21 research outputs found

    The role of focal infections in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and chronic urticaria

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    Introduction: The Focal Infection Theory, originally presented at the beginning of the 20th century, postulates that systemic diseases can be caused by microorganisms that arise from the focus of infection. Foci of infections have been described as sinuses, adenoids, tonsils, teeth, genitourinary tract, gall bladder and kidneys. A focus of infection is defined as the area that can occur in any part of the body, contains a pathogen (microorganism) and is usually asymptomatic. There are discordant opinions about the role of focal infections in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and urticaria. Aim: To establish whether there is a higher incidence of focal infections in patients with chronic urticaria and psoriasis. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 129 patients with a history of psoriasis and chronic urticaria: 58 women and 71 men treated in the Department of Dermatology of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow. Results: In the analyzed group, 11 patients had a dental consultation, 58 - laryngological consultation and 29 women had a gynecological consultation. The most common examples of focal infection were tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, dental caries and genitourinary tract infections. Aggravating factors were similar to previously described. Conclusions: A high incidence of focal infections in patients with psoriasis and urticaria suggests that infections may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of these skin disorders. Treatment of infection foci may play the key role in the remission of skin changes

    How do genetic relatedness and spatial proximity shape African swine fever infections in wild boar?

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    The importance of social and spatial structuring of wildlife populations for disease spread, though widely recognized, is still poorly understood in many host-pathogen systems. In particular, system-specific kin relationships among hosts can create contact heterogeneities and differential disease transmission rates. Here, we investigate how distance-dependent infection risk is influenced by genetic relatedness in a novel host-pathogen system: wild boar (Sus scrofa) and African swine fever (ASF).We hypothesized that infection risk would correlate positively with proximity and relatedness to ASF-infected individuals but expected those relationships to weaken with the distance between individuals due to decay in contact rates and genetic similarity.We genotyped 323 wild boar samples (243 ASF-negative and 80 ASF-positive) collected in north-eastern Poland in 2014–2016 and modelled the effects of geographic distance, genetic relatedness and ASF virus transmission mode (direct or carcass-based) on the probability of ASF infection. Infection risk was positively associated with spatial proximity and genetic relatedness to infected individuals with generally stronger effect of distance. In the high-contact zone (0–2 km), infection risk was shaped by the presence of infected individuals rather than by relatedness to them. In the medium-contact zone (2–5 km), infection risk decreased but was still associated with relatedness and paired infections were more frequent among relatives. At farther distances, infection risk further declined with relatedness and proximity to positive individuals, and was 60% lower among un-related individuals in the no-contact zone (33% in10–20 km) compared among relatives in the high-contact zone (93% in 0–2 km). Transmission mode influenced the relationship between proximity or relatedness and infection risk. Our results indicate that the presence of nearby infected individuals is most important for shaping ASF infection rates through carcass-based transmission, while relatedness plays an important role in shaping transmission rates between live animals

    Protection of company’s designation in polish law.

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    Oznaczenie przedsiębiorstwa ma istotne znaczenie gospodarcze, a w efekcie również prawne. Przedsiębiorca musi być rozpoznawalny na tle swoich konkurentów, aby być możliwym do identyfikacji na rynku przez potencjalnych klientów. Celem pracy była analiza instytucji prawa polskiego, chroniących oznaczenia przedsiębiorstwa m.in.: nazwę, firmę, znak towarowy, markę, nazwę handlową, domenę internetową. Opisano w niej możliwość ochrony oznaczenia przedsiębiorstwa w postaci kształtu flakonu, zapachu perfum czy nazwy produktu. Wysunięto wniosek, iż tradycyjne oznaczenia są w polskim prawie chronione dostatecznie. Zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę stworzenia ram prawnych dla takich oznaczeń jak: marka, domena internetowa, zapach. Odpowiednie zarządzanie ochroną oznaczenia ma znaczący wpływ na wartość czy renomę przedsiębiorstwa oraz jego zyski. Dlatego ochrona ta jest podstawowym wyzwaniem zarówno dla prawników, jak i przedsiębiorców.Designation of company has significant economic and legal importance. The entrepreneur must be recognizable on the background of its competitors, in order to be possible to identify the market by potential customers. The aim of the study was to analyze polish law institutions that protect designation of company inter alia: name, firm, trademark, brand name, trade name, Internet domain name. It describes the ability to protect companies designations: shape of the bottle, perfume or product name. It is concluded the traditional signs are in polish law adequately protected. Attention was drawn to the need to create a legal framework for such designations as the brand, internet domain, the smell. Proper management of protecting the designation has a significant effect on the value or reputation of the company and its profits. That is why protection is a fundamental challenge for both lawyers and entrepreneurs

