6 research outputs found

    ArfB can displace mRNA to rescue stalled ribosomes

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    Ribosomes stalled during translation must be rescued to replenish the pool of translation-competent ribosomal subunits. Bacterial alternative rescue factor B (ArfB) releases nascent peptides from ribosomes stalled on mRNAs truncated at the A site, allowing ribosome recycling. Prior structural work revealed that ArfB recognizes such ribosomes by inserting its C-terminal alpha-helix into the vacant mRNA tunnel. In this work, we report that ArfB can efficiently recognize a wider range of mRNA substrates, including longer mRNAs that extend beyond the A-site codon. Single-particle cryo-EM unveils that ArfB employs two modes of function depending on the mRNA length. ArfB acts as a monomer to accommodate a shorter mRNA in the ribosomal A site. By contrast, longer mRNAs are displaced from the mRNA tunnel by more than 20 A and are stabilized in the intersubunit space by dimeric ArfB. Uncovering distinct modes of ArfB function resolves conflicting biochemical and structural studies, and may lead to re-examination of other ribosome rescue pathways, whose functions depend on mRNA lengths

    Ribosome*RelA structures reveal the mechanism of stringent response activation

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    Stringent response is a conserved bacterial stress response underlying virulence and antibiotic resistance. RelA/SpoT-homolog proteins synthesize transcriptional modulators (p)ppGpp, allowing bacteria to adapt to stress. RelA is activated during amino-acid starvation, when cognate deacyl-tRNA binds to the ribosomal A (aminoacyl-tRNA) site. We report four cryo-EM structures of E. coli RelA bound to the 70S ribosome, in the absence and presence of deacyl-tRNA accommodating in the 30S A site. The boomerang-shaped RelA with a wingspan of more than 100 A wraps around the A/R (30S A-site/RelA-bound) tRNA. The CCA end of the A/R tRNA pins the central TGS domain against the 30S subunit, presenting the (p)ppGpp-synthetase domain near the 30S spur. The ribosome and A/R tRNA are captured in three conformations, revealing hitherto elusive states of tRNA engagement with the ribosomal decoding center. Decoding-center rearrangements are coupled with the step-wise 30S-subunit \u27closure\u27, providing insights into the dynamics of high-fidelity tRNA decoding

    Mechanism of ribosome rescue by ArfA and RF2

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    ArfA rescues ribosomes stalled on truncated mRNAs by recruiting release factor RF2, which normally binds stop codons to catalyze peptide release. We report two 3.2 A resolution cryo-EM structures - determined from a single sample - of the 70S ribosome with ArfA*RF2 in the A site. In both states, the ArfA C-terminus occupies the mRNA tunnel downstream of the A site. One state contains a compact inactive RF2 conformation. Ordering of the ArfA N-terminus in the second state rearranges RF2 into an extended conformation that docks the catalytic GGQ motif into the peptidyl-transferase center. Our work thus reveals the structural dynamics of ribosome rescue. The structures demonstrate how ArfA \u27senses\u27 the vacant mRNA tunnel and activates RF2 to mediate peptide release without a stop codon, allowing stalled ribosomes to be recycled

    Structural Basis for Translation Termination on a Pseudouridylated Stop Codon

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    Pseudouridylation of messenger RNA emerges as an abundant modification involved in gene expression regulation. Pseudouridylation of stop codons in eukaryotic and bacterial cells results in stop-codon read through. The structural mechanism of this phenomenon is not known. Here we present a 3.1-A crystal structure of Escherichia coli release factor 1 (RF1) bound to the 70S ribosome in response to the PsiAA codon. The structure reveals that recognition of a modified stop codon does not differ from that of a canonical stop codon. Our in vitro biochemical results support this finding by yielding nearly identical rates for peptide release from E. coli ribosomes programmed with pseudouridylated and canonical stop codons. The crystal structure also brings insight into E. coli RF1-specific interactions and suggests involvement of L27 in bacterial translation termination. Our results are consistent with a mechanism in which read through of a pseudouridylated stop codon in bacteria results from increased decoding by near-cognate tRNAs (miscoding) rather than from decreased efficiency of termination

    Small methyltransferase RlmH assembles a composite active site to methylate a ribosomal pseudouridine

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    Eubacterial ribosomal large-subunit methyltransferase H (RlmH) methylates 23S ribosomal RNA pseudouridine 1915 (Psi1915), which lies near the ribosomal decoding center. The smallest member of the SPOUT superfamily of methyltransferases, RlmH lacks the RNA recognition domain found in larger methyltransferases. The catalytic mechanism of RlmH enzyme is unknown. Here, we describe the structures of RlmH bound to S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) and the methyltransferase inhibitor sinefungin. Our structural and biochemical studies reveal catalytically essential residues in the dimer-mediated asymmetrical active site. One monomer provides the SAM-binding site, whereas the conserved C-terminal tail of the second monomer provides residues essential for catalysis. Our findings elucidate the mechanism by which a small protein dimer assembles a functionally asymmetric architecture