14 research outputs found

    Recuperaci贸n de polifenoles de efluentes de almazara mediante procesos de membrana y tratamiento biol贸gico de las corrientes de rechazo

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Toneladas de aceite de oliva son producidas cada a帽o en el 谩rea mediterr谩nea, generando aguas residuales con elevada carga org谩nica (COD) y polifenoles (TPhs). Los TPhs son compuestos fitot贸xicos, sin embargo, poseen una alta actividad antioxidante, siendo valiosos para su comercializaci贸n. La Tesis Doctoral pretende implementar la econom铆a circular para el tratamiento de estas aguas residuales. Para ello, varias combinaciones de procesos fueron estudiados, para recuperar TPhs y reincorporar estas aguas en el proceso productivo. El agua estudiada corresponde a agua de lavado de aceite de oliva (OOWW, "olive oil washing wastewater"), obtenida a la salida de la centrifugaci贸n vertical (lavado del aceite), generada en la elaboraci贸n de aceite de oliva mediante centrifugaci贸n de dos fases. El estudio contempla la utilizaci贸n de procesos de membrana, resinas de adsorci贸n y tratamiento biol贸gico. Primero se realiz贸 un pretratamiento (flotaci贸n, sedimentaci贸n y filtraci贸n con cartucho) eliminando 89% de grasas y aceites y 40% de color, turbidez y s贸lidos en suspensi贸n. Luego fue alimentada al proceso de Ultrafiltraci贸n (UF) para obtener un permeado rico en TPhs con baja COD. Diferentes membranas, condiciones operacionales (presi贸n transmembranal (TMP) y velocidad tangencial (CFV)) y protocolos de limpieza fueron estudiados. Modelos matem谩ticos semi-emp铆ricos, m茅todo de superficies de respuesta (RSM) y redes neuronales artificiales (ANN) fueron utilizados para predecir el comportamiento de la densidad de flujo de permeado y analizar el tipo de ensuciamiento predominante. La membrana UP005 a TMP de 2 bar y CFV de 2.5m/s fue seleccionada, con una densidad de flujo de permeado estable de 40L/h路m2, bajo rechazo de TPhs (8%) y alto rechazo de COD (61%). Los modelos matem谩ticos indicaron que m谩s de un proceso de ensuciamiento contribuyeron al ensuciamiento de las membranas. El an谩lisis estad铆stico ANOVA de RSM mostr贸 que la CFV como la TMP afectan a la densidad de flujo de permeado. Mediante ANN fue posible predecir los datos experimentales de variaci贸n de densidad de flujo de permeado con el tiempo. La nanofiltraci贸n (NF) y la 贸smosis directa (FO) se estudiaron para concentrar los TPhs presentes en el permeado de UF. En la NF se analizaron varias membranas bajo diferentes condiciones operacionales para obtener el mayor rechazo de TPhs. La membrana NF270 a CFV de 1m/s y TMP de 10 bar, logr贸 una densidad de flujo de permeado estable de 74L/h路m2, rechazo de TPhs del 94% y rechazo de COD del 83%. Para el estudio del ensuciamiento de las membranas se utilizaron dos t茅cnicas espectrosc贸picas, fluorescencia 2D y FTIR, obteniendo informaci贸n sobre la adsorci贸n de algunos compuestos sobre la superficie de las membranas, y evaluar la eficiencia del protocolo de limpieza. En la FO dos membranas fueron analizadas para la concentraci贸n de TPhs. Tambi茅n se estudi贸 el uso de aguas residuales procedentes de la etapa de fermentaci贸n en la elaboraci贸n de aceitunas de mesa (FTOP) como disoluci贸n de arrastre debido a su alta salinidad. Con la membrana HFFO6 (caudal de 30 L/h) se logr贸 la concentraci贸n de TPhs en un 79% y la diluci贸n de la FTOP. Cuatro resinas de adsorci贸n fueron estudiadas para recuperar los TPhs presentes en los concentrados de la FO y de la NF. Se estudiaron diferentes concentraciones de resina, tiempos de contacto y disolventes de desorci贸n para la obtenci贸n de un concentrado puro, rico en TPhs. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con 40 g/L de resina MN200 y una disoluci贸n 50% etanol/agua como disolvente. Finalmente, las aguas resultantes (concentrado de FO y rechazos de NF y UF) fueron sometidas a tratamientos biol贸gicos. Primero se realizaron estudios para evaluar la concentraci贸n inicial de los reactores biol贸gicos. Mediante tratamiento biol贸gico SBR se logr贸 eliminar en gran medida la COD y los TPhs (rechazo de UF) presentes, logrando obtener efluentes con caracter铆sticas aptas para ser utilizadas como agua de limpieza de maquinaria.