2,265 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid Tentang Agama Dan Negara

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    Thought of Islamic state or Islamic as a state has caused theform of apologetic. A state claims its self as an Islamic state but the content is not Islamic, or in other words that Moslem is not compulsory to develop an Islamic state, but is compulsory to carry out Islamic values including through the government in a state. Democracy is the only political choice for Indonesian people. Hence, the democracy values fully objective and there is nothing that opposites to the religion norm. In the application they must feed each other, especially that the religion can give ethic power, moral, and spiritual for the development of democratization and the existence of national state is not being a problem.Hence, nationalism as a life principle that is centrally clear can not be accepted, but it is not a problem that a moslem being nationalist. Islam is opposed fascism not nationalism

    Aktualisasi Filsafat Ilmu

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    IAIN as an institution of high education that prepares humanto be scientist who has mind set based on the concept of natural paradigmatic, metodologic, and objective. Then it is needed in actualizing the scientific of study included the Islamic science, by the the process of philosophy and methodology thinking. Then in this case The Science of Philosophy has a very important meaning

    Water resources management in a homogenizing world: Averting the Growth and Underinvestment trajectory

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    Biotic homogenization, a de facto symptom of a global biodiversity crisis, underscores the urgency of reforming water resources management to focus on the health and viability of ecosystems. Global population and economic growth, coupled with inadequate investment in maintenance of ecological systems, threaten to degrade environmental integrity and ecosystem services that support the global socioeconomic system, indicative of a system governed by the Growth and Underinvestment (G&U) archetype. Water resources management is linked to biotic homogenization and degradation of system integrity through alteration of water systems, ecosystem dynamics, and composition of the biota. Consistent with the G&U archetype, water resources planning primarily treats ecological considerations as exogenous constraints rather than integral, dynamic, and responsive parts of the system. It is essential that the ecological considerations be made objectives of water resources development plans to facilitate the analysis of feedbacks and potential trade-offs between socioeconomic gains and ecological losses. We call for expediting a shift to ecosystem-based management of water resources, which requires a better understanding of the dynamics and links between water resources management actions, ecological side-effects, and associated long-term ramifications for sustainability. To address existing knowledge gaps, models that include dynamics and estimated thresholds for regime shifts or ecosystem degradation need to be developed. Policy levers for implementation of ecosystem-based water resources management include shifting away from growth-oriented supply management, better demand management, increased public awareness, and institutional reform that promotes adaptive and transdisciplinary management approaches

    A comparative study of selected classification accuracy in user profiling

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    In recent years the used of personalization in service provisioning applications has been very popular. However, effective personalization cannot be achieved without accurate user profiles. A number of classification algorithms have been used to classify user related information to create accurate user profiles. In this study four different classification algorithms which are; naive Bayesian (NB), Bayesian Networks (BN), lazy learning of Bayesian rules (LBR) and instance-based learner (IB1) are compared using a set of user profile data. According to our simulation results NB and IB1 classifiers have the highest classification accuracy with the lowest error rate

    Classification accuracy performance of Naïve Bayesian (NB), Bayesian Networks (BN), Lazy Learning of Bayesian Rules(LBR) and Instance-Based Learner (IB1) - comparative study

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    In recent years the used of personalization in service provisioning applications has been very popular. However, effective personalization cannot be achieved without accurate user profiles. A number of classification algorithms have been used to classify user related information to create accurate user profiles. In this study four different classification algorithms which are; naive Bayesian (NB), Bayesian networks (BN), lazy learning of Bayesian rules (LBR) and instance-based learner (IB1) are compared using a set of user profile data. According to our simulation results NB and IB1 classifiers have the highest classification accuracy with the lowest error rate. The obtained simulation results have been evaluated against the existing works of support vector machines (SVMs), decision trees (DTs) and neural networks (NNs)

    Dakwah dan Perubahan Sosial: Studi terhadap Peran Manusia sebagai Khalifah di Muka Bumi

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    Da'wa is a process of increasing the quality of faith within human soul according to the Islamic sharia. This process is continuous, systematic and it should be carried out step by step. This process aims at activating the act of continuous improvement within oneself. Enhancing faith towards god is manifested in the form of enhancing knowledge, awareness, and good deeds. Therefore, it is a moral obligation for Muslims to keep the course of social change on track through introducing and implementating Islamic values in every aspect of life. Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that achieving the goal of divine social change according to Islam can onle be carried out by da'wa activity

