608 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Digital Microfluidic Biochips with Reconfigurable Operation Execution

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    The Danube 3D

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    The Danube, an International River, whose waters cross the Romanian territory over adistance of 1075 km, is of a particular importance for Europe and it has a huge economic and strategicsignificance for our country. The significance of Danube was recognized since ancient times and thedoctrinal opinions highlight the role of the Old River in the existence of the Romanian state. Makingthe Rhine-Main-Danube Canal has made it the Pan-European transport corridor. The recent EUconcerns for the Danube region have resulted in the adoption by the Commission in December 2010EU Strategy for the Danube Region, which aims at strengthening the 14 countries’ cooperation for thesustainable progress of the region. All these aspects we have covered in the paper addressing Danubefrom three angles: historical, legal and geopolitical one. For the elaboration of the paper we have usedas research methods the analysis of the mentioned issues from the doctrine point of view in thespecialized treaties and papers, documentary research, interpretation of legal rules in the field. As theDanube collects water that flows through the territories, the European countries have to consider abond in their effective cooperation for the prosperity of their inhabitants

    The main characteristics of the Romanian illegal drug markets

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    The main characteristics of the Romanian illegal drug marketsAbstract: Narcotics trade has known a real transformation over time, which is also due to the great influence of globalization. Placed among the most profitable businesses in the world, the illegal drugs market has evolved very much on the Romanian territory in the last years. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the current situation of Romanian illicit drugs market, the symbiosis between supply and demand, the general prices of the main drugs, as well as the consumption problem and transit routes. Based on theoretical aspects, on recent surveys and investigation launched by UNODC, EMCDDA and ANA, the article provides some relevant answers regarding the Romanian illicit drugs market. Compared to the European countries, Romania remains a small costumer, cannabis and SNPP being the most consumed drugs among young people. Despite the political and economic situation, Romanian authorities are better prepared, a position that may help in dealing with further drug changes

    The Normative Interaction between International and National in the Consular Law

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    In this paper we have analyzed issues related to the feature of the consulat law, i.e. to provide balance and to harmonize the two national legal systems, the on eof the sending State and the receiving State, on the one hand, and the coexistence of the international norms and rules of internal law on regulating the consular relations, exercising the consular functions, organization and functioning of consular offices. For the development of paper we have used as research methods the analysis of the problems generated by the mentioned subject, with reference to doctrinal views expressed in treaties and specialised papers, documentary research, interpretation of the legal norms in the matter

    Reflections on the International Responsibility of States for Wrongful Acts

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    The subjects’ responsibility for violations of their obligations is incident to any legal system. We intend to analyze in this article aspects of states’ responsibility, fundamental institution of public international law, relating to its classification as a form of the legal liability and as a fundamental principle of public international law, to the codification of international norms emphasizing the activity of the International Law Commission, to the two theories of guilt and liability based on risk, underlying legal nature of the international responsibility of states and the unlawful act, generator of international responsibility. In preparing the paper we used as research methods the analysis of the problems generated by the mentioned topic with reference to doctrinal views expressed in treaties and specialized papers, solutions retained in international jurisprudence, documentary research, interpretation of legal norms in the matter


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    Shadow economy affected for a long time Romania, even since the old regime. During the period 1995-1996, the expansion of this phenomenon has become more serious. Along with Bulgaria, Romania is the second most affected country in the Eastern part of Europe, the shadow economy reaching around 28% of national GDP. This process is boosted by a high level of tax evasion, black labor and overregulation. With the ascension into EU, Romania made considerable efforts to combat the underground economy through a increase of electronic payments, credit card and deposit use

    Sovereignty in International Law

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    We aimed at highlighting in this paper, after analyzing the transformations that took place in the international society, the importance of a particularly sensitive and current topic for public international law, namely the sovereignty. A political and legal concept at the same time, the state sovereignty remains permanently into the attention of researchers in an attempt to determine its role in international relations governed by the international law. The concept of sovereignty is complex, it can be analyzed in terms of the national law, but as a member of international society, a State participates in international relations on the basis of sovereign equality principle, which causes another meaning of sovereignty, which completes the one specific to the internal life. We have analyzed the evolution of the concept of sovereignty and we have identified the causes that led to changes in its characteristics, in order to predict the tendencies in its development. We have highlighted the aspects of the exercise of sovereignty as a result of limiting the powers of state in the favor of international bodies. In preparing this article we have used as research methods the analysis of the problems generated by mentioned subject with reference to the doctrinal views expressed in specialized papers, documentary research, and interpretation of legal norms in the field


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    The IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol is the industry standard for precise time synchronization, used in applications such as the power grid, telecommunications, and audio-video bridging, among many others. However, the standard\u27s recommendations on how to secure the protocol are lacking, and thus have not been widely adopted. A new revision of IEEE 1588 is currently being developed, which will include revised specifications regarding security. The aim of this thesis is to explore the feasibility of the proposed security mechanism, specifically as it would apply to use in the power grid, through implementation and evaluation. The security mechanism consists of two verification approaches, immediate and delayed; we implemented both approaches on top of PTPd, an existing open source implementation of PTP. We support the immediate verification security approach using manual key management at startup, and we support the delayed verification security approach emulating automated key management for a set of security parameters corresponding to one manually configured time period. In our experiments, we found that added performance cost for both verification approaches was within 30 μs, and PTP synchronization quality remained intact when security was enabled. This work should increase awareness and accelerate the adoption of the proposed security mechanism in the power industry

    Danube Navigation Regime after the Second World War

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    We have analyzed in this paper issues such as the reaffirmation of the principle of freedom of navigation on the Danube by the Peace Treaty of 1947, the adoption of the Belgrade Convention of 18 August 1948 and the regulation of navigation on the Danube by the provisions in the content of this international legal instrument, as well as new regional realities related to the EU integration of eastern Europe borderline (Romania and Bulgaria). We have highlighted the need to modernize and improve the activity of the Danube Commission determined by the Danube`s perspective of waterway artery of the EU and the revision of the Belgrade Convention. For the elaboration of the paper we have used as research methods the analysis of the mentioned issues from the doctrine point of view in the specialized treaties and papers, documentary research, interpretation of legal rules in the field
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