52 research outputs found

    Priprema, ispitivanje imunogenosti i ocena efikasnosti vakcine u profilaksi nastanka mastitisa kod krava

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    Inflammation of the mammary gland, mastitis in cows, are one of the most pressing problems in intensive milk production, causing great economic losses. For many years various approaches to treatment of subclinical and clinical mastitis did not give a satisfactory solution, so the problem of mastitis is still present. Prevent the infiltration of pathogenic agents into the mammary gland, its settlement and growth, impose a constant need for regular inspections of milk, as well as preventive and therapeutic measures to reduce the occurrence of mastitis. Staphylococci can cause an acute, severe, and malignant form of granulomatous mastitis with necrotic changes. Chronic cases of staphylococcal mastitis often go as subclinical forms of diseases of the mammary gland. The most frequent causes of acute catarrhal mastitis (mastitis catarrhalis acuta) are streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis), rarely other microorganisms. It occurs immediately after calving, in period of largest milk production. These microorganisms over time lead to the cessation of milk synthesis. Staphylococci and streptococci are very weak antigens, which further complicates finding of effective vaccines. For these reasons an effective commercial vaccine against mastitis caused by S. aureus and Str. agalactiae still not found, but the application of indigenous vaccine in prevention of mastitis may be sufficient. In the literature there are descriptions of inactivated vaccines consist of bacterial particules or entire cells and their toxoid. A new opportunity in making a vaccine against mastitis caused by S. aureus is adding protein A and fibronectin-binding protein as cellular antigens. An entirely new approach to immunization of the mammary gland gave incorporation of S. aureus lysate into biodegradable particles that have a function to stimulate production and opsonisation of antibodies. Given the results of other investigators and our own preliminary studies, and keeping in mind problem that mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae represents, goal of the research is the preparation and testing of vaccines whose effectiveness is reflected in the reduction of clinical and subclinical mastitis caused by these pathogens...Zapaljenje mlečne ţlezde, mastitisi krava, predstavljaju jedan od najaktuelnijih problema u intenzivnoj proizvodnji mleka, koji nanosi velike ekonomske gubitke. Dugogodišnji različiti pristupi lečenju subkliničkih i kliničkih mastitisa nisu dali zadovoljavajuće rešenje, pa je problem mastitisa i dalje aktuelan. Sprečavanje prodora patogenog uzročnika u mlečnu ţlezdu, njegovo naseljavanje i razmnoţavanje, nameću stalnu potrebu za redovnim kontrolama mleka, kao i preduzimanje preventivnih i terapijskih mera u cilju smanjenјa nastanka mastitisa. Stafilokoke mogu u akutnoj formi da izazovu teške, maligne mastitise, u vidu granulomatoznih i nekrotičnih promena. Hronične forme stafilokoknog mastitisa uglavnom prolaze kao subklinički oblici obolenja mlečne ţlezde. Najčešći prouzrokovači akutnog kataralnog mastitisa (mastitis catarrhalis acuta) su streptokoke (Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae i Streptococcus uberis), reĎe drugi mikroorganizmi. Javlja se neposredno posle telenja u periodu najveće mlečnosti. Ovi mikroorganizmi tokom vremena dovode do prestanka sinteze mleka. Stafilokoke, kao i streptokoke, su veoma slabi antigeni, što dodatno oteţava pronalazak efikasne vakcine. Iz tih razloga još uvek nije pronaĎena komercijalna efikasna vakcina protiv mastitisa izazvanih bakterijama S. aureus i Str.agalactiae, ali primena autohtonih vakcina u preveniranju mastitisa moţe dati zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Opisane su inaktivisane vakcine koje se sastoje od celih ili delova bakterijskih ćelija i njihovih toksoida. U pravljenju vakcina protiv mastitisa izazvanog S. aureus-om novina je dodavanje proteina A i fibronectin-binding proteina kao celularnih antigena. Sasvim nov pristup imunizaciji mlečne ţlezde predstavlja inkorporacija lizata S. aureus u biorazgradive partikule koje imaju funkciju da stimulišu produkciju i opsonizaciju antitela. Uzimajući u obzir rezultate drugih istraţivača i sopstvena preliminarna istraţivanja, a imajući u vidu problem koji predstavljaju mastitisi izazvani bakterijama Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus agalactiae, cilj istraţivanja je bio priprema i ispitivanje vakcine čija bi se efikasnost ogledala u smanjenju nastanka kliničkih i subkliničkih mastitisa izazvanih navedenim uzročnicima..