[CA] Tones d'oli d'oliva s贸n produ茂des cada any a l'脿rea mediterr脿nia, generant aig眉es residuals amb c脿rrega org脿nica elevada (COD) i polifenols (TPhs). Els TPhs s贸n compostos fitot貌xics, no obstant aix貌, tenen una alta activitat antioxidant, sent valuosos per a la seva comercialitzaci贸. La Tesi Doctoral pret茅n implementar l驴economia circular per al tractament d驴aquestes aig眉es residuals. Per aix貌, diverses combinacions de processos van ser estudiats, per recuperar TPhs i reincorporar aquestes aig眉es al proc茅s productiu. L'aigua estudiada correspon a aigua de rentat d'oli d'oliva (OOWW, olive oil washing wastewater), obtinguda a la sortida de la centrifugaci贸 vertical (rentat de l'oli), generada en l'elaboraci贸 d'oli d'oliva mitjan莽ant centrifugaci贸 de dues fases. L'estudi contempla la utilitzaci贸 de processos de membrana, resines d'adsorci贸 i tractament biol貌gic. Primer es va realitzar un pretractament (flotaci贸, sedimentaci贸 i filtraci贸 amb cartutx) eliminant 89% de greixos i olis i 40% de color, terbolesa i s貌lids en suspensi贸. Despr茅s va ser alimentada al proc茅s d'Ultrafiltraci贸 (UF) per obtenir un permeat ric en TPhs amb baixa COD. Diferents membranes, condicions operacionals (pressi贸 transmembranal (TMP) i velocitat tangencial (CFV)) i protocols de neteja van ser estudiats. Models matem脿tics semi-emp铆rics, m猫tode de superf铆cies de resposta (RSM) i xarxes neuronals artificials (ANN) van ser utilitzats per predir el comportament de la densitat de flux de permeat i analitzar el tipus d'embrutament predominant. La membrana UP005 a TMP de 2 bar i CFV de 2.5m/s va ser seleccionada, amb una densitat de flux de permeat estable de 40L/h路m2, baix rebuig de TPhs (8%) i alt rebuig de COD (61%) . Els models matem脿tics van indicar que m茅s d'un proc茅s d'embrutament van contribuir a embrutar les membranes. L'an脿lisi estad铆stica ANOVA de RSM va mostrar que la CFV com la TMP afecten la densitat de flux de permeat. Mitjan莽ant ANN va ser possible predir les dades experimentals de variaci贸 de densitat de flux de permeat amb el temps. La nanofiltraci贸 (NF) i l'osmosi directa (FO) es van estudiar per concentrar els TPhs presents al permeat d'UF. A la NF es van analitzar diverses membranes sota diferents condicions operacionals per obtenir el major rebuig de TPhs. La membrana NF270 a CFV de 1m/s i TMP de 10 bar, va aconseguir una densitat de flux de permeat estable de 74L/h路m2, rebuig de TPhs del 94% i rebuig de COD del 83%. Per estudiar l'embrutament de les membranes es van utilitzar dues t猫cniques espectrosc貌piques, fluoresc猫ncia 2D i FTIR, obtenint informaci贸 sobre l'adsorci贸 d'alguns compostos sobre la superf铆cie de les membranes, i avaluar l'efici猫ncia del protocol de neteja. A la FO dues membranes van ser analitzades per a la concentraci贸 de TPhs. Tamb茅 es va estudiar l'煤s d'aig眉es residuals procedents de l'etapa de fermentaci贸 en l'elaboraci贸 d'olives de taula (FTOP) com a dissoluci贸 d'arrossegament per la seva alta salinitat. Amb la membrana HFFO6 (cabal de 30 L/h) es va aconseguir la concentraci贸 de TPhs en un 79% i la diluci贸 de la FTOP. Quatre resines d'adsorci贸 van ser estudiades per recuperar els TPhs presents als concentrats de la FO i de la NF. Es van estudiar diferents concentracions de resina, temps de contacte i dissolvents de desorci贸 per obtenir un concentrat pur, ric en TPhs. Els millors resultats es van obtenir amb 40 g/L de resina MN200 i una dissoluci贸 50% etanol/aigua com a dissolvent. Finalment, les aig眉es resultants (concentrat de FO i rebutjos de NF i UF) van ser sotmeses a tractaments biol貌gics. Primer es van fer estudis per avaluar la concentraci贸 inicial dels reactors biol貌gics. Mitjan莽ant tractament biol貌gic SBR es va aconseguir eliminar en gran mesura la COD i els TPhs (rebuig d'UF) presents, aconseguint obtenir efluents amb caracter铆stiques aptes per ser utilitzades com a aigua de neteja de maquin脿ria.