16 research outputs found

    The Immune System in Stroke

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    Stroke represents an unresolved challenge for both developed and developing countries and has a huge socio-economic impact. Although considerable effort has been made to limit stroke incidence and improve outcome, strategies aimed at protecting injured neurons in the brain have all failed. This failure is likely to be due to both the incompleteness of modelling the disease and its causes in experimental research, and also the lack of understanding of how systemic mechanisms lead to an acute cerebrovascular event or contribute to outcome. Inflammation has been implicated in all forms of brain injury and it is now clear that immune mechanisms profoundly influence (and are responsible for the development of) risk and causation of stroke, and the outcome following the onset of cerebral ischemia. Until very recently, systemic inflammatory mechanisms, with respect to common comorbidities in stroke, have largely been ignored in experimental studies. The main aim is therefore to understand interactions between the immune system and brain injury in order to develop novel therapeutic approaches. Recent data from clinical and experimental research clearly show that systemic inflammatory diseases -such as atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes or infection - similar to stress and advanced age, are associated with dysregulated immune responses which can profoundly contribute to cerebrovascular inflammation and injury in the central nervous system. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the field of inflammation and stroke, focusing on the challenges of translation between pre-clinical and clinical studies, and potential anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory therapeutic approaches

    Comportamento anoréxico e percepção corporal em universitários Anorexic behavior and body self-perception on universitarians

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção corporal e a prevalência de sintomas de anorexia nervosa em estudantes universitários. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, no qual a seleção da amostra foi realizada por conveniência. Aplicou-se o questionário teste de atitudes alimentares (EAT- 26) e teste de imagem corporal, para avaliar os sintomas de anorexia nervosa e a percepção corporal, respectivamente. Para a análise estatística dos dados utilizou-se o teste binomial para verificar a existência de associação entre as variáveis qualitativas. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 149 estudantes de nutrição e 78 estudantes de educação física. Observou-se que 10,3% e 14,1% dos estudantes de educação física e nutrição, respectivamente, apresentaram fatores de risco para desenvolver anorexia nervosa e o teste de imagem corporal evidenciou proporções elevadas de insatisfação com a forma corporal, em ambos os cursos: 75,8% e 78,2% para os cursos de nutrição e educação física, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudantes de nutrição mostraram maior tendência de apresentar comportamento de risco para anorexia nervosa, com predominância no sexo feminino. Além disso, os resultados evidenciaram proporções elevadas de insatisfação com a imagem corporal, em ambos os cursos. Estes resultados são preocupantes, tendo em vista que são futuros profissionais que possuem papel fundamental na detecção e, no caso do nutricionista, no manejo destes distúrbios.<br>OBJECTIVE: To assess body perception and prevalence of symptoms of nervous anorexy in college students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with convenience sample. We used the Eating Attitudes Test questionnaire (EAT-26) and the Body Image Test to evaluate symptoms of nervous anorexy and the body perception on the participants, respectively. In the statistical analysis, Binomial test was used to assess the association between qualitative variables. RESULTS: This study included 149 nutrition and 78 physical education students. The results showed that 10.3% and 14.1% of the physical education and nutrition students, respectively, presented risk factors for the development of anorexy, and the Body Image Test revealed high levels of dissatisfaction regarding body shape of students in both courses: 75.8% and 78.2% in nutrition and physical education, respectively. CONCLUSION: Students of nutrition showed greater tendency to present risk behavior for developing nervous anorexy, predominantly in females. Moreover, the results showed high proportions of dissatisfaction with body image in both courses. These results raise concern, since the physical education teachers and nutritionists are the professionals who play a key role in detecting and, in the case of a nutritionist, managing these disorders

    Digestive Apparatus

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