75 research outputs found

    Morphological Evolution of the Port‐City Interface of Algiers (16th Century to the Present)

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    This article traces the centuries-long morphological development of Algiers’ port-city interface across four historically relevant time periods that together span from the dawn of the 16th century up until today. Through a diachronic and geo-historical approach, we identify and analyse the origins of Algiers’ persistent port-city divide. In doing so, the notion of the interface is interpreted as a spatial threshold between city and port, which nevertheless supports the material flows of both entities. As a multi-purpose area, the interface holds the potential to weave the disparate entities of a port city back together. To further complement this conceptual angle, we provide investigations of porosity that determine the differing degrees of connectivity between the city and port of Algiers. This is combined with a spatial-functional analysis of Algiers’ current port-city interface, which is ultimately characterised as a non-homogeneous entity composed of four distinct sequences. These results contribute to a better orientation of imminent plans for waterfront revitalisations in Algiers. Whereas the interface was long considered as some kind of no man’s land in the past, port and municipal authorities nowadays aim to turn the interface into a tool of reconciliation, and can do so by acting upon its potential porosity. Finally, this article’s critical examination of the previously neglected case of Algiers can and should also be considered as an applicable model for the continuing study of southern Mediterranean and African port metropolises in general, which share a particular evolution in the relations between city and port

    Peran Lembaga Keuangan Dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Usaha Mikro Dan Kecil Di Sektor Perikanan Aceh

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    Penelitian ini mengulas peran krusial lembaga keuangan dalam mendorong pertumbuhan usaha mikro dan kecil (UMK) di sektor perikanan di wilayah Aceh, Indonesia. Perikanan memiliki peran penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan dan menciptakan lapangan kerja di wilayah pesisir. Namun, UMK di sektor perikanan menghadapi tantangan, seperti akses terbatas ke sumber daya finansial, manajemen keuangan yang kurang efektif, dan rendahnya akses ke layanan keuangan formal. Lembaga keuangan memiliki peran strategis dalam memberikan akses yang mudah terhadap sumber daya finansial, seperti kredit dan modal kerja, untuk membantu UMK meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, memperluas pasar, dan meningkatkan daya saing produk perikanan.  Analisis regresi linier menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara pembiayaan dari lembaga keuangan dengan pertumbuhan UMK di sektor perikanan di berbagai wilayah di Aceh. Kerjasama antara pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan lembaga keuangan menjadi kunci dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung pertumbuhan UMK di sektor perikanan. Upaya lebih lanjut, termasuk stimulus ekonomi berfokus pada sektor perikanan dan dukungan keuangan untuk kewirausahaan, akan membantu meningkatkan akses pembiayaan dan mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif di wilayah tersebu

    Alger: prospection de scénarii pour sa reconversion portuaire

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    Algiers currently suffers from a very pronounced city/port separation, the negative consequences of this situation affect the daily life of the city, the urban interests of the city, mainly the comfort of the citizens, overlap with the economic interests of the port, because urban activity and port activity remain opposite in nature. Based on its conflicted situation between city and port, the purpose of this article is to prospect through a set of future city / port scenarios. Using the scenario method, this research is carried out in two parts, in a first phase, the aim is to understand the evolution and mutations of port cities considered standard on a global scale, on this basis, and in a second phase, the objective is to prospect the future urban-port of Algiers. Four scenarios for the future reconversion of the port of Algiers, in which Algiers could become one of the great world capitals, are discussed. In fine, the appropriate scenario could be the one that proposes the organization of a universal event such as the Olympic Games. This option remains very interesting and feasible because it will achieve all the goals to promote Algiers in a sustainable way and to put it back in competitiveness against its rivals and counterparts in Mediterranean metropolises.Alger souffre actuellement d'un clivage ville/port très prononcé, les conséquences négatives de cette situation impactent la vie quotidienne de la ville, les intérêts urbains de la ville, surtout le confort des habitants, se chevauchent avec les intérêts économiques du port, car l'activité urbaine et l'activité portuaire restent opposées. Sur la base de l'état conflictuel entre ville et port, l'objet de cet article est de prospecter par un ensemble de scénarii l'avenir ville/port d'Alger. En util isant la méthode des scénarios, cette recherche se déroule en deux parties, dans une première phase, l'objet est de comprendre l'évolution et les mutations des villes portuaires jugés standard et cela { une échelle mondiale, sur cette base, et dans une deuxième phase, l'objectif est de prospecter le futur urbano-portuaire de la ville d'Alger. Quatre scénarios pour la future reconversion du port d'Alger, dans lesquels Alger pourrait devenir une des grandes capitales mondiales, sont discutés. In fine, le scénario adéquat pourrait être celui qui propose l'organisation d'un événement universel comme les jeux olympiques. Cette option reste très intéressante et faisable car, elle permettra d'atteindre tous les objectifs pour promouvoir Alger d'une manière durable et de la remettre en compétitivité face à ses rivales et homologues de métropoles méditerranéennes

