400 research outputs found
Entre conservation et innovation : les paysages du Vic-Bilh à l'épreuve de la durabilité
Les paysages viticoles du Vic-Bilh, situés dans le sud-ouest de la France, serviront d'appui à une réflexion sur le couple paysage et développement durable qui revient à questionner la façon dont les paysages révèlent des actions de gestion durable des territoires. Si les qualités reconnues émanent en partie des profondeurs historiques des paysages, comment alors sont prises en charge les dynamiques récentes qui s'ancrent à l'échelle locale dans des territoires vécus et pratiqués quotidiennement. Ces processus qui relèvent de logiques de patrimonialisation et de principes innovants concernant des faits de nature, les acteurs et leurs représentations, nous conduisent à l'hypothèse suivante : les paysages dits durables sont-ils ceux qui naissent et s'enrichissent de la rencontre entre la tradition et la modernité
Contribution à l'étude de la réactivité émotionnelle chez le cheval : étude expérimentale
Les manipulations modulant la réactivité émotionnelle, nous avons étudié leurs effets à deux périodes du développement des chevaux : la naissance et le sevrage. La première expérience s'est intéressée aux effets à long terme de manipulations effectuées au cours des quatorze premiers jours de vie sur la maniabilité et l'émotivité de vingt six poulains Welsh. Les épreuves comportementales ont montré que les manipulations néonatales n'ont d'effet positif que sur la maniabilité, les réactions à la surprise et la peur de l'Homme. Il n'y a pas de généralisation à des stimuli inconnus. De plus, l'effet est transitoire et disparaît totalement au bout d'un an. Ces manipulations s'apparentent donc à de l'habituation. La seconde expérience a cherché à déterminer si la période suivant le sevrage est une période favorable aux manipulations et à en évaluer les effets à long terme chez vingt quatre poulains Anglo-Arabes. Les animaux ont été manipulés dix minutes deux fois par jour pendant douze jours immédiatement après le sevrage (SO) ou vingt et un jours après (S21). Les manipulations et les épreuves comportementales, parfois associées à la mesure du rythme cardiaque, étaient semblables à celles effectuées à la naissance et ont été réalisées deux jours, trois, sept et dix mois après le sevrage. Les poulains SO ont eu un comportement plus passif lors des manipulations et des tests que les poulains S21 : moins de réactions à l'isolement, envers l'Homme ou à l'effet de surprise. La période suivant le sevrage peut donc être qualifiée de " période optimale " pour les manipulations. De plus, contrairement à la première expérience, les effets persistent jusqu'à dix mois
Psychological distress increases needle sharing among cocaine users: Results from the COSMO study
Objective: Cocaine use and mental health disorders have both been separately identified as risk factors for blood borne virus infection. However, the contribution of specific underlying aspects of mental health to risks is not well documented. The aim of this study was to examine the association between psychological distress and risk behaviors for HIV and Hepatitis C infection among cocaine users.
Methods: Individuals who either smoked or injected cocaine were recruited in community-based and addiction treatment programs located in downtown Montreal. Participants were asked to complete an interviewer-administered questionnaire assessing psychological distress based on the Kessler scale (K10). Three-month risk behaviors outcomes included drug injection material sharing (needle, dilution water, cooker, filters, backloading, frontloading or wash), and smoking equipment sharing. Socio-demographic data, severity of cocaine dependence and other substances use information were also collected. Statistical analyses were conducted using logistic regression.
Results: Severe psychological distress was reported by 202 (34.3%) out of 589 participants (86.2% male; 76.6% ≥ 30y.o.). The prevalence of sharing was: 14.8% for needles, 24.9% for other injection equipment (378 injectors) and 68.3% for smoking material (508 smokers). Multivariate analysis showed that injectors with severe psychological distress were more likely to report needle sharing (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR): 2.1, 95% CI: 1.1-3.8). No significant association was found between K10 score and sharing of other paraphernalia.
Conclusion: Severe psychological distress increases the risk of needle sharing, a major risk factor for HIV and HCV infection, but not sharing of other paraphernalia. These results suggest differential psychological mechanisms according to sharing practices. They also support the importance of screening for psychological distress in order to implement adequate preventive interventions aimed at cocaine users
Chemical mediation and niche partitioning in non-pollinating fig-wasp communities
1. The parasitic chalcidoid wasps associated with the species-specific and obligatory pollination mutualisms between Ficus spp. and their agaonid wasp pollinators provide a good model to study the functional organization of communities. 2. However, communities of non-pollinating fig wasps (NPFWs) remain little characterized, and their functioning and evolutionary dynamics are still poorly understood. 3. We studied the communities of NPFWs associated with the monoecious F. racemosa and the dioecious F. hispida. Associated with these two fig species are a total of seven wasp species belonging to three genera. These species present contrasts in life history traits and in timing of oviposition. The species studied are thus broadly representative of the communities of NPFWs associated specifically with fig-pollinator mutualisms. 4. In our study systems, there is temporal segregation of oviposition time among members of NPFW communities.5.We tested the role of volatile chemicals in the attraction of NPFWs associated with these two fig species, and tried to determine if chemical mediation can explain the organization of the communities. 6. We conducted odour choice tests using a Y-tube olfactometer. All the NPFWs studied were shown to use volatile chemicals produced by the fig to locate their host. Furthermore, the signals used by each species depended on the phenological stage of the fig they exploit. 7. Results demonstrated that the pattern of oviposition results from the utilization of volatile signals produced by figs that vary in their composition at different stages of fig development. Thus, chemical mediation allows resource partitioning in the NPFW communities associated with fig-pollinator mutualisms, and suggests hypotheses to explain coexistence in other parasite communities
Anxiety, mood disorders and injection risk behaviors among cocaine users : results from the COSMO study
Abstract : BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Despite being common among cocaine users, mental health problems and their relationship with HIV and hepatitis C high risk injection behaviors are poorly documented. This study was undertaken to examine the relationships between mood and anxiety disorders and the sharing of drug injection equipment among cocaine users who inject drugs.
