19 research outputs found

    Same but different? Measurement invariance of the PIAAC motivation-to-learn scale across key socio-demographic groups

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    Abstract Background Data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) revealed that countries systematically differ in their respondents’ literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich environments skills; skill levels also vary by gender, age, level of education or migration background. Similarly, systematic differences have been documented with respect to adults’ participation in education, which can be considered as a means to develop and maintain skills. From a psychological perspective, motivation to learn is considered a key factor associated with both skill development and participation in (further) education. In order to account for motivation when analyzing PIAAC data, four items from the PIAAC background questionnaire were recently compiled into a motivation-to-learn scale. This scale has been found to be invariant (i.e., showing full weak and partial strong measurement invariance) across 21 countries. Methods This paper presents further analyses using multiple-group graded response models to scrutinize the validity of the motivation-to-learn scale for group comparisons. Results Results indicate at least partial strong measurement invariance across gender, age groups, level of education, and migration background in most countries under study (all CFI > .95, all RMSEA < .08). Thus, the scale is suitable for comparing both means and associations across these groups. Conclusions Results are discussed in light of country characteristics, challenges of measurement invariance testing, and potential future research using PIAAC data

    Branched-chain amino acid catabolism rather than amino acids plasma concentrations is associated with diet-induced changes in insulin resistance in overweight to obese individuals

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    Background & aims: 3-Hydroxyisobutyrate (3-HIB), a catabolic intermediate of the BCAA valine, which stimulates muscle fatty acid uptake, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. We tested the hypothesis that circulating 3-HIB herald insulin resistance and that metabolic improvement with weight loss are related to changes in BCAAs and 3-HIB. Methods and results: We analyzed plasma and urine in 109 overweight to obese individuals before and after six months on hypocaloric diets reduced in either carbohydrates or fat. We calculated the homeostasis model assessment index (HOMA-IR) and whole body insulin sensitivity from oral glucose tolerance tests and measured intramyocellular fat by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. BCAAs and 3-HIB plasma concentrations were inversely related to insulin sensitivity but not to intramyocellular fat content at baseline. With 7.4 +/- 4.5% weight loss mean BCAA and 3-HIB plasma concentrations did not change, irrespective of dietary macronutrient content. Individual changes in 3-HIB with 6-month diet but not BCAAs were correlated to the change in whole body insulin sensitivity and HOMA-IR independently of BMI changes. Conclusions: 3-HIB relates to insulin sensitivity but is not associated with intramyocellular fat content in overweight to obese individuals. Moreover, changes in 3-HIB rather than changes in BCAAs are associated with metabolic improvements with weight loss. (C) 2017 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Acculturation as a ressource for integration

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    Akkulturation ist ein breit gefasstes Konzept, das Veränderungen in Folge eines interkulturellen Kontaktes beschreibt. Im Beitrag werden Modelle sowie der Bezugsahmen der Akkulturation dargestellt. Dabei können verschiedene Facetten des individuellen Akkulturationsprozesses betrachtet werden. Hierzu zählen die Einstellung zur Akkulturation, kognitive Kompetenzen, die soziale Interaktion, die Identität, das Verhaltensrepertoire und die strukturelle Platzierung. Basierend auf dem bidimensionalen Modell war die Akkulturationsforschung im letzten Jahrzehnt stark auf Typologien zentriert, die die Beziehung zwischen der Herkunftskultur und der Aufnahmegeschalt auf Individualebene beschreibt. Dabei wurde vorwiegend von einer Defizitperspektive ausgegangen. In Anbetracht einer globalisierten Welt sollte Akkulturation jedoch aus einer Ressourcenperspektive verstanden werden, da das Wissen um und über verschiedene Kulturen das Verhaltensrepertoire von Individuen erweitert

    Rendimento de grãos da soja em função do arranjo de plantas Soybean yield response to plant arrangement

