24 research outputs found

    Malaria among pregnant women in Abeokuta, Nigeria

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    Pregnant women were enrolled from two hospitals and a Traditional Birth Home (TBH) in Abeokuta, Nigeria and monitored monthly for malaria parasites from the first antenatal visit until delivery. A total of 466 pregnant women were recruited for the study. The prevalence of malaria was 57.4%, and was higher among women in the TBH. The prevalence of malaria in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy were 37.5%, 47.3% and 47.5% respectively. At the time of the first antenatal visit 35.6% of the women were already parasitaemic, with a high frequency observed among primigravids. The prevalence recorded in the ninth month of pregnancy (35.7%) was not statistically different from that recorded at first antenatal visit (P>0.05). The need to improve the quality of care, malaria prevention and treatment given to pregnant women especially receiving antenatal care outside the hospital is recommended. Keywords: malaria, pregnancy, antenatal care, traditional birth home, Nigeria Tanzania Health Research Bulletin Vol. 8(1) 2006: 28-3

    Performance, proximate and mineral analyses of African giant land snail (Archachatina marginata) fed different nitrogen sources

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    The effect of different nitrogen sources in the diets offered to caged African giant land snail, Archachatina marginata, was investigated in a six months experiment. Four experimental diets I, II, III and IV containing soybean, fishmeal, poultry dropping and urea as the only nitrogen source, respectively were formulated. Diet V (Pawpaw leaves) served as the control. Growth parameters (weight gain, feed intake, shell length gain and shell circumference gain), hemolymph and flesh minerals and proximate composition of the snails were determined. Snails fed diet III (poultry droppings) recorded the highest weight gain while the snails fed diet IV recorded the least value. Snail fed diet I had the highest feed conversion ratio (FCR}. The least FCR value was recorded for snails on diet V. The feed intake of snail on diet V was significantly higher (

    Sampling mosquitoes with CDC light trap in rice field and plantation communities in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Mosquito species were sampled to determine the mosquito composition and abundance in rice field and plantation communities in Ogun State Nigeria. Mosquitoes were caught once weekly from four selected houses in each of the two communities by means of CDC light traps. A total of 47,501 mosquitoes representing fifteen species were caught in the two communities of which the rice field community accounted for 63.8% of the total catch. Mansonia Africana constituted the most important biting mosquito in the two communities representing 62.1% and 39.1% in rice field and plantation communities, respectively. Other species in decreasing order of abundance were M. uniformis, Anopheles gambiae, Coquilletidia fuscopennata, An. moucheti, An. funestus, An. nili, Culex quinquefasciatus, Eretmapodites chrysogaster, Coq.metallica, Cx annulioris, An. rhodesiensis, Aedes aegypti, An. Squamosus and An. Maculipennis. Seven mosquito species were caught throughout the year but mostly in the months of May to October. Abundance varied significantly between the study sites and between the months (F,1.11 =241.9

    Geographical information system and predictive risk maps of urinary schistosomiasis in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The control of urinary schistosomiasis in Ogun State, Nigeria remains inert due to lack of reliable data on the geographical distribution of the disease and the population at risk. To help in developing a control programme, delineating areas of risk, geographical information system and remotely sensed environmental images were used to developed predictive risk maps of the probability of occurrence of the disease and quantify the risk for infection in Ogun State, Nigeria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Infection data used were derived from carefully validated morbidity questionnaires among primary school children in 2001–2002, in which school children were asked among other questions if they have experienced "blood in urine" or urinary schistosomiasis. The infection data from 1,092 schools together with remotely sensed environmental data such as rainfall, vegetation, temperature, soil-types, altitude and land cover were analysis using binary logistic regression models to identify environmental features that influence the spatial distribution of the disease. The final regression equations were then used in Arc View 3.2a GIS software to generate predictive risk maps of the distribution of the disease and population at risk in the state.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Logistic regression analysis shows that the only significant environmental variable in predicting the presence and absence of urinary schistosomiasis in any area of the State was Land Surface Temperature (LST) (B = 0.308, p = 0.013). While LST (B = -0.478, p = 0.035), rainfall (B = -0.006, p = 0.0005), ferric luvisols (B = 0.539, p = 0.274), dystric nitosols (B = 0.133, p = 0.769) and pellic vertisols (B = 1.386, p = 0.008) soils types were the final variables in the model for predicting the probability of an area having an infection prevalence equivalent to or more than 50%. The two predictive risk maps suggest that urinary schistosomiasis is widely distributed and occurring in all the Local Government Areas (LGAs) in State. The high-risk areas (≄ 50% prevalence) however, are confined to scatter foci in the north western part of the State. The model also estimated that 98.99% of schools aged children (5–14 years) are living in areas suitable for urinary schistosomiasis transmission and are at risk of infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The risk maps developed will hopefully be useful to the state health officials, by providing them with detailed distribution of urinary schistosomiasis, help to delineate areas for intervention, assesses population at risk thereby helping in optimizing scarce resources.</p

    Urinary schistosomiasis among preschool-aged children in Sahelian rural communities in Mali

