73 research outputs found

    Jacquin al descubierto:transcripción de la Biographia

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    Portada de la primera edición del Selectarum Stirpium americanarum historia in qua ad Linnaeanum systema determinatae descriptaeque sistuntur plantae illae, quas in insula Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in vicinae continentis parte, observavit rariores: adjectis iconibus in solo natali delineatis. Viena: Officina Krausiana (1763). Grabado de [Autor] en el cual se detalla un mapa de las islas del Caribe y continente aledaño visitado por Jacquin sostenido por dos amerindios y adornad..

    Flora de Macondo

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    En las siguientes páginas se presenta un resumen de la geografía y el clima de la región de Macondo, acompañada de la determinación, el nombre científico y los usos de las plantas que García Márquez menciona en Cien años de soledad

    On the Causes of Rapid Diversification in the Páramos: Isolation by Ecology and Genomic Divergence in Espeletia

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    How diversity arises and what is the relative role of allopatric and ecological divergence are among the most persistent questions in evolution and ecology. Here, we assessed whether ecological divergence has enhanced the diversification of the Neotropical alpine plant complex Espeletia, also known as frailejones. This genus has one of the highest diversification rates ever reported and is distributed in the world’s fastest evolving biodiversity hotspot, the Páramo (Neotropical alpine grasslands at elevations of c. 2800–4700 m). Our goal was to determine whether ecology plays a role in divergence within the Espeletia complex by quantifying genome-wide patterns of ecological divergence. We characterized 162 samples of the three most common and contrasting ecotypes (distinct morphotypes occupying particular habitats) co-occurring in six localities in the northern Andes using Genotyping by Sequencing. Contrasting ecotypes were caulescent cloud forest populations, caulescent populations from wind-sheltered and well-irrigated depressions and acaulescent populations from wind-exposed drier slopes. We found high polymorphism with a total of 1,273 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that defined the relationships among nine genetic clusters. We quantified allelic associations of these markers with localities and habitats using 18 different general and mixed-effects statistical models that accounted for phylogenetic distance. Despite that these models always yielded more SNPs associated with the localities, markers associated with the habitat types were recovered too. We found strong evidence for isolation-by-distance (IBD) across populations despite rampant gene flow, as expected for plant groups with limited seed dispersal. Contrasts between populations of different habitat types showed that an isolation-by-environment (IBE) trend emerged and masked the IBD signal. Maximum likelihood estimation of the number of migrants per generation (Nem) among ecotypes confirmed the IBE pattern. This result illustrates the importance of mountains’ environmental variation at a local scale in generating rapid morphological radiations and maintaining multiple adaptations in a fast-evolving ecosystem like the Páramo

    Analysis and evaluation of corrosion in naval steels

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    The corrosion of steel due to seawater is a problem faced by all ships. In this work it has been analyzed two of the variables that most infuence the degradation process of carbon steels in marine environments (pH and chloride concentration), as well as the galvanic couple, which arises when two metals of diferent potential make contact. The study was carried out with two types of steel (S275JR and S235JR) and 15 diferent environments were analyzed (Fig. 1). The progression of corrosion was evaluated in two ways: i) by measuring the mass variation due to the corrosion phenomenon, which was subsequently used to determine the kinetics of the reaction, and ii) visually, by using free software ImageJ. The combined efect of the three variables was analyzed using the Statistics software, performing a factorial analysis in order to obtain response surfaces and their corresponding predictive equations, which allow predicting the efect of corrosion. Finally, in order to observe the diferences between the model obtained and the degree of actual corrosion, both steel types were subjected to the efect of seawater from the dock of the Naval Academy. Results of the study showed a loss of 0,1 g a week, infuenced by the chloride concentration and the acid environment (Fig. 2). From the data obtained, predictive equations were formulated and compared with experiments in laboratory. After 3 weeks of corrosion induced in laboratory, a deviation of 6,74% between the real and predicted mass of probes was observed for steel S275JR and 1,35% for steel S235JR, which evidence the accuracy of the experiments carried out and gives a valuable tool in order to predict efects of corrosion. Corrosion kinetics showed a degradation of 0,3 mm/year and predictive equations showed a deviation lower than 7% in both steels when compared with experiments in laboratory.Peer Reviewe

    Comparison of the electrolytic, ultrasounds and chemical cleaning in corroded naval steel

