330 research outputs found

    Serial segment method for measuring remnant

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    For tracking tasks where a sum of sine waves forcing function is used it is often difficult and/or expensive to obtain the pilot's remnant in the vicinity of the sine waves. For the case where each sine wave has at least four times an integer number of cycle per run length, this paper illustrates the serial segments method for measuring remnant power spectral density in a frequency band centered on each sine wave. This method can be implemented on digital, hybrid, or analog Fourier coefficient analyzers, and is particularly advantageous on the latter since properties of Fourier coefficients are exploited to yield both a remnant measure and an improved estimate of the correlated component

    Tenets of Critical Race Theory

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    Roll tracking effects of G-vector tilt and various types of motion washout

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    In a dogfight scenario, the task was to follow the target's roll angle while suppressing gust disturbances. All subjects adopted the same behavioral strategies in following the target while suppressing the gusts, and the MFP-fitted math model response was generally within one data symbol width. The results include the following: (1) comparisons of full roll motion (both with and without the spurious gravity tilt cue) with the static case. These motion cues help suppress disturbances with little net effect on the visual performance. Tilt cues were clearly used by the pilots but gave only small improvement in tracking errors. (2) The optimum washout (in terms of performance close to real world, similar behavioral parameters, significant motion attenuation (60 percent), and acceptable motion fidelity) was the combined attenuation and first-order washout. (3) Various trends in parameters across the motion conditions were apparent, and are discussed with respect to a comprehensive model for predicting adaptation to various roll motion cues

    Effects of display format on pilot describing function and remnant

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    As part of a program to develop a comprehensive theory of manual control displays, six display formats were used by three instrument-rated pilots to regulate against random disturbances with a controlled element under both foveal and 10 deg parafoveal viewing conditions. The six display formats were: CRT line, CRT thermometer bar, 14-bar quantized on a CRT, a rotary dial and pointer, and two variations of a moving scale tape-drive. All were scaled to equivalent movement and apparent brightness. Measures included overall performance, describing functions, error remnant power spectra, critical instability scores, and subjective display ratings. The results show that the main effect of display format is on the loop closure properties. Less desirable displays induce lower bandwidth closures with consequent effects on the closed-loop remnant and performance

    Pilot describing function measurements in a multiloop task

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    Pilot describing function measurements in multiloop control system tracking tas

    Flexible aircraft flying and ride qualities

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    A brief analytic exposition is presented to illustrate a central principle in flexible mode control, some of the pertinent pilot centered requirements are listed and discussed. The desired features of the control methodology are exposed and the methodology to be used is selected. The example Boeing supplied characteristics are discussed and approximated with a reduced order model and a simplified treatment of unsteady aerodynamics. The closed loop flight control system design follows, along with first level assessments of resulting handling and ride quality characteristics. Some of these do not meet the postulated requirements and remain problems to be solved possibly by further analysis or future simulation

    Archive data base and handling system for the Orbiter flying qualities experiment program

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    The OFQ archives data base and handling system assembled as part of the Orbiter Flying Qualities (OFQ) research of the Orbiter Experiments Program (EOX) are described. The purpose of the OFQ archives is to preserve and document shuttle flight data relevant to vehicle dynamics, flight control, and flying qualities in a form that permits maximum use for qualified users. In their complete form, the OFQ archives contain descriptive text (general information about the flight, signal descriptions and units) as well as numerical time history data. Since the shuttle program is so complex, the official data base contains thousands of signals and very complex entries are required to obtain data. The OFQ archives are intended to provide flight phase oriented data subsets with relevant signals which are easily identified for flying qualities research

    Small perturbation dynamics of the neuromuscular system in tracking tasks

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    Small perturbation dynamics of neuromuscular system in tracking task

    Conflict situations in the socio-health sphere of aged people

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    Detection and description of conflicts when assisting aged people in the socio-health sphere in Guipúzcoa’s province. This study is part of a larger research funded by the UPV/EHU dealing with old age conflicts and suggesting interventions based on mediation and conflict resolution. Semi-structured interviews were carried out upon 30 people related to old people assistance: 22 women and 8 men. The most frequent conflicts were: demand and resources are out of step, in those cases where the family has an essential role, and coexistence conflicts. The existence of negative stereotypes about the old age and the aging process interfere with conflicts, as well as the detected lack of knowledge concerning conflict dynamics and its resolutions. Old people, their relatives, and the technical personnel were the most implied parties, of which the last ones are the mainstays when dealing with conflicts. These conflicts management is conditioned upon the maintenance of the institutions’ everyday operation due to the characteristics of the population being treated, the scarcity of resources and its consequences, and the personalization of conflict (the aged people are involved in it and are the source of conflict)

    Factors Impeding the Social and Academic Progress of African American Males in Foster Care

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and analyze factors that impede the social and academic achievement of African American males in foster care. The aim was to gain a clearer understanding of the challenges these male African American students face and identify the barriers preventing them from achieving a comparable level of social and academic success as their counterparts from traditional homes. The research also sought to identify potential remedies for these challenges. Critical Race Theory was used as the theoretical framework for the study. Findings showed that African American males in foster care face a number of challenges to their success, including racism, low expectations, and a lack of social/family support. The findings also revealed several interventions, such as mentoring, extracurricular activities, and increased interaction with biological family members that can promote resiliency in these African American males and assist them in addressing barriers to success
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