    Traffic sign detection based on simple XOR and discriminative features

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    Traffic Sign Detection (TSD) is an important application in computer vision. It plays a crucial role in driver assistance systems, and provides drivers with safety and precaution information. In this paper, in addition to detecting Traffic Signs (TSs), the proposed technique also recognizes the shape of the TS. The proposed technique consist of two stages. The first stage is an image segmentation technique that is based on Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), which divides the image into six different color regions. The second stage is based on discriminative features (area, color, and aspect ratio) and the exclusive OR logical operator (XOR). The output is the location and shape of the TS. The proposed technique is applied on the German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark (GTSDB), and achieves overall detection and shape matching of around 97% and 100% respectively. The testing speed is around 0.8 seconds per image on a mainstream PC, and the technique is coded using the Matlab toolbox

    Pemikiran Filsafat Al-kindi

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    Al-Kindi is the first Muslim philosopher to construct Islamic philosophical thoughts in a systematic and clear way. Philosophical thoughts of Al-Kindi are reflection of doctrines that he received from classic Greece sources and the legacy of Neo-Platonic thoughts combined with Islamic faith. Al-Kindi opens the room of dialogue to combine philosophical doctrines and religion. Knowledge about God, according to Al-Kindi, is early philosophy or the first philosophy; philosophy that states al-Haqq as telos that will end the overall works of philosophy. Al-Kindi divides intelligence based on several stages as follows: active intelligence (intelligence that guarantees the ability of human beings to understand rational matters that needs external stimuli), actual intelligence (potential intelligence that escaped potential boundary when soul started to understand rational and abstract matters), and physical intelligence (intelligence that seriously comprehend rational matters and seeks to transform potential matter into actual thing)

    Testing for a large roundabout capacity model: experimental comparisons between Italy and Bahrain

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    It is well-known that the maximum traffic flow that a roundabout entry is able to accommodate depends on the amount of flow circulating in the roundabout carriageway that conflicts with the entry flow, that exiting from it and strictly related to the geometric characteristics of the roundabout. International guidelines deal with various capacity models requiring different input data and often leading to different results for the same roundabout entry. Recently, an exponential model has been developed for capacity estimates of multi-lane roundabout entries under different conditions of circulating flow and geometrical factors. Such a model was validated by Al-Madani and Saad [1] on data gathered from a sample of existing large roundabouts in Bahrain. Calculations made applying the developed model, or BAHR model, showed a reasonable fitting to computational data obtained from different international models, as German, French SETRA, American HCM, and so on. In this paper, we have collected traffic data during peaks or congested periods and measured geometry parameters on twelve large roundabouts located in Tuscany, Italy. The main goal was in view of testing if the BAHR model could be well suited or not to Italian context. The same previous methodology applied for the BAHR model was followed and found a new exponential entry capacity model, called TUSC. Statistical tests are performed and the paper ends with some comments about the obtained results

    Peran Pemerintah Desa dalam Pelaksanaan Program Tanam Bawang Merah di Desa Sungai Geringing Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2014

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Village government in implementing the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging and to determine the factors inhibiting and supporting the role of Village government in the implementation of the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging.This research was conducted in the of Village Sungai Geringin Kecamatan Kampar Kiri, Kabupaten Kampar district in Riau province. In determining informant in this study determined people who know and get involved in the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringin Kecamatan Kampar Kiri, Kabupaten Kampar, then the necessary data, including primary data and secondary data. For data collection techniques done by interview, observation and literature study. Data analysis method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis method.The village governments role in the implementation of the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging include: 1) improving the quality of human resources of farmers through extension activities and training for farmers onion. 2) provide capital assistance through a revolving fund for farmers onion, this event seeks to help the onion farmers in order to increase agricultural output onion. Assistance provided in the form of compost, seedlings of onion and some farm implements. 3) improve the marketing network of onion because farmers prefer to sell their harvest in place / in the fields. 4) the provision of infrastructure /agricultural infrastructure onion. The inhibiting factor onion planting program in Village Sungai Geringging are 1) lack of human resources involved in implementing the program of planting onions in Village Sungai Geringging, both in terms of village government and farmers groups onion. 2) the limited budget given to the farmer groups onion in Village Sungai Geringging. 3) the environmental conditions in Village Sungai Geringging erratic which has an impact on the growth of onion in Village Sungai Geringging.Keywords: Role, the Village Government, Planting Program Shallot