2,571 research outputs found

    Deformation of crosslinked semiflexible polymer networks

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    Networks of filamentous proteins play a crucial role in cell mechanics. These cytoskeletal networks, together with various crosslinking and other associated proteins largely determine the (visco)elastic response of cells. In this letter we study a model system of crosslinked, stiff filaments in order to explore the connection between the microstructure under strain and the macroscopic response of cytoskeletal networks. We find two distinct regimes as a function primarily of crosslink density and filament rigidity: one characterized by affine deformation and one by non-affine deformation. We characterize the crossover between these two.Comment: Typos fixed and some technical details clarified. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Non-equilibrium mechanics and dynamics of motor activated gels

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    The mechanics of cells is strongly affected by molecular motors that generate forces in the cellular cytoskeleton. We develop a model for cytoskeletal networks driven out of equilibrium by molecular motors exerting transient contractile stresses. Using this model we show how motor activity can dramatically increase the network's bulk elastic moduli. We also show how motor binding kinetics naturally leads to enhanced low-frequency stress fluctuations that result in non-equilibrium diffusive motion within an elastic network, as seen in recent \emph{in vitro} and \emph{in vivo} experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Active biopolymer networks generate scale-free but euclidean clusters

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    We report analytical and numerical modelling of active elastic networks, motivated by experiments on crosslinked actin networks contracted by myosin motors. Within a broad range of parameters, the motor-driven collapse of active elastic networks leads to a critical state. We show that this state is qualitatively different from that of the random percolation model. Intriguingly, it possesses both euclidean and scale-free structure with Fisher exponent smaller than 22. Remarkably, an indistinguishable Fisher exponent and the same euclidean structure is obtained at the critical point of the random percolation model after absorbing all enclaves into their surrounding clusters. We propose that in the experiment the enclaves are absorbed due to steric interactions of network elements. We model the network collapse, taking into account the steric interactions. The model shows how the system robustly drives itself towards the critical point of the random percolation model with absorbed enclaves, in agreement with the experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Critical behaviour in the nonlinear elastic response of hydrogels

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    In this paper we study the elastic response of synthetic hydrogels to an applied shear stress. The hydrogels studied here have previously been shown to mimic the behaviour of biopolymer networks when they are sufficiently far above the gel point. We show that near the gel point they exhibit an elastic response that is consistent with the predicted critical behaviour of networks near or below the isostatic point of marginal stability. This point separates rigid and floppy states, distinguished by the presence or absence of finite linear elastic moduli. Recent theoretical work has also focused on the response of such networks to finite or large deformations, both near and below the isostatic point. Despite this interest, experimental evidence for the existence of criticality in such networks has been lacking. Using computer simulations, we identify critical signatures in the mechanical response of sub-isostatic networks as a function of applied shear stress. We also present experimental evidence consistent with these predictions. Furthermore, our results show the existence of two distinct critical regimes, one of which arises from the nonlinear stretch response of semi-flexible polymers.

    The mechanical response of semiflexible networks to localized perturbations

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    Previous research on semiflexible polymers including cytoskeletal networks in cells has suggested the existence of distinct regimes of elastic response, in which the strain field is either uniform (affine) or non-uniform (non-affine) under external stress. Associated with these regimes, it has been further suggested that a new fundamental length scale emerges, which characterizes the scale for the crossover from non-affine to affine deformations. Here, we extend these studies by probing the response to localized forces and force dipoles. We show that the previously identified nonaffinity length [D.A. Head et al. PRE 68, 061907 (2003).] controls the mesoscopic response to point forces and the crossover to continuum elastic behavior at large distances.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures; substantial changes to text and figures to clarify the crossover to continuum elasticity and the role of finite-size effect

    Nontargeted biomonitoring of halogenated organic compounds in two ecotypes of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Southern California Bight.

