48 research outputs found

    Antibacterial and antifungal effect of high pH and paraffin wax application on tomatoes, oranges and peppers

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    The antibacterial and antifungal effects of high pH (9, 10) and paraffin wax were determined. Determination of antibacterial and antifungal activity of the combined treatments was achieved by aerobic mesophilic count of bacteria and fungi on the surface of the tomatoes, peppers and oranges using serial dilution and pour plate techniques and compared prior to and after 4 days of treatment with buffer (pH 9, 10) and wax for 3 min using dipping method. Reduction in bacterial and fungal countindicates antifungal and antibacterial activity. A bacterial count reduction of 84.3 (control), 63.4 (pH 9) and 78.2% (pH 10) and fungal count reduction of 53.6 (control), 43.4 (pH 9) and 73.5 (pH 10) wereachieved after 4 days of treatment respectively. The study shows that the control (unwaxed) had similar antibacterial and antifungal effect as waxed fruits at pH 9 and 10, except for pH 10 that had higher reduction of fungal counts than the control, showing prospect of higher activity with wax at higher pH than 10

    Household Socioeconomic Status and Health Care Demand for Childhood Fever and Diarrhea in Tanzania

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    This study uses 2015/16 Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS) data to estimate determinants of treatment seeking for childhood illness and the choice of health provider by employing logistic and multinomial probit model, respectively. Our empirical results from Binary logistic regression results show that treatment seeking for childhood illness is significantly related with mother’s occupation, household wealth status, distance to the health facilities, child’s age and place of residence. On the other hand, multinomial probit model results show that the choice of health provider is significantly related with mother’s occupation and access to mass media, household health insurance, household wealth status, and distance to the health facilities. Our results from both logistic and multinomial probit estimations are robust to alternative models’ specifications. In terms of policy implication, this study strongly recommends promotion of health insurance as well as creation of awareness on maternal and reproductive health to mothers. Moreover, the government should enhance, strengthen and ensure that health facilities are constructed close to households’ domicile and that these health facilities are provided with adequate services

    Assessment of physicochemical quality of sachet water produced in selected local government areas of Kano Metropolis, Kano State - Nigeria

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    Fifty (50) brands of sachet water produced from bore hole and tap water in five (5) local government areas of Kano metropolis were analysed for physicochemical quality. Ten (10) brands of sachet water were sampled from each of the five (5) local government areas of; Nasarawa, Tarauni, Gwale, Kumbotso and Ungogo. Physical parameters tested such as; colour, taste, odour and pH in all (100%) the sachet water samples conformed to the recommended limits. Chemical analysis carried out such as; conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride content, fluoride content, nitrate and nitrite content, total hardness and free chlorine all conformed to the requirements of the WHO and NIS standards. Heavy metals tested (using AAS) include; Manganese (Mn), Arsenic (As), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu) and Lead (Pb) also conformed to the requirements of the standards. However, Iron (Fe) content in all the sachet water produced from bore hole (twenty three brands (23)(46%)) were observed to be above the recommended NIS limit of 0.3mg/l. It can be concluded from the results of this study that the physicochemical parameters tested in the sachet water samples were within the permissible limits stipulated by the drinking water standards, hence on this basis the water is considered fit for consumption.Key words; Kano metropolis, Physicochemical quality, Sachet wate

    Heritability of some quantitative characters in five varieties of maize (Zea mays l.,) under the influence of various levels of nitrogen

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    field experiment was conducted at the Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil teaching and research farm during the 2010 and 2011 rainy seasons. Five varieties of maize were studied to estimate  components of genetic variance and heritability of some quantitative  characters that might exist among them, under the influence of different levels of Nitrogen fertilizer. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design, and replicated three times. The genotype ×  different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (G × N) influenced the expression of the ear height and yield component. Analysis of variance for plant height revealed highly significant differences among varieties with genotypic coefficient of variation (1.67%) which is smaller than the phenotypic coefficient of variation (1.72%). The estimate of broad-sense heritability was high (0.79), thus showing the presence of considerable amount of genetic variation in total phenotypic variation. While the analysis of variance for ear height showed highly significant differences among genotypic coefficient of variation (0.93%) which is smaller than the  phenotypic coefficient of variation (1.05%). The estimate of broad-sense heritability was high (0.49) indicating the presence of considerable amount of genetic variation in total phenotypic variation. The results confirmed thefindings of other researchers on high heritability for plant height. Analysis of variance for grain yield per plot showed greater Genotypic variance than the environmental variance with genotypic coefficient of variation (5.33%) which is smaller than the phenotypic Coefficient of variation (6.24%)and the estimate of broad sense heritability (0.78) was moderately high.Keywords: Heritability, variation, ear height, genes

    Comparative analysis of micronutrients status of HIV infected and HIV non- infected subjects attending three selected hospitals in Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria

