848 research outputs found

    Dissecting the dark defender : approaching vigilantism in American history, society and culture through Dexter

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    [From the introduction]:Vigilantism. Its act or mere mention can have a polarising effect, provoking fear or excitement, disapproval or endorsement, and even imitation in the American public. Vigilantism features regularly in American history, news reports and popular culture references alike, a subtle yet pervasive feature of American life. It is also often highly political, prompting contemporary debates amongst critics and politicians into issues such as self- defence and gun laws, rising crime and social breakdown, and suggests a tendency of the American people to employ or resort to violence. Such debates are not new, however, with outspoken critics on each side of the argument. Ted Robert Gurr, for instance, writing from a conservative perspective, argues that recorded crime rates in America have been inconsistent and are artificially inflated. He states that such claims are exaggerated and have supported a wider perception of American society as being an overtly violent one (1989: pp.21-54). Although Gurr aims to challenge the perception of violence as being generally high in America, he wrote his initial essay for a government report into violence during the 1970s, suggesting a potentially biased perspective. Such an approach ignores the significance of particularly persistent forms of violence in American society, like vigilantism. In contrast, and writing specifically in relation to the often overlooked prevalence of vigilantism in American life, Arnold Madison argues that vigilantism is a persistent feature of American history that will continue to efface American society until the nation’s proclivity to employ violence in such a manner is confronted (1973: p.214). Such opposing outlooks and approaches make clear that vigilantism is a controversial issue that causes extreme responses on both sides of the political spectrum. More so, it can often encompass or be related to other complex social issues, such as anarchism, terrorism and even euthanasia. This highlights the problem of classification surrounding the topic and suggests its applicability to many often conflicting and controversial aspects of modern life. As such, vigilantism is not often recognised as an entity worthy of discussion in its own right, and is often shied away from completely. This thesis will demonstrate how Dexter (Cr. Jeff Lindsay and James Manos Jr, Showtime Networks, US, 2006-2013) is a highly pertinent text through which in-depth, nuanced and wide-ranging discussions of vigilantism are possible, and can inform future subsequent research on the topic

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    My chosen research topic is systemic lupus erythematous (SLE), otherwise commonly known as lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects many different body systems, and has no cure. There are a plethora of symptoms associated with the disease, and symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Additionally, lupus can progress gradually and has periods of flares and remission like several other autoimmune diseases. All of these factors combined can make this disease very hard to diagnose, and therefore treat. By researching and learning more about lupus, I strive to gain a better understanding of this disease and its pathophysiology, symptoms, and appropriate treatment options. This will allow me to educate other healthcare providers, and my peers, on the disease, as well as provide better care to my patients in my future practice

    Gene Therapy in Modern Society

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    Gene therapy is a major area of current and potential medical treatment and has exploded into recent technological advances. Serving as the basis for many technological start-up companies as well as an increasingly dependable treatment method for major illnesses like cancer, gene therapy is fast evolving and multidimensional. With that evolution comes a considerable amount of controversy centered mostly on the safety and ethical concerns about research including germline gene therapy and embryonic stem cell use, health risks in clinical studies, and vector delivery methods. Although germline gene therapy is not being widely pursued at this time, it shares a similar ethical dilemma with embryonic stem cell use, which will soon play a crucial role in developing and regulating the most advanced gene therapy treatments. In any scientific pursuit concerning people’s health it is important to strive towards making trials safer and keeping consumers informed and this will continue to be a priority as therapy advances. Ultimately, ethical dilemmas will be the most prominent factor holding gene therapy research back in the future, and society will need to somehow come to a consensus about these issues before science can reach its full potential

    Bridging Synaptic and Epigenetic Maintenance Mechanisms of the Engram

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    How memories are maintained, and how memories are lost during aging or disease, are intensely investigated issues. Arguably, the reigning theory is that synaptic modifications allow for the formation of engrams during learning, and sustaining engrams sustains memory. Activity-regulated gene expression profiles have been shown to be critical to these processes, and their control by the epigenome has begun to be investigated in earnest. Here, we propose a novel theory as to how engrams are sustained. We propose that many of the genes that are currently believed to underlie long-term memory are actually part of a “plasticity transcriptome” that underpins structural and functional modifications to neuronal connectivity during the hours to days following learning. Further, we hypothesize that a “maintenance transcriptome” is subsequently induced that includes epigenetic negative regulators of gene expression, particularly histone deacetylases. The maintenance transcriptome negatively regulates the plasticity transcriptome, and thus the plastic capability of a neuron, after learning. In this way, the maintenance transcriptome would act as a metaplasticity mechanism that raises the threshold for change in neurons within an engram, helping to ensure the connectivity is stabilized and memory is maintained

    Extrinsic tau-coupling and the regulation of interceptive reaching under varying task constraints

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    We investigated a general theory accounting for the guidance of ongoing movements in an interceptive reaching task. The aim was to assess the premise of tau-coupling that the coupling constant k, the ratio of taus(Ď„s) of motion gaps between hand and object, reflects the kinematics of the on-going movement. The spatial and temporal constraints of the interceptive action were manipulated in three task conditions. While the time dependent counterpart of k, K(t) exhibited task effects, k itself could not distinguish between task manipulations. K(t) showed large variability during the initial acceleration phase, small variability during the rest of the movement, and task dependent changes during the final deceleration phase of interception. The findings highlight the importance of clarifying what constitutes as Ď„-coupling

    Men?s preferences for treatment of early stage prostate cancer: Results from a discrete choice experiment, CHERE Working Paper 2006/14