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mass chemotherapy with praziquantel is the main control strategy for schistosomiasis in Mali. However, in the national control programme for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis, infants and preschool-aged children are overlooked in preventive chemotherapy campaigns. We therefore determined the prevalence and intensity of urinary schistosomiasis in children between the ages 1-4 years in three villages across Diema health district, a rural community with endemic schistosomiasis in Mali. For <it>Schistosoma haematobium </it>diagnosis, a single urine sample of 10 ml obtained from each child was subjected to the standard urine filtration method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 338 children examined 173 (51.2%) were infected. Both prevalence and intensity of infection varied significantly between communities (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference (p = 0.94) in infection rates between boys (51.2%) and girls (50.3%). Likewise, prevalence did not significantly increase with age (p = 0.86). The overall geometric mean of Williams (GMw) was 18.41 eggs/10 ml urine, with no significant association (p = 0.91) between boys (17.48 eggs/10 ml urine) and girls (19.69 eggs/10 ml urine). However, the GMw significantly increased with age (p = 0.04). Infection of preschool children would occur through early exposure to infected water bodies through both passive and active process.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study showed that preschool children living closely to lakes across in Mali are at high risk to be infected by schistosomiasis and contributed largely to the transmission; therefore schistosomiasis control interventions should also target infants in addition to school children and adults in endemic areas.</p

    Schistosoma haematobium Treatment in 1–5 Year Old Children: Safety and Efficacy of the Antihelminthic Drug Praziquantel

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    Urogenital schistosomiasis is an important, but neglected, infectious disease affecting over 100 million people, mainly in Africa. Children carry the heaviest burden of infection with children as young as 1 year old showing signs of infection. Children aged 5 years and below are currently excluded from schistosome control programmes for several reasons, including operational difficulties associated with accessing preschool children, misconceptions about their level of exposure to infective water and lack of safety data on the drug of choice for schistosome control, praziquantel, in children aged 5 years and below. This study was one of a small number of studies recently funded by the World Health Organization to investigate the need for praziquantel treatment in preschool children (aged 1–5 years) and to subsequently assess the safety and efficacy of the drug praziquantel in this age group. This study confirmed that preschool children carry significant levels of schistosome infection, exceeding those carried by their parents/guardians, highlighting the urgent need for their immediate inclusion in schistosome control programmes. The study also showed that praziquantel treatment is as safe and efficacious in children aged 1–5 years as it is in older children aged 6–10 years who are currently the target for mass drug administration

    Putting the treatment of paediatric schistosomiasis into context

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    Abstract Despite increased international efforts to control schistosomiasis using preventive chemotherapy, several challenges still exist in reaching the target populations. Until recently, preschool-aged children had been excluded from the recommended target population for mass drug administration, i.e. primary school children aged 6–15 years. Our studies and those of others provided the evidence base for the need to treat preschool-aged children that led to recommendations by the World Health Organization to include preschool-aged children in treatment programmes in 2010. The major challenge now lies in the unavailability of a child-size formulation of the appropriate anthelmintic drug, praziquantel. The currently available formulation of praziquantel presents several problems. First, it is a large tablet, making it difficult for young children and infants to swallow it and thus requires its breaking/crushing to allow for safe uptake. Second, it is bitter so it is often mixed with a sweetener to make it palatable for young children. Third, the current formulation of 600 mg does not allow for flexible dose adjustments for this age group. Thus, there is a need to formulate a child-appropriate praziquantel tablet. This paper discusses the target product profile for paediatric praziquantel, as well as knowledge gaps pertinent to the successful control of schistosome infection and disease in preschool-aged children

    Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Proportions Are Diminished in Young Helminth Infected Children and Restored by Curative Anti-helminthic Treatment

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    BACKGROUND:Group 2 Innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are innate cells that produce the TH2 cytokines IL-5 and IL-13. The importance of these cells has recently been demonstrated in experimental models of parasitic diseases but there is a paucity of data on ILC2s in the context of human parasitic infections and in particular of the blood dwelling parasite Schistosoma haematobium. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In this case-control study human peripheral blood ILC2s were analysed in relation to infection with the helminth parasite Schistosoma haematobium. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 36 S. haematobium infected and 36 age and sex matched uninfected children were analysed for frequencies of ILC2s identified as Lin-CD45+CD127+CD294+CD161+. ILC2s were significantly lower particularly in infected children aged 6-9 years compared to healthy participants. Curative anti-helminthic treatment resulted in an increase in levels of the activating factor TSLP and restoration of ILC2 levels. CONCLUSION:This study demonstrates that ILC2s are diminished in young helminth infected children and restored by removal of the parasites by treatment, indicating a previously undescribed association between a human parasitic infection and ILC2s and suggesting a role of ILC2s before the establishment of protective acquired immunity in human schistosomiasis

    Epidemiological studies of urinary Schistosomiasis in Ogun State, Nigeria: Identification of high-risk communities

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    The control of schistosomiasis has been hampered by lack of baseline data to demarcate communities at risk for treatment in Ogun State. This study was therefore aimed at implementing a rapid and valid epidemiological assessment of Urinary Schistosomiasis in this state, and help prioritised areas for treatment. Questionnaires were developed, pre-tested and delivered to head teachers of 1,310 state-owned primary schools, with the assistance of Local Government Primary Schools Education Authority (LGEA) respectively. Class teachers conducted interviews. School children were asked among other health problems, if they have passed blood in urine or have urinary schistosomiasis and their responses recorded as yes or no. The completed questionnaires were retrieved to the researches through LGEA within six weeks. Responses were then validated by parasitological examination of randomly collected urine sample in 50 schools for Schistosoma heamatobium eggs. A total of 101, 682 children in classes 4 to 6 were interviewed in 1,092 out of 1,310 primary schools in the state. Questionnaires retrieved rate was 83.4%. the overall mean prevalence of self-reported blood in urine and self-reported urinary schistosomiasis were 10.00%, SD = 13.84 and 7.60% SD = 12.85 respectively. Spearman rank correlation showed a highly significant association between reported blood in urine and urine filtration test (r=0.704;