    The role of veterinarian in the monitoring programs of mastitis control

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    Mastitis is the most common and the most expensive disease of dairy cows. It is followed by a large number of direct and indirect costs that burden the farms budget and lead to major economic and health losses. The veterinarian at the farm plays a key role in implementing a protocol of biosecurity measures, a protocol of control, therapy, and the suppression of clinical and subclinical mastitis. In order to successfully implement these measures, a good communication between a veterinarian and a farm staff who performs milking procedures is necessary in order to detect and treat all cases of mastitis in time

    reparation, immunogenicity, testing and evaluation of efficiency of vaccines in the prophylaxis of mastits in cows

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    Zapaljenje mlečne ţlezde, mastitisi krava, predstavljaju jedan od najaktuelnijih problema u intenzivnoj proizvodnji mleka, koji nanosi velike ekonomske gubitke. Dugogodišnji različiti pristupi lečenju subkliničkih i kliničkih mastitisa nisu dali zadovoljavajuće rešenje, pa je problem mastitisa i dalje aktuelan. Sprečavanje prodora patogenog uzročnika u mlečnu ţlezdu, njegovo naseljavanje i razmnoţavanje, nameću stalnu potrebu za redovnim kontrolama mleka, kao i preduzimanje preventivnih i terapijskih mera u cilju smanjenјa nastanka mastitisa. Stafilokoke mogu u akutnoj formi da izazovu teške, maligne mastitise, u vidu granulomatoznih i nekrotičnih promena. Hronične forme stafilokoknog mastitisa uglavnom prolaze kao subklinički oblici obolenja mlečne ţlezde. Najčešći prouzrokovači akutnog kataralnog mastitisa (mastitis catarrhalis acuta) su streptokoke (Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae i Streptococcus uberis), reĎe drugi mikroorganizmi. Javlja se neposredno posle telenja u periodu najveće mlečnosti. Ovi mikroorganizmi tokom vremena dovode do prestanka sinteze mleka. Stafilokoke, kao i streptokoke, su veoma slabi antigeni, što dodatno oteţava pronalazak efikasne vakcine. Iz tih razloga još uvek nije pronaĎena komercijalna efikasna vakcina protiv mastitisa izazvanih bakterijama S. aureus i Str.agalactiae, ali primena autohtonih vakcina u preveniranju mastitisa moţe dati zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Opisane su inaktivisane vakcine koje se sastoje od celih ili delova bakterijskih ćelija i njihovih toksoida. U pravljenju vakcina protiv mastitisa izazvanog S. aureus-om novina je dodavanje proteina A i fibronectin-binding proteina kao celularnih antigena. Sasvim nov pristup imunizaciji mlečne ţlezde predstavlja inkorporacija lizata S. aureus u biorazgradive partikule koje imaju funkciju da stimulišu produkciju i opsonizaciju antitela. Uzimajući u obzir rezultate drugih istraţivača i sopstvena preliminarna istraţivanja, a imajući u vidu problem koji predstavljaju mastitisi izazvani bakterijama Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus agalactiae, cilj istraţivanja je bio priprema i ispitivanje vakcine čija bi se efikasnost ogledala u smanjenju nastanka kliničkih i subkliničkih mastitisa izazvanih navedenim uzročnicima...Inflammation of the mammary gland, mastitis in cows, are one of the most pressing problems in intensive milk production, causing great economic losses. For many years various approaches to treatment of subclinical and clinical mastitis did not give a satisfactory solution, so the problem of mastitis is still present. Prevent the infiltration of pathogenic agents into the mammary gland, its settlement and growth, impose a constant need for regular inspections of milk, as well as preventive and therapeutic measures to reduce the occurrence of mastitis. Staphylococci can cause an acute, severe, and malignant form of granulomatous mastitis with necrotic changes. Chronic cases of staphylococcal mastitis often go as subclinical forms of diseases of the mammary gland. The most frequent causes of acute catarrhal mastitis (mastitis catarrhalis acuta) are streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis), rarely other microorganisms. It occurs immediately after calving, in period of largest milk production. These microorganisms over time lead to the cessation of milk synthesis. Staphylococci and streptococci are very weak antigens, which further complicates finding of effective vaccines. For these reasons an effective commercial vaccine against mastitis caused by S. aureus and Str. agalactiae still not found, but the application of indigenous vaccine in prevention of mastitis may be sufficient. In the literature there are descriptions of inactivated vaccines consist of bacterial particules or entire cells and their toxoid. A new opportunity in making a vaccine against mastitis caused by S. aureus is adding protein A and fibronectin-binding protein as cellular antigens. An entirely new approach to immunization of the mammary gland gave incorporation of S. aureus lysate into biodegradable particles that have a function to stimulate production and opsonisation of antibodies. Given the results of other investigators and our own preliminary studies, and keeping in mind problem that mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae represents, goal of the research is the preparation and testing of vaccines whose effectiveness is reflected in the reduction of clinical and subclinical mastitis caused by these pathogens..

