2,395 research outputs found

    Biznesda innovatsion marketingning turlari va usullari

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    Innovatsion marketing innovatsiyalarni bozorga joylashtirish va ilgari surish bilan mahsulotlar, xizmatlar va texnologiyalarga oid yangi g‘oyalarni izlash bilan bog‘liq bir qator muammolarni hal qiladi. Innovatsion marketing usullari, yondashuvlari va uslubida samarali yetakchilik vaziyatga qarab o‘zgaradi. Innovatsion marketing kompleksining shaxsiy elementlari innovatsion hayot siklining har bir bosqichida turli usullardan foydalanish talab qilinadi, yondashuvlar, turli marketing strategiyalari va taktikalari faollashtiriladi

    Are firms' lobbying strategies universal?

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    Lobbying public decision-makers is an increasingly widespread managerial practice, but has so far attracted little research attention in Europe. This article studies how it is put into practice as a strategy by French and UK firms. An empirical study examines 679 lobbying campaigns (also known as “political action”), that are grouped into categories and described using statistical data analysis techniques. The results highlight a pattern in the corporate lobbying phenomenon: five types of lobbying strategy (that can be described and illustrated) exist for French firms, and four for UK firms. The central theme of discussion is to what extent firms'political strategies are universal or country specific. Tentative explanations can be put forward: implementation of lobbying strategies appears to depend on the type of issues addressed (which could be universal), but also on the country's political environment (which could be country specific). The study shows the interdependent influence of human resources, economic structures and the political environment (laws and the role of the state) on firms' lobbying strategies.lobbying, corporate political strategy, societal effects, data analysis, France and the UK


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    This research presents a research report on students’achievement in writing narrative text by using clustering technique between two groups: experimental and control group. The design of this study is experimental group. The population of this study is eleven grade students of SMK Sandhy Putra 2 Medan in the academic year 2017/2018. The samples of this research were the students of Class X-TKJ1and TKJ2 consisting 31 students as the experimental group, and Class X-TB1 and X-TB2 consisting 31 students as the control group. The data of the test were analyzed by using t-test formula to know the difference of the students’ achievement  in writing narrative text. In the pre-test the mean of score of the experimental group 62,93 and the mean of post test of  79,54 and the control group is 61,23 and the post-test 51,06 the results of the t-test 6,10>2,000   Key Words : Clustering technique, Narrative text&nbsp

    Multilingual Lexical Development : A case of Children of Indonesian Immigrants in Taiwan

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      The number of immigrants increases tremendously in Taiwan. These recent immigrants originate from a variety of ethnicities; some are Han Chinese from Mainland China, others are mainly from Southeast Asian countries, with Vietnamese as the largest group, followed by Indonesians, Thai, and then Philippines. They brought with them their native languages and cultures (Chen,2010). Kuo (2008) found no difference in the lexical development of 2-6- year-old children of Vietnamese mothers and Taiwanese mothers, but children of Indonesian mothers were found to be slower (Kuo, 2015). This study aim to evaluate the the vocabulary size in Indonesian, Mandarin, and Taiwanese for children of Indonesian immigrants in Taiwan. The researcher investigated whether Indonesian mothers in Taiwan with limited Mandarin proficiency are able to provide the kind of input to facilitate their children’s Indonesian, Mandarin and Taiwanese acquisition or not.This study used Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test to assess their lexical development in Indonesian and Mandarin. The Taiwanese language measure tool is an application developed by Kuo (2017). This study revealed that the vocabulary score of Indonesian score were found to be lower than Mandarin and Taiwanese score and Mandarin score higher than Taiwanese score. The factors related to children’s lexical development were also investigated no correlation between Indonesian mother’s with their children in Indonesian language, because most of them communicate with their limited Mandarin or Taiwanese. Finally, this research should help people to have a better understanding about the phenomenon of multilingual family, where multilingual has become common in the society.   Keyword : Multilingualism, lexical development, immigrant children, vocabulary siz

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Mujahadah dalam Menjaga Hafalan Al-Quran Santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ittifaqiah Indralaya

