8 research outputs found

    Estructura de la comunidad de peces en cuatro estuarios del Pacífico mexicano central

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    ResumenSe analizó la estructura de la comunidad de peces y se determinaron algunos parámetros fisicoquímicos durante 4 colectas nocturnas en la desembocadura de los estuarios de barra de Nexpa, Teolán, Mexcalhuacán y barra de Pichi, Michoacán, México. Se capturaron un total de 2 014 individuos con un peso de 10 393.42g, pertenecientes a 31 especies y 20 familias. Barra de Nexpa registró la mayor riqueza con S=21 y el mayor porcentaje de especies raras con 22.6%. La especies con mayor abundancia fueron Agonostomus montícola y Mugil curema, mientras que Dormitator latifrons y Lutjanus novemfasciatus registraron la mayor biomasa. La salinidad, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto y transparencia mostraron diferencias significativas por temporadas, influidas por la variación estacional de la precipitación. La composición y especies dominantes fueron distintas en cada sitio y en cada temporada, mientras que la abundancia, biomasa y riqueza no mostraron variación significativa. La comunidad de peces estuvo compuesta por especies marinas y dulceacuícolas que utilizan los estuarios como zonas de crianza, especies marinas que se integran al estuario de manera ocasional y especies estuarinas que forman parte de estos ecosistemas durante la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida.AbstractCommunity structure of estuarine fish fauna were analyzed in estuaries of Barra de Nexpa, Teolán, Mexcalhuacán and Barra de Pichi, Michoacán, Mexico for four night collections at the mouth of every estuary. Also, some physicochemical parameters were determined. Were captured a total of 2 014 individuals with a weight of 10 393.42g, belonging to 31 species and 20 families. Barra de Nexpa recorded the highest richness (S=21) and the highest percentage of rare species (22.6%). The most abundant species were Agonostomus montícola and Mugil curema while Lutjanus novemfasciatus and Dormitator latifrons recorded the highest biomass. Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and transparency, showed significant seasonal differences influenced by seasonal variation in precipitation. The composition and dominant species were different at each site and in each season while the abundance, biomass and richness showed no significant variation. The fish community was composed of marine and freshwater species that use estuaries as nursery areas, marine species that are incorporated into the estuaries occasionally and estuarine species that are part of these ecosystems for most of its life cycle

    New records of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) from Puerto Morelos Reef National Park (Mexican Caribbean)

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    We documented the nearshore ray-finned fishes in Puerto Morelos Reef National Park (PMRNP) by sampling 57 localities, including rocky intertidal pools, sandy bottoms, Thalassia beds, coral reefs, artificial reefs, karstic-slab bottoms, demersal-pelagic areas, and sessile-Sargassum patches. We recorded seven species new to Caribbean Mexican waters and one hundred and six species new to the PMRNP, most of which are small cryptobenthic reef fish. The resultant checklist includes 349 species, and specimens of 285 of which (81.7%) have been deposited in an ichthyological museum collection. These include both voucher organisms and with tissue samples for genetic analysis. A comparison with inventories at other localities of the Greater Caribbean indicates that more targeted sampling for cryptobenthic and deep-reef fishes is needed to provide a complete inventory. We also comment on the local use of some species as fishery resources

    Flora y vegetación acuáticas del Lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México

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    Lake Zirahuen is located in the north central area of Michoacan state, within the hydrological region of the Balsas basin, at 2075 m above sea level. The lake is monomictic, oligotrophic, endorreic and has a maximum depth of 43 m. The flora and the aquatic vegetation are described. Of the 93 species (55 genera, 35 families) that occur, 27 are tolerant, 42 subaquatic and 24 are strictly aquatic. Plant communities are comprised of hydrophytes that are attached emergent, attached submerged, floating leaved and free submerged. The aquatic vegetation is distributed along the lake shore, extending from the regions of temporary flooding to areas of open water 12 m deep. At present both, the catchment basin and the lake itself are showing signs of ecological degradation due to the intensive exploitation of its resources. Both short and long-term strategies need to be developed to stem further degradation of the lake.El lago de Zirahuén se localiza en la porción centro–norte del estado de Michoacán, dentro de la región hidrológica de la cuenca del Balsas, a 2075 m s.n.m. Es un lago monomíctico, oligotrófico, de tipo endorréico y posee una profundidad máxima de 43 m. Se describe la flora y la vegetación acuáticas del lago, representada por 35 familias, 55 géneros y 93 especies, de las cuales 27 son tolerantes, 42 subacuáticas y 24 acuáticas estrictas. Las formas de vida corresponden a los tipos de enraizadas emergentes, enraizadas sumergidas, enraizadas de hojas flotantes y libremente sumergidas. La vegetación se encuentra distribuida a lo largo de la línea de costa, presentándose a partir de las zonas de inundación temporal y en algunos casos hasta los 12 m de profundidad a manera de individuos aislados. Actualmente la cuenca y el lago muestran signos de deterioro, ocasionados por la explotación irracional de sus recursos, por lo que es urgente tomar las medidas necesarias a corto, mediano y largo plazo, para su conservación