    Morphological characteristics and expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the canine endometrium during the estrus cycle, cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra

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    The estrus cycle of bitches is divided into four phases: proestrus, estrus, diestrus and anestrus, during which different morphological changes, and also cyclic changes of estrogen and progesterone receptors are present. Several pathological changes can be differentiated on the endometrium, but one of these is the most important - cystic endometrial hyperplasia, which frequently develops into pyometra. The aim of the present study was to describe morphological characteristics, and expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors on the endometrium of mixed-breed bitches during the different phases of the estrus cycle, cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra. The uterus and ovaries of 36 mixed breed bitches in different phases of the estrus cycle and also with cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH) and chronic purulent endometritis - pyometra were examined macroscopically, histopathologically, and immunohistochemically for estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR). During proestrus uterine cells showed a weak reaction for both estrogen and progesterone receptors, but during estrus a large number of uterine cells showed a strong reaction on estrogen receptors and moderate reaction on progesterone receptors. On the contrary, during diestrus the scores for the estrogen receptors decreased, while the progesterone receptors level increased - uterine cells expressed strong reaction for progesterone receptors, and moderate reaction for estrogen receptors. Uterine cells in cystic endometrial hyperplasia expressed a strong reaction for estrogen receptors, and moderate reaction for progesterone receptors, but on the other hand the uterine cells in the uterus with pyometra expressed a moderate to strong reaction for progesterone receptors, and a weak reaction for estrogen receptors. In further investigations it would be interesting to perform quantitative analysis for both estrogen and progesterone receptors during different phases of the estrus cycle and also in the uterus with cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra

    Analiza reproduktivnih parametara intrauterino osemenjenih krmača u zavisnosti od vremena čuvanja razređenog semena