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    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Australia; each year over 10,000 Australians are diagnosed with this disease. There are a number of treatment options for early stage prostate cancer (ESPC); radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy, hormonal therapy and combined therapy. Treatment can cause serious side-effects, including severe sexual and urinary dysfunction, bowel symptoms and fatigue. Furthermore, there is no evidence as yet to demonstrate that any of these treatments confers a survival gain over active surveillance (watchful waiting). While patient preferences should be important determinants in the type of treatment offered, little is known about patients? views of the relative tolerability of side effects and of the survival gains needed to justify these. To investigate this, a discrete choice experiment (DCE) was conducted in a sample of 357 men who had been treated for ESPC and 65 age-matched controls. The sample was stratified by treatment, with approximately equal numbers in each treatment group. The DCE included nine attributes: seven side-effects and two survival attributes (duration and uncertainty). An orthogonal fractional set of 108 scenarios from the full factorial was used to generate three versions of the questionnaire, with 18 scenarios per respondent. Multinomial logit (MNL) and mixed logit (MXL) models were estimated. A random intercept MXL model provided a significantly better fit to the data than the simple MNL model, and adding random coefficients for all attributes dramatically improved model fit. Each side-effect had a statistically significant mean effect on choice, as did survival duration. Most attributes had significant variance parameters, suggesting considerable heterogeneity among respondents in their preferences. To model this heterogeneity, we included men?s health-related quality of life scores following treatment as covariates to see whether their preferences were influenced by their previous treatment experience. This study demonstrate how DCEs can be used to quantify the trade-offs patients make between side-effects and survival gains. The results provide useful insights for clinicians who manage patients with ESPC, highlighting the importance of patient preferences in treatment decisions.Prostate cancer, discrete choice experiment, preferences, quality of life

    A Feasibility Study of a Novel Work-focused Relational Group CBT Treatment Programme for Moderate to Severe Recurrent Depression.

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    No current psychotherapeutic intervention is designed to enhance job retention in employees with moderate-severe recurrent depression. We hypothesized that interdisciplinary, work-focused psychotherapy would have the triple benefits of alleviating depression, improving interpersonal difficulties, and enhancing job retention. To test the feasibility of a new Work-focused Relational Group-CBT Treatment Programme for moderate-severe depression. The new programme was based on a theoretical integration of occupational stress, psychological, social/interpersonal, and bio-medical theories and consisted of (i) 1:1 psychotherapist sessions; (ii) a work-focused, twelve-week group CBT programme; and (iii) optional 1:1 sessions with an occupational therapist. Depression, coping/self-efficacy, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), interpersonal difficulty, and work/social functioning outcomes were assessed before and after group therapy using validated instruments. Intervention delivery, therapeutic alliance, client satisfaction, and programme cost were assessed. While there was no statistically significant change in HAM-D depression scores after therapy (n=5; p=0.313), there was a significant decrease in BDI-II depression scores after therapy (n=8; -20.0 median change, p=0.016; 6/8 responses, 7/8 minimal clinically important differences, 2 remissions). There were significant reductions in clinically relevant psychological distress, coping self-efficacy, HRQoL, and interpersonal difficulties after therapy. All clients in work at the start of therapy remained in work at the end of therapy. The intervention was safe, had 100% retention, and clients were satisfied with their treatment. The Work-focused Relational Group-CBT Treatment Programme showed promising immediate positive outcomes in terms of depressive symptoms, interpersonal difficulties, and job retention that warrant further exploration in a longer-term definitive study.N

    Unipolarity and Foreign Policy: an Examination of the Unipolar U.S and Its Subsequent Foreign Policy Constraints

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    The current unipolar system is undeniable, but also undeniably going to shift in the future. Yet as unipolarity has persisted, the U.S has made many foreign policy and grand strategy decisions based on the structural constraints and flexibilities of being the unipole. This trend may not be an advisable one should a shift in power occur. My question is, should the system return to bi or multipolarity, how will U.S foreign policy be able to accommodate these changes peacefully after it has so long been centered around maintaining the unipolar system and its current status? Additionally how will the U.S negotiate other rising powers, once they do rise enough to present real challenges to the status quo? Essentially seeing as China is the clear candidate for being the fastest rising power, how will the U.S navigate its relationship to avoid returning to an era reminiscent of Cold War tensions. The aim of this thesis is to do a literature review from the book “International Relations and the Consequences of Unipolarity” to help bring light to these questions

    Severe synergistic toxicity from docetaxel in a patient treated concurrently with protease inhibitors as part of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Docetaxel is a semisynthetic taxane commonly used in solid tumour oncology. Its pharmacokinetics has been widely studied, and it is well established that it is metabolized to pharmacologically inactive products by the cytochrome P450 3A iso-enzymes. However, there have been few reports of the consequences of drug interactions between taxanes and other drugs metabolized by the cytochrome P450 pathway. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of the potentially life-threatening interaction that can occur between docetaxel and the protease inhibitors lopinavir and ritonavir.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 30-year-old Caucasian woman presented with symptoms suggestive of severe docetaxel toxicity, that is, prolonged myelosuppression, grade 4 mucositis and desquamating rash, following the commencement of post-exposure prophylaxis for a needlestick injury. She had previously received docetaxel chemotherapy with minimal side effects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case report highlights a probable and novel drug interaction between docetaxel and lopinavir and/or ritonavir, which is largely unreported in the medical literature. Even though these interactions may be more relevant in the field of HIV medicine, knowledge of these interactions is also beneficial to oncologists and dermatologists, as well as those providing acute medical care.</p
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