    Flora y vegetación acuáticas del Lago de Zirahuén, Michoacán, México

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    Lake Zirahuen is located in the north central area of Michoacan state, within the hydrological region of the Balsas basin, at 2075 m above sea level. The lake is monomictic, oligotrophic, endorreic and has a maximum depth of 43 m. The flora and the aquatic vegetation are described. Of the 93 species (55 genera, 35 families) that occur, 27 are tolerant, 42 subaquatic and 24 are strictly aquatic. Plant communities are comprised of hydrophytes that are attached emergent, attached submerged, floating leaved and free submerged. The aquatic vegetation is distributed along the lake shore, extending from the regions of temporary flooding to areas of open water 12 m deep. At present both, the catchment basin and the lake itself are showing signs of ecological degradation due to the intensive exploitation of its resources. Both short and long-term strategies need to be developed to stem further degradation of the lake.El lago de Zirahuén se localiza en la porción centro�norte del estado de Michoacán, dentro de la región hidrológica de la cuenca del Balsas, a 2075 m s.n.m. Es un lago monomíctico, oligotrófico, de tipo endorréico y posee una profundidad máxima de 43 m. Se describe la flora y la vegetación acuáticas del lago, representada por 35 familias, 55 géneros y 93 especies, de las cuales 27 son tolerantes, 42 subacuáticas y 24 acuáticas estrictas. Las formas de vida corresponden a los tipos de enraizadas emergentes, enraizadas sumergidas, enraizadas de hojas flotantes y libremente sumergidas. La vegetación se encuentra distribuida a lo largo de la línea de costa, presentándose a partir de las zonas de inundación temporal y en algunos casos hasta los 12 m de profundidad a manera de individuos aislados. Actualmente la cuenca y el lago muestran signos de deterioro, ocasionados por la explotación irracional de sus recursos, por lo que es urgente tomar las medidas necesarias a corto, mediano y largo plazo, para su conservación

    Nuevo registro de Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Actinopterygii: Loricariidae) en la desembocadura del río Coahuayana, Coahuayana, Michoacán, México New record of Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Actinopterygii: Loricariidae) in the mouth of Coahuayana River, Coahuayana, Michoacán, Mexico

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    En la desembocadura del río Coahuayana, al noroeste del estado de Michoacán fue registrada la presencia del plecostoma rayado, Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Loricariidae). Se describe e ilustra un ejemplar adulto de sexo indeterminado, con longitud total de 386 mm, recolectado el 4 de julio de 2010.Vermiculated Salifin Catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Loricariidae), is reported at the mouth of the river Coahuayana, northwest of the state of Michoacán, Mexico. On July 4, 2010, an adult specimen of this species was collected. The specimen measured 386 mm and sex was not determined. The specimen is described and illustrated

    Annotated checklist of the coastal ichthyofauna from Michoacán State, Mexico

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    This study is the first to complete an intensive and comprehensive list of the ichthyofauna of nearly all ecosystems of the Michoacán coast, Mexico. The resulting systematic checklist, supplemented with information from the literature and scientific collections, comprises 440 species belonging to two classes, 31 orders, 104 families, and 264 genera. The families with the highest number of species were Sciaenidae (30 spp.), Carangidae (26), Haemulidae (24), Serranidae (21), Paralichthyidae, and Gobiidae (13). Of the total species list, 134 represent first records for the Michoacán State, and one is a first record for Mexico. The results expand the number of known fish species of the Michoacán coast by almost one third and will help to develop conservation and management plans for this coastal zone