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    Introduction. Artificial insemination of sows with cooled semen has become a routine practice in the swine industry and has almost completely ruled out natural mating. The storage time of the cooled semen and preservation of its qualitative parameters are of the upmost importance and depend partly on the semen extender used. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of cooled semen during storage in a thermobox with a commercial extender by assessment of sperm motility, cytomorphology, and assessment of reproductive parameters in sows after intrauterine insemination. Materials and Methods. The semen was preserved with Duragen® (Magapor, Spain) extender and stored at 17±1°C. A total of 110 sows were included in the study and randomly divided into four groups: K1 (n=25) , K2 (n=25), K3 (n=30), and K4 (n=30). The sows were inseminated twice with semen (>1x107/ml spermatozoa) which had been stored for 1 day (S1), 3 days (S3), 5 days (S5), or 7 days (S7). Pregnancy was diagnosed by imaging ultrasound. Results and Conclusions. The best results were obtained when the sows were inseminated with semen stored for one day. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the number and vitality of newborn piglets when semen stored for 3 or 5 days was used. Intrauterine insemination resulted in a satisfactory number of farrowing's and piglets despite the fact that a relatively low number of spermatozoa was determined in each dose used. The use of semen with a higher dilution rate and its intrauterine application ensured a larger number of obtained doses from one ejaculate and indicates this would lead to a more profitable use of boars.Uvod. Veštačko osemenjavanje svinja rashlađenim semenom je postala rutinska praksa u industrijskoj proizvodnji svinja, pa je u razvijenim zemljama skoro potpuno zamenilo prirodno parenje. U zavisnosti od vrste upotrebljenog razređivača, dužina čuvanja rashlađenog semena i očuvanje njegovih kvalitativnih parametara je od izuzetne važnosti. Cilj istraživanja je analiza kvaliteta rashlađenog semena tokom njegovog skladištenja u termoboksu pri 17±1°C. Materijal i metode. Seme je konzervirano upotrebom razređivača Duragen® (Magapor, Španija) i skladišteno pri temperaturi od 17±1°C. U ogled je uključeno 110 krmača, podeljenih u četiri grupe (K1, K3, K5, K7). Krmače su osemenjivane dvokratno semenom skladištenim 1 dan (S1), 3 dana (S3), 5 dana (S5) i 7 dana (S7). Ultrazvučnim pregledom je vršena dijagnostika graviditeta. Kvalitet semena je ocenjivan ispitivanjem pokretljivosti spermatozoida i citomorfološkim pregledom i praćenjem reproduktivnih parametara kod intrauterino osemenjenih krmača. Rezultati i zaključak. Najbolji rezultat je postignut osemenjavanjem krmača semenom starim jedan dan. Međutim, nije bilo značajne razlike u broju i vitalnosti oprašene prasadi korišćenjem rashlađenog semena starog 3 i 5 dana. Intrauterinim osemenjavanjem su dobijeni zadovoljavajući rezultati (procenat prašenja i veličina legla) sa manjim brojem spermatozoida u inseminacionoj dozi. Upotrebom semena sa većim razređenjem i njegovim intrauterinim deponovanjem, omogućeno je dobijanje većeg broja inseminacionih doza semena od jednog ejakulata i rentabilnije korišćenje nerastova u reprodukciji

    Tehnike izvođenja preventivnih reproduktivnih zahvata – kastracija malih sisara

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    Kunići, glodari i afrički patuljasti ježevi su sve češći pacijenti u veterinarskim ambulantama. Jedan od najčešćih razloga dovođenja ovih životinja kod veterinara je patologija genitalnog sistema. Naime, kod više od 50 procenata ženki kunića starijih od 4 godine javljaju se neoplazme materice, a kod više od 25 posto ženki zamoraca, starijih od 4 godine može da se dijagnostikuje pojava policističnih jajnika. Kod pacova i miševa oba pola, starijih od 2 godine, kod 30 posto slučajeva su prisutne neoplazme na mlečnim žlezdama i kod preko 50 procena- ta ženki ježeva se u toku života pojavi metritis ili neka vrsta neoplaz- mi materice. Ova statistika postaje još problematičnija kada se uzme u obzir da je većina neoplazmi na genitalnim organima ovih životinja (kod ježeva taj broj ide i do 95 posto) malignog karaktera. Jedini način da se sa sigurnošću prevenira razvoj ove patologije je pravovreme- na ovariohistirektomija. Ovariohistirektomija je i jedina vrsta terapije kada se dijagnostikuje većina nabrojanih stanja, ali kako se simptomi kod ovih životinja obično pojavljuju u poodmaklim stadijumima bolesti reproduktivnog sistema i kako većina ovih neoplazmi ima maligni po- tencijal, dešava se da dijagnoza bude postavljena kada se već razviju metastaze ili organizam bude iscrpljen. U takvim, teškim slučajevima, od jedne bezbedne i jednostavne procedure, ovariohistirektomija po- staje intervencija sa neizvesnim ishodom

