52 research outputs found

    Toxic phytoplankton blooms in the sea

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    A study was conducted with the aim of showing which environmental conditions promote an increase in #Dinophysis cells in a land-locked embayment with shellfish installations. From may 1989 to september 1991, vertical profiles were taken of temperature, salinity, nutrients and chlorophyll-a, and counts of phytoplankton species composition were made during late spring and summer. In the strait separating this area from the open sea, residual tital currents are from offshore to nearshore. Significant thermocline ... and stable stratification of the water column were required for #Dinophysis to exceed 1000 cell L-1. #Dinophysis spp. were more abundant in the "thermocline layer", scarce below this layer and absent near the bottom. These stratified conditions occurred first in the open sea. Denser #Dinophysis populations were then carried through the strait from offshore to nearshore waters by tidal currents. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Frequency tunable electronic sources working at room temperature in the 1 to 3 THz band

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    Compact, room temperature terahertz sources are much needed in the 1 to 3 THz band for developing multi-pixel heterodyne receivers for astrophysics and planetary science or for building short-range high spatial resolution THz imaging systems able to see through low water content and non metallic materials, smoke or dust for a variety of applications ranging from the inspection of art artifacts to the detection of masked or concealed objects. All solid-sate electronic sources based on a W-band synthesizer followed by a high-power W-band amplifier and a cascade of Schottky diode based THz frequency multipliers are now capable of producing more than 1 mW at 0.9THz, 50 μW at 2 THz and 18 μW at 2.6 THz without the need of any cryogenic system. These sources are frequency agile and have a relative bandwidth of 10 to 15%, limited by the high power W-band amplifiers. The paper will present the latest developments of this technology and its perspective in terms of frequency range, bandwidth and power

    Quad-Chip Double-Balanced Frequency Tripler

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    Solid-state frequency multipliers are used to produce tunable broadband sources at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The maximum power produced by a single chip is limited by the electrical breakdown of the semiconductor and by the thermal management properties of the chip. The solution is to split the drive power to a frequency tripler using waveguides to divide the power among four chips, then recombine the output power from the four chips back into a single waveguide. To achieve this, a waveguide branchline quadrature hybrid coupler splits a 100-GHz input signal into two paths with a 90 relative phase shift. These two paths are split again by a pair of waveguide Y-junctions. The signals from the four outputs of the Y-junctions are tripled in frequency using balanced Schottky diode frequency triplers before being recombined with another pair of Y-junctions. A final waveguide branchline quadrature hybrid coupler completes the combination. Using four chips instead of one enables using four-times higher power input, and produces a nearly four-fold power output as compared to using a single chip. The phase shifts introduced by the quadrature hybrid couplers provide isolation for the input and output waveguides, effectively eliminating standing waves between it and surrounding components. This is accomplished without introducing the high losses and expense of ferrite isolators. A practical use of this technology is to drive local oscillators as was demonstrated around 300 GHz for a heterodyne spectrometer operating in the 2-3-THz band. Heterodyne spectroscopy in this frequency band is especially valuable for astrophysics due to the presence of a very large number of molecular spectral lines. Besides high-resolution radar and spectrographic screening applications, this technology could also be useful for laboratory spectroscopy

    In-Phase Power-Combined Frequency Tripler at 300 GHz

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    This design starts with commercial 85- to 115-GHz sources that are amplified to as much as 250 mW using power amplifiers developed for the Herschel Space Observatory. The frequency is then tripled using a novel waveguide GaAs Schottky diode frequency tripler. This planar diode produces 26 mW at 318 GHz. Peak conversion efficiency is over 15 percent, and the measured bandwidth of about 265 - 30 GHz is limited more by the driving source than by the tripler itself. This innovation is based on an integrated circuit designed originally for a single-chip 260- to 340-GHz balanced tripler. The power-combined version has two mirror-image tripler chips that are power-combined in-phase in a single waveguide block using a compact Y-junction divider at the input waveguide, and a Y-junction combiner at the output waveguide. The tripler uses a split-block waveguide design with two independent DC bias lines

    Introgressive hybridisation between domestic pigs (<i>Sus scrofa domesticus</i>) and endemic Corsican wild boars (<i>S. s. meridionalis</i>):Effects of human-mediated interventions