[EN] Tons of olive oil are produced each year in the Mediterranean area, generating wastewater with a high organic load (COD) and polyphenols (TPhs). TPhs are phytotoxic compounds, however, they have a high antioxidant activity, being valuable for their commercialization. The Doctoral Thesis aims to implement the circular economy for the treatment of these wastewaters. For this, various combinations of processes were studied to recover TPhs and reincorporate these waters into the production process. The water studied corresponds to olive oil washing water (OOWW), obtained at the outlet of the vertical centrifugation (oil washing), generated in the production of olive oil by means of two-phase centrifugation. The study contemplates the use of membrane processes, adsorption resins and biological treatment. First, a pretreatment (flotation, sedimentation and cartridge filtration) was carried out, eliminating 89% of fats and oils and 40% of colour, turbidity and suspended solids. Then it was fed to the Ultrafiltration (UF) process to obtain a permeate rich in TPhs with low COD. Different membranes, operational conditions (transmembrane pressure (TMP) and cross low velocity (CFV)) and cleaning protocols were studied. Semi-empirical mathematical models, the response surface method (RSM) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were used to predict the behavior of the permeate flux density and to analyze the predominant type of fouling. The UP005 membrane at 2 bar TMP and 2.5m/s CFV was selected, with a stable permeate flux density of 40L/h路m2, low TPhs rejection (8%) and high COD rejection (61%). Mathematical models indicated that more than one fouling process contributed to the fouling of the membranes. Statistical analysis ANOVA of RSM showed that both CFV and TMP affect permeate flux density. Through ANN it was possible to predict the experimental data of permeate flux density variation over time. Nanofiltration (NF) and forward osmosis (FO) were studied to concentrate the TPhs present in the UF permeate. In the NF several membranes were analyzed under different operational conditions to obtain the highest rejection of TPhs. The NF270 membrane at CFV of 1m/s and TMP of 10 bar, achieved a stable permeate flux density of 74L/h路m2, TPhs rejection of 94% and COD rejection of 83%. To study the fouling of the membranes, two spectroscopic techniques were used, 2D fluorescence and FTIR, obtaining information on the adsorption of some compounds on the surface of the membranes, and evaluating the efficiency of the cleaning protocol. In the FO two membranes were analyzed for the concentration of TPhs. The use of wastewater from the fermentation stage in the production of table olives (FTOP) as a stripping solution due to its high salinity was also studied. With the HFFO6 membrane (flow rate of 30 L/h) the concentration of TPhs was achieved by 79% and the dilution of the FTOP. Four adsorption resins were studied to recover the TPhs present in the FO and NF concentrates. Different resin concentrations, contact times and desorption solvents were studied to obtain a pure concentrate, rich in TPhs. The best results were obtained with 40 g/L of MN200 resin and a 50% ethanol/water solution as solvent. Finally, the resulting waters (FO concentrate and NF and UF rejections) were subjected to biological treatments. First, studies were carried out to evaluate the initial concentration of the biological reactors. Using SBR biological treatment, it was possible to largely eliminate the COD and the TPhs (rejection of UF) present, managing to obtain effluents with suitable characteristics to be used as machinery cleaning water.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the project CTM2017-88645-R and The European Union through the Operational Program of the Social Fund (FSE) of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020, ACIF-2018 and BEFPI-2021, and the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020).Cifuentes Cabezas, MS. (2022). Recuperaci贸n de polifenoles de efluentes de almazara mediante procesos de membrana y tratamiento biol贸gico de las corrientes de rechazo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191508Compendi