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    Oxygen, salt and water are key factors afecting metal deterioration and leading to corrosion in a marine environment. Prolonged corrosion may compromise the use of the materials and this may have an important economic consequence, since the cost derived from its prevention may be much greater than the manufacture or acquisition cost itself. Moreover, acquisition of new pieces may be more expensive than the cost of the cleaning procedure and there may be also discontinued pieces. However, restoration is necessary to prolong the life cycle of diferent equipment or instruments. This work compares qualitatively the advantages and disadvantages of three cleaning methods: electrolytic, ultrasonic cleaning and cleaning with commercial chemicals that are commonly used on boats. Materials employed were probes artifcially corroded in the laboratory, as well as real parts of boats of the Spanish Naval Academy. Electrolytic cleaning was carried out by placing samples in a solution at 1% NaOH, with a graphite electrode and a current of 0,5 to 2,5 A. Ultrasound was applied at 37 kHz, time treatments varying between 10 min and 1 h 15 min, and 2,5 g of Ultrasonic A degreaser. Chemical cleaning was carried out with Minea Ferronet, a commercial solution, with a high deoxidation, degreasing and descaling power. A summary of the results obtained can be observed in Illustrations 1-2.Electrolytic method showed high efciency to clean metal probes, regardless of the initial corrosion. Promising results were obtained either with laboratory probes and real pieces, characterized of more complex geometries.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of biomaterials as green coagulants to control suspended solids for surface water treatment

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    This study explores the use of natural, ecological coagulant-flocculants to reduce suspended particles in water. Three compounds were tested, namely: diatomaceous earth, calcium lactate and lactic acid. For this purpose, experiments in jar tests were carried out and the best compound was submitted to an optimization in order to evaluate the most significant parameters affecting its use as coagulant-flocculant. First results evidenced that lactic acid remove 71% of the suspended particles during the first five minutes, and up to 83% during the first 15 min. To optimize its use, the range of suspended particles concentration, lactic acid dose and salinity gradient was tested by means of an incomplete 33 factorial design. This technique allows reducing the number of experiments to be carried out through a response surface methodology, which enables to infer the values of the dependent variables in not studied situations, by means of predictive equations. As a result of the experiments carried out, optimal conditions to remove suspended particles were set at a lactic acid concentration of 1.75 g·L−1. As lactic acid may be obtained biotechnologically from organic wastes, this use supposes a promising area by keeping products and materials in use and contributing to a circular economy

    The age of chocolate: A diversification history of Theobroma and Malvaceae

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    Dated molecular phylogenies of broadly distributed lineages can help to compare patterns of diversification in different parts of the world. An explanation for greater Neotropical diversity compared to other parts of the tropics is that it was an accident of the Andean orogeny. Using dated phylogenies, of chloroplast ndhF and nuclear DNA WRKY sequence datasets, generated using BEAST we demonstrate that the diversification of the genera Theobroma and Herrania occurred from 12.7 (11.6-14.9 [95% HPD]) million years ago (Ma) and thus coincided with Andean uplift from the mid-Miocene and that this lineage had a faster diversification rate than other major clades in Malvaceae. We also demonstrate that Theobroma cacao, the source of chocolate, diverged from its most recent common ancestor 9.9 (7.7-12.9 [95% HPD]) Ma, in the mid-to late-Miocene, suggesting that this economically important species has had ample time to generate significant within-species genetic diversity that is useful information for a developing chocolate industry. In addition, we address questions related to the latitudinal gradient in species diversity within Malvaceae. A faster diversification rate is an explanation for the greater species diversity at lower latitudes. Alternatively, tropical conditions may have existed for longer and occupied greater areas than temperate ones meaning that tropical lineages have had more time and space in which to diversify. Our dated molecular phylogeny of Malvaceae demonstrated that at least one temperate lineage within the family diverged from tropical ancestors then diversified at a rate comparable with many tropical lineages in the family. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that Malvaceae are more species rich in the tropics because tropical lineages within the family have existed for longer and occupied more space than temperate ones, and not because of differences in diversification rate. © 2015 Richardson, Whitlock, Meerow and Madriñán

    Benefits of phytoremediation amended with DC electric field. Application to soils contaminated with heavy metals

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    The objective of this study was to determine the influence of the DC electric current in the physicochemical properties of soil. The electric current may induce changes in pH and electric conductivity that will be reflected in the distribution of the electric potential in the soil specimen. This information will be used for the development of a phytoremediation technology amended with electric current. The results showed that low or moderate voltage gradients (0.67 V/cm) induced small changes in physicochemical properties of soil that do not compromise plant survival. The selected voltage gradient was used in electro-phytoremediation tests in soil contaminated with heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). Two plants species adapted to the soil and climate conditions were selected (Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa and Lolium perenne L.). The electric field enhanced the plant growing, mainly in L. perenne, and increased the phytoremediation of the 6 metals. Mixed cultures of the two plant species showed interesting results for large scale applications