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    A identificação do arranjo de plantas que resulte em menor competição intraespecífica permite melhor aproveitamento dos recursos disponíveis para o crescimento e rendimento de grãos da soja. O experimento foi conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS em Eldorado do Sul, RS, na estação de crescimento 2000/01, objetivando avaliar como o arranjo de plantas de soja modifica a competição intraespecífica e de que forma isto se reflete no rendimento de grãos e seus componentes. Utilizou-se a cultivar 'BRS 137' (semiprecoce, determinada) em semeadura direta. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas sub-subdivididas e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de dois regimes hídricos (irrigado e não irrigado); dois espaçamentos entre linhas (20 e 40cm), e três populações de plantas (20, 30 e 40 plantas.m-2). O rendimento de grãos foi afetado pela irrigação e pela interação espaçamento e população. O tratamento irrigado (5015kg.ha-1) apresentou rendimento de grãos 18% superior ao não irrigado (4253kg.ha-1). A maior taxa de enchimento de grãos (TEG), que resultou no maior peso do grão, explica o maior rendimento obtido no tratamento irrigado. O arranjo de plantas que proporcionou maior rendimento de grãos foi a associação do espaçamento de 20 cm com a população de 20 plantas.m-2, obtendo-se 5014kg.ha-1 em comparação a 4322kg.ha-1 em 40cm de espaçamento. Houve decréscimo linear no rendimento com o aumento da população de plantas no espaçamento reduzido (20cm). Estes resultados são conseqüência do maior número de ramos, nós férteis e de legumes férteis.m-2 obtidos. O arranjo com 20cm de espaçamento e 20 plantas.m-2 amenizou a competição intraespecífica, resultando em maior rendimento de grãos.<br>Plant arrangement that decrease interplant competition can improve soybean growth and yield by better use of resources. The experiment was performed at the Agronomic Experimental Station of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in the 2000/01 growing season. The objectives were to evaluate how soybean plant arrangement modify the interplant competition and the effect in grain yield and yield components. The cultivar tested was 'BRS 137'(early, determinate), in no-till planting. The treatments were arranged in a split-plot randomized complete-block design,whith four replications. The treatments tested were two water availability (with and without irrigation) , two row spacing (20 and 40cm) and three population levels (20, 30 and 40 plants.m-2). The grain yield was affected by irrigation and by the interaction of row spacing and population. The irigated treatment (5015kg.ha-1) had grain yield 18% higher than the non irigated (4253kg.ha-1). The larger grain filling rate (GFR), resulted in larger seed weight, and explain, the greater yield in the irrigated treatment. The plant arrangemnt of 20 cm row spacing with the population of 20 plantas.m-2 provided the better results (5014kg.ha-1 compared to 4322 kg.ha-1 in 40 cm row spacing). There is a linear decrease in grain yield with the increase in plant population with reduced row spacing (20cm). These results can be explained by more branche number, fertil nodes and fertil pods.m-2 obtained. The arrangement of 20cm row spacing and 20 plants.m-2, attenuated the interplant competition resulting in larger grain yield

    Logística reversa de defensivos agrícolas: fatores que influenciam na consciência ambiental de agricultores gaúchos e mineiros

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    Nos últimos anos, observa-se um aumento das pressões legais e sociais em favor de uma maior preocupação com o meio ambiente em vários países, incluindo o Brasil. Se antes o foco era indústrias poluidoras, agora, também o setor agrícola sofre essas pressões. Considerando este cenário, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar quais são os principais fatores que levam produtores rurais a realizarem a logística reversa de embalagens de defensivos agrícolas. Para isso, foram aplicados questionários a 398 agricultores (residentes no Rio Grande do Sul e em Minas Gerais), produtores de soja, café, fumo, feijão e morango. Analisaram-se tanto as questões ambientais quanto as questões legais incluídas nesse processo. A fim de se atingir o objetivo proposto, foi adotada uma abordagem quantitativa, através da análise de regressão múltipla. No modelo de regressão estimado, observou-se que, dentro do processo de recolhimento de embalagens, três questões foram relacionadas à consciência ambiental: i) manuseio de defensivos agrícolas e a legislação atual; ii) adoção de tecnologia e de novas práticas e iii) riscos a saúde humana. Nos achados empíricos a consciência ambiental recebe fortes interferências de fatores relacionados ao manuseio de defensivos agrícolas e da legislação atual