18 research outputs found

    Ludwik Osiński – profesor-esteta. Próba waloryzacji wykładów literatury porównawczej

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    Ludwik Osiński – professor-aesthete. An attempt to valorize the comparative literature lectures The article is an attempt to give a broad outline of the profile of Ludwik Osiński as a literature lecturer at the Warsaw University. Over the centuries, the author of Zbiór zabawek wierszem has been accused of: lack of originality in concluding, imitativeness, deficiency of qualifications characteristic for a university lecturer, and finally, disapproval for transformations taking place in literature. The purpose of the article is to answer the question about the Osiński’s position among the scientists of the Congress Kingdom. Moreover, this paper is also an attempt to verify the slightly understated, still taken over and reproduced judgements about unilateral and definitely negative attitude of scientists towards the critical legacy of the author of Zbiór zabawek wierszem. When assessing the aesthetic and literary achievements of Ludwik Osiński, two points of reference were determined; the first one is the heritage of Antique, and the other one – the European literary doctrines developing in the 2nd half of 18th and the beginning of 19th century. In the exemplification, the author of the article subjects a fragment of the Osiński’s course (Wykład literatury porównawczej, czytanej w Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, [The lecture of comparative literature, read at the Warsaw University]) devoted to lyrical poetry to research review. A detailed presentation concerns a few issues, mainly the attitude to the antique tradition and the European literary doctrines, as well as understanding of the rules of evaluating and valuing of literary works

    Ogrody wertykalne jako efektowny element zieleni w krajobrazie zurbanizowanym

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    Greenery is an integral and an indispensable component of the urban space. The greater the degree of development of the site is, the greater the demand for greenery is. In the case of lack of using of biologically active surface to introduce vegetation or willingness to build-up (hide) little aesthetic vertical elements of the urban landscape, vertical gardens can be used. They were conceived by Patrick Blanc in the 80s of XX century. The possibility of the introduction of large gardens without taking horizontal surfaces suggests endless possibilities of close contact with nature in the centres of large cities, densely populated areas and even inside buildings. The paper shows the consequences of the development of housing and urban infrastructure at the expense of green areas and indicates vertical gardens as an alternative to shrinking green spaces. The characteristics of vertical gardens, their impact on the urban landscape and the technical solutions of these assumptions were shown. The main aim of this paper is to present the concept of a vertical garden in the city of Lublin, using a system with felt pockets, for the purpose of improving the aesthetic of the space and well-being of inhabitants.Zieleń jest integralnym i nieodzownym komponentem przestrzeni zurbanizowanej. Zapotrzebowanie na nią jest tym większe im większy jest stopień zabudowy danego miejsca. W przypadku braku możliwości wykorzystania powierzchni biologicznie czynnych do wprowadzenia roślinności lub chęci zabudowy mało estetycznych pionowych elementów krajobrazu miejskiego można zastosować ogrody wertykalne, których pomysłodawcą był Patrick Blanc w latach 80. XX wieku. Możliwość wprowadzania wielkopowierzchniowych ogrodów nie zajmując powierzchni poziomych nasuwa nieograniczone możliwości bliskiego kontaktu z naturą w centrach wielkich miast, miejscach gęsto zasiedlonych, a nawet we wnętrzach budynków. Praca ukazuje konsekwencje rozwoju budownictwa i infrastruktury miejskiej kosztem terenów zieleni oraz wskazuje ogrody wertykalne jako alternatywę dla kurczących się powierzchni zielonych. Przedstawia charakterystykę ogrodów wertykalnych, ich wpływ na krajobraz miejski oraz rozwiązania techniczne tych założeń. Głównym celem pracy jest prezentacja koncepcji ogrodu wertykalnego w przestrzeni miejskiej Lublina, z zastosowaniem filcowego systemu kieszeniowego, dla potrzeb poprawy walorów estetycznych miejsca oraz samopoczucia mieszkańców