    Simulation of the transmission by vectors of bluetongue disease and analysis of the control strategy

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    Bluetongue disease is an infectious non-contagious disease of domestic and wild ruminants, transmitted by hematophagous insects of the genus Culicoides. In endemic areas the disease has a seasonal character, occurs usually in summer when the population of vectors is at its peak. Culicoides are active at temperatures in the range from 13 degrees to 35 degrees C. The replication of the virus stops when the environmental temperature is below 13 degrees C. It has been reported that the temperature and humidity of the environment affect to a great extent the biology of the vector and the survival of the virus in the reservoirs. During the summer, the number of infected cattle and sheep is directly dependent on the density of the population of the vector, the length of vectors life-span, the temperature of the environment and by precipitation, the affinity of the vector to different hosts, and the ability of the vector to locate the host. Bluetongue has been spreading worldwide due to climatic changes and increasing average daily temperatures. The seasonal occurrences of the disease and the climate change have conditioned the need for adopting new strategies. The stochastic SEIRD mathematical model has been developed in order to simulate the transmission of the Bluetongue virus through the susceptible ruminant population on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to investigate the effect of climatic factors on the vector population and the magnitude of a possible epizootia. Besides the effects of climatic factors, we have analyzed a number of different approaches in the control of the disease based upon the vaccination of ruminants and control of vectors

    Antihelminic activity of carvacrol, thymol, cinnamaldehyde and p-cymen against the free-living nematode caenorhabditis elegans and rat pinworm syphacia muris

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    In the present study we tested the dose andh time dependence of the antinematodal effects of carvacrol and tyhmol on Caenorabditis elegans, and the efficacy of carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene and cinnamaldehyde,which were administrated in the drinking water of rats naturally infected with the pinworm Syphada muris. The control treatment of the infected rats was carried out with piperazine. Thymol caused a dose and time-dependent mortality in adult C. elegans. The value of the Median Lethal Concentration (LC50) of thymol was 117.9nM after 24h and 62.89 nM after 48h of exposure. Carvacrol exhibited a higher antinematodal efficiency than thymol. The LC50 of carvacrol, after 24 hours of exposure, was 53.03 nM, while after 48 hours it was 33.83 nM. On the other hand, piperazine showed an extremely high efficacy against S. muris infection in rats. Piperazine, at a dose of 625 mg/kg bw, administered in drinking water continuously for 10 days, eliminates the infection completely. However, none of the investigated active ingredients of essential oils were effective against S. muris. The reason for the lack of efficiency may be due to their pharmacokinetic properties. A relatively low amount of, orally administered, active ingredients of essential oils reaches the distal segments of the gastrointestinal tract, where S. muris inhabits the gut (colon and cecum). The obtained results, on C. elegans, indicate a clear dose and time-dependent antinematodal effect of thymol and carvacrol. However, for clinical application, it is necessary to examine the efficacy of microencapsulated formulations with a controlled release of active ingredients of essential oils in certain parts of the gastrointestinal tract

    Indukcija ovipozicije u bradate agame (Pogona vitticeps) s postoovulacijskom retencijom jaja (distocija) - prikaz slučaja

