766 research outputs found

    Autologous Adrenal Medullary, Fetal Mesencephalic, and Fetal Adrenal Brain Transplantation in Parkinson's Disease: A Long-Term Postoperative Follow-Up

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    We report on the clinical status of 5 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) 3 years after autologous adrenal medullary (AM)-to-caudate nucleus (CN) implanfion, and of 2 PD patients, 2 years after fetal ventral mesencephalon (VM)- and fetal adrenal (A)-to-CN homotransplantation. Current clinical evaluation of 4 of the AM grafted patients revealed sustained bilateral amelioration of their PD signs, most notably of rgidity, postural imbalance and gait disturbances, resulting in a substantial improvement in their quality of life. the disease-related dystonia of one of them disappeared only 2 years after surgery. The levodopa requirements of 2 of these patients and the anticholinergic therapy of another have been reduced. In agreement with the satisfactory clinical evaluation of these 4 patients, their neuropsychological and electrophysiological improvements, initially registered 3 months after surgery, have been maintained for 3 years. After 1 year of significant recovery, the 5th patient of this group has almost returned to her preoperative state

    Problems derived from the simultaneous utilisation of different flickermeters in large electric networks

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    Power Quality assessment in distribution networks requires distributed measurements in order to verify the PQ state of the art. This process cannot simply be considered as an extension of a measurement at a given point because several variables need to be considered: number of PQM; election of optimal measurement location; synchronisation of instrumentation and management of captured data. This work focuses on the problems related with the simultaneous utilisation of different flickermeters in large electric networks. From a classical instrumentation point of view, several flickermeters from different customers are tested in the laboratory in order to determine the differences in the accuracy of the results. Both Pst and Plt are statistical parameters calculated using a large number of samples of the instantaneous flicker level IFL . The number of captured samples can vary from one instrument to another, so different flickermeters provide different values

    Comparison between IEEE and CIGRE thermal behaviour standards and measured temperature on a 132-kV overhead power line

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    This paper presents the steady and dynamic thermal balances of an overhead power line proposed by CIGRE (Technical Brochure 601, 2014) and IEEE (Std.738, 2012) standards. The estimated temperatures calculated by the standards are compared with the averaged conductor temperature obtained every 8 min during a year. The conductor is a LA 280 Hawk type, used in a 132-kV overhead line. The steady and dynamic state comparison shows that the number of cases with deviations to conductor temperatures higher than 5 ∘ C decreases from around 20% to 15% when the dynamic analysis is used. As some of the most critical variables are magnitude and direction of the wind speed, ambient temperature and solar radiation, their influence on the conductor temperature is studied. Both standards give similar results with slight differences due to the different way to calculate the solar radiation and convection. Considering the wind, both standards provide better results for the estimated conductor temperature as the wind speed increases and the angle with the line is closer to 90 ∘ . In addition, if the theoretical radiation is replaced by that measured with the pyranometer, the number of samples with deviations higher than 5 ∘ C is reduced from around 15% to 5%This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-R. The authors would also like to acknowledge Viesgo for its support

    Increasing grid integration of wind energy by using ampacity techniques

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    The grid integration of renewable energy, particularly in Spain, supposes an important problem to deal with for Distributor System Operators (DSO). Most of the times Wind Energy Farms are located in places that are far away from the transmission networks so they have to be integrated into distribution networks that are frequently operating close to their static rate. Current regulations make almost impossible to build new overhead lines so the increase of the capacity of the existing lines is a new target for the DSO. This paper is devoted to the analysis of a new methodology and monitoring system that have been developed to overcome the existing static rates by moving the operation point of the overhead lines close to their dynamic rate. This new rate is computed by using both the IEEE and CIGRÉ algorithms and a local weather forecast. The obtained results show that this approach can increase the capacity of the lines in a significant percentage.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT2011-1447-920000

    Preliminary results of a power quality survey in a distribution network bases on No‐Gap PQ meters