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    Comparative studies on serum levels of micronutrients (iron, iodine, Vitamin A and ÎČ â€“ carotene) were carried out among HIV negative and people living with HIV and AIDS attending three hospitals in Kano, namely Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital and Infectious Diseases Hospital. HIV infection was confirmed using indirect solid phase enzyme immunoassay technique of Immunocomb II HIV 1 and 2 Bi spot kits. Serum micronutrients levels of 270 subjects were detected using colorimetric and spectrophotometric techniques. Results obtained showed that serum vitamin A and ÎČ-carotene concentrations decrease with increase in age and were higher in males than females. The mean serum concentrations (in ”g/dl) of iron, iodine, vitamin A and ÎČ- carotene were found to be 99, 1.53, 39.4, 45.98 for HIV negative subjects; 62.6, 1.54, 20.16, 19.2 for HIV positive subjects and 28.8, 0.9, 16.1 and 18.0 for AIDS subjects respectively. Deficiency of iron, vitamin A and ÎČ-carotene were found to be more common among people living with HIV and AIDS when compared with HIV negative subjects at 5% level of significance with AIDS patients having the lowest value (p<0.05). This could be due to malabsorption, altered metabolism, reduced food intake and/or infection in HIV infected persons. Iodine level of these patients was found to be normal (1.54 and 0.9 ”g/dl). The results imply that HIV infection affects the serum levels of iron, vitamin A and ÎČ-carotene by reducing their levels; hence, dietary supplementation with them could be useful in maintaining good health in HIV infected subjects and reducing mortality.Key words- AIDS, HIV, Kano, Micronutrients, Serum

    Microbiological evaluation of shelflife indices of fermented African locust bean cake stored under different preservative treatments

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    This study was carried out on the preservation of fermented Parkia biglobosa Seeds sourced from Local Producers and laboratory produced. The local and fermented laboratory controlled samples were treated with 0.5ml of freshly prepared ginger extract. Another set of control was left untreated. The samples were stored at ambient temperature for 30 and 120 days. Contaminant isolates were identified from locally produced, laboratory treated and untreated (Control) using standard procedure. The analysis consisted of Aerobic and Anaerobic mesophilic count, Staphylococcus count and fungal count, detection of E. coli, S. aureus, Salmonella sp, Mucor sp and Rhizopus sp. The proximate analysis and organoleptic assessment of the purchased, Laboratory treated and laboratory untreated (control) were carried out using standard procedure at 30 and 120 days. Isolated and characterized bacterial isolates at 30 and 120 days in the treated and control locust bean cake were E.coli only isolated in Kwanar yandaddawa, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in all the purchased Locust bean cake, Salmonella sp was not detected and a predominant fungalspecies were Mucor and Rhizopus. There was log reduction between 30 and 120 days  reated locust bean cake; the Control shows Log increase. The mean proximate composition percentage differences between 30 and 120 days shows nutritional quality of treated locust bean cake. Organoleptically, the judges rejected control daddawa as a result of what the panelist termed as “unpalatable taste and partially pleasant aroma” due to off flavor. The growing interest in use of natural products of plant origin therefore gives Ginger extract an advantage in developing a practical approach for the preservation of African locust bean cake.Keywords: African locust bean cake, preservatives, log reduction, nutritional quality, shelflife

