317 research outputs found

    Women's Time and the Use of Health Services

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    Summary The premise of this paper is that services and information can only contribute to improving health to the extent that people are aware of them, are able to make use of them, and choose to do so. Many service?related factors, as well as social, economic and cultural aspects of people's lives, can interfere with the use of health services or the implementation of health practices. The specific issue with which this article is concerned, however, is the possible negative effect of time constraints on women's capacity to use health services or to engage in other health related activities. It attempts to disaggregate health services and practices along a number of dimensions, with the goal of identifying those health related activities that may be particularly vulnerable to non?utilization because of conflicting demands on women's time. ResumĂ© Les femmes, leur temps disponible et leur utilisation des services de soins de santĂ© Le prĂ©sent article a pour thĂšse que les services et l'information ne peuvent contribuer Ă  l'amĂ©lioration de la santĂ© que dans la mesure oĂč les gens se rendent compte de leur disponibilitĂ©; se sentent capables de les utiliser; et se dĂ©cident Ă  le faire. Un grand nombre de facteurs qui ont trait aux services mĂȘmes, en plus des aspects sociaux, Ă©conomiques et culturels de la vie des utilisateurs de ces services, sont susceptibles d'affecter nĂ©gativement l'utilisation des services de soins de santĂ© et mĂȘme, la mise en vigueur des pratiques de santĂ© correspondantes. Ceci dit, cet article s'adresse spĂ©cifiquement aux Ă©ventuels effets nĂ©gatifs des contraintes temporelles sur les capacitĂ©s d'exploitation des services de santĂ© parmi les femmes, voire sur leurs capacitĂ©s de participer Ă  d'autres activitĂ©s qui ont trait Ă  la santĂ©. L'article tente d'analyser les services et pratiques de soins de santĂ© sur plusieurs axes, dans l'optique d'identifier quelles sont les activitĂ©s concernant la santĂ© les plus menacĂ©es de non?utilisation en raison des nombreuses contraintes imposĂ©es sur le temps disponible des femmes. Resumen El tiempo de las mujeres y el uso de los servicios sanitarios La principal premisa de este artĂ­culo es que los servicios y la informaciĂłn sĂłlo pueden contribuir al mejoramiento de las condiciones de sanidad en tanto y en cuanto la gente estĂ© enterada de su existencia, pueda hacer uso de ellos, y lo elijan asĂ­. Muchos factores relacionados con los servicios, asĂ­ como aspectos culturales, sociales y econĂłmicos, pueden interferir con el uso de los servicios de salud o la implementaciĂłn de prĂĄcticas sanitarias. Sin embargo, el punto especĂ­fico que aborda este artĂ­culo es el posible efecto negativo de los apremios del tiempo en la capacidad de la mujer para usar servicios sanitarios o comprometerse en otras actividades relacionadas a la salud. Trata de segregar pra?ticas y servicios sanitarios en diferentes dimensiones, con el objetivo de identificar esas actividades relacionadas de sanidad que pueden ser particularmente vulnerables a no ser usadas a causa de los requerimientos conflictivos en el tiempo de las mujeres

    IR2 aperture measurements at 3.5 TeV

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    Aperture measurements in the ALICE interaction region were carried out to determine a safe configuration of ÎČ âˆ— and crossing angle for the 2011 heavy ion run. Proton beams were used at the end of the proton run, after the commissioning of the squeeze to ÎČ âˆ— = 1 m in IR2. In this paper, the results of aperture measurements are summarised and the final collision configuration is presented. Results of parasitic measurements of the effect of non-linear triplet fields with large orbit bumps in the IRs are also summarised.peer-reviewe

    Near infrared integrated photonic switches for portable quantum sensors

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    A novel integrated semiconductor photonic switch, based on carrier-induced refractive index changes, has been designed and fabricated for use at near infrared wavelengths (890-920 nm, 750-780 nm and 745-775 nm). These switches are intended for use in quantum sensors which rely on the spectroscopy of caesium, rubidium or potassium atoms respectively. The beam-steering properties of the 890-920 nm device are presented and its extinction ratio measured to be 13.4 dB. This measurement was limited by coupling efficiency. Subsequent changes made to the testing equipment include the implementation of an automated testing routine. This new experimental setup will facilitate the full characterisation of the 890-920 nm device and the newly fabricated optical switches, designed for operation in the wavelength ranges 750-780 nm and 745-775 nm respectively

    Lactation and neonatal nutrition: defining and refining the critical questions.