    Women in the life and work of Alojzy Feliński

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    The authors of papers dedicated to Alojzy Feliński, while reaching for his works, analyzed above all his Barbara Radziwiłłówna or Hymn na rocznicę ogłoszenia Królestwa Polskiego… Unfortunately, there are no broader discussions of Feliński’s relationships with women within research interests, despite the fact that many episodes addressed to them can be found in the playwright’s work. In the exemplification, the author of the article examines fragments of letters, diaries and poems relating to women who played a special role in the playwright’s life. The purpose of the thesis is not to reveal completely unknown works or events from Feliński’s biography to the reader. The research point of view is primarily an attempt to gather in one publication the works of the Radamist i Zenobia’s author dealing with the women whom the artist met in his life and to whom he did not remain indifferent. These included, among others: Zofia Załęska, Józefa Omiecińska, Emilia and Tekla from the Feliński family and Helena Felińska. The topic seems interesting and definitely deserves wider recognition, because it will present the representative of postanisławowski classicism in a broader and more comprehensive light, yet far from inducing any sensation.Publikacja dofinansowana ze środków Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg

    Metaphor, allusion, euphemism, concept, joke… The tabooisation of human sexuality in selected works of Stanisław Trembecki

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    Artykuł przybliża metaforyczne ujęcia seksualności w poezji polskiego Oświecenia. Obrazy te utrwalił przede wszystkim w swoich utworach Stanisław Trembecki. Analiza wierszy zmierza do konkretyzacji swoistej strategii, jaką stosował poeta, wykorzystując zręczne koncepty, eufemizmy, dowcipną i pomysłową metaforykę seksualną czy wymyślne i subtelne określenia dla nazwania intymnych części ludzkiego ciała, niekiedy wzbogacając liryzmem miłosne zbliżenie. Celem tekstu jest przede wszystkim próba udowodnienia, że omawiane utwory uatrakcyjniały ówczesną kulturę erotyczną oraz w subtelny sposób prezentowały podniety i seksualne zdarzenia, stając się nie tylko czytelniczą rozrywką, ale przede wszystkim w wysublimowany sposób przybliżając tę delikatną i niezwykle ważną sferę ludzkiego życia.The paper discusses sexual metaphors in the poetry of Polish Enlightenment. Such impressions were conveyed in the poems of Stanisław Trembecki, particularly. The analysis of the poems is aimed at defining the poet’s peculiar strategy, the use of clever concepts, euphemisms, witty and ingenious sexual metaphors or sophisticated and subtle definitions of intimate parts of human body, thus enriching intimacy with lyricism. This work attempts to prove that the discussed poems made the then erotic culture attractive and, in a subtle manner, presented stimuli and sexual occurrences not only to entertain a reader, but also to sublimely acquaint with this delicate and extremely important aspect of human life

    „Krzemienieckie smutki” — poetic reactions to the death of Alojzy Feliński

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    The article addresses issues pertaining to the laudatory works. The author is interested in the manner the nineteenth-century poets looked at the figure of Alojzy Feliński — a poet, reformer, husband, father and friend, and thus, the manner they perceived him both in the public and private sphere. The following poems have been adopted as the basis for considerations: Konstanty Piotrkowski’s Oda na śmierć Alojzego Felińskiego, Wincenty Turski’s Do cieniów Alozjego Felińskiego, Tymon Zaborowski’s Westchnienie Podolanina, mieszkańca gór miodoborskich, po śmierci Alojzego Felińskiego, and Grzegorz Ignacy Szadbeja’s Elegia na śmierć Felińskiego. The conducted analysis and interpretation are intended not only to depict the portrait of Feliński as presented by the nineteenthcentury poets, but also became an attempt to contain the discussed works in the sphere of a new type of laudatory poems. For we obtain an example of a noble model corresponding with the new manner of understanding the artist and the citizen that has contributed to the national culture and education. The authors of the poems, faithful to the classic or sentimental trend, emphasize the qualities of Feliński (diligence, talent, pragmatism and service to society), that are worthy of public praise. The primary purpose of the undertaken considerations is to demonstrate the changes occurring in the field of poetics and rhetoric of laudatory works, which are a kind of poetic tribute within the category of didactic approval of the Enlightenment period, as an instrument forming personal models and inspiring positively valorized social behaviors

