20 research outputs found

    A novel approach to differentiate rat embryonic stem cells in vitro reveals a role for RNF12 in activation of X chromosome inactivation

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    textabstractX chromosome inactivation (XCI) is a mammalian specific, developmentally regulated process relying on several mechanisms including antisense transcription, non-coding RNA-mediated silencing, and recruitment of chromatin remodeling complexes. In vitro modeling of XCI, through differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), provides a powerful tool to study the dynamics of XCI, overcoming the need for embryos, and facilitating genetic modification of key regulatory players. However, to date, robust initiation of XCI in vitro has been mostly limited to mouse pluripotent stem cells. Here, we adapted existing protocols to establish a novel monolayer differentiation protocol for rat ESCs to study XCI. We show that differentiating rat ESCs properly downregulate pluripotency factor genes, and present female specific Xist RNA accumulation and silencing of X-linked genes. We also demonstrate that RNF12 seems to be an important player in regulation of initiation of XCI in rat, acting as an Xist activator. Our work provides the basis to investigate the mechanisms directing the XCI process in a model organism different from the mouse

    Round Spermatid Injection Rescues Female Lethality of a Paternally Inherited Xist Deletion in Mouse

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    In mouse female preimplantation embryos, the paternal X chromosome (Xp) is silenced by imprinted X chromosome inactivation (iXCI). This requires production of the noncoding Xist RNA in cis, from the Xp. The Xist locus on the maternally inherited X chromosome (Xm) is refractory to activation due to the presence of an imprint. Paternal inheritance of an Xist deletion (XpΔXist) is embryonic lethal to female embryos, due to iXCI abolishment. Here, we circumvented the histone-to-protamine and protamine-to-histone transitions of the paternal genome, by fertilization of oocytes via injection of round spermatids (ROSI). This did not affect initiation of XCI in wild type female embryos. Surprisingly, ROSI using ΔXist round spermatids allowed survival of female embryos. This was accompanied by activation of the intact maternal Xist gene, initiated with delayed kinetics, around the morula stage, resulting in Xm silencing. Maternal Xist gene activation was not observed in ROSI-derived males. In addition, no Xist expression was detected in male and female morulas that developed from oocytes fertilized with mature ΔXist sperm. Finally, the expression of the X-encoded XCI-activator RNF12 was enhanced in both male (wild type) and female (wild type as well as XpΔXist) ROSI derived embryos, compared to in vivo fertilized embryos. Thus, high RNF12 levels may contribute to the specific activation of maternal Xist in XpΔXist female ROSI embryos, but upregulation of additional Xp derived factors and/or the specific epigenetic constitution of the round spermatid-derived Xp are expected to be more critical. These results illustrate the profound impact of a dysregulated paternal epigenome on embryo d

    Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Background: In the nuclei of most mammalian cells, pericentric heterochromatin is characterized by DNA methylation, histone modifications such as H3K9me3 and H4K20me3, and specific binding proteins l

    REX1 is the critical target of RNF12 in imprinted X chromosome inactivation in mice

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    In mice, imprinted X chromosome inactivation (iXCI) of the paternal X in the pre-implantation embryo and extraembryonic tissues is followed by X reactivation in the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst to facilitate initiation of random XCI (rXCI) in all embryonic tissues. RNF12 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that plays a key role in XCI. RNF12 targets pluripotency protein REX1 for degradation to initiate rXCI in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and loss of the maternal copy of Rnf12 leads to embryonic lethality due to iXCI failure. Here, we show that loss of Rex1 rescues the rXCI phenotype observed in Rnf12-/- ESCs, and that REX1 is the prime target of RNF12 in ESCs. Genetic ablation of Rex1 in Rnf12-/- mice rescues the Rnf12-/- iXCI phenotype, and results in viable and fertile Rnf12-/-:Rex1-/- female mice displaying normal iXCI and rXCI. Our results show that REX1 is the critical target of RNF12 in XCI

    Simultaneous RNA-DNA FISH in Mouse Preimplantation Embryos

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    Round Spermatid Injection Rescues Female Lethality of a Paternally Inherited Xist Deletion in Mouse

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    In mouse female preimplantation embryos, the paternal X chromosome (Xp) is silenced by imprinted X chromosome inactivation (iXCI). This requires production of the noncoding Xist RNA in cis, from the Xp. The Xist locus on the maternally inherited X chromosome (Xm) is refractory to activation due to the presence of an imprint. Paternal inheritance of an Xist deletion (Xp.Xist) is embryonic lethal to female embryos, due to iXCI abolishment. Here, we circumvented the histone-to-protamine and protamine-to-histone transitions of the paternal genome, by fertilization of oocytes via injection of round spermatids (ROSI). This did not affect initiation of XCI in wild type female embryos. Surprisingly, ROSI using.Xist round spermatids allowed survival of female embryos. This was accompanied by activation of the intact maternal Xist gene, initiated with delayed kinetics, around the morula stage, resulting in Xm silencing. Maternal Xist gene activation was not observed in ROSI-derived males. In addition, no Xist expression was detected in male and female morulas that developed from oocytes fertilized with mature.Xist sperm. Finally, the expression of the Xencoded XCI-activator RNF12 was enhanced in both male (wild type) and female (wild type as well as Xp.Xist) ROSI derived embryos, compared to in vivo fertilized embryos. Thus, high RNF12 levels may contribute to the specific activation of maternal Xist in Xp.Xist female ROSI embryos, but upregulation of additional Xp derived factors and/or the specific epigenetic constitution of the round spermatid-derived Xp are expected to be more critical. These results illustrate the profound impact of a dysregulated paternal epigenome on embryo development, and we propose that mouse ROSI can be used as a model to study the effects of intergenerational inheritance of epigenetic marks

    MOESM4 of Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Additional file 4. Summary of the immunosignals at pericentric heterochromatin of PGCs. The table displays whether a certain histone modification or chromatin-binding protein at the pericentric heterochromatin is detected (+), not detected (−) or detected in some but not all (*) nuclei of PGCs at the embryonic stages indicated. Differences in the degree of enrichment between the pericentric heterochromatin of PGCs and somatic cells are only taken into account in the last column, whereby less enrichment or more enrichment at pericentromeric heterochromatin in PGCs compared to the soma is indicated as , respectively. n.d.: not determined

    MOESM2 of Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Additional file 2. Immunofluorescent analysis of HP1β in paraffin sections using regular and extended fixation protocols. A Using the regular fixation protocol, HP1β signal is enriched at DAPI (blue)-dense regions of E10.5 and E11.5 PGCs and somatic cells. HP1β is then substantially reduced in E13.5 female and male germ cells. B With the extended fixation protocol, HP1β signal is retained in pericentric heterochromatin of PGCs throughout development. For each stage, two embryos were analysed per fixation protocol and at least 20 nuclei were recorded. E10.5 and E11.5 PGCs were marked with OCT4 (red). E13.5 male and female germ cells were identified by the presence of TRA98 (red). Representative images are shown with germ cells highlighted by dashed yellow circles, and scale bars represent 5 μm