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    This paper resulted from a conference entitled "Lactation and Milk: Defining and refining the critical questions" held at the University of Colorado School of Medicine from January 18-20, 2012. The mission of the conference was to identify unresolved questions and set future goals for research into human milk composition, mammary development and lactation. We first outline the unanswered questions regarding the composition of human milk (Section I) and the mechanisms by which milk components affect neonatal development, growth and health and recommend models for future research. Emerging questions about how milk components affect cognitive development and behavioral phenotype of the offspring are presented in Section II. In Section III we outline the important unanswered questions about regulation of mammary gland development, the heritability of defects, the effects of maternal nutrition, disease, metabolic status, and therapeutic drugs upon the subsequent lactation. Questions surrounding breastfeeding practice are also highlighted. In Section IV we describe the specific nutritional challenges faced by three different populations, namely preterm infants, infants born to obese mothers who may or may not have gestational diabetes, and infants born to undernourished mothers. The recognition that multidisciplinary training is critical to advancing the field led us to formulate specific training recommendations in Section V. Our recommendations for research emphasis are summarized in Section VI. In sum, we present a roadmap for multidisciplinary research into all aspects of human lactation, milk and its role in infant nutrition for the next decade and beyond

    From local to central: a network analysis of who manages plant pest and disease outbreaks across scales

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    One of the key determinants of success in managing natural resources is “institutional fit,” i.e., how well the suite of required actions collectively match the scale of the environmental problem. The effective management of pest and pathogen threats to plants is a natural resource problem of particular economic, social, and environmental importance. Responses to incursions are managed by a network of decision makers and managers acting at different spatial and temporal scales. We applied novel network theoretical methods to assess the propensity of growers, local industry, local state government, and state and national government head offices to foster either within- or across-scale coordination during the successful 2001 Australian response to the outbreak of the fungal pathogen black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). We also reconstructed the response network to proxy what that network would look like today under the Australian government’s revised response system. We illustrate a structural move in the plant biosecurity response system from one that was locally driven to the current top-down system, in which the national government leads coordination of a highly partitioned engagement process. For biological incursions that spread widely across regions, nationally rather than locally managed responses may improve coordination of diverse tasks. However, in dealing with such challenges of institutional fit, local engagement will always be critical in deploying flexible and adaptive local responses based on a national system. The methods we propose detect where and how network structures foster cross-scale interactions, which will contribute to stronger empirical studies of cross-scale environmental governance

    Res Medica, Spring 1958, Volume 1, Number 2

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    2017 Scientific Consensus Statement: land use impacts on the Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition. Chapter 4: management options and their effectiveness

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    This chapter seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the values of the Great Barrier Reef? 2. How effective are better agricultural practices in improving water quality? 3. How can we improve the uptake of better agricultural practices? 4. What water quality improvement can non-agricultural land uses contribute? 5. How can Great Barrier Reef water quality improvement programs be improved? Each section summarises the currently available peer reviewed literature and comments on implications for management and research gaps. This chapter has a wider scope than previous Scientific Consensus Statements, including, for the first time, the social and governance dimensions of management and the management of non-agricultural land uses. These new sections are constrained by a lack of Great Barrier Reef–specific data and information. The relevance of information from other locations must be carefully considered. In comparison, the agricultural practice change and economics sections provide an update on material compiled as part of the 2013 Scientific Consensus Statement. This report has been confined to peer reviewed literature, which is generally published in books and journals or major reports. There is additional evidence in grey literature, such as project and program reports, that has not been included here. Each section of this chapter has been compiled by a writing team and then revised following a series of review processes

    “We Used to Say Rats Fell from the Sky After a Flood:” Temporary Recovery of Muskrat Following Ice Jams in the Peace-Athabasca Delta