    Recuperaci贸n de polifenoles de aguas residuales del procesado de aceituna de mesa mediante membranas

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    [EN] Wastewaters generated in the industrial processes of the food sector present high pollutant loads and not all are treated. One example are the wastewaters from the production of table olives, which are characterised by their high salinity and high concentration of organic matter and phenolic compounds. These phenolic compounds present a problem when treating this type of water in a conventional treatment plant due to their phytotoxic character and, on the other hand, they have a characteristic that makes them very valuable, outstanding antioxidant properties, which is of great interest to the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. This work is focused on the recovery of these phenolic compounds present in the residual brine from the fermentation process of table olives, by the joint use of two membrane processes, ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) to obtain a permeate low in organic load and salts, but enriched in these antioxidant compounds. All the assays were carried out at laboratory scale as a starting research point for future industrial implementation. Four assays were proposed, two using UF+NF process, being the UF permeate the NF feed, where the UF assays were performed with a membrane (UP005) and operating conditions considered as optimal after previous tests. For the NF tests, two membranes with different characteristics were compared, M1, with hollow fiber configuration (PENTAIR HFW1000) and M2 with flat configuration (NF245). The NF assays were performed varying two parameters: crossflow velocity and transmembrane pressure (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 m-1 and 1.0, 1.5, 2 bar for M1 and 0.5, 0.75; 1.0 m路s-1 and 5, 10, 15 bar for M2), to evaluate how these parameters affect permeate flux, membrane fouling and phenolic compounds recovery. The third group of tests was performed with concentration of the feed solution. These tests were performed with the membrane and operating conditions that presented the best results in the previous tests. Thus, the effect of the volume reduction factor (VRF) on the permeate flux and polyphenols recovery was evaluated. The fourth test was performed without the previous UF process, evaluating the behaviour of the M1 membrane when it is directly fed with the residual brine, because of the molecular weight cut-off of this membrane (1000Da) is intermediate between a UF and a NF membrane. The results showed that the UF membrane almost completely eliminated the The results showed that the UF membrane almost completely eliminated the turbidity and suspended solids of the residual brine. The NF membrane M1 presented 8 low rejection towards the COD, salts and phenolic compounds, whereas M2 showed a great capacity to reduce the concentration of COD and salts, and at the same time to enrich the permeate stream in phenolic compounds. The best operating conditions in the nanofiltration step, in terms of permeate flux, COD removal and recovery of phenolic compounds, were obtained with the NF245 membrane at 10 bar and 0.75 m路s-1 . The assays with the M1 membrane without the UF process as pretreatment showed a similar behaviour to the assays performed with the UF membrane, obtaining similar final concentrations in the permeate, so its characteristics are close to a UF membrane type.La industria de elaboraci贸n de aceitunas de mesa es una de las m谩s importantes en el 谩rea del Mediterr谩neo. Las aguas residuales generadas por esta industria destacan por su elevada capacidad contaminante y por el inter茅s que presentan los compuestos fen贸licos contenidos en ellas. Estos compuestos son dif铆ciles de degradar y tienen una caracter铆stica dual, ya que poseen car谩cter fitot贸xico para el suelo pero, por contra, tienen un elevado poder antioxidante, lo que los hace muy valiosos para la industria alimentaria, cosm茅tica y farmac茅utica. Por tanto, la recuperaci贸n de dichos compuestos fen贸licos a partir del residuo industrial generado en este sector permitir铆a, por un lado, reducir la capacidad contaminante de estas aguas y, por otro, posibilitar铆a la obtenci贸n y comercializaci贸n de compuestos de alto valor a帽adido. Las aguas residuales procedentes de la elaboraci贸n de las aceitunas se caracterizan por poseer una elevada conductividad y carga org谩nica. El uso de procesos de membrana para la recuperaci贸n y concentraci贸n de los compuestos fen贸licos ofrece importantes ventajas, ya que permiten concentrar y/o eliminar materia org谩nica residual y s贸lidos disueltos sin necesidad de a帽adir productos qu铆micos y con reducidas inversiones de capital. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es recuperar los compuestos fen贸licos presentes en las aguas residuales procedentes de la elaboraci贸n de aceitunas de mesa mediante tecnolog铆a de membranas, combinando la ultrafiltraci贸n (UF) y la nanofiltraci贸n (NF). La UF se llevar谩 a cabo con la membrana UP005 (Microdin Nadir, EEUU) a 25潞C, 3 bar y 2.2 m/s y se recoger谩 el volumen suficiente de permeado para poder realizar, a continuaci贸n, los ensayos de NF. El objetivo de la UF es eliminar, en la corriente de rechazo, part铆culas en suspensi贸n y la mayor parte de la materia org谩nica, manteniendo un rechazo reducido a los polifenoles. De este modo se disminuye el ensuciamiento de las membranas de NF. En la etapa de NF se llevar谩 a cabo la separaci贸n de los polifenoles del resto de la materia org谩nica presente en el agua residual. En esta etapa se comparar谩n dos membranas diferentes: Pentair HFW100 (Pentair, Holanda) y NF245 (Dow Filmtec, EEUU), as铆 como diferentes condiciones de operaci贸n (velocidades tangenciales y presiones transmembranales), con el objetivo de alcanzar la mayor densidad de flujo de permeado, el mayor rechazo a la materia org谩nica y el menor rechazo a los polifenoles. Inicialmente los ensayos se realizar谩n con recirculaci贸n total tanto del permeado como del rechazo. Para las mejores condiciones de operaci贸n se har谩n ensayos sin recircular el permeado (aumentando la concentraci贸n) para ver el efecto del factor de reducci贸n de volumen sobre la densidad de flujo de permeado y sobre el rechazo a los diferentes compuestos. En los ensayos de UF y NF se determinar谩 la variaci贸n de la densidad de flujo de permeado a lo largo del tiempo y se analizar谩, en las corrientes de rechazo y permeado, el pH, la conductividad, el color, la turbidez, la demanda qu铆mica de ox铆geno, los s贸lidos en suspensi贸n y la concentraci贸n total de compuestos fen贸licos.Cifuentes Cabezas, MS. (2017). Recuperaci贸n de polifenoles de aguas residuales del procesado de aceituna de mesa mediante membranas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/89644TFG

