604 research outputs found

    Theoretical UBVRI colors of iron core white dwarfs

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    We explore photometric properties of hypothetical iron core white dwarfs and compute their expected colors in UBVRI Johnson broadband system. Atmospheres of iron core WDs in this paper consist of pure iron covered by a pure hydrogen layer of an arbitrary column mass. LTE model atmospheres and theoretical spectra are calculated on the basis of Los Alamos TOPS opacities and the equation of state from the OPAL project, suitable for nonideal Fe and H gases. We have also computed UBVRI colors of the models and determined an area on the B-V vs. U-B and U-B vs. V-I planes, occupied by both pure Fe, and pure H model atmospheres of WD stars. Finally, we search for iron core white dwarf candidates in the available literature.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics (2003) in prin

    Disk emission and atmospheric absorption lines in black hole candidate 4U 1630-472

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    We re-analyzed SUZAKU data of the black hole candidate 4U 1630-472 being in the high/soft state. We show that the continuum X-ray spectrum of 4U 1630-472 with iron absorption lines can be satisfactorily modeled by the spectrum from an accretion disk atmosphere. Absorption lines of highly ionized iron originating in hot accretion disk atmosphere can be an alternative or complementary explanation to the wind model usually favored for these type of sources. We model continuum and line spectra using a single model. Absorption lines of highly ionized iron can origin in upper parts of the disk atmosphere which is intrinsically hot due to high disk temperature. Iron line profiles computed with natural, thermal and pressure broadenings match very well observations. We showed that the accretion disk atmosphere can effectively produce iron absorption lines observed in 4U 1630-472 spectrum. Absorption line arising in accretion disk atmosphere is the important part of the observed line profile, even if there are also other mechanisms responsible for the absorption features. Nevertheless, the wind theory can be an artifact of the fitting procedure, when the continuum and lines are fitted as separate model components.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Ultra Luminous X-ray sources - new distance indicators?

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    In this paper we fit the NuSTAR and XMM-Newton data of three sources: NGC7793~P13, NGC5907~ULX1, and Circinus~ULX5. Our single model contains emission form non-spherical system: neutron star plus accretion disk directed towards observer. We obtained the very good fit with the reduced χ2\chi^2 per degree of freedom equal 1.08 for P13, 1.01 for ULX1, and 1.14 for ULX5.The normalization of our model constrains the distance to the source. The resulting distances are D=3.41−0.10+0.11D=3.41^{+0.11}_{-0.10}, 6.55−0.81+0.696.55_{-0.81}^{+0.69} and 2.60−0.03+0.052.60^{+0.05}_{-0.03}~Mpc for P13, ULX1 and ULX5 respectively. The distances to P13 and ULX5 are in perfect agreement with previous distance measurements to their host galaxies. Our results confirm that P13, ULX1 and ULX5 may contain central hot neutron star. When the outgoing emission is computed by integration over the emitting surface and successfully fitted to the data, then the resulting model normalization is the direct distance indicator.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Broadband, unpolarized repumping and clearout light sources for Sr+^+ single-ion clocks

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    Future transportable optical clocks require compact and reliable light sources. Here, broadband, unpolarized repumper and state clearout sources for Sr+ single-ion optical clocks are reported. These turn-key devices require no frequency stabilization nor external modulators. They are fiber based, inexpensive, and compact. Key characteristics for clock operation are presented, including optical spectra, induced light shifts and required extinction ratios. Tests with an operating single-ion standard show a clearout efficiency of 100%. Compared to a laser-based repumper, the achievable fluorescence rates for ion detection are a few tens of per cent lower. The resulting ion kinetic temperature is 1--1.5 mK, near the Doppler limit of the ion system. Similar repumper light sources could be made for Ca+ (866 nm) and Ba+ (650 nm) using semiconductor gain media.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Model atmospheres and X-ray spectra of iron-rich bursting neutron stars. II. Iron rich Comptonized Spectra

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    This paper presents the set of plane-parallel model atmosphere equations for a very hot neutron star (X-ray burst source). The model equations assume both hydrostatic and radiative equilibrium, and the equation of state of an ideal gas in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The equation of radiative transfer includes terms describing Compton scattering of photons on free electrons in fully relativistic thermal motion, for photon energies approaching m_e *c^2. Model equations take into account many bound-free and free-free energy-dependent opacities of hydrogen, helium, and the iron ions, and also a dozen bound-bound opacities for the highest ions of iron. We solve model equations by partial linearisation and the technique of variable Eddington factors. Large grid of H-He-Fe model atmospheres of X-ray burst sources has been computed for 10^7 < T_eff < 3*10^7 K, a wide range of surface gravity, and various iron abundances. We demonstrate that the spectra of X-ray bursters with iron present in the accreting matter differ significantly from pure H-He spectra (published in an earlier paper), and also from blackbody spectra. Comptonized spectra with significant iron abundance are generally closer to blackbody spectra than spectra of H-He atmospheres. The ratio of color to effective temperatures in our grid always remains in the range 1.2 < T_c/T_eff < 1.85. The present grid of model atmospheres and theoretical X-ray spectra will be used to determine the effective temperatures, radii and M/R ratios of bursting neutron stars from observational data.Comment: A&A in prin
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