10 research outputs found

    Dirac groupoids and Dirac bialgebroids

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    We describe infinitesimally Dirac groupoids via geometric objects that we call Dirac bialgebroids. In the two well-understood special cases of Poisson and presymplectic groupoids, the Dirac bialgebroids are equivalent to the Lie bialgebroids and IM-22-forms, respectively. In the case of multiplicative involutive distributions on Lie groupoids, we find new properties of infinitesimal ideal systems.Comment: New expanded version; the construction of the Manin pair associated to an LA-Dirac structure has moved from arXiv:1209.6077 to here. Added background on double vector bundles, VB-algebroids and 2-term representations up to homotop

    Homogeneous spaces of Dirac groupoids

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    A Poisson structure on a homogeneous space of a Poisson groupoid is homogeneous if the action of the Lie groupoid on the homogeneous space is compatible with the Poisson structures. According to a result of Liu, Weinstein and Xu, Poisson homogeneous spaces of a Poisson groupoid are in correspondence with suitable Dirac structures in the Courant algebroid defined by the Lie bialgebroid of the Poisson groupoid. We show that this correspondence result fits into a more natural context: the one of Dirac groupoids, which are objects generalizing Poisson groupoids and multiplicative closed 2-forms on groupoids