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    Targeted environmental monitoring reveals contamination by known chemicals, but may exclude potentially pervasive but unknown compounds. Marine mammals are sentinels of persistent and bioaccumulative contaminants due to their longevity and high trophic position. Using nontargeted analysis, we constructed a mass spectral library of 327 persistent and bioaccumulative compounds identified in blubber from two ecotypes of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sampled in the Southern California Bight. This library of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) consisted of 180 anthropogenic contaminants, 41 natural products, 4 with mixed sources, 8 with unknown sources, and 94 with partial structural characterization and unknown sources. The abundance of compounds whose structures could not be fully elucidated highlights the prevalence of undiscovered HOCs accumulating in marine food webs. Eighty-six percent of the identified compounds are not currently monitored, including 133 known anthropogenic chemicals. Compounds related to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were the most abundant. Natural products were, in some cases, detected at abundances similar to anthropogenic compounds. The profile of naturally occurring HOCs differed between ecotypes, suggesting more abundant offshore sources of these compounds. This nontargeted analytical framework provided a comprehensive list of HOCs that may be characteristic of the region, and its application within monitoring surveys may suggest new chemicals for evaluation

    Magnetic anisotropy of vicinal (001) fcc Co films: role of crystal splitting and structure relaxation in step-decoration effect

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    The uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy (UIP-MA) constant is calculated for a single step on the (001) surface of fcc Co(NN) films. The calculations are done for both an undecorated step and the step decorated with one or more, up to 7, Cu wires. Our objective is to explain the mechanisms by which the decoration decreases the UIP-MA constant, which is the effect observed experimentally for ultrathin Co films deposited on vicinal (001) Cu surfaces and can lead to reorientation of magnetization within the film plane. Theoretical calculations performed with a realistic tight-binding model show that the step decoration changes the UIP-MA constant significantly only if the splitting between the on-site energies of various dd-orbitals is included for atoms located near the step edge. The local relaxation of atomic structure around the step is also shown to have a significant effect on the shift of the UIP-MA constant. The influence of these two relevant factors is analyzed further by examining individual contributions to the UIP-MA constant from atoms around the step. The magnitude of the obtained UIP-MA shift agrees well with experimental data. It is also found that an additional shift due to possible charge transfer between Cu and Co atoms is very small.Comment: 12 pages,9 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Physical Review B version 3: additions to content version 2: minor correction

    Actively Contracting Bundles of Polar Filaments

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    We introduce a phenomenological model to study the properties of bundles of polar filaments which interact via active elements. The stability of the homogeneous state, the attractors of the dynamics in the unstable regime and the tensile stress generated in the bundle are discussed. We find that the interaction of parallel filaments can induce unstable behavior and is responsible for active contraction and tension in the bundle. Interaction between antiparallel filaments leads to filament sorting. Our model could apply to simple contractile structures in cells such as stress fibers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Simulation of associative learning with the replaced elements model

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    Associative learning theories can be categorised according to whether they treat the representation of stimulus compounds in an elemental or configural manner. Since it is clear that a simple elemental approach to stimulus representation is inadequate there have been several attempts to produce more elaborate elemental models. One recent approach, the Replaced Elements Model (Wagner, 2003), reproduces many results that have until recently been uniquely predicted by Pearce’s Configural Theory (Pearce, 1994). Although it is possible to simulate the Replaced Elements Model using “standard” simulation programs the generation of the correct stimulus representation is complex. The current paper describes a method for simulation of the Replaced Elements Model and presents the results of two example simulations that show differential predictions of Replaced Elements and Pearce’s Configural Theor

    Velocity distributions in dissipative granular gases

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    Motivated by recent experiments reporting non-Gaussian velocity distributions in driven dilute granular materials, we study by numerical simulation the properties of 2D inelastic gases. We find theoretically that the form of the observed velocity distribution is governed primarily by the coefficient of restitution η\eta and q=NH/NCq=N_H/N_C, the ratio between the average number of heatings and the average number of collisions in the gas. The differences in distributions we find between uniform and boundary heating can then be understood as different limits of qq, for q1q \gg 1 and q1q \lesssim 1 respectively.Comment: 5 figure