and development of the wear rate were consistent with the mathematical wear model of Fillot, Iordanoff & Berthier. Thickness and porosity of the worn zone were measured and the contact area between wearing elements estimated. Developments of residual strain and tribologically transformed structure were investigated through X-ray diffraction. This study demonstrates, for the first time, the value and viability of observing and quantifying wear through combination of X-ray CT and diffraction opening a path towards in-situ observations of wear