    Alojzego Felińskiego stosunek do pieniędzy i dóbr materialnych

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    The research material of this study consists of selected fragments of epistolography of Alojzy Feliński, a poet who created at the turn of the 18th and 19th century. The analysis is devoted to selected letters which the poet wrote to Michał Wyszkowski, Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, Jan and Waleria Tarnowski and Franciszek Rudzki. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the value of material goods in Feliński’s life. A poetic type of argumentation was observed in the study, which – often indirectly – revealed the poet’s attitude towards money. Taking into account the historical and biographical context, as well as the persuasiveness of the words of the Volyn poet, the study aims to explain Feliński’s common sense thinking about both money and material goods.Materiał badawczy stanowią wybrane fragmenty epistolografii Alojzego Felińskiego, poety tworzącego na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku. Do analizy wybrano korespondencję, którą poeta prowadził z Michałem Wyszkowskim, Adamem Jerzym Czartoryskim oraz Janem i Walerią Tarnowskimi, a także Franciszkiem Rudzkim. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na wartość dóbr materialnych w życiu Felińskiego; w badaniu poddano obserwacji poetycki rodzaj argumentowania, z jednej strony charakterystyczny dla prezentowanego twórcy, z drugiej zaś – często pośrednio – ujawniający stosunek poety wobec pieniędzy. Autorka, biorąc pod uwagę kontekst historyczny oraz biograficzny, a także perswazyjność wypowiedzi wołyńskiego poety, próbuje wyjaśnić, na czym polega zdroworozsądkowe myślenie Felińskiego zarówno o pieniądzach, jak i materialnych dobrach

    Use of different forms of retention as the condition of sustainable management of water resources in rural environment

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    The paper presents the problem of the growing water deficit and the possibility of sustainable development of water resources in rural areas of Central and Eastern Europe (using the example of Poland). It is estimated that the amount of resources in this region is reduced by about 70% compared to the average for Europe. In drought periods it comes to limitation of economic activity, including agriculture. Particular attention was paid to the necessity to extend landscape, underground, and snow retention, as an alternative to dams, which are currently the most popular in lower-order catchments. It has been shown that the construction of small agricultural reservoirs is not always preceded by adequate consultations and pre-design studies, which may result in financial losses and legal problems. Simultaneous use of many alternative forms of retention should be more effective than the implementation of reservoirs. In addition, increasing the hydraulic roughness of the catchments slows down the outflow of products of erosion and contributes to the protection of surface retention structures (maintaining natural and economic usefulness of reservoirs)


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    Anthropopressure is considered as the one of the most important causes of disorder of natural water relations in the environment and impoverishment of the landscape. This is particularly evident in urban areas, where the degree of built-up areas and participation of impervious surfaces are still increasing. The result of such processes are extreme phenomena – more frequent droughts and floods. One way to keep a good state of water resources in urban catchments is creating retention and infiltration of rainwater. The paper presents examples of sustainable rainwater management that determine change of the face of the city and increase its friendliness towards the environment

    Potential possibilities of water retention in agricultural loess catchments

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    The growing water deficit and the increased demand for water, as well as economic problems and inadequate spatial planning in many regions indicate a necessity of developing more effective rules of programming and realisation of works concerning the water management in small catchments. The paper presents a sample analysis of the possibilities of increasing water retention in the agricultural loess catchments with periodic streams. The scope of the study included the determination of physical parameters of selected sub-catchments (geometry, soil cover, land use, etc.) and of the sources of threat to water resources, resulting from construction and geomorphological conditions. Pre-design assumptions of dammings were developed, taking into account anti-erosion protective measures, and treatments increasing the landscape retention of water were proposed. Creating surface retention objects should be an important source of water in simplified agroecosystems, especially in regions, where productivity to a great extent depends on natural weather conditions. Proper management of the fourth-order loess basin of the Ciemięga River (area of about 150 km2, the presence of 50 lateral valleys) could give a temporary reservoir retention reaching 500 thousand m3. Farmers should be encouraged to seek “own water sources” (including the accumulation of water within wasteland), using appropriate economic instruments (tax reliefs for the documented volume of retained water, e.g. in small retention reservoirs)

    Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Polonistyka w Europie. Kierunki i perspektywy rozwoju

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