2 research outputs found

    Karakteristik serta Profil Koagulasi Pasien Covid-19

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    Latar belakang: Derajat keparahan Covid-19 dikaitkan dengan koagulasi dan kerusakan endotel yang dipicu oleh reaksi inflamasi akibat dari pelepasan sitokin proinflamasi yang berlebihan oleh karena infeksi SARS CoV-2. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif analitik yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan kohor retrospektif dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pemerintah Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar dengan mengumpulkan data rekam medis pasien Covid-19 pada bulan Juni 2020 – Juni 2021 dengan menggunakan total sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan rerata trombosit lebih rendah (265.442) pada kasus berat, sedangkan rerata fibrinogen (405,54) dan D-dimer (9,84) lebih tinggi pada derajat keparahan lebih berat, serta Prothrombin time (PT) lebih panjang (10,92) pada derajat keparahan lebih berat. Kesimpulan: Profil koagulasi penderita Covid-19 didatakan rerata rombosit lebih rendah pada derajat keparahan lebih berat, sedangkan fibrinogen dan D-dimer lebih tinggi serta Prothrombin time (PT) lebih panjang pada derajat keparahan lebih berat

    Pendampingan Kader Puskesmas dalam Penanggulangan TBC melalui Pendekatan Kolaborasi Interprofesi

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    Introduction: The Tuberculosis (TBC) elimination strategy called the End TB Strategy has a mission to achieve Zero TB by 2050. An interprofessional collaborative approach starting from doctors, nurses, pharmacists, health cadres and the community to help, not only in terms of supervising treatment, but also in the early detection of TB infection. Apart from guidelines regarding active TB, currently there are government guidelines regarding the management of Latent TB Infection which need to be socialized, especially to cadres in primary health facilities so that they can be implemented in the community. Method: This activity is carried out with counseling which takes place interactively with an interprofessional collaboration approach consisting of doctors, nurses and health workers. The material presented was about active TB and latent TB infection as well as the role of various health workers and the community and emphasized the importance of implementing interprofessional collaboration at the community health center level in eradicating TB. Evaluation of activities is carried out by filling in post-test sheets distributed to counseling participants which contain questions related to the material that has been provided. Results: This activity was attended by 50 people consisting of doctors, nurses, health workers from the puskesmas and cadres who are the fostered community at the Cenderawasih Makassar Health Center. After counseling, participants who were able to answer correctly above 8 numbers were 86% of the total participants, namely 43 participants. The number of participants who answered correctly illustrates the level of knowledge of participants in general who really understand the topic given. Conclusion: The TB elimination strategy to achieve Zero TB by 2050 can be carried out with an interprofessional collaborative approach involving various parties, not only health workers, but also assistance from the community