    Simple Method for Fatty Acids Determination in Food, Superfood and Spice Samples by GC-MS Technique

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    The aim of the study was to modify and adapt to other matrices the fast and simple method for determining total lipid content expressed as fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) by performing the in situ transesterification. The primary method was published as a technical report for the FAME analysis in algae dry mass. Our modifications included the use of less toxic solvents, the use of an internal triglyceride standard and FAME determination by the gas chromatography technique coupled with the mass spectrometry technique in the Single Ion Monitoring mode (SIM). The modified method was validated for 37 fatty acids (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) containing from four to twenty-four carbons in the carbon chain (C4-C24), and was adapted to five food matrices: three solids (yeast, yeast flakes, biscuits), and two liquids (milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertner) oil and olive oil). Additionally, 14 samples of spices and superfood samples, rich in unsaturated oils were analyzed. The validation parameters: linearity, precision, recovery, limits of detections and quantifications, were assessed and additionally Certified Reference Material of olive oil was analyzed

    Physicochemical Parameters of Real Wastewater Originating from a Plant Protection Products Factory and Modification of the QuEChERS Method for Determination of Captan

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    The aim of this study was the modification and application of the QuEChERS method for the preparation and purification of samples in order to determine the level of captan in real wastewater originating from a plant protection products factory which was characterized by a significant content of organic substances [Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) = 856 ± 128 mg O2/L and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) = 62 ± 9 mg/L]. The optimization of the method consisted of the selection of solvents used for the extraction of captan from wastewater and also sorbents used to purify the extracts by the dispersion of a solid phase extraction technique (dSPE). Two steps were used: extraction and clean-up. In the extraction step, acetonitrile was replaced by anacetonitrile:acetone mixture. In the clean-up step by the dSPE, five sorbents were tested: Florisil®, aluminum oxide (Al2O3), zirconium oxide (ZrO2), silicon oxide (SiO2) and PSA (primary and secondary amine). Concentrations of captan in wastewater extracts were determined by gas chromatography (GC) combined with electron capture detection (μECD). The best recovery parameters and precision of the method were obtained for samples purified using ZrO2 (recovery 98% and precision expressed as relative standard deviation RSD 8%) and Florisil® (recovery 96%, RSD 9%). Limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for determination of captan in diluted extract of wastewater were 0.003 and 0.01 mg/L, respectively. Matrix effects were in the range of −69% to −44% for samples purified by ZrO2 and Florisil®, respectively. The modified and optimized method was applied for fast and simple determination of captan levels in real industrial wastewater samples, in which the concentration of captan in diluted extract was determined to be 4.0 ± 0.3 mg/L

    Simultaneous Determination of Multi-Class Pesticide Residues and PAHs in Plant Material and Soil Samples Using the Optimized QuEChERS Method and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis

