7 research outputs found

    Characterizing The SINR in Poisson Network Using Factorial Moment

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    Usually, cellular networks are modeled by placingeach tier (e.g macro, pico and relay nodes) deterministicallyon a grid. When calculating the metric performances suchas coverage probability, these networks are idealized for notconsidering the interference. Overcoming such limitation byrealistic models is much appreciated. This paper considered two-tier two-hop cellular network, each tier is consisting of two-hoprelay transmission, relay nodes are relaying the message to theusers that are in the cell edge. In addition, the locations of therelays, base stations (BSs), and users nodes are modeled as a pointprocess on the plane to study the two hop downlink performance.Then, we obtain a tractable model for the k-coverage probabilityfor the heterogeneous network consisting of the two-tier network.Stochastic geometry and point process theory have deployed toinvestigate the proposed two-hop scheme. The obtained resultsdemonstrate the effectiveness and analytical tractability to studythe heterogeneous performance

    Characterizing The SINR in Poisson Network Using Factorial Moment

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    Usually, cellular networks are modeled by placingeach tier (e.g macro, pico and relay nodes) deterministicallyon a grid. When calculating the metric performances suchas coverage probability, these networks are idealized for notconsidering the interference. Overcoming such limitation byrealistic models is much appreciated. This paper considered two-tier two-hop cellular network, each tier is consisting of two-hoprelay transmission, relay nodes are relaying the message to theusers that are in the cell edge. In addition, the locations of therelays, base stations (BSs), and users nodes are modeled as a pointprocess on the plane to study the two hop downlink performance.Then, we obtain a tractable model for the k-coverage probabilityfor the heterogeneous network consisting of the two-tier network.Stochastic geometry and point process theory have deployed toinvestigate the proposed two-hop scheme. The obtained resultsdemonstrate the effectiveness and analytical tractability to studythe heterogeneous performance

    Indoor multiband antenna for wireless mobile broadband communication

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    The development of wireless communication systems and services has caused great demands in designing multiband for mobile communication. Therefore LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a new high-performance air interface standard for mobile communication systems. It is the last step toward the 4th generation (4G) of radio technologies designed to increase the capacity and speed of mobile telephone networks. LTE provides ultra-broadband speeds for complex multimedia applications by using a high performance antenna Since it allows users to access network services wirelessly. In high performance of LTE antenna’s applications where size, weight, cost, performance, ease of installation are constraints, low profile antenna is very much required. To meet these requirements Indoor Multiband Antenna for wireless Mobile Broadband is preferred. This project describes the design of A Monopole Planar antenna operates in five bands: GSM (890–960 MHz), DCS (1710–1880 MHz) and LTE2.7 MHz .applications. By using transmission line feed A Monopole Planar antenna was designed, simulated and, fabricated and measured. The measurements are conducted in anechoic chamber in Wireless Communication Centre, WCC. With the aid of using CST (Computer Simulation Technology-2010), AutoCAD,FR4 board, UV Equipment, Sigma Plot 10 software and Marconi Scalar Analyzer 6204. The antenna satisfied the LTE applications. Analysis showed that the antennas provide better return loss

    Half-duplex and full-duplex interference mitigation in relays assisted heterogeneous network

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    In a multicell environment, the half-duplex (HD) relaying is prone to inter-relay interference (IRI) and the full-duplex (FD) relaying is prone to relay residual-interference (RSI) and relay-to-destination interference (RDI) due to Next Generation Node B (gNB) traffic adaptation to different backhaul subframe configurations. IRI and RDI occur in the downlink when a relay is transmitting on its access link and interfering with the reception of a backhaul link of another victim relay. While the simultaneous transmission and reception of the FD relay creates the RSI. IRI, RDI, and RSI have detrimental effects on the system performance, leading to lower ergodic capacity and higher outage probability. Some previous contributions only briefly analysed the IRI, RSI, and RDI in a single cell scenario and some assumed that the backhaul and access subframes among the adjacent cells are perfectly aligned for different relays without counting for IRI, RSI and RDI. However, in practise the subframes are not perfectly aligned. In this paper, we eliminate the IRI, RSI, and RDI by using the hybrid zeroforcing and singular value decomposition (ZF-SVD) beamforming technique based on nullspace projection. Furthermore, joint power allocation (joint PA) for the relays and destinations is performed to optimize the capacity. The ergodic capacity and outage probability comparisons of the proposed scheme with comparable baseline schemes corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    Joint nullspace projection-based interference mitigation for full-duplex relay-assisted multicell networks