    El tria虂ngulo virtuoso de la corrosio虂n-proteccio虂n electroqui虂mica

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo perfeccionar el proceso de ensen虄anza aprendizaje del par corrosio虂n-proteccio虂n, con la utilizacio虂n de un tria虂ngulo virtuoso en donde se identifican los elementos base presentes en la corrosio虂n elec- troqui虂mica como son: A虂nodo, Ca虂todo y Electro虂lito. En dicho triangulo se identifican los elementos recie虂n mencionados especi虂ficamente en los ve虂rtices, los que esta虂n unidos por sus respectivas aristas para completar dicho tria虂ngulo. Cada ve虂rtice de este tria虂ngulo es a la vez otro tria虂ngulo que se activa o desactiva dependiendo si se rompe el circuito del tria虂ngulo principal (ve虂rtice). De el mismo modo, las aristas representan la conexio虂n ele虂ctrica pertinente entre cada ele- mento, ya sea conductor de electrones o conductor io虂nico electrolito-electrodo. Dependiendo si se esta虂 en presencia de corrosio虂n o de proteccio虂n contra la corrosio虂n se tendra虂n las polaridades respectivas de pila galva虂nica o celda de electro虂lisis, independiente de la polaridad la interpretacio虂n y uso del tria虂ngulo virtuoso es ana虂logo en ambos casos, teniendo eso si虂 que previamente identificar en que caso del tipo de feno虂meno se esta虂. Este nuevo me虂todo utiliza una forma gra虂fica de ver la problema虂tica de la corrosio虂n y su proteccio虂n, lo que contribuye al desarrollo de los estudiantes y fomenta su intere虂s por esta materia, incrementa sus conocimientos mediante el estudio por etapas consecutivas interrelacionadas entre si虂. Palabras Clave: Corrosio虂n; A虂nodo; Ca虂todo; Electrolito; Tria虂ngulo virtuoso