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    Elders and Indigenous land users in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD) have observed a dramatic decline in the relative abundance of muskrat in recent decades (~1935–2014). The main explanation for the decline has been reduction in suitable habitat as a result of decades with reduced frequency of ice-jam flooding on the Peace River. Under favourable conditions, ice jams can cause flooding of perched basins within the PAD that would otherwise receive no recharge from floodwaters. To examine whether abundance of muskrat in the PAD is driven by flooding, we tested the predictions that the density of muskrat (estimated by winter counts of houses) (1) was inversely related to the number of years since major ice jam floods and (2) increased with water depth. An ongoing collaborative monitoring program initiated in 2011, combined with analysis of data from past surveys (1973–2015), allowed Indigenous land users and scientists to document a 10 to 100-fold increase in the density of muskrat houses in 24 basins, over the two years following ice-jam flood events in the PAD. During 1973–2015, in the periods between major floods, density of houses dropped by approximately 79% for every year after a significant flood. In 27 basins surveyed from 2011 to 2015, density of muskrat houses increased by two orders of magnitude in the two years following a flood in the spring of 2014. Density of muskrat houses had a non-linear relationship with estimated depth of water at the time of fall freeze-up; the highest densities of muskrat houses were in basins with about 60 – 250 cm of water at the time of freeze-up. The depth of snow at the time of surveys did not have a strong relationship with the density of muskrat houses. However, few houses were counted in basins with more than 20 cm of snow, likely because deeper snow made it more difficult to conduct surveys and spot houses. Factors other than an increase in the depth of water at fall freeze-up may provide the mechanisms by which flooding affects muskrat. Density of muskrat houses is clearly tied to ice-jam flooding in the PAD. However, the local mechanisms by which floods affect muskrat are best understood by Indigenous land users and remain poorly understood by Western science. Indigenous peoples continue to regard muskrat as an indicator of ecological and cultural health of the PAD. This study highlights the value of consistent ecological monitoring that includes Indigenous knowledge.Les aĂźnĂ©s et les utilisateurs des terres autochtones du delta des riviĂšres de la Paix et Athabasca ont observĂ© une baisse draconienne de l’abondance du rat musquĂ© au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies (~1935-2014). La principale explication du dĂ©clin est la diminution d’abris convenables, et ce, en raison de plusieurs dĂ©cennies marquĂ©es par la frĂ©quence rĂ©duite d’inondations causĂ©es par des embĂącles dans la riviĂšre de la Paix. Dans des conditions favorables, les embĂącles peuvent causer l’inondation des bassins perchĂ©s au sein du delta des riviĂšres de la Paix et Athabasca qui autrement ne recevraient pas de recharge des eaux de crue. Afin d’examiner si l’abondance du rat musquĂ© dans le delta des riviĂšres de la Paix et Athabasca est favorisĂ©e par les inondations, nous avons testĂ© des prĂ©visions selon lesquelles la densitĂ© du rat musquĂ© (estimĂ©e par le nombre d’abris en hiver) 1) Ă©tait inversement liĂ©e au nombre d’annĂ©es depuis les derniĂšres importantes inondations causĂ©es par des embĂącles et 2) augmentait avec la profondeur de l’eau. Un programme collaboratif de suivi continu lancĂ© en 2011, combinĂ© Ă  l’analyse de donnĂ©es des relevĂ©s antĂ©rieurs (1973-2015), a permis aux utilisateurs des terres autochtones et aux scientifiques de multiplier de 10 Ă  100 fois la densitĂ© d’abris du rat musquĂ© dans 24 bassins, au cours des deux annĂ©es suivant des Ă©vĂ©nementsd’inondation causĂ©s par des embĂącles dans le delta des riviĂšres de la Paix et Athabasca. Entre 1973 et 2015, durant les pĂ©riodes se situant entre les inondations importantes, la densitĂ© d’abris a diminuĂ© d’environ 79 % chaque annĂ©e suivant une inondation importante. Dans 27 bassins sondĂ©s entre 2011 et 2015, la densitĂ© d’abris du rat musquĂ© a augmentĂ© de deux ordres de grandeur au cours des deux annĂ©es ayant suivi une inondation survenue au printemps de 2014. La densitĂ© d’abris du rat musquĂ© avait une relation non linĂ©aire avec la profondeur de l’eau estimĂ©e au moment de la prise des glaces en automne; les plus fortes densitĂ©s d’abris du rat musquĂ© se trouvaient dans les bassins ayant de 60 Ă  250 cm d’eau au moment de la prise des glaces. La profondeur de la neige au moment des relevĂ©s n’avait pas de relation solide avec la densitĂ© d’abris du rat musquĂ©. Cependant, nous avons comptĂ© peu d’abris dans les bassins comptant plus de 20 cm de neige, probablement parce qu’il Ă©tait plus difficile d’effectuer des relevĂ©s et de trouver les abris dans la neige plus Ă©paisse. Des facteurs autres que l’augmentation de la profondeur de l’eau au moment de la prise des glaces en automne pourraient fournir les mĂ©canismes par lesquels les inondations se rĂ©percutent sur les rats musquĂ©s. La densitĂ© d’abris du rat musquĂ© est manifestement liĂ©e aux inondations causĂ©es par des embĂącles dans le delta des riviĂšres de la Paix et Athabasca. Toutefois, les utilisateurs des terres autochtones comprennent mieux les mĂ©canismes locaux par lesquels les inondations se rĂ©percutent sur les rats musquĂ©s, tandis qu’ils demeurent mal compris par la science occidentale. Les peuples autochtones continuent de considĂ©rer le rat musquĂ© comme un indicateur de la santĂ© Ă©cologique et culturelle du delta des riviĂšres de la Paix et Athabasca. Cette Ă©tude fait ressortir la valeur d’un suivi Ă©cologique constant qui tient compte des connaissances autochtones
