454 research outputs found

    Does Gender Diversity in the Workplace Affect Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions?

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    In the present study, we explore the contextual meanings and consequences of workplace diversity. We focus on gender diversity in the workplace and explore its relationship with job satisfaction and turnover intentions among male and female employees. We perform our analyses in a survey data set containing replies from 2,818 employees from 13 different occupations in the Danish public sector. The sample is stratified according to gender and contains equal shares of women and men in each occupation, thus providing good opportunities to estimate the importance of gender diversity for both women and men in widely differing occupational contexts.We define gender diversity as gender heterogeneity in the workplace, which means that workplaces with equal shares of female and male employees have the highest degree of gender diversity, while gender homogenous workplaces have low gender diversity.We choose job satisfaction and turnover intentions as our dependent variables because these variables represent key indicators for the well-being of employees in the workplace. Furthermore, empirical research is unsettled as to the positive or negative relationship between diversity and these variables.We suggest that turnover intentions may not be an unambiguous indicator of organizational dissatisfaction or lack of well-being (as it is often tacitly taken to be). In some contexts, turnover intentions may be an expression of positive career orientations. Intentions to find another job may express an urge to move on, develop, obtain better pay, and so on. An occupational variable may be decisive in capturing the relevant context for determining the meaning of turnover intentions

    Estimating Multivariate Exponentail-Affine Term Structure Models from Coupon Bound Prices using Nonlinear Filtering

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    An econometric analysis of continuous-time models of the term structure of interest rates is presented. A panel of coupon bond prices with different maturities is used to estimate the embedded parameters of a continuous-discrete state space model of unobserved state variables: the spot interest rate, the central tendency and stochastic volatility. Emphasis is placed on the particular class of exponential-affine term structure models that permits solving the bond pricing PDE in terms of a system of ODEs. It is assumed that coupon bond prices are contaminated by additive white noise, where the stochastic noise term should account for model errors. A nonlinear filtering method is used to compute estimates of the state variables, and the model parameters are estimated by a quasimaximum likelihood method provided that some assumptions are imposed on the model residuals. Both Monte Carlo simulation results and empirical results based on the Danish bond market are presented

    Nonparametric Modeling of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in fMRI Data

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    Dynamic functional connectivity (FC) has in recent years become a topic of interest in the neuroimaging community. Several models and methods exist for both functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), and the results point towards the conclusion that FC exhibits dynamic changes. The existing approaches modeling dynamic connectivity have primarily been based on time-windowing the data and k-means clustering. We propose a non-parametric generative model for dynamic FC in fMRI that does not rely on specifying window lengths and number of dynamic states. Rooted in Bayesian statistical modeling we use the predictive likelihood to investigate if the model can discriminate between a motor task and rest both within and across subjects. We further investigate what drives dynamic states using the model on the entire data collated across subjects and task/rest. We find that the number of states extracted are driven by subject variability and preprocessing differences while the individual states are almost purely defined by either task or rest. This questions how we in general interpret dynamic FC and points to the need for more research on what drives dynamic FC.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Presented at the Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging Workshop (MLINI-2015), 2015 (arXiv:1605.04435

    Redaktørens forord

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    Redaktørens forord

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    Forsøg med lavere sagsstammer i jobcentret på Lærkevej: Kvalitativ delevaluering, slutrapport

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    Infinite von Mises-Fisher Mixture Modeling of Whole Brain fMRI Data

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    Cluster analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data is often performed using gaussian mixture models, but when the time series are standardized such that the data reside on a hypersphere, this modeling assumption is questionable. The consequences of ignoring the underlying spherical manifold are rarely analyzed, in part due to the computational challenges imposed by directional statistics. In this letter, we discuss a Bayesian von Mises–Fisher (vMF) mixture model for data on the unit hypersphere and present an efficient inference procedure based on collapsed Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. Comparing the vMF and gaussian mixture models on synthetic data, we demonstrate that the vMF model has a slight advantage inferring the true underlying clustering when compared to gaussian-based models on data generated from both a mixture of vMFs and a mixture of gaussians subsequently normalized. Thus, when performing model selection, the two models are not in agreement. Analyzing multisubject whole brain resting-state fMRI data from healthy adult subjects, we find that the vMF mixture model is considerably more reliable than the gaussian mixture model when comparing solutions across models trained on different groups of subjects, and again we find that the two models disagree on the optimal number of components. The analysis indicates that the fMRI data support more than a thousand clusters, and we confirm this is not a result of overfitting by demonstrating better prediction on data from held-out subjects. Our results highlight the utility of using directional statistics to model standardized fMRI data and demonstrate that whole brain segmentation of fMRI data requires a very large number of functional units in order to adequately account for the discernible statistical patterns in the data. </jats:p
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