7 research outputs found

    A polarizált fény epigenetikai tényező a gyulladásgátlásban; teljesgenom-szintű expressziós analízis gyermekkori visszatérő légúti megbetegedésekben = Polarized light acts as epigenetic factor in inhibition of inflammation; a genome wide expression analysis in recurrent respiratory diseases of children

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    A teljes testre ható polarizáltfény-terápia gyógyító hatásának lehetőségét eddig elsősorban klinikai megfigyelések, majd in vitro modellrendszerekben kapott eredmények valószínűsítették. Célok: A szerzők légúti rekurrens betegségben szenvedő gyermekekben a polarizáltfény-terápia klinikai, illetve a teljes genom szintjén a génexpresszióra kifejtett hatását vizsgálták. Módszerek: Visszatérő légúti fertőzésben szenvedő gyermekek öt héten keresztül tíz alkalommal részesültek teljes testre irányított polarizáltfény-megvilágításban. A klinikai vizsgálatokban a betegek perifériás lymphocytáinak teljesgenom-szintű génexpressziós mintázatát géncsipmódszerrel vizsgálták önkontrollos vizsgálatban. Eredmények: Eredményeik bioinformatikai kiértékelése alapján a polarizáltfény-terápiára klinikailag jól reagáló gyermekek lymphocytáiban olyan génexpressziós változásokat tapasztaltak a teljes test polarizáltfény-megvilágításának hatására, amelyek a gyulladásgátlás irányába hatnak. A változások többek között a legjelentősebb chemokin gének (CXCL1, CXCL2, interleukin-8), illetve a tumornekrózis-faktor-alfa génaktivitásának csökkenését és a leukotrién-B4-et bontó enzim (CYP4F2) szintjének emelkedését mutatták. A polarizáltfény-terápiára klinikailag nem reagáló gyermekek esetében ezeket a változásokat nem tapasztalták a lymphocyták génexpressziós mintázatában. Következtetések: A polarizált fény antiinflammatorikus hatását rekurrens légúti betegségben szenvedő gyerekekben klinikai és genomikai adatok bizonyítják. A teljes genom szintjén nyert génexpressziós adatok és ezek bioinformatikai kiértékelése a polarizált fény antiinflammatorikus epigenetikai hatására utalnak. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1492–1499. | Whole-body polarized light therapy has been primarily investigated in various clinical observations and in a few in vitro model systems. Aims: In the present study, clinical and molecular effects of whole-body polarized light treatment on children suffering from recurrent respiratory infection were studied. Methods: Incidence and duration of respiratory symptoms as well as the length of appropriate antibiotic therapy have been measured. Simultaneously, genome-wide gene expression pattern was examined by whole genome cDNA microarray in peripheral lymphocytes of children. Results: Twenty of twenty five children showed a marked clinical improvement, while in five of twenty five had poor or no changes. Gene expression pattern of the peripheral lymphocytes of the patients was compared in favorable and poor responders. Lymphocytes of the children with a documented improved clinical response to polarized light therapy showed a decrease in the expression of chemokine genes, such as CXCL1, CXCL2, IL-8 and in that of the tumor necrosis alpha (TNFα) gene. On the contrary, a rapid elevation was found in the expression of gene encoding for CYP4F2, a leukotriene-B(4)-metabolizing enzyme. In children with poor clinical response to polarized light therapy, no similar changes were detected in the gene expression pattern of the lymphocytes. Conclusions: Improved clinical symptoms and modified gene expression profile of lymphocytes reveals anti-inflammatory effect upon whole body polarized light irradiation. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1492–1499

    Dominance of female judges in the courts of Hungary – a different path to the development of women's equality

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    The starting point of the study is the experience that female judges are in the majority compared to men in Hungarian courts. In the essay, the authors will examine the reasons of this fact which is a different situation from most parts of the world. First the study will approach the question from a historical point of view i.e. whether the forty years of communism has something to do with the fact that there are a lot more women than men in Hungarian public administration and in the courts. In the following we will examine the ways and possibilities the current legal and social situation has to offer for a woman who wants to become a judge. The proportion of women in the leadership of the courts compared to the one in the courts in total is a subject to a separate examination. To a certain extent of a comparative approach the study will also refer to the differences in the gender composition of judges in other European countries. The challenges a working woman has to face i.e. financial and family-related issues obviously have their effects on the career choice. Therefore, although none of the authors have a degree in sociology, one also cannot avoid the interpretation of some social phenomenon regarding this subject. The methods of the study include both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the processing of the literature available regarding the subject, interviews with judges and analysis of statistics

    A citológiai öregedés életkori mintázatának és szekuláris trendjének vizsgálata felnőtt nők körében

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    The frequency of X chromosome loss in women increases with ageing. Numerous cases have linked the numerical reduction of sex chromosomes to the development of malignant tumours, recurrent miscarriages and Alzheimer’s disease. The main aim of the study was to investigate the age pattern and secular trend of the cytological ageing (X chromosome loss), as well as to analyse the relationship between the level of chromosome loss and body and bone structural parameters in adult women. Twenty-one women aged between 20–40 years were enrolled to the present study. Body mass components were estimated by body impedance analysis, bone structure was estimated by quantitative ultrasound technique. Cellular ageing was assessed by X chromosome loss estimation (using FISH probe). The results revealed an increased level of X chromosome loss in women aged between 21–30 compared to their age-peers lived decades before, and women aged between 31–40 and studied in 2021. By considering the body and bone structural profile (another indicator of their biological status) of women in the younger age-group, an increased fat component and a decreased skeletomuscular component could be described in this age-group. The results are rather preliminary, that aimed to explore explanatory components in the changes in the rate of X chromosome loss. In order to establish the findings, further investigations, as well as the increase of the sample size is required