    Concentration of phenolic compounds from olive washing wastewater by forward osmosis using table olive fermentation brine as draw solution

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    [EN] The olive industry has a considerable amount of process water consumption. As a result of the process, a large volume of oil mill wastewater (OMW) and table olive wastewater (TOW), both of them with high concentrations of organic matter, phenolic compounds and conductivity, are released. The appropriate management of these wastewaters is of paramount importance due to their toxic impacts on the environment. In this work, forward osmosis (FO) process is presented as an option to concentrate phenolic compounds for their further recovery. Two membranes, OsmoF2OTM (FTS, USA) and HFFO.6 (Aquaporin, Denmark) were evaluated with NaCl as draw solution (DS) and olive oil washing wastewater (OOWW) filtered at 5 mu m (5F) as feed solution (FS). Both membranes were able to concentrate the phenolic compounds with acceptable volume reduction (VR) values. The HFFO.6 membrane, which presented the lowest passage of phenolic compounds (TPhC) to the DS, was tested with fermentation brine from table olive processing (FTOP) as DS. As FS the same 5F-OOWW as well as an OOWW ultrafiltration permeate (UF-OOWW) were considered. Interestingly, greater percentages of TPhC concentration were observed compared to the tests with NaCl as DS (74.13- 76.93% versus 62.6%, respectively). Although the tests with UF-OOWW presented greater flux, the recovery percentages of TPhC were similar, even slightly lower than those obtained with 5F-OOWW. Therefore, FO appears as a promising option to concentrate TPhC from OOWW and as well as to dilute FTOP. Thus both wastewaters from the olive industry could be treated at the same time.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain through the project CTM2017-88645-R and The European Union through the Operational Program of the Social Fund (FSE) . Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia.Cifuentes-Cabezas, MS.; Pavani, A.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2023). Concentration of phenolic compounds from olive washing wastewater by forward osmosis using table olive fermentation brine as draw solution. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 30:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2023.1030541153

    Feasibility of Forward Osmosis to Recover Textile Dyes Using Single Salts and Multicomponent Draw Solutions

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    [EN] The textile industry generates large volumes of water characterized mainly by an intense color coming from dyes that are difficult to process due to their synthetic base and the presence of aromatic components. Due to the stricter regulation on the discharge of these effluents, in order to reduce dye waste before discharge into natural channels, alternatives are being sought to manage this wastewater. In this work, the concentration of dyes in simulated wastewater from the textile industry was studied by forward osmosis (with a cellulose triacetate CTA membrane), with the aim of concentrating the dye for its future recovery and reincorporation into the production process. Two dyes of different nature were evaluated to study the efficiency of the proposed process, using NaCl and reverse osmosis brine from a model seawater desalination solution as extraction solutions. It was observed that dye type (reactive or direct) and their charge influence the color rejection with the forward osmosis membrane used. It was able to concentrate the dyes in the feed solution up to approximately 55% with the reverse osmosis brine from the model seawater desalination solution. Finally, the results demonstrate that the FO process is a promising option for concentrating dyes present in wastewater from the textile industry in order to reuse them in the dyeing process.The authors acknowledge the financial support of Project PID2022-138299OB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE and PAID-11-22 within the framework of the Programme of the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia.Cifuentes-Cabezas, M.; Garc铆a-Suarez, L.; Soler Cabezas, JL.; Cuartas Uribe, BE.; Alvarez Blanco, S.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Vincent Vela, MC. (2023). Feasibility of Forward Osmosis to Recover Textile Dyes Using Single Salts and Multicomponent Draw Solutions. Membranes. 13(12). https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes13120911131

    Deep Study on Fouling Modelling of Ultrafiltration Membranes Used for OMW Treatment: Comparison Between Semi-empirical Models, Response Surface, and Artificial Neural Networks