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    Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan evaluasi dari berbagai aspek program Mujahadah di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ittifaqiah Indralaya dalam menjaga hafalan Al-Qur\u27an para santriwati. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggali data dari berbagai sumber, baik primer maupun sekunder, melalui teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Proses analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi, dengan menguji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik dan sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program Mujahadah, secara umum, sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, namun masih terdapat beberapa indikator yang belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Misalnya, dalam konteksnya, program ini cocok dengan tujuan awalnya, namun masih ada kekurangan dalam spesifikasi lingkungan program, seperti kurangnya penerapan peraturan yang mendukung program ini secara optimal dan kurangnya pengelolaan program yang efektif oleh pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Dari segi input, program ini cukup sesuai dengan kriteria, meskipun ada ketidakmerataan dalam kemampuan awal santriwati sebelum mereka bergabung dengan program Mujahadah. Dalam hal proses, meskipun implementasinya dianggap cukup sesuai dengan kriteria, masih ada perbedaan antara jadwal yang telah ditentukan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan sebenarnya. Selain itu, penelitian juga mengungkapkan adanya hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh guru tahfidz dan santriwati dalam menjalankan program ini. Dari segi produk, program Mujahadah dinilai cukup sesuai dengan kriteria, namun masih terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan lebih lanjut, seperti belum optimalnya pencapaian target hasil program dan kurangnya upaya dalam sosialisasi dan memberikan motivasi kepada santriwati

    Financial development and survival of African agri-food exports

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    This paper investigates the link between export survival of agri-food products and financial development. It tests the hypothesis that financial development differentially affects the survival of exports across products based on their need of external finance. The authors test whether exports of products that are relatively more reliant on external capital survive longer when initiated in more financially developed countries. The results suggest that agri-food products that require more external finance indeed sustain longer in foreign markets if the exporting country is more financially developed.Food&Beverage Industry,Economic Theory&Research,Markets and Market Access,Labor Policies,Debt Markets

    Investment in Relationship-Specific Assets: Does Finance Matter?

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    Existing literature sees opportunistic behaviour of contractual partners as the main reason why rational agents underinvest in relationship-specific assets. We look beyond this well-know holdup problem and argue that financial vulnerability and short-term planning horizon can also lead to such underinvestment. Subsequently, banks can stimulate growth-enhancing investment in relationship-specific assets by signalling creditworthiness and long-term planning horizon of their borrowers. We empirically confirm this hypothesis by showing that industries dependent on relationship-specific investment from their suppliers grow disproportionately faster in countries with a strong banking sectorfinancial development, relationship-specific investment, growth

    Investment in Relationship-Specific Assets: Does Finance Matter ?

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    Existing literature sees opportunistic behaviour of contractual partners as the main reason why rational agents underinvest in relationship-specific assets. We look beyond this well-know holdup problem and argue that financial vulnerability and short-term planning horizon can also lead to such underinvestment. Subsequently, banks can stimulate growth-enhancing investment in relationship-specific assets by signalling creditworthiness and long-term planning horizon of their borrowers. We empirically confum this hypothesis by showing that industries dependent on relationship-specific investment from their suppliers grow disproportionately faster in countries with a strong banking sector. Our work establishes a novel channel through which finance affects the real economy. It also complements the literature that has stressed legally binding contracts as a standard way to promote investment in relationship-specific assets.financial development; relationship-specific investment; growth

    The role of information and behavioral biases in consumer choice for climate friendly proteins

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    The transition from animal towards alternative proteins can help reduce the negative impact of the food systems on the environment and human health. To promote healthier and more sustainable food systems, consumers around the world are encouraged to explore alternative diets and switch towards more environment-friendly protein sources. However, development of environmentally friendlier and healthier protein sources that consumers will accept introduces a challenge as factors influencing consumer acceptance of alternative proteins remain unclear. In two studies, the present work evaluates the role of information and behavioral biases in food choices of young consumers for climate friendly proteins. Data were collected by the means of implementing the tools of experimental economics. The revealed findings of the first study indicate that it is hard to convince younger consumers (pupils) to try a novel climate friendly protein product regardless of whether or not they were provided with information about health or environmental benefits. Nevertheless, when asked to state the price beliefs of the novel product, the children mostly indicated higher price for the climate friendly product as compared to its conventional alternative, which in turn indicates higher value assigned to the product. The second study analyzed the effect of behavioral biases on consumer food choice and how it reflects on the WTA-WTP disparity. The results are in line with academic literature implying that the disparity is present and subject to the substitution effect. Moreover, it was found that consumers value locally produced products more than conventionally produced products by stating average WTP premiums of up to 6.5 and 8.5 SEK for locally manufactured tofu and rapeseed oil