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    New analytical approaches to the simultaneous identification and quantification of 94 pesticides and 13 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in five representative matrices (pepper, apple, lettuce, wheat, and soil) were developed. The analyses were based on gas chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The procedure was optimized by changing the solvent used during the extraction, from acetonitrile to the acetone: n-hexane mixture at a volume ratio of 1:4 (v/v), as well as the use of a reduced amount of water during the extraction of compounds from cereals. An additional modification was the use of florisil instead of GCB in the sample cleanup step. A full method validation study was performed, at two concentration levels (LOQ and 1000 × LOQ), which showed satisfactory results for all analytes from the PAHs group, with recoveries ranging from 70.7–115.1%, and an average RSD of 3.9%. Linearity was tested in the range of 0.001–1.000 mg/kg and showed coefficients of determination (R2) ≥ 0.99 for all PAHs. Satisfactory recovery and precision parameters (LOQ and 100 × LOQ) were achieved for almost all analytes from the pesticide group in the range of 70.1–119.3% with the mean RSD equal to 5.9%. The observed linearity for all analytes in the concentration range of 0.005–1.44 mg/kg was R2 ≥ 0.99, with the exception of famoxadone, chizalofop-p-ethyl, prothioconazole, spirodiclofen, tefluthrin, and zoxamid. The extended uncertainties were estimated, using a top-down approach of 9.9% (average) and 15.3% (average) for PAHs and pesticides samples, respectively (the coverage factor k = 2, the 95% confidence level). Ultimately, the method was successfully applied to determine pesticide residues in commercial samples of fruit, vegetables and grain, and soil samples for PAHs, which were collected from selected places in the Podkarpacie region. A total of 38 real samples were tested, in which 10 pesticides and 13 PAHs were determined. Proposed changes allow us to shorten the sample preparation time (by 20%) and to reduce the consumption of organic solvents (by 17%). The use of florisil for sample cleanup, instead of GCB, improves the recovery of compounds with flat particles

    Characteristics of Dietary Fatty Acids Isolated from Historic Dental Calculus of the 17th- and 18th-Century Inhabitants of the Subcarpathian Region (Poland)

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    Dental calculus analysis can be a valuable source of archaeological knowledge, since it preserves not only microbial and host biomolecules but also dietary and environmental debris, as well as metabolic products likely originating from dietary and craft activities. Here we described GC-MS analysis of a set of historic dental calculus samples from the front teeth of the mandibles of seven individuals found in 17th- and 18th-century graves in the city of Rzeszow, located in South-eastern Poland. We have found that only saturated fatty acids, which are characteristic for fats of animal origin, were present in the tested samples. Our preliminary results indicate that the diet of modern-period inhabitants of Rzeszow was rich in animal products, such as meat and dairy products

    Development of the Correction Algorithm to Limit the Deformation of Bacterial Colonies Diffraction Patterns Caused by Misalignment and Its Impact on the Bacteria Identification in the Proposed Optical Biosensor

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    Recently proposed methods of bacteria identification in optical biosensors based on the phenomenon of light diffraction on macro-colonies offer over 98% classification accuracy. However, such high accuracy relies on the comparable and repeatable spatial intensity distribution of diffraction patterns. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate all non-species/strain-dependent factors affecting the diffraction patterns. In this study, the impact of the bacterial colony and illuminating beam misalignment on the variation of classification features extracted from diffraction patterns was examined. It was demonstrated that misalignment introduced by the scanning module significantly affected diffraction patterns and extracted classification features used for bacteria identification. Therefore, it is a crucial system-dependent factor limiting the identification accuracy. The acceptable misalignment level, when the accuracy and quality of the classification features are not affected, was determined as no greater than 50 µm. Obtained results led to development of image-processing algorithms for determination of the direction of misalignment and concurrent alignment of the bacterial colonies’ diffraction patterns. The proposed algorithms enable the rigorous monitoring and controlling of the measurement’s conditions in order to preserve the high accuracy of bacteria identification

    Influence of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum on Penthiopyrad Degradation under Laboratory and Field Studies

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    In plant protection, biological preparations are used alternately with chemical pesticides. The applied microorganism can influence the concentration of chemical substances. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to assess the influence of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum on the penthiopyrad concentration. In laboratory studies, the effectiveness of penthiopyrad degradation by B. subtilis was approximately 5% during 14 days of the experiment. For penthiopyrad treated with T. harzianum strains, the degradation effectiveness ranged from 34.2% on Day 3 to 56.9% on Day 14. In experiments testing the effects of mixed culture of microorganisms, the effectiveness of penthiopyrad degradation ranged from 23.7% on Day 3 to 29.1% on Day 14. After treatment of apple trees of Gala and Golden Delicious varieties with a biological preparation, a maximum degradation of penthiopyrad of 20% was found in both varieties. Samples of apples were prepared by the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) method, and penthiopyrad was analyzed by gas chromatography with a mass detector. A determined value of the chronic exposure to penthiopirad was 1.02% of the acceptable daily intake, both for children and for adults. The acute exposure amounted to 7.2% and 1.9% of the acute reference dose for children and adults, respectively. These values were considered to be acceptable and not threatening to health