102 research outputs found

    Modeling projected changes of mangrove biomass in different climatic scenarios in the Sunda Banda Seascapes

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    Mangroves are critical in the ecological, economic and social development of coastal rural and urban communities. However, they are under threat by climate change and anthropogenic activities. The Sunda Banda Seascape (SBS), Indonesia, is among the worldā€™s richest regions of mangrove biomass and biodiversity. To inform current and future management strategies, it is critical to provide estimates of how mangroves will respond to climate change in this region. Therefore, this paper utilized spatial analysis with model-based climatic indicators (temperature and precipitation) and mangrove distribution maps to estimate a benchmark for the mangrove biomass of the SBS in six scenarios, namely the Last Inter-glacial Period, the current scenario (1950ā€“2000) and all four projected Representative Concentration Pathways in 2070 due to climate change. Despite mangroves gaining more biomass with climate change (the increase in CO2 concentration), this paper highlighted the great proportion of below-ground biomass in mangrove forests. It also showed that the changes in spatial distribution of mangrove biomass became more variable in the context of climate change. As mangroves have been proposed as an essential component of climate change strategies, this study can serve as a baseline for future studies and resource management strategies

    Geospatial Analysis for the Determination of Hydro-Morphological Characteristics and Assessment of Flash Flood Potentiality in Arid Coastal Plains: A Case in Southwestern Sinai, Egypt

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    Coastal plains with a unique geographic setting and renewable natural resources are promising for sustainable development; however, these areas may be subjected to some environmental hazards due to their geological setting. One of those hazards is the seasonal flash flood that can threaten existing and future development projects in such critical areas. Southwestern Sinai, Egypt, is a coastal plain that is characterized by complex geological setting an arid climate with seasonal rainfall which can result in a high runoff. The aim of this work is to model spatially the runoff amount and density related to flash flood development and to create a flash flood hazard map of the plain as an example of coastal plain in a desert environment with large and complex hydrologic setting. In this research, ASTER images are used to develop a digital elevation model (DEM) and land use/land cover (LULC) data sets of the study area. Geographic information system (GIS) was used to perform runoff and ash potential flood analyses of the created databases and to show distributed runoff and flooding potential in spatial maps. A module was created in a GIS environment to develop a flash flood potential index map. It was clear that the main two factors controlling runoff amounts and flash flood potential in such kinds of areas are the slope and soil types. The final dataset map procedure by this work can be very helpful in land use planning by highlighting the areas subjected to flash floods.Ā Ā AnaĢlisis Geoespacial para Determinar las CaracteriĢsticas HidromorfoloĢgicas y Evaluar las Inundaciones Potenciales en Llanuras Costeras AĢridas: Caso de Estudio en el Suroccidente de SinaiĢ, EgiptoĀ ResumenLas llanuras costeras que poseen recursos naturales renovables y una configuracioĢn geograĢfĆ­ca uĢnica son promisorias para el desarrollo sostenible. Estas aĢreas, sin embargo, son objeto de algunas amenazas ambientales debido a su escenario geoloĢgico. Una de estas amenazas es la temporada de inundaciones raĢpidas que pueden poner en riesgo los proyectos de desarrollo existentes y los futuros en estas zonas criĢticas. El suroccidente de SinaiĢ, Egipto, es una llanura costera que se caracteriza por su compleja configuracioĢn geoloĢgica de clima aĢrido, con temporadas de lluvia que pueden resultar en una gran escorrentiĢa. El objetivo de este trabajo fue modelar espacialmente la cantidad y densidad de escorrentiĢa relacionada al desarrollo de inundaciones raĢpidas y elaborar un mapa de amenazas de inundacioĢn raĢpida en este valle, como un ejemplo de llanura costera en un ambiente deseĢrtico con un escenario hidroloĢgico grande y complejo. En este trabajo se utilizaron imaĢgenes ASTER para desarrollar un Modelo de ElevacioĢn Digital (DEM, en ingleĢs) y establecer la informacioĢn de uso del suelo/cobertura del suelo (LULC, en ingleĢs) en el aĢrea de estudio. A partir del Sistema de InformacioĢn GeograĢfica (GIS) se analizaron la escorrentiĢa y el potencial de inundacioĢn de las bases de datos creadas, y se mostroĢ la escorrentiĢa y el potencial de inundacioĢn en mapas espaciales. Se creoĢ un moĢdulo en un ambiente del GIS para desarrollar un mapa del iĢndice inundacioĢn raĢpida potencial. Se establecioĢ que los dos factores que controlan la cantidad de escorrentiĢa y el potencial de inundaciones raĢpidas en estas aĢreas son la inclinacioĢn y los tipos de suelo. El mapa final de procemiento con el conjunto de datos de este trabajo es de gran ayuda en la planeacioĢn del uso de suelos, ya que evidencia las aĢreas con posibilidad de inundaciones raĢpidas