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    A 2-year-old bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), was admitted to the Clinic due to interrupted oviposition. The lizard had laid 1 egg with an insufficiently calcified eggshell 4 days before admission. The lizard was lethargic, without appetite and had been digging the substrate inside the terrarium. During the clinical examination, hard consistency formations were palpable in the coelom. Ultrasound and X-ray findings confirmed the presence of 14 calcified eggs in the coelom cavity. The diagnosis suggested postovulatory dystocia. Therapy included rehydration of the patient and induction of oviposition. Two doses of calcium borogluconate were administrated i/m (35 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg after 30 minutes) and oxytocin (5 IU) was also given intramuscularly. Within the next 20 hours the patient laid 14 calcified eggs. On X-ray follow up 24 hours after therapy, no retained eggs were observed so the animal was released from the Clinic. The owners were advised that the current diet should be supplemented with calcium and phosphorus in the prescribed daily dose, to prevent future dystocia. On the next oviposition the animal successfully laid 38 calcified eggs. This case report describes the clinical presentation and diagnosis of dystocia and a therapeutic protocol for induction of oviposition in a bearded dragon. The described hormonal protocol is important due to the fact that the oxytocin causes induction of the oviposition more than 72 hours from commencing the oviposition which is different from the findings of other authors who reported that its effect only lasts up to 72 hours.Bradata agama (Pogona vitticeps) u dobi od dvije godine zaprimljena je na kliniku zbog prekida ovipozicije. Gušterica je četiri dana prije dolaska na kliniku izbacila jedno djelomično kalcificirano jaje. Otada je apatična, nema apetita te učestalo kopa supstrat u terariju. Tijekom kliničkog pregleda palpacijom celoma pronađene su tvorbe tvrde konzistencije. Ultrazvučni i rendgenski nalaz potvrdio je prisutnost 14 kalcificiranih jaja u celomnoj šupljini što upućuje na postovulacijsku distociju. Terapija je uključivala rehidraciju pacijenta i indukciju ovipozicije, stoga su aplicirane dvije doze kalcijeva boroglukonata (35 mg/kg te nakon 30 minuta 50 mg/kg im.) i oksitocin (5 i. j. im.). U sljedećih 20 sati gušterica je izbacila 14 kalcificiranih jaja. Na kontrolnom rendgenogramu 24 sata nakon terapije nije bilo vidljivih zaostalih jaja. Vlasnicima je savjetovano da trenutačnoj prehrani nadodaju kalcij i fosfor u propisanoj dnevnoj dozi kako bi se spriječila opetovana distocija. Prilikom sljedeće ovipozicije životinja je uspješno izbacila 38 kalcificiranih jaja. Ovaj prikaz slučaja opisuje klinički tijek i dijagnostiku distocije te terapijski protokol za indukciju ovipozicije u bradate agame. Opisan hormonski protokol važan je jer dokazuje da je učinak oksitocina na indukciju ovipozicije dulji od 72 sata što se razlikuje od navoda drugih autora koji tvrde da učinak traje do 72 sata od početka ovipozicije

    Patohistološka studija tumora testisa i jajnika pasa u periodu od 1999. do 2003. godine

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    Testes and ovarian tumors are tumors which appear in small percentages in dogs. They rarely lead to a lethal outcome in animals, but, due to the different clinical manifestations that can accompany these tumors, their timely diagnosis is significant because it often determines the treatment of the animal in which such tumors were diagnosed. During the period from 1999 until 2003, the Department for Pathological Morphology of the Belgrade Faculty of Veterinary Medicine examined macroscopically and pathohistologically 5 ovaries with macroscopic signs of neoplastic changes from 5 female and 25 neoplastically altered testes from 18 male dogs. In the testes, seminom, collision tumor (Sertoli cell tumor), Sertoli cell tumor, Leydig cell tumor, and lymphosarcoma were diagnozed. In the ovaries, granulosa cell tumor and dysgerminoma were diagnozed.Tumori testisa i jajnika su tumori koji se javljaju u malom procentu kod pasa. Retko dovode do letalnog ishoda kod životinja, ali zbog različitih kliničkih manifestacija koje mogu da prate ove tumore značajna je njihova pravovremena dijagnoza, jer od toga često zavisi tretman životinje kod koje su dijagnostikovani ovi tumori. U periodu od 1999. do 2003. godine na Katedri za patološku morfologiju Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu makroskopski i patohistološki je pregledano pet jajnika sa neoplastičnim promenama od pet kuja i 25 neoplastično promenjenih testisa od 18 mužjaka pasa. Na testisima su dijagnostikovani seminom, kolizioni tumor (tumor Sertolijevih ćelija - seminom), tumor Sertolijevih ćelija, tumor Lajdigovih ćelija i limfosarkom. Na jajnicima su dijagnostikovani tumor granuloza ćelija i disgerminom