    Aquatic plants in the floodplains of the Orinoco Basin of Colombia

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    The vast floodplains of the Orinoco Basin have the conditions for the proliferation of aquatic vegetation. Despite its ecological importance in the "Llanos Orientales" of Colombia, the aquatic flora in this region has been understudied. Consequently, the knowledge and dissemination of information about the richness and distribution patterns of aquatic plants and aquatic communities is scarce. In addition, the Orinoco Basin of Colombia is among the most over-exploited regions in the country. In order to provide a first insight into the species richness of macrophytes present in the region, plants associated with aquatic habitats were collected, identified, and photographed. For almost two years, 101 localities were visited. These localities were located in six departments (Arauca, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare, Meta and Vichada) and 19 municipalities. In each locality, dried plant material and silica-dried material were collected. Sampling effort was concentrated towards hydrophytes and helophytes inhabiting lentic and lotic environments. 1167 collected specimens were deposited in the ANDES herbarium (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá). Among these, 95 families, 221 genera, and 341 species of vascular plants were associated with aquatic habitats. Of the species collected, only 151 had been reported in the study area with 1374 historic occurrences in the "Herbario Nacional Colombiano" (COL) database. The present study aims to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of information about the richness and distribution patterns of macrophytes in the Orinoco Basin of Colombia. We consider that this information is important in order to propose localities that should be a priority for conservation purposes, and to protect these important and threatened fresh-water ecosystems

    Plantas acuáticas de las planicies inundables de la Orinoquia colombiana

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    The vast floodplains of the Orinoco Basin have the conditions for the proliferation of aquatic vegetation. Despite its ecological importance in the "Llanos Orientales" of Colombia, the aquatic flora in this region has been understudied. Consequently, the knowledge and dissemination of information about the richness and distribution patterns of aquatic plants and aquatic communities is scarce. In addition, the Orinoco Basin of Colombia is among the most over-exploited regions in the country. In order to provide a first insight into the species richness of macrophytes present in the region, plants associated with aquatic habitats were collected, identified, and photographed. For almost two years, 101 localities were visited. These localities were located in six departments (Arauca, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare, Meta and Vichada) and 19 municipalities. In each locality, dried plant material and silica-dried material were collected. Sampling effort was concentrated towards hydrophytes and helophytes inhabiting lentic and lotic environments. 1167 collected specimens were deposited in the ANDES herbarium (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá). Among these, 95 families, 221 genera, and 341 species of vascular plants were associated with aquatic habitats. Of the species collected, only 151 had been reported in the study area with 1374 historic occurrences in the "Herbario Nacional Colombiano" (COL) database. The present study aims to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of information about the richness and distribution patterns of macrophytes in the Orinoco Basin of Colombia. We consider that this information is important in order to propose localities that should be a priority for conservation purposes, and to protect these important and threatened fresh-water ecosystems.Las extensas llanuras inundables de la cuenca del Orinoco presentan las condiciones adecuadas para la proliferación de vegetación acuática. A pesar de su importancia ecológica en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia, la flora acuática que existe en esta región no ha sido suficientemente estudiada. Así mismo, el conocimiento y divulgación de la riqueza y los patrones de distribución de plantas y comunidades acuáticas son muy reducidas. Adicionalmente, la Orinoquia colombiana es una de las regiones más sobreexplotadas del país. Con el fin de tener una primera aproximación a la riqueza de especies de macrófitas presentes en esta región, se colectaron, identificaron y fotografiaron todas las especies de plantas que fueron encontradas asociadas a cuerpos de agua. Durante casi dos años se visitaron 101 localidades, ubicadas en seis departamentos (Arauca, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare, Meta y Vichada) y 19 municipios. En cada localidad se colectó material vegetal seco para herbario y tejidos conservados en sílica. El esfuerzo de muestreo se concentró en plantas hidrófitas y helófitas que habitan ambientes lóticos y lénticos. Los 1167 especímenes colectados fueron depositados en el herbario ANDES (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá). Se identificaron 95 familias de plantas vasculares que incluyeron 221 géneros y 341 especies, que fueron asociadas al agua. Dentro de las especies colectadas, únicamente 151 se encontraron registradas en el área de estudio con 1374 registros históricos en el Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL). El presente estudio pretende ser una contribución al conocimiento y divulgación sobre la riqueza y patrones de distribución de las macrófitas en la Orinoquia colombiana. Consideramos que esta información es importante para proponer localidades prioritarias para la conservación y proteger estos ecosistemas de agua dulce tan importantes como amenazados