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    Owing to the intensified domestication process with artificial trait selection, introgressive hybridisation between domestic and wild species poses a management problem. Traditional free-range livestock husbandry, as practiced in Corsica and Sardinia, is known to facilitate hybridisation between wild boars and domestic pigs (Sus scrofa). Here, we assessed the genetic distinctness and genome-wide domestic pig ancestry levels of the Corsican wild boar subspecies S. s. meridionalis, with reference to its Sardinian conspecifics, employing a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay and mitochondrial control region (mtCR) haplotypes. We also assessed the reliance of morphological criteria and the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) coat colour gene to identify individuals with domestic introgression. While Corsican wild boars showed closest affinity to Sardinian and Italian wild boars compared to other European populations based on principal component analysis, the observation of previously undescribed mtCR haplotypes and high levels of nuclear divergence (Weir's θ > 0.14) highlighted the genetic distinctness of Corsican S. s. meridionalis. Across three complementary analyses of mixed ancestry (i.e., STRUCTURE, PCADMIX, and ELAI), proportions of domestic pig ancestry were estimated at 9.5% in Corsican wild boars, which was significantly higher than in wild boars in Sardinia, where free-range pig keeping was banned in 2012. Comparison of morphologically pure- and hybrid-looking Corsican wild boars suggested a weak correlation between morphological criteria and genome-wide domestic pig ancestry. The study highlights the usefulness of molecular markers to assess the direct impacts of management practices on gene flow between domestic and wild species

    On-Chip Power-Combining for High-Power Schottky Diode-Based Frequency Multipliers

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    A 1.6-THz power-combined Schottky frequency tripler was designed to handle approximately 30 mW input power. The design of Schottky-based triplers at this frequency range is mainly constrained by the shrinkage of the waveguide dimensions with frequency and the minimum diode mesa sizes, which limits the maximum number of diodes that can be placed on the chip to no more than two. Hence, multiple-chip power-combined schemes become necessary to increase the power-handling capabilities of high-frequency multipliers. The design presented here overcomes difficulties by performing the power-combining directly on-chip. Four E-probes are located at a single input waveguide in order to equally pump four multiplying structures (featuring two diodes each). The produced output power is then recombined at the output using the same concept

    Submillimeter Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry Exploration Sounder

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    Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry Exploration Sounder (SPACES), a high-sensitivity laboratory breadboard for a spectrometer targeted at orbital planetary atmospheric analysis. The frequency range is 520 to 590 GHz, with a target noise temperature sensitivity of 2,500 K for detecting water, sulfur compounds, carbon compounds, and other atmospheric constituents. SPACES is a prototype for a powerful tool for the exploration of the chemistry and dynamics of any planetary atmosphere. It is fundamentally a single-pixel receiver for spectral signals emitted by the relevant constituents, intended to be fed by a fixed or movable telescope/antenna. Its front-end sensor translates the received signal down to the 100-MHz range where it can be digitized and the data transferred to a spectrum analyzer for processing, spectrum generation, and accumulation. The individual microwave and submillimeter wave components (mixers, LO high-powered amplifiers, and multipliers) of SPACES were developed in cooperation with other programs, although with this type of instrument in mind. Compared to previous planetary and Earth science instruments, its broad bandwidth (approx. =.13%) and rapid tunability (approx. =.10 ms) are new developments only made possible recently by the advancement in submillimeter circuit design and processing at JPL

    Frequency tunable electronic sources working at room temperature in the 1 to 3 THz band

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    Compact, room temperature terahertz sources are much needed in the 1 to 3 THz band for developing multi-pixel heterodyne receivers for astrophysics and planetary science or for building short-range high spatial resolution THz imaging systems able to see through low water content and non metallic materials, smoke or dust for a variety of applications ranging from the inspection of art artifacts to the detection of masked or concealed objects. All solid-sate electronic sources based on a W-band synthesizer followed by a high-power W-band amplifier and a cascade of Schottky diode based THz frequency multipliers are now capable of producing more than 1 mW at 0.9THz, 50 μW at 2 THz and 18 μW at 2.6 THz without the need of any cryogenic system. These sources are frequency agile and have a relative bandwidth of 10 to 15%, limited by the high power W-band amplifiers. The paper will present the latest developments of this technology and its perspective in terms of frequency range, bandwidth and power

