6 research outputs found


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    Abstrak : Batu bara adalah sumber energi yang sudah lama digunakan terutama untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik, pembuatan baja, dan lain-lain, dengan naiknya harga minyak dunia yang berdampak terhadap naiknya harga minyak dalam negeri, batu bara menjadi sumber energi alternatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar rumah tangga dalam kemasan berupa briket. Sebelum batu bara digunakan, batu bara perlu di hancurkan terlebih dahulu menjadi bongkahan yang lebih kecil yang kemudian diproses menjadi serbuk batu bara dan dikemas dalam berbagai ukuran briket.Salah satu proses penghancuran batu bara adalah dengan menggunakan jaw crusher, dalam proses penghancuran ini bongkahan batu bara dimasukan diantara movable jaw yang digerakan oleh connecting rod dan fixed jaw yang sudah diatur gerakannya. Proses penghancuran batu bara terjadi karena adanya gesekan dan tekanan yang dilakukan oleh jaw gerak dan jaw tetap pada mesin tersebut.Berdasarkan hasil perancangan mesin jaw crusher kapasitas satu ton per jam diperoleh jika kecepatan jaw gerak adalah 16 rad/s, besarnya energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menghancurkan batu bara di daerah crushing zone adalah sebesar 257,6 joule dan gaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menghancurkan batu bara di daerah crushing zone adalah sebesar 3,85 kN Kata kunci: jaw crusher, batu bar

    Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem

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    Profile of patients with brain tumors and the role of nursing care Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, vol. 69, núm. 1, enero-febrero, 2016, pp. 150-155 Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem Brasília, Brasil ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the profi le of 200 patients with central nervous system tumors (CNST), and the role of the nursing care. Method: prospective, quantitative and descriptive analysis of medical records of 200 patients with TSNC. Results: a total of 61% of our patients had benign CNST and 39% had malignant tumors. The extent of patient dependence, according to the Karnofsky Performance Status scale, was signifi cantly greater for patients with malignant CNST (p < .05), indicating that these patients needed more support with their activities of daily living. Conclusion: patients with CNST need specialized care, with specifi c guidance regarding their disease and aspects of daily living after treatment. Thus, the nurse can function as a key element for the effectiveness of care provided to patients and family members with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of all those affected, directly or indirectly, by the disease. Key words: Brain Neoplasms; Nurse's Role; Nursing Care; Karnofsky Performance Status; Oncology Nursing RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o perfi l de 200 pacientes com tumores no sistema nervoso central (TSNC) e o papel do cuidado em enfermagem. Método: análise prospectiva, quantitativa e descritiva de prontuários de 200 pacientes com TSNC. Resultados: 61% dos pacientes possuíam TSNC benignos e 39% tumores malignos. O grau de dependência do paciente de acordo com a Escala de Karnofsky foi signifi cativamente maior para pacientes com tumores malignos (P <0,05), indicando que estes precisam de maior esforço e, consequentemente, apoio em suas atividades diárias. Conclusão: Pacientes com TSNC necessitam de cuidados especializados, com orientações específi cas a respeito de sua doença e aos aspectos da sua vida diária após o tratamento. Assim, o enfermeiro pode ser um elemento-chave para a efi cácia dos cuidados prestados aos pacientes e familiares com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade de vida de todas as pessoas afetadas, direta ou indiretamente, pela doença. Descritores: Neoplasias Encefálicas; Papel do Profi ssional de Enfermagem; Cuidados de Enfermagem; Avaliação de Estado de Karnofsky; Enfermagem Oncológica. RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el perfi l de los 200 pacientes con tumores del sistema nervioso central (TSNC) y el papel de la enfermería. Método: análisis prospectivo, cuantitativo y descriptivo de los registros médicos de 200 pacientes con TSNC. Resultados: 61% de los pacientes tenían TSNC benignos y 39% tumores malignos. El grado de la dependencia de los pacientes según la Escala de Karnofsky fue signifi cativamente mayor en los pacientes con tumores malignos (P <0,05), lo que indica que estos pacientes necesitan más apoyo en las actividades diarias. Conclusión: los pacientes con tumores cerebrales requieren atención especializada, con directrices específi cas sobre su enfermedad y aspectos de la vida diaria después del tratamiento. Por l

    Endoscopic transnasal approach for removing pituitary tumors

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    To describe a series of 129 consecutive patients submitted to the resection of pituitary tumors using the endoscopic transsphenoidal approach in a public medical center. Method: Retrospective analysis based on the records of patients submitted to the resection of a pituitary tumor through the endoscopic transsphenoidal approach between 2004 and 2009. Results: One hundred and twenty-nine records were analyzed. The tumor was non-secreting in 96 (74.42%) and secreting in 33 patients (22.58%). Out of the secretory tumors, the most prevalent was the growth hormone producer (7.65%), followed by the prolactinoma, (6.98%). Eleven patients developed cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) fistulas, and four of them developed meningitis. One patient died due to intracerebral hemorrhage in the postoperative period. Conclusion: The endoscopic transsphenoidal approach to sellar tumors proved to be safe when the majority of the tumors were non-secreting. The most frequent complication was CSF. This technique can be done even in a public hospital with financial limits, since the health professionals are integrated

    Profile of patients with brain tumors and the role of nursing care

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the profile of 200 patients with central nervous system tumors (CNST), and the role of the nursing care. Method: prospective, quantitative and descriptive analysis of medical records of 200 patients with TSNC. Results: a total of 61% of our patients had benign CNST and 39% had malignant tumors. The extent of patient dependence, according to the Karnofsky Performance Status scale, was significantly greater for patients with malignant CNST (p < .05), indicating that these patients needed more support with their activities of daily living. Conclusion: patients with CNST need specialized care, with specific guidance regarding their disease and aspects of daily living after treatment. Thus, the nurse can function as a key element for the effectiveness of care provided to patients and family members with the aim of enhancing the quality of life of all those affected, directly or indirectly, by the disease