6 research outputs found
Low-temperature and time-resolved spectroscopic characterization of the LOV2 domain of Avena sativa phototropin.
ABSTRACT The phototropins are plant blue-light receptors that base their light-dependent action on the reversible formation of a covalent bond between a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor and a conserved cysteine residue in light, oxygen or voltage (LOV) domains. The spectroscopic properties of the LOV2 domain of phototropin 1 of Avena sativa (oat) have been investigated by means of low-temperature absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The low-temperature absorption spectrum of the LOV2 domain showed a fine structure around 473 nm, indicating heterogeneity in the flavin binding pocket. The fluorescence quantum yield of the flavin cofactor increased from 0.13 to 0.41 upon cooling the sample from room temperature to 77 K. A pronounced phosphorescence emission around 600 nm was observed in the LOV2 domain between 77 and 120 K, allowing for an accurate positioning of the flavin triplet state in the LOV2 domain at 16900 cm -1 . Fluorescence from the cryotrapped covalent adduct state was extremely weak, with a fluorescence spectrum showing a maximum at 440 nm. Time-resolved fluorescence experiments utilizing a synchroscan streak camera revealed a singlet-excited state lifetime of the LOV2 domain of 2.4 ns. FMN dissolved in aqueous solution showed a pH-dependent lifetime ranging between 2.9 ns at pH 2.0 to 4.7 ns at pH 8.0. No spectral shifting of the flavin emission was observed in the LOV2 domain nor in FMN in aqueous solution
Psychological characteristic of generations Y and Z in context of issues of values and quality of life
Niniejsza praca stanowi próbę zobrazowania różnic między Pokoleniami Y i Z, stanowiącymi populację młodzieży i młodych dorosłych w zakresie deklarowanych i wyznawanych wartości, poczucia satysfakcji z życia oraz sposobu rozwiązania kryzysów rozwojowych. W celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania o różnice między obydwoma pokoleniami, zastosowano: Ankietę, pozwalająca na zdobycie podstawowych danych dotyczących osób badanych, Skalę Satysfakcji z Życia (SWLS), E. Dienera, R. A. Emmonsa, R. J. Larsona, S. Griffina W adaptacji Zygfryda Juczyńskiego, Skalę Warunków Szczęśliwego Życia zaczerpnięta z Diagnozy Społecznej 2005 (pod red. J. Czapińskiego i T. Panka), Kwestionariusz Kryzysu Wartości (KKW), Piotra Olesia, oraz Kwestionariusz Oceny Siły Ego (KOSE) Agaty Pindur.W badaniu wzięło udział 91 osób, z czego 46 stanowią przedstawiciele Pokolenia Y, a 47 przedstawiciele Pokolenia Z. Wykazano różnice w hierarchii wartości między obydwoma pokoleniami, ujawniające się w preferencji do wyboru ekonomicznych wartości przez Pokolenie Y oraz wyboru wartości religijnych przez Pokolenie Z. Różnicę w satysfakcji z życia, której wyższym poziomem okazali się cechować przedstawiciele Pokolenia Y, oraz różnicę w odczuwanym kryzysie wartości, którego wyższy poziom wykazano u przedstawicieli Pokolenia Z. Ponadto potwierdzono negatywną zależność między kryzysem wartości a satysfakcją z życia, oraz siłą ego a kryzysem wartości.This master’s dissertation is an attempt to presenting differences between Generations Y and Z in the range of previously declared values, life satisfaction and the way of solving problems. Generations Y and Z are the following: the population of teenagers and the population of young adults. For the porpoise of answering the questions about differences between both generations there were used: Basic Personal Data of Respondents Questionnaire, tools borrowed from the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) by E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R.J. Larson, S. Griffin in the adaptation of Zygfryd Juczyński, Conditions of Happy Life Scale (Skala Warunków Szczęśliwego Życia), taken from The Social Diagnosis 2005 (edited by J. Czapiński i T. Panka). Value Crisis Questionnaire (KKW) by Piotr Oleś and the Strength of an Ego Questionnaire (Ocena Siły Ego) (KOSE) by Agata Pindur. Of ninety one people who participated in the research, forty six were representatives of the Y Generation and forty seven were representatives of the Z Generation. There were differences in the hierarchy of values between both generations revealed. The difference was determined by the preferences either for the economical values for Y Generation or religious values for the Z Generation. Moreover, the difference was confirmed in the scope of life satisfaction that reached higher level among the Y Generation and a disparity was observed in crisis of values that is perceptibly more intensive among Z Generation. Furthermore, the negative relations between crisis of values and life satisfaction and the crisis of values and strength of an ego were unravelled
The Primary Photophysics of the Avena sativa Phototropin 1 LOV2 Domain Observed with Time-resolved Emission Spectroscopy †
ABSTRACT The phototropins are blue-light receptors that base their lightdependent action on the reversible formation of a covalent bond between a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor and a conserved cysteine in light, oxygen or voltage (LOV) domains. The primary reactions of the Avena sativa phototropin 1 LOV2 domain were investigated by means of time-resolved and lowtemperature fluorescence spectroscopy. Synchroscan streak camera experiments revealed a fluorescence lifetime of 2.2 ns in LOV2. A weak long-lived component with emission intensity from 600 to 650 nm was assigned to phosphorescence from the reactive FMN triplet state. This observation allowed determination of the LOV2 triplet state energy level at physiological temperature at 16600 cm )1 . FMN dissolved in aqueous solution showed pH-dependent fluorescence lifetimes of 2.7 ns at pH 2 and 3.9)4.1 ns at pH 3-8. Here, too, a weak phosphorescence band was observed. The fluorescence quantum yield of LOV2 increased from 0.13 to 0.41 upon cooling the sample from 293 to 77 K. A pronounced phosphorescence emission around 600 nm was observed in the LOV2 domain between 77 and 120 K in the steady-state emission