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    Full-duplex (FD) relaying is more spectrally efficient compared to its counterpart, conventional half-duplex (HD) relaying, since it allows simultaneous transmission and reception in the same frequency channel. Working in FD relaying scheme results in relay self-interference (SI) signal that degrades the system performance. Furthermore, in a multicell scenario, the FD relay is also subject to interrelay interference (IRI) and relay-to-destination interference (RDI) coming from co-channel relays in adjacent cells. Conventionally, zero-forcing (ZF) beamforming (BF) is adopted to mitigate either the SI, IRI, or RDI but not all of them simultaneously. In this article, beamforming (BF) matrices at the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) relays are designed jointly to mitigate the SI, IRI, and RDI signals based on channel alignment and nullspace projection. In addition, joint power allocation for the source and relay is performed for maximizing the system performance in terms of ergodic capacity. Numerical results demonstrate and verify that the proposed scheme can achieve better outage probability and ergodic capacity compared to baseline schemes. Our findings reveal that MIMO FD relaying significantly improves the system performance compared to its counterpart conventional MIMO HD relaying

    Half-duplex and full-duplex interference mitigation in relays assisted heterogeneous network.

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    In a multicell environment, the half-duplex (HD) relaying is prone to inter-relay interference (IRI) and the full-duplex (FD) relaying is prone to relay residual-interference (RSI) and relay-to-destination interference (RDI) due to Next Generation Node B (gNB) traffic adaptation to different backhaul subframe configurations. IRI and RDI occur in the downlink when a relay is transmitting on its access link and interfering with the reception of a backhaul link of another victim relay. While the simultaneous transmission and reception of the FD relay creates the RSI. IRI, RDI, and RSI have detrimental effects on the system performance, leading to lower ergodic capacity and higher outage probability. Some previous contributions only briefly analysed the IRI, RSI, and RDI in a single cell scenario and some assumed that the backhaul and access subframes among the adjacent cells are perfectly aligned for different relays without counting for IRI, RSI and RDI. However, in practise the subframes are not perfectly aligned. In this paper, we eliminate the IRI, RSI, and RDI by using the hybrid zeroforcing and singular value decomposition (ZF-SVD) beamforming technique based on nullspace projection. Furthermore, joint power allocation (joint PA) for the relays and destinations is performed to optimize the capacity. The ergodic capacity and outage probability comparisons of the proposed scheme with comparable baseline schemes corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    A Stochastic Geometry Approach to Full-Duplex MIMO Relay Network

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    Cellular networks are extensively modeled by placing the base stations on a grid, with relays and destinations being placed deterministically. These networks are idealized for not considering the interferences when evaluating the coverage/outage and capacity. Realistic models that can overcome such limitation are desirable. Specifically, in a cellular downlink environment, the full-duplex (FD) relaying and destination are prone to interferences from unintended sources and relays. However, this paper considered two-hop cellular network in which the mobile nodes aid the sources by relaying the signal to the dead zone. Further, we model the locations of the sources, relays, and destination nodes as a point process on the plane and analyze the performance of two different hops in the downlink. Then, we obtain the success probability and the ergodic capacity of the two-hop MIMO relay scheme, accounting for the interference from all other adjacent cells. We deploy stochastic geometry and point process theory to rigorously analyze the two-hop scheme with/without interference cancellation. These attained expressions are amenable to numerical evaluation and are corroborated by simulation results