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    This paper describes a preliminary experience with the installation and use of a no-gap power quality meter network along a distribution grid in the North of Spain. No-gap power quality meters record all cycles of voltage and current waveform for all the monitored channels. This approach extends the analysis further than the classical approach provided by other power quality meters that records only survey data and events triggered according predefined rules. A comparison with the classical approach is discussed and the results of a two year power quality survey are also provided.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-R. This work has been also partially supported by E.On distribution by providing both the funding and the grid for the study. The authors would also like to acknowledge Phillip Stachel and Max Domagk from the Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering (Dresden) for sharing the Matlab toolbox which allows direct access to the measures in the SQL Server database without the need of proprietary software

    Analysis of a real case of ampacity management in a 132 kV network integrating high rates of wind energy

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    The grid integration of renewable energy, and particularly in Spain, supposes an important problem to deal with for Distributor System Operators (DSO). Most of the times Wind Energy Farms are located in places that are far away from the transmission networks so they have to be integrated into distribution networks that are frequently next to their static rate. Current regulations make almost impossible to build new overhead lines so the increase of the capacity of the existing lines is a new target for the DSO. One of the developed options to solve this issue is the dynamic management of the network. This paper is devoted to the analysis of a real case of ampacity management in a 132 kV overhead line placed in a high-wind generation area. The obtained results show that this approach can increase the lines capacity in a significant percentage.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000 and Spanish R+D initiative with reference ENE2013-42720-R. The authors want also to acknowledge E.on Distribution for its support and help

    Ampacity forecasting using neural networks

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    Ampacity techniques have been used by Distributor System Operators (DSO) and Transport System Operators (TSO) in order to increase the static rate of transport and distribution infrastructures, especially those who are used for the grid integration of renewable energy. One of the main drawbacks of this technique is related with the fact that DSO and TSO need to do some planning tasks in advance. In order to perform a previous planning it is compulsory to forecast the weather conditions in the short-time. This paper analyses the application of the neural network to the estimation of the ampacity in order to increase the amount of power produced by wind farms that can be integrated into the grid.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000

    Indirect estimation of overhead line ampacity in overhead lines integrating wind farms

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    Ampacity techniques have been used by Distributor System Operators (DSO) and Transport System Operators (TSO) in order to increase the static rate of transport and distribution infrastructures, especially those who are used for the grid integration of renewable energy. In some cases, especially when the overhead lines are used to evacuate energy from wind farms, there is a direct correlation between the ampacity of the overhead lines and the active power produced by the wind farms. This papers analyses this correlation considering the most important weather parameters like wind, ambient temperature and solar irradiation.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the R+D initiative INNPACTO with reference IPT-2011-1447-920000

    Método y sistema para la medición directa y sin contacto de la temperatura superficial en un cable

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    Sistema de medición directa y sin contacto de la temperatura superficial en un cable, que comprende al menos un cable cuya temperatura desea ser monitorizada al menos un cuerpo de medición térmica envolviendo cada cable, tal que cada cuerpo de medición térmica envuelve a un único cable; y al menos un sensor de temperatura sin contacto que enfoca al menos un cuerpo de medición térmica, estando cada cuerpo de medición térmica configurado para incrementar el área efectiva sobre el cual incide al menos un sensor de temperatura sin contacto, incrementándose así la distancia a la cual puede realizar la medida el sensor de temperatura sin contacto, y estando cada sensor de temperatura sin contacto configurado para asegurar que en todo momento su superficie de medición se encuentre dentro de la superficie de cada cuerpo de medición térmica que enfoca, considerando los desplazamientos máximos que cada cuerpo de medición térmica puede sufrir. Un método de medición directa y sin contacto de la temperatura superficial en un cable, utilizando el sistema definido.Solicitud: 201401013 (10.12.2014)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2542043A1 (29.07.2015)Nº de Patente: ES2542043B1 (04.05.2016