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    [EN] Olive oil production generates a large amount of wastewater called olive mill wastewater. This paper presents the study of the effect of transmembrane pressure and cross flow velocity on the decrease in permeate flux of different ultrafiltration membranes (material and pore size) when treating a two-phase olive mill wastewater (olive oil washing wastewater). Both semi-empirical models (Hermia models adapted to tangential filtration, combined model, and series resistance model), as well as statistical and machine learning methods (response surface methodology and artificial neural networks), were studied. Regarding the Hermia model, despite the good fit, the main drawback is that it does not consider the possibility that these mechanisms occur simultaneously in the same process. According to the accuracy of the fit of the models, in terms of R-2 and SD, both the series resistance model and the combined model were able to represent the experimental data well. This indicates that both cake layer formation and pore blockage contributed to membrane fouling. The inorganic membranes showed a greater tendency to irreversible fouling, with higher values of the R-a/R-T (adsorption/total resistance) ratio. Response surface methodology ANOVA showed that both cross flow velocity and transmembrane pressure are significant variables with respect to permeate flux for all membranes studied. Regarding artificial neural networks, the tansig function presented better results than the selu function, all presenting high R-2, ranging from 0.96 to 0.99. However, the comparison of all the analyzed models showed that depending on the membrane, one model fits better than the others. Finally, through this work, it was possible to provide a better understanding of the data modelling of different ultrafiltration membranes used for the treatment of olive mill wastewater.Funding Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) agreement with Springer Nature. This research has been financed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain through the project CTM2017-88645-R and the European Union through the Operational Program of the Social Fund (FSE) financing ACIF-2018.Cifuentes-Cabezas, M.; Boh贸rquez-Zurita, JL.; Gil-Herrero, S.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2023). Deep Study on Fouling Modelling of Ultrafiltration Membranes Used for OMW Treatment: Comparison Between Semi-empirical Models, Response Surface, and Artificial Neural Networks. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 16(10):2126-2146. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-023-03033-021262146161

    Management of reject streams from hybrid membrane processes applied to phenolic compounds removal from olive mill wastewater by adsorption/ desorption and biological processes

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    [EN] This work studies the valorisation of the concentrates obtained through membrane processes for the purification of olive oil washing wastewater (OOWW). The adsorption with resins/desorption process, followed by a bio- logical treatment with sequencing batch reactor SBRs. Three different wastewater samples were treated: an ul- trafiltration reject stream (UF-R), with a high organic load and low content of phenolic compounds; a nanofiltration reject stream (NF-R), which rich in phenolic compounds and with medium organic load; a stream concentrated by forward osmosis (FO-C) with high organic content and concentration of phenolic compounds. Through the adsorption/desorption process, it was possible to recover 90 % and 73 %, which corresponds to 1.69 and 1.66 g驴L驴1 of the total phenolic compounds reject streams of NF-R and FO-C, respectively. With the SBRs, it was possible to eliminate around 80 % of the organic matter present in the effluent of adsorption, and also 90 % of the remaining phenolic compounds in the case of UF-R. The results obtained are promising since, on the one hand, a high recovery of phenolic compounds was achieved and, on the other hand, a large part of the organic matter of the remaining streams after adsorption was eliminated. In this way, a solution for the management of the membrane reject streams is proposed, allowing a circular economy in the wastewater treatment of olive oil processingAcknowledgements The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the project CTM2017-88645-R and The European Union through the Operational Program of the Social Fund (FSE) .Cifuentes-Cabezas, MS.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2022). Management of reject streams from hybrid membrane processes applied to phenolic compounds removal from olive mill wastewater by adsorption/ desorption and biological processes. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 50:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.1032081115

    Use of ultrafiltration ceramic membranes as a first step treatment for olive oil washing wastewater