    The Spectral Ocean Color Imager (SPOC) ā€“ An Adjustable Multispectral Imager

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    SPOC (SPectral Ocean Color) is a 3U small satellite mission that will use an adjustable multispectral imager to map sensitive coastal regions and off coast water quality of Georgia and beyond. SPOC is being developed by the University of Georgiaā€™s (UGA) Small Satellite Research Laboratory (SSRL) through NASAā€™s Undergraduate Student Instrument Project (USIP). UGA is working with Cloudland Instruments to develop a small scale (\u3c 1000 \u3ecm3) multispectral imager, ranging from 400-850nm, for Earth science applications which will fly as part of the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative. The project is UGAā€™s first satellite mission and is built by a team of undergraduates from a wide range of backgrounds and supervised by a multidisciplinary team of graduate students and faculty. Development, assembly, testing, and validation of the multispectral imager, as well integrating it into the satellite are all being done in house. At an orbit of 400 km the resulting images will be 90 km x 100 km in size, with a default spatial resolution and spectral resolution of 130 m and 4 nm, respectively

    Bridging the Gap Between Geography and Marketing: Opportunities for CyberGIS

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    Predicting Effects of Climate Change on Habitat Suitability of Red Spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of the USA: Understanding Complex Systems Mechanisms through Modeling

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    Alpine, subalpine and boreal tree species, of low genetic diversity and adapted to low optimal temperatures, are vulnerable to the warming effects of global climate change. The accurate prediction of these speciesā€™ distributions in response to climate change is critical for effective planning and management. The goal of this research is to predict climate change effects on the distribution of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP), eastern USA. Climate change is, however, conflated with other environmental factors, making its assessment a complex systems problem in which indirect effects are significant in causality. Predictions were made by linking a tree growth simulation model, red spruce growth model (ARIM.SIM), to a GIS spatial model, red spruce habitat model (ARIM.HAB). ARIM.SIM quantifies direct and indirect interactions between red spruce and its growth factors, revealing the latter to be dominant. ARIM.HAB spatially distributes the ARIM.SIM simulations under the assumption that greater growth reflects higher probabilities of presence. ARIM.HAB predicts the future habitat suitability of red spruce based on growth predictions of ARIM.SIM under climate change and three air pollution scenarios: 10% increase, no change and 10% decrease. Results show that suitable habitats shrink most when air pollution increases. Higher temperatures cause losses of most low-elevation habitats. Increased precipitation and air pollution produce acid rain, which causes loss of both low- and high-elevation habitats. The general prediction is that climate change will cause contraction of red spruce habitats at both lower and higher elevations in GSMNP, and the effects will be exacerbated by increased air pollution. These predictions provide valuable information for understanding potential impacts of global climate change on the spatiotemporal distribution of red spruce habitats in GSMNP

    Land Use/Land Cover and Soil Type Covariation in a Heterogeneous Landscape for Soil Moisture Studies Using Point Data

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    This research investigates the spatial covariation of soil and land use/land cover (LULC) at the Little River watershed to assess landscape heterogeneity and the spatial extent to which point data from the USDA hydrological network near Tifton, Georgia can be used for regional representations of environmental variables and to validate remote sensing data. Analyses were performed at the landscape scale and within square areas equivalent to four pixel units of environmental satellites commonly reported in soil moisture studies. The results showed a highly heterogeneous landscape with greater landscape fragmentation caused by LULC than by soil types, and even greater fragmentation when the two variables were considered together. We found a 23:1 ratio of soil types to LULC and few combinations of soil type/LULC dominating the landscape. We conclude that the stations are better suited for site-specific hydrologic studies and to validate high-spatial-resolution remote sensors
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