    The Human Right to Development in Nigeria

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    Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Africa is desperately in need of development. Several efforts have been employed to deal with underdevelopment issues with little or no successes. At all levels, efforts are being put in place to deal with poverty, hunger, malnutrition, disease and other issues that are connected to development. The situation is worrying and desperately in need of lasting solutions. It is in this regard that the right to development was conceived. The right to development is a right that seeks to make development a human right for all. It is a right that encompasses all categories of rights whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural. Thus, the right to development seeks to combine human rights and development together so that the individual and indeed all peoples may participate in, contribute to and enjoy development. The right to development is being supported at international and African regional levels. Although the right is enmeshed in ideological skirmishes between the developed countries of the world and developing ones, efforts to make it acceptable are still ongoing. Examples of such efforts include the Sustainable Development Goals, the Millennium Development Goals, and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development amongst others. Therefore, I examine the role of the right to development as a tool for genuine human development in Africa and specifically for Nigeria. I analyse the legal character of the right from an international, regional and domestic legal perspectives. In this dissertation, I argue that the right to development is a human right capable of enforcement in Nigeria. Its enforceability is found within the Nigerian legal system through international and domestic legal arrangements. In addition to international obligations, the constitution, other pieces of domestic legislation as well as the domesticated treaties strengthen the case for the enforceability of the right in Nigeria. Similarly the dissertation notes that aside from justiciability of the right before courts, good governance, legislative and development planning approaches can aid the effective realisation of this right. On the overall, I argue that, the right to development, if effectively implemented, has the potential of dealing with the myriad of development challenges faced in Nigeria and in Africa at large.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Afrika het ‘n desperate behoefte aan ontwikkeling. Verskeie pogings is reeds gemaak om kwessies van onderontwikkeling te hanteer, maar met min of geen sukses nie. Op all vlakke word pogings ingestel om kwessies soos armoede, honger, wanvoeding, siekte en ander wat met ontwikkeling te doen het, te hanteer. Die situasie is kommerwekkend en daar is ‘n desperate behoefte aan blywende oplossings. Dit is in hierdie opsig wat die reg op ontwikkeling tot stand gekom het. Die reg op ontwikkeling is ‘n reg wat poog om ontwikkeling ‘n mensereg vir almal te maak. Dit is ‘n reg wat al die kategorieĂ« van regte insluit, hetsy burgerlike, politiese, sosiale of kulturele. Die reg op ontwikkeling poog dus om menseregte en ontwikkeling te kombineer sodat die individu, en trouens all mense, aan ontwikkeling mag deelneem, daartoe bydra en dit geniet. Die reg op ontwikkeling word internasionaal and op die streekvlak van Afrika ondersteun. Hoewel die reg vasgewikkel is in ideologiese skermutselings tussen die ontwikkelde lande van die wĂȘreld and die ontwikkelende lande, is daar voortgesette pogings om dit aanvaarbaar te maak. Voorbeelde van sulke pogings sluit in die Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte (Sustainable Development Goals), die Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte, en die Nuwe Vennootskap vir die Ontwikkeling van Afrika (New Partnership for Africa’s Development). Ek ondersoek dus die rol van die reg op ontwikkeling as ‘n egte instrument vir werklike menslike ontwikkeling in Afrika, en veral in NigeriĂ«. Ek analiseer die wetlike karakter van die reg vanuit internasionale, streeks- en binnelandse perspektiewe. In hierdie proefskrif argumenteer ek dat die reg op ontwikkeling ‘n mensereg is wat in NigeriĂ« afgedwing kan word. Die afdwingbaarheid daarvan berus in die Nigeriese regstelsel op grond van internasionale en binnelandse wetlike skikkings. Benewens die internasionale verpligtinge, versterk die grondwet, ander stukke binnelandse wetgewing sowel as ingeburgerde verdrae die afdwingbaarheid van die reg in NigeriĂ«. Eweneens wys die proefskrif daarop dat, buiten die beregbaarheid van die reg voor die howe, goeie bestuur en beheer and wetlike en ontwikkelingsbeplanningsbenaderings tot die doeltreffende totstandkoming van hierdie reg kan bydra. Oor die algemeen argumenteer ek dat indien die reg op ontwikkeling doeltreffend geĂŻmplementeer word, dit die potensiaal het om te handel met die magdom ontwikkelingsuitdagings wat NigeriĂ«, en Afrika oor die algemeen, in die gesig staar

    Indicative Factors for SACCOs Failure in Tanzania

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    A research title was published by Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Volume: 13 | Issue: 4,| August 2023SACCOs are viewed as a feasible opportunity toward financial inclusion in an economy where most of the citizens are poor, as they are very essential for the socio-economic development of members, the community, and the world at large. However, SACCOs sometimes do not realize the expected socio-economic potential, especially when they fail. This study aimed to comprehensively assess financial and non-financial factors, at institutional and personal levels, that contribute to the failure of SACCOS in Tanzania. The data were collected using a questionnaire on 5,000 members of SACCOs, obtained using stratified random sampling. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. The findings showed that both financial and non-financial factors, at personal and institutional levels, had a statistically significant and positive relationship with the failure of SACCOs. Therefore, the performance of SACCOs and other Microfinance Financial Institutions (MFIs) should be addressed from a comprehensive view of both financial and non-financial factors, at personal or institutional levels. In other words, the failure of MFIs should be addressed from a holistic point of view

    Molecular diagnosis of urinary Mycobacterium tuberculosis among patients attending urology clinic in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria

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    Background: Tuberculosis, a communicable disease with significant morbidity and mortality. It is still among the top killers of infectious diseases; Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a successful pathogen that has evolved several mechanisms to manipulate the host immune response. Objective of the study: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of urinary tuberculosis among patients attending urology clinic in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional laboratory based study that involved the use of questionnaire and consent/assent form prior to sample collection. Xpert MTB/Rif assay was used to analyze the urine samples. Results: The results of this study shows that, out of 71 samples analyzed along with positive control (H37RV) and molecular grade water was used as negative control. The results showed that, 2 (2.8 %) were from urine samples. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics and results were presented in tables and charts. Conclusion: The study confirmed the presence of urinary tuberculosis in the study area, with prevalence of 2.8%. The pattern of tuberculosis was susceptible Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Therefore, there is need to introduce a routine screening of urinary tuberculosis among patients presenting sign and symptoms of urinary tract infection using Gene Xpert. This will be achieved through the engagement and enlightenment of the clinicians, strengthening the laboratory capacity for diagnosis and make the services available and accessible to the patients who need them. Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Prevalence and Gene Xpert