METHODS: The sample was drawn from a prospective cohort study and comprised of 387 participants. The outcome of interest was "sharing injection material" in the past 3 months. The presence of mood and anxiety disorders during the past year was assessed using the CIDI questionnaire. Statistical analyses were conducted on baseline data using logistic regression.
RESULTS: Most participants were male (84.5%) and were aged 25 or over (92.2%); 43.0% qualified for an anxiety disorder diagnosis and 29.3% for a mood disorder diagnosis. Participants with anxiety disorders were more likely to share needles (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR]: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.15-3.96) and other injection material (AOR: 1.81, 95%CI: 1.12-2.92). No significant association was found between mood disorders and sharing behaviors.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Primary anxiety disorders but not mood disorders increases injection risk behaviors among cocaine users. These results bring to light another negative outcome of mental health comorbidity in this vulnerable population.
SCIENTIFIC SIGNIFICANCE: This study underlines the need to fine-tune therapeutic approaches targeting specific mental health problems in individuals with cocaine use disorders. Longitudinal studies that assess impulsivity and other correlates of psychiatric disorders are needed to examine underlying mechanisms of high risk injection behaviors in comorbid populations
La précarisation des parcours sur le segment secondaire de l’emploi à la Commission européenne de Bruxelles
The European Commission (EC) in Brussels is often seen as a European-minded “body” of privileged civil servants. However, at the heart of this institution today, different types of workers exist, under various professional statuses. While looking closer at the social morphology, the diversity of backgrounds, and at hybridisation within the EC, it is clear that there is a certain gap between the positions of permanent and non-permanent workers. In this paper, we will focus on this population of skilled workers. We will try to depict the migratory paths, and social backgrounds of those that are said to be entering the institution through the “small door”. 1234 questionnaires, 22 interviews, and a certain number of observations and notes have been analysed in order to develop a critical discussion on the EC staff conditions of work and life. We will then explore comparatively, both the experiences and representations of this skilled yet “precarious” youth, coming from different European countries. The spatial and social inequalities at the centre of this European transnational “elite” are at the core of our analysis.La Commission européenne (CE) à Bruxelles est souvent vue comme un corps de fonctionnaires privilégiés à la fibre européenne. Cependant, au cœur de cette institution aujourd’hui, existent différents types de travailleurs sous des statuts professionnels variés. Regarder de plus près la morphologie sociale et la diversité des situations que connaissent ces travailleurs périphériques, ainsi que le phénomène d’hybridation au sein de la CE, fait apparaît assez clairement un certain fossé entre la position de permanents et de non-permanents. Dans cet article nous nous intéressons à cette population de travailleurs qualifiés en emploi temporaire. Ce faisant, nous essayons de dresser un portrait du passé migratoire, scolaire et/ou professionnel, ainsi que des origines sociales de ce personnel, rentré dans l’institution par la « petite porte ». 1234 questionnaires, 22 entretiens et un certain nombre de note d’observations ont été analysés afin de développer une discussion critique sur les conditions de travail et de vie de ce personnel. Nous explorons comparativement également à la fois les expériences et les représentations de ces jeunes qualifiés, en situation de « précarité » de l’emploi, provenant de différents pays européens. Les inégalités spatiales et sociales à l’intérieur de cette « élite » transnationale européenne sont le fil conducteur de nos analyses
The effect of health care expenditures on survival in locally advanced and metastatic Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
Context: The significant survival benefit of chemotherapy over best supportive care for locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC has been amply demonstrated in the literature. However, there is no clear evidence of the impact of the type of chemotherapy or of a superiority of combination chemotherapy over single-agent chemotherapy.Objective: The present study empirically examines, in real-life practise and using multiple proxies, the impact of health care expenditures on overall survival in locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC in order to guide medical decision-making.Methods: Disease characteristics, the resources used, the costs of treatment and survival data were retrospectively collected from the records of 175 patients treated between 2000 and 2004 at Léon Bérard Regional Cancer Center (Lyon, France). Survival data were modelled using multivariate Cox models and controlled for endogeneity with the instrumental variable method.Results: The median survival for the whole cohort was 289 days. The average total cost of treatment reached €35,160. Survival was significantly shorter for patients with stage IV disease, poor performance status, and past or concomitant cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes, for current smokers, and for patients with adenocarcinoma compared to large cell carcinoma. Survival duration was not significantly associated with the total cost of treatment per day of hospitalisation, the number of chemotherapy drugs administered, nor inpatient length of stay.Conclusion: Higher care expenditures do not appear to improve survival for patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC. Hence, maintaining patient quality of life and tailoring therapy to stage, histology and comorbidities appears to be the less bad choice.Cost; NSCLC; Oncology; Survival
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