    Diamond Heat-Spreader for Submillimeter-Wave Frequency Multipliers

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    The planar GaAs Shottky diode frequency multiplier is a critical technology for the local oscillator (LO) for submillimeter- wave heterodyne receivers due to low mass, tenability, long lifetime, and room-temperature operation. The use of a W-band (75-100 GHz) power amplifier followed by a frequency multiplier is the most common for submillimeter-wave sources. Its greatest challenge is to provide enough input power to the LO for instruments onboard future planetary missions. Recently, JPL produced 800 mW at 92.5 GHz by combining four MMICs in parallel in a balanced configuration. As more power at W-band is available to the multipliers, their power-handling capability be comes more important. High operating temperatures can lead to degradation of conversion efficiency or catastrophic failure. The goal of this innovation is to reduce the thermal resistance by attaching diamond film as a heat-spreader on the backside of multipliers to improve their power-handling capability. Polycrystalline diamond is deposited by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (CVD). This diamond film acts as a heat-spreader to both the existing 250- and 300-GHz triplers, and has a high thermal conductivity (1,000-1,200 W/mK). It is approximately 2.5 times greater than copper (401 W/mK) and 20 times greater than GaAs (46 W/mK). It is an electrical insulator (resistivity approx. equals 10(exp 15) Ohms-cm), and has a low relative dielectric constant of 5.7. Diamond heat-spreaders reduce by at least 200 C at 250 mW of input power, compared to the tripler without diamond, according to thermal simulation. This superior thermal management provides a 100-percent increase in power-handling capability. For example, with this innovation, 40-mW output power has been achieved from a 250-GHz tripler at 350-mW input power, while the previous triplers, without diamond, suffered catastrophic failures. This breakthrough provides a stepping-stone for frequency multipliers-based LO up to 3 THz. The future work for this design is to apply the high output power from both the 250 and 300 GHz to multiple chains in order to generate milliwatts at 2.3 THz. Using the first generation of results for this innovation, 40 mW of output power were produced from a 240-GHz tripler at 350-mW input power, and 27- mW output power was produced from a 300-GHz tripler at 408-mW input power. This is two times higher than the current state-of-the-art output power capability. A finite-element thermal simulation also shows that 30-microns thick diamond dropped the temperature of the anodes by at least 200 C

    All-Solid-State 2.45-to-2.78-THz Source

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    Sources in the THz range are required in order for NASA to implement heterodyne instruments in this frequency range. The source that has been demonstrated here will be used for an instrument on the SOFIA platform as well as for upcoming astrophysics missions. There are currently no electronic sources in the 2 3- THz frequency range. An electronically tunable compact source in this frequency range is needed for lab spectroscopy as well as for compact space-deployable heterodyne receivers. This solution for obtaining useful power levels in the 2 3- THz range is based on utilizing power-combined multiplier stages. Utilizing power combining, the input power can be distributed between different multiplier chips and then recombined after the frequency multiplication. A continuous wave (CW) coherent source covering 2.48 2.75 THz, with greater than 10 percent instantaneous and tuning bandwidth, and having l 14 W of output power at room temperature, has been demonstrated. This source is based on a 91.8 101.8-GHz synthesizer followed by a power amplifier and three cascaded frequency triplers. It demonstrates that purely electronic solid-state sources can generate a useful amount of power in a region of the electromagnetic spectrum where lasers (solid-state or gas) were previously the only available coherent sources. The bandwidth, agility, and operability of this THz source has enabled wideband, high-resolution spectroscopic measurements of water, methanol, and carbon monoxide with a resolution and signal-to-noise ratio unmatched by other existing systems, providing new insight in the physics of these molecules. Further - more, the power and optical beam quality are high enough to observe the Lamb-dip effect in water. The source frequency has an absolute accuracy better than 1 part in 1012, and the spectrometer achieves sub-Doppler frequency resolution better than 1 part in 108. The harmonic purity is better than 25 dB. This source can serve as a local oscillator for a variety of heterodyne systems, and can be used as a method for precision control of more powerful but much less frequency-agile quantum mechanical terahertz sources