34 research outputs found
Magtesløshedens politik
Irlands nej til Lissabontraktaten har rejst mange problemer og udfordringer for EU’s stats- og regeringsledere, men krigen i Georgien og forholdet til Rusland har vist, at Fællesskabet har brug for andet og mere end blot institutionelle reformer. En vedtagelse af Lissabontraktaten er næppe nok. 
Sydsudan: Vanskelige forhandlinger om fred
Mads Qvortrup om fredsforhandlingerne i Sydsudan. 
Quo Vadis Britannia?
Tony Benn sagde engang, at der er to former for politikere – man kan være et vejskilt, der udstikker linjer, eller en vejrhane, der følger tidsĂĄnden. Tony Blairs periode som regeringsleder viser at han var begge dele – til forskellige tider og pĂĄ forskellige sagsomrĂĄder. 
The political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The impossibility of reason
This exciting new book presents the first overview of Jean Jacques Rousseau's work from a political science perspective. Was Rousseau - the great theorist of the French Revolution - really a conservative? This original study argues that the author of The Social Contract was a constitutionalist much closer to Madison, Montesquieu and Locke than to revolutionaries. Outlining his profound opposition to Godless materialism and revolutionary change, this book finds parallels between Rousseau and Burke, as well as showing that Rousseau developed the first modern theory of nationalism. The book presents an integrated political analysis of Rousseau's educational, ethical, religious and political writings, and will be essential reading for students of politics, philosophy and the history of ideas
The political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The impossibility of reason
This exciting new book presents the first overview of Jean Jacques Rousseau's work from a political science perspective. Was Rousseau - the great theorist of the French Revolution - really a conservative? This original study argues that the author of The Social Contract was a constitutionalist much closer to Madison, Montesquieu and Locke than to revolutionaries. Outlining his profound opposition to Godless materialism and revolutionary change, this book finds parallels between Rousseau and Burke, as well as showing that Rousseau developed the first modern theory of nationalism. The book presents an integrated political analysis of Rousseau's educational, ethical, religious and political writings, and will be essential reading for students of politics, philosophy and the history of ideas