5 research outputs found

    Impact of stress on health cognitions and behaviours

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    The present thesis attempts to extend the knowledge of stress- health behaviours relationships by integrating social cognitive variables (i.e. from the TPB model) into the study of stress. This thesis also aims to elucidate how nationality and gender shape cognition, intention and health behaviour by utilizing samples representing both individualistic and collectivistic cultures (i.e. UK and Malaysia) and both genders. The results of a systematic review of relevant previous research examining the effect of stressor (i.e. perceived stress, work-family conflict, work stress and hassles) on health behaviours is reported first in Chapter 2. In pursuing the aims of this study, three empirical studies (Chapter 3-5) were conducted. Study 1 examined the utility of the TPB and the impact of perceived stress as well as additional variables on nine types of health behaviours using both cross sectional and prospective designs in student sample. In an attempt to further understand the effect of stressors on health behaviours, using a cross-sectional design, Study 2 examined the potential effects of job related characteristics (i.e. job demands, job resources, job hours) and work-family conflicts on five types of health behaviours in a sample of employees. Results of Study 1 and 2 highlighted the support for the efficacy of TPB which consistently accounted for the largest proposition of explained variance in intentions and behaviours. There was limited evidence to support the direct effect of stress in explaining intentions and behaviours, yet a role for stress within TPB was observed based on mediation and moderation approaches. Study 3 used a daily diary method to examine the effects of daily job related characteristics, work-family conflict, hassles on five types of health behaviours for 14 consecutive days. The results demonstrated that the effects of stressors were particularly associated with unhealthy behaviours including decreased fruit and vegetable intake, reduced physical activity and increased smoking. Following the empirical studies, Chapter 6 provides a summary of key findings, discussion, implication of the findings, limitations and also future directions for work in this area. Of note, the present thesis demonstrated the implication of incorporating variables from a social cognitive model (TPB) into the relationship between the study of stress and health behaviours, both from theoretical and practical perspectives


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    Tujuan dan Latarbelakang: Kajian bertujuan mengkaji program rawatan dan pemulihan di CCSC dalam kalangan residen dan bukan residen.  Residen merupakan penghuni sepenuh masa dan mengikuti program rawatan dan pemulihan yang dikendalikan oleh CCSC.  Bukan residen adalah disebaliknya. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti peramal yang signifikan terhadap motivasi rawatan dan efikasi diri untuk tidak terlibat dari dadah dalam kalangan residen dan bukan residen.   Metodologi: Empat buat CCSC telah dipilih dalam kajian ini.  Seramai 102 responden iaitu 55 orang residen (53.4 %) dan 47 orang bukan residen (47.6%) daripada empat buah CCSC mengisi soal selidik berkaitan dengan motivasi rawatan dan efikasi diri untuk menjauhi dadah.   Dapatan: Tempoh tamat program rawatan dan pemulihan di CCSC berkenaan adalah berbeza, iaitu antara dua minggu hingga lapan bulan. Hasil analisis model regresi menunjukkan bahawa motivasi yang tinggi untuk mendapatkan rawatan adalah dalam kalangan penghuni residen dan dikaitkan tempoh penglibatan di CCSC yang lebih panjang. Seterusnya, tempoh tidak terlibat dengan dadah yang lebih panjang mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan efikasi diri yang tinggi untuk menjauhi dadah. Dapatan kajian ini juga mengenalpasti situasi berisiko tinggi yang boleh menyebabkan seseorang kembali menagih. Antara faktor risiko tersebut ialah terjumpa dadah, terjumpa rakan-rakan penagih serta dipelawa untuk menggunakan dadah, terjumpa dengan sesuatu yang mengingatkan kepada dadah dan terlibat dengan peristiwa-peristiwa yang boleh menimbulkan emosi negatif.   Sumbangan: Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan penilaian tahap motivasi rawatan dan tahap efikasi diri dalam kalangan residen dan bukan residen CCSC, yang seterusnya membantu kejayaan rawatan dan penilaian keberkesanan rawatan.   Kata kunci: Efikasi diri, motivasi untuk rawatan, pemulihan dadah, penagih dadah, relaps.   ABSTRACT Background and Purpose: The study aims to analyze residents and non-residents who are participating in a treatment and rehabilitation programme at the Cure and Care Service Center (CCSC). The resident is a full-time residential and participates in the CCSC treatment and rehabilitation program. The non-resident is the opposite of this. The study also aims to identify significant predictors of the motivation of treatment and self-efficacy not to be involved in the drug.   Methodology: Four CCSCs have been selected in this study.  A total of 102 respondents, 55 residents (53.4%) and 47 non-residents (47.6%) at four CCSCs filled up questionnaires related to treatment motivation and self-efficacy to avoid drugs.   Findings: Duration of the treatment and rehabilitation programme at CCSC is different, ranging from two weeks to eight months. The results of the regression model analysis showed that high motivation for treatment is among residents and is associated with longer duration of engagement at CCSC. Furthermore, periods not involved with drugs have a significant relationship with high self-efficacy to avoid drugs. The findings also recognize high-risk situations that may lead to relapse. Among the identified risk factors is finding a drug, finding drug addicts and being invited to use drugs, finding something that reminds respondents of drugs and engages with events that can cause negative emotions.   Contributions: This study highlights the importance of screening the level of treatment motivation and the level of self-fficacy among CCSC residents, which contribute to treatment success and effectiveness evaluation.   Keywords: drug addicts, drug rehabilitation, relapse, self-efficacy, treatment motivation.   Cite as: Mat Min, R., Shukri, M., Abdullah, S. S., Mohd Yusof, R. A., & Husain, Z. (2020). Program rawatan dan pemulihan di Cure & Care Service Centre: Motivasi untuk rawatan dan efikasi diri dalam kalangan residen dan bukan residen [Cure & Care Service Center treatment and rehabilitation programme: Treatment motivation and self efficacy among residents and non-residents]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 5(1), 27-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol5iss1pp27-5