    Prospective of an Inland Waterway System of Shipping Canals in Skikda (Algeria)

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    Sustainable development projects require careful balancing of economic interests and ecological needs. The case of Skikda, a city in northeast Algeria, located on the Mediterranean coast, illustrates the challenges connected with such a development. The ancient city coexists with a young hydrocarbon port and industrial pole that serves as a transfer hub in the flow of petroleum between hinterland and sea. The installation of the port and petrochemical refining plants on the banks of the estuary of the Safsaf River presents many challenges to local citizens and the ecosystem, including pollution of the water system, groundwater, and river water, and damage to the area’s ancient heritage. This study argues that we need new and less polluting forms of intermodality between hinterland and seaport to make urban mobility more sustainable. It asks whether and how the existing rivers and wadis (river channels that are dry except during rainy periods) can be transformed into artificial canals for river navigation to improve the transport fluidity and sustainability of Skikda. To answer this question, the study adopts a prospective approach using the MICMAC scenario method. This approach entails, first, presenting and evaluating the potentialities of the existing rivers of Skikda using QGIS, and second, discussing and proposing scenarios for transforming these rivers into urban waterways, that is, artificial canals for inland navigation. The prospect of inland waterway transport in Skikda may be a radical scenario, yet, despite its hydraulic capacity and advantages, this system is not receiving attention in Algeria. We suggest that water transport can breathe sustainable blue life into a vulnerable industrial port city, transforming its challenges into opportunities

    Učinci poučavanja utemeljenog na višeosjetilnosti i tehnikama okoline prilagođene mozgu na tečnost čitanja i razumijevanje prilikom čitanja disleksičnih učenika četvrtih razreda

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    The main goal of the present study was to examine the effects of multisensory-based instruction combined with brain-compatible environment techniques on the reading fluency and comprehension of Arabic 4th grade students with dyslexia. Participants were 38 students with dyslexia, divided into two groups: one with 18 students who received intervention (experimental group), and the other with 18 students who received no intervention (control group). The Reading Fluency Test and Reading Comprehension Test were used to measure reading fluency and comprehension in pre- and post-tests. The training was conducted in the experimental group with dyslexia in 70 training sessions. Results showed that there were statistically significant differences in post-tests of reading fluency and reading comprehension between the control and the experimental groups, in favour of the experimental group, and statistically significant differences in the experimental group between the results of the pre- and post-tests, in favour of the post-test of reading fluency and reading comprehension. The discussion focuses on future directions for research on reading interventions for dyslexic students.Glavni je cilj rada istražiti utjecaj poučavanja utemeljenog na višeosjetilnosti i tehnikama okoline prilagođene radu mozga na tečnost čitanja i razumijevanje prilikom čitanja disleksičnih arapskih učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 38 učenika s disleksijom, podijeljenih u dvije skupine: jednu s 18 učenika u kojoj je provedena intervencija (eksperimentalna skupina) i jednu s 18 učenika u kojoj nije provedena intervencija (kontrolna skupina). Tečnost čitanja i razumijevanje prilikom čitanju u pred- i posttestiranjima mjereni su testom tečnosti čitanja i testom razumijevanja prilikom čitanja. Poučavanje je održano u eksperimentalnoj skupini – među učenicima s disleksijom – tijekom 70 sesija. Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajne razlike u posttestiranjima tečnosti čitanja i razumijevanja prilikom čitanja između kontrolne i eksperimentalne skupine, u korist eksperimentalne skupine, kao i statistički značajne razlike u rezultatima koje su učenici eksperimentalne skupine ostvarili na pred- i posttestiranjima, u korist posttestiranja tečnosti čitanja i razumijevanja prilikom čitanja. Rasprava nudi smjernice za buduća istraživanja intervencija na polju čitanja među učenicima s disleksijom

