271 research outputs found

    Anastrozole as aromatase inhibitor – new approaches to breast cancer treatment in postmenopausal women

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    Introduction. Anastrozole is a chemotherapeutic drug used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. The condition for success of this type of treatment is the presence of estrogen receptors in cancer cells. Anastrozole belongs to strong-acting, nonsteroidal inhibitors of aromatase, which is responsible for androgen-estrogen conversion process. The metabolism of this drug is based on biotransformation both in phase I and II. Initially it metabolizes in the liver with cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, followed by a glucuronidation reaction catalyzed by the UGT1A4 enzyme.Material and method. In order to minimize the side effects, new therapeutic approaches are sought to increase the success of the therapy.Conclusions. Biodegradable nano-tools that deliver anastrozole to the target site with an increase in its half-life to 144 hours are a promising method. A similar effect can be achieved by using a transdermal anastrozole administration system, which is a completely non-invasive method of treatment

    Early patterning of the mouse embryo -- contributions of sperm and egg

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    The first cleavage of the fertilised mouse egg divides the zygote into two cells that have a tendency to follow distinguishable fates. One divides first and contributes its progeny predominantly to the embryonic part of the blastocyst, while the other, later dividing cell, contributes mainly to the abembryonic part. We have previously observed that both the plane of this first cleavage and the subsequent order of blastomere division tend to correlate with the position of the fertilisation cone that forms after sperm entry. But does sperm entry contribute to assigning the distinguishable fates to the first two blastomeres or is their fate an intrinsic property of the egg itself? To answer this question we examined the distribution of the progeny of early blastomeres in embryos never penetrated by sperm — parthenogenetic embryos. In contrast to fertilised eggs, we found there is no tendency for the first two parthenogenetic blastomeres to follow different fates. This outcome is independent of whether parthenogenetic eggs are haploid or diploid. Also unlike fertilised eggs, the first 2-cell blastomere to divide in parthenogenetic embryo does not necessarily contribute more cells to the blastocyst. However, even when descendants of the first dividing blastomere do predominate, they show no strong predisposition to occupy the embryonic part. Thus blastomere fate does not appear to be decided by differential cell division alone. Finally, when the cortical cytoplasm at the site of sperm entry is removed, the first cleavage plane no longer tends to divide the embryo into embryonic and abembryonic parts. Together these results indicate that in normal development fertilisation contributes to setting up embryonic patterning, alongside the role of the egg

    Pottery from the well and its context. Searching for differences and similarities

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    In this article the pottery obtained from three wells from the settlement in Kwiatków was analyzed. Compared to other sites associated with the Przeworsk culture, this site deserves a special attention due to the presence of over a hundred of artificial water intakes within excavated area. The method of the vessels production, macro and micromorphology characteristics, the degree of their preservation and the level of deposition inside the features were examined in detail. Most of the pottery fragments should be associated with the Przeworsk culture from the Roman Iron Age, however there was also a small percentage of pottery with Jastorf culture elements. The information obtained allowed to define the context of their discovery and to explain its presence inside the well.In this article the pottery obtained from three wells from the settlement in Kwiatków was analyzed. Compared to other sites associated with the Przeworsk culture, this site deserves a special attention due to the presence of over a hundred of artificial water intakes within excavated area. The method of the vessels production, macro and micromorphology characteristics, the degree of their preservation and the level of deposition inside the features were examined in detail. Most of the pottery fragments should be associated with the Przeworsk culture from the Roman Iron Age, however there was also a small percentage of pottery with Jastorf culture elements. The information obtained allowed to define the context of their discovery and to explain its presence inside the well

    Kasacja czy rewizja? Wpływ poglądów Franciszka Ksawerego Fiericha opublikowanych w 1923 roku na ostateczny kształt przepisów o postępowaniu kasacyjnym w kodeksie postępowania cywilnego z 1930 roku

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    Franciszek Xawery Fierich (1860–1928) was one of the most highly qualified Polish lawyers of the period  of  twenty  years  of  independence  after  the  World  War  I.  He  was  the  Professor  at  the Jagiellonian University, the civil procedure specialist, the President of the Codification Commission. His legal opinions influenced the form of code of civil procedure of 1930. Franciszek Xawery Fierich was the reporter of the Civil Procedure Section in the Codification Commission, who worked out (among other things) the part of code of civil procedure concerning proceedings before the Supreme Court. He was the supporter of the cassation system

    Accents of Chopin anniversaries in territories annexed by Prussia

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    This article discusses the way in which the Chopin Year of 1910 was celebrated in Wielkopolska. It presents a script prepared in the nineteenth century and shows similarities with celebrations of Mickiewicz and other Polish heroes and artists. Invariably used in such commemorations was a “symbolic capital” that made it easier to create an intergenerational code, thereby disseminating knowledge of national culture and history. A significant role was played in 1910 by a centenary panel, which produced “Guidelines for popular Chopin celebrations” and also many occasional, popular materials. Chopin’s induction into the national pantheon involved the use of audio material (vocal and instrumental concerts), verbal material (articles, poems, lectures and brochures) and also a visual code (anniversary window stickers, tableaux vivants or tableaux illuminés). Illuminated pictures - recommended by a catalogue of slides produced in Poznań - stimulated the imagination of the masses and served as a guide through the composer’s life and work, and their impact was enhanced by a commentary. Most of the living pictures were probably inspired by Henryk Siemiradzki’s canvas Chopin grający na fortepianie w salonie księcia Radziwiłła [Chopin playing the piano in Prince Radziwill’s salon] and Józef Męcina Krzesz’s painting Ostatnie akordy Chopina [Chopin’s last chords]. This combination of codes made it possible to create a model adapted to the times and to the expectations of a mass audience. The Chopin anniversary, in which admiration was inseparably intertwined with manipulation, was a pretext for strengthening the national identity

    Szaleństwo możliwości : "Wariatka" Zbigniewa Herberta

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    The central issue addressed in this paper is the interpretation of “Madwoman”, a piece of the poetic prose by Zbigniew Herbert, presenting the image of the Other appearing in it, as well as a somewhat schizophrenic dichotomy of the narrator — a dichotomy between health, self-control, and functioning in the boundaries of social norms, and the abyss of mad¬ness, forgetting oneself in the internal world, which results in the lack of understanding by “normal” people, but also in a kind of freedom unattainable by those people. However, the interpretation results in side-note deliberations on interpretational traps and challenges it poses today for literature scholars. It is necessary to find a reasonable bal¬ance between theoretical knowledge and a literary text, contexts and an analysis of selected material; it is also important to oscillate around a personal reading of symbols and metaphors included in the text, and the intent of the broadcasting instance. These deliberations are the second problematic layer of the article; the author’s intent was to retain balance between these two thematic fields, and exhibit how many questions interpreters should ask them¬selves before engaging in the “mature” reading