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    [EN] Olive oil is a food product in great demand throughout the world, its production generating large volumes of wastewater with a high organic load, where phenolic compounds are present. These compounds have outstanding antioxidant characteristics, so their recovery is of great interest. In this way, the treatment of these wastewaters should be based on reusing water and, at the same time, on recovering valuable compounds. Ultrafiltration with ceramic membranes (5, 15 and 50 kDa) is proposed as a first treatment step for olive oil washing wastewater (OOWW) from the continuous two-phase centrifugation process. The effect of cross flow velocity and transmembrane pressure was evaluated against permeate flux values and the removal of turbidity, colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), sugars and the phenolic compounds recovery. The CFV had a great influence on the removal of colour and turbidity. COD rejection increased with increasing TMP, being the highest rejection obtained under the most extreme conditions. The rejection of phenolic compounds and sugars did not show great variation between conditions. The 50 kDa membrane was the one that presented the largest permeate flux decline and the lowest permeability recovery after the cleaning, confirming the great fouling that this membrane suffered. The 15 kDa membrane at the operating conditions of 3 m.s-1 and 3 bar was observed as a good option to eliminate much of the colour (72%) and turbidity (99%) and to reduce considerably the organic load (54%) without greatly affecting the concentration of phenolic compounds (rejection of 21%) for future recovery.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the project CTM2017驴88645-R and The European Union through the Operational Program of the Social Fund (FSE) of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014驴2020.Cifuentes-Cabezas, MS.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Alvarez Blanco, S. (2022). Use of ultrafiltration ceramic membranes as a first step treatment for olive oil washing wastewater. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 135:60-73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2022.07.002607313

    Development of hybrid practice sessions in the chemistry lab reinforced by teamwork activities and video-enhanced learning

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    [EN] This work presents the adaptation of a course mainly based on practice sessions in the chemical laboratory into a blended learning format after the irruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted during the course Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II of the third academic year of the B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Val猫ncia. The development of experimental courses under the context of the pandemic takes place under strict room occupancy and hygiene rules, although teamwork and interaction between students tends to be more important than in theory classes. To make feasible that students gain experience in the use of equipment and pilot plants in the chemical laboratory, we proposed the formation of teams of 4 to 5 students, divided in two subgroups that alternated their attendance to the practice sessions. In order to mitigate the absence of one of the sub-groups in each session, we created instructive videos including the experimental part conducted in the laboratory. In addition to this, the experimental data gathered in the lab were treated by the complete team, so that all team members could participate in the treatment and analysis of experimental results. The number of views per video, as well as the response of the students in a survey confirmed the blended learning strategy as an adequate alternative to ensure the training of students in handson experiments, as well as to accomplish with the restrictive room-occupancy rules in laboratories in times of COVID-19.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta la adaptaci贸n a la docencia h铆颅brida de una asignatura basada en pr谩cticas de laboratorio tras la irrupci贸n de la pandemia COVID-19. Este estudio se llev贸 a cabo en la asignatura Experimentaci贸n en Ingenier铆颅a Qu铆颅mica II, de tercer curso del grado en Ingenier铆颅a Qu铆颅mica de la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. El desarrollo de asignaturas experimentales con un formato semipresencial tiene lugar bajo condiciones muy restrictivas de aforo e higiene, pese a que el trabajo en equipo y la interacci贸n entre alumnos suele ser m谩s importante que en asignaturas te贸ricas. Con el fin de posibilitar que los alumnos adquieran experiencia en el manejo de equipos y plantas piloto en un laboratorio de ingenier铆颅a qu铆颅mica, se plante贸 la formaci贸n de equipos de trabajo de 4 a 5 alumnos, divididos en dos subgrupos con presencialidad alterna en las pr谩cticas de laboratorio. Para suplir la no presencialidad en cada pr谩ctica de uno de los subgrupos, se crearon v铆颅deos instructivos de las tareas realizadas por sus compa帽eros en el laboratorio. Adem谩s, los datos experimentales son tratados por cada equipo al completo en pr谩cticas inform谩ticas, de forma que todos son part铆颅cipes de los c谩lculos y an谩lisis de datos recabados en el laboratorio. El n煤mero de visionados de los v铆颅deos instructivos, as铆颅 como la opini贸n del alumnado confirmaron la estrategia de docencia h铆颅brida adoptada como una opci贸n adecuada para asegurar la formaci贸n en asignaturas de 铆颅ndole experimental, permitiendo al mismo tiempo cumplir con las medidas restrictivas de aforo en un laboratorio qu铆颅mico.Mart铆 Calatayud, MC.; Cifuentes Cabezas, MS.; Rodr铆guez L贸pez, AD.; Hern谩ndez P茅rez, L.; Carrillo Abad, J. (2022). Desarrollo de pr谩cticas en el laboratorio qu铆颅mico en formato h铆颅brido apoyadas en el trabajo en equipo y v铆颅deos instructivos. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 20(1):51-67. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2022.16898OJS516720