    Extramedullary plasmocytoma relapsing at differents sites: an unusual presentation

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    Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) is an uncommon plasma cell neoplasm results from plasma cell proliferation and consists of monoclonal plasmacytic infiltration, without bone marrow involvement and any other systemic characteristics of multiple myeloma. EMP accounts for 3% of all plasma cell neoplasms and approximately 80% to 90% of EMP involve submucosa of the upper aerodigestive, while scrotal, dermis and retroperitoneal infiltration are very rare. There are no consensus guidelines for treatment, but EMP is highly radiosensitive, surgery may be considered for some sites, but 11 at 30% can progress in multiple myeloma. We report here an exceptional case of recurrent EMP in much localization. It's about a man 72 years old with initially testicular plasmocytoma who generalized the plasmacytic infiltration after 16 months in skin and progressively in mediastinal and retroperitoneal plasmacytoma, without any medullar and bone involvement.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14:3


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    Researchers from multiple disciplines have proposed classification systems for waterfront transformations: generational (according to the date of their construction) and functional (based on the function assigned to the land post-harbor use). However, an analysis based on the spatial features of the former port areas and their meaning for the waterfront transformation has been missing. This contribution is an attempt to fill this gap by proposing a classification based on morphological approach. It uses selected case studies based on cluster sampling method, following a fractal reading approach of the waterfronts, to capture a representative sample and to generalize the study following a deductive logic. Using satellite images and maps, this article first identifies the areas where the waterfront was revitalized and then it analyzes the type and function of these spaces according to the classical classifications existing in the literature on the subject. A morphological approach used as methodology framework was based on the analysis of satellite images and the cartography of the waterfront areas with simplification algorithm on ArcGIS. The resulting morphological classification of waterfront transformations reveals the relationship between the built form of the former port areas, classified here as convex, concave, or linear spaces, and the kind of revitalization type respectively classified as ribbon-shaped, convergence, or dilatation. The conclusions about the relationships between the built form available for waterfront transformations and the most appropriate type of revitalization can provide concrete indications for a sustainable future transformation of port cities, especially cities whose reconversion is lagging behind

    ATR-FTIR spectroscopy combined with DNA barcoding and GC-MS to assess the quality and purity of saffron (Crocus Sativus L.)

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    peer reviewedFourier transform infrared spectra of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) samples were acquired using attenuated total reflectance (ATR-FTIR). The main objective of the study was to determine the chemical composition of 11 samples of saffron collected from different areas in Morocco using the chemometric analysis of ATR-FTIR fingerprints and identifying the adulterated saffron among samples bought from local markets in different countries (Spain, Iran, and Morocco). The the authenticity and the purity of saffron samples was validated through a molecular analysis (DNA barcoding coupled to sequencing) and chromatographic analysis GC-MS. The results of ATR-FTIR showed vibration intensities of six distinct fingerprint regions displaying statistically significant differences. The spectrum of the sample from Timjicht (Taznakht) showed typical bands due to the vibration in 3000-2800 cm-1 (the richest in carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids) and 1800 to 1725 cm-1 region (the richest in carbonyl and ester groups) and was classified a single subset in samples scatter plot. Then samples from Boulmane (S2), Ain Leuh (S3), Taliouine (S6), and Taznakht (S7-S8) were classified close to each other, which indicates the similarity in their vibration intensities mainly in the region of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and esters. Similarities in terms of proteins and hydroxyl groups were revealed between the samples from El Mers (S11) and Taliouine (S1). Finally, the last subgroup contained samples from Ourika, Azilal and Ain Atia, which showed low composition in all components. Furthermore, to detect adulterated saffron from samples of unknown origin, a comparison of the ATR-FTIR spectra were carried out with spectra of pure saffron and results Journal Pre-proof 2 showed that the peaks at 1706, 1732, and 1225 cm-1 (linked to crocin which are present primarily in saffron) were absent in one sample (SI). Interestingly, the use of another plant species named Arrhenatherum elatius as materiel for saffron adulteration was confirmed by the molecular study (DNA barcoding) and chromatographic analysis GC-M