203 research outputs found

    Outcome following mini-open lower limb fasciotomy for chronic exertional compartment syndrome

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to report outcomes following mini-open lower limb fasciotomy (MLLF) in active adults with chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS). METHODS: From 2013–2018, 38 consecutive patients (mean age 31 years [16–60], 71% [n = 27/38] male) underwent MLLF. There were 21 unilateral procedures, 10 simultaneous bilateral and 7 staged bilateral. There were 22 anterior fasciotomies, five posterior and 11 four-compartment. Early complications were determined from medical records of 37/38 patients (97%) at a mean of four months (1–19). Patient-reported outcomes (including EuroQol scores [EQ-5D/EQ-VAS], return to sport and satisfaction) were obtained via postal survey from 27/38 respondents (71%) at a mean of 3.7 years (0.3–6.4). RESULTS: Complications occurred in 16% (n = 6/37): superficial infection (11%, n = 4/37), deep infection (3%, n = 1/37) and wound dehiscence (3%, n = 1/37). Eight per cent (n = 3/37) required revision fasciotomy for recurrent leg pain. At longer-term follow-up, 30% (n = 8/27) were asymptomatic and another 56% (n = 15/27) reported improved symptoms. The mean pain score improved from 6.1 to 2.5 during normal activity and 9.1 to 4.7 during sport (both p < 0.001). The mean EQ-5D was 0.781 (0.130–1) and EQ-VAS 77 (33–95). Of 25 patients playing sport preoperatively, 64% (n = 16/25) returned, 75% (n = 12/16) reporting improved exercise tolerance. Seventy-four per cent (n = 20/27) were satisfied and 81% (n = 22/27) would recommend the procedure. CONCLUSION: MLLF is safe and effective for active adults with CECS. The revision rate is low, and although recurrent symptoms are common most achieve symptomatic improvement, with reduced activity-related leg pain and good health-related quality of life. The majority return to sport and are satisfied with their outcome

    From mood to movement: English nationalism, the European Union and taking back control

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    This article considers whether the 2016 EU referendum can be perceived as an English nationalist movement. Specifically, attention is given to examining how memories of the former British Empire were nostalgically enveloped in anxieties regarding England’s location within the devolved UK state. The comments and work of Enoch Powell and George Orwell are used to help explore the link between nostalgia and anxiety in accounts of English nationalism. Despite their opposing political orientations, when considered together, it is argued that both men provide a unique cross-political perspective on Englishness, empire and nostalgia. By way of exploring these themes in relation to the EU referendum, Aughey’s assertion that English nationalism can be perceived as both a ‘mood’ and ‘movement’ is used to highlight how a sense of English anxiety regarding its lack of national sovereignty (mood), as well as a desire to reclaim this sovereignty by renegotiating trade relations with the ‘Anglo-sphere’ (movement), were conjoined in the popular referendum slogan, ‘take back control’. In conclusion, it is argued that the contextualization of the referendum can be predicated upon an orientation to empire that steers away from glorifying pro-imperial images of England/Britain, towards a more positive and progressive appropriation of the EU referendum as a statement of national change and belonging

    Design, development and validation of a workplace cyberbullying measure, the WCM

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    Cyberbullying research is beginning to expand from its roots in the youth context into the organizational realm. However, a lack of psychometrically sound scales that capture the diverse features of technological communication has hindered workplace cyberbullying research. The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable measure to assess cyberbullying across various communication technologies and disparate working populations. Three separate studies, involving a total of 944 respondents from different work settings, were conducted to establish a 17-item workplace cyberbullying measure (the WCM). In Study 1, descriptions of workplace cyberbullying behaviours were collected and converted into measurement items. The factor structure and reliability of the scale were examined during Study 2. Further validation of the WCM was established in Study three by assessing correlations with a wide range of variables. Regression analysis demonstrated that the measure explained significant incremental variance in emotional exhaustion over and above existing harassment constructs. Justification for developing the WCM rather than adapting existing measures is presented, along with implications for research and practice

    P2Y12 expression and function in alternatively activated human microglia

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    Objective: To investigate and measure the functional significance of altered P2Y12 expression in the context of human microglia activation. Methods: We performed in vitro and in situ experiments to measure how P2Y12 expression can influence disease-relevant functional properties of classically activated (M1) and alternatively activated (M2) human microglia in the inflamed brain. Results: We demonstrated that compared to resting and classically activated (M1) human microglia, P2Y12 expression is increased under alternatively activated (M2) conditions. In response to ADP, the endogenous ligand of P2Y12, M2 microglia have increased ligand-mediated calcium responses, which are blocked by selective P2Y12 antagonism. P2Y12 antagonism was also shown to decrease migratory and inflammatory responses in human microglia upon exposure to nucleotides that are released during CNS injury; no effects were observed in human monocytes or macrophages. In situ experiments confirm that P2Y12 is selectively expressed on human microglia and elevated under neuropathologic conditions that promote Th2 responses, such as parasitic CNS infection. Conclusion: These findings provide insight into the roles of M2 microglia in the context of neuroinflammation and suggest a mechanism to selectively target a functionally unique population of myeloid cells in the CNS

    Ivermectin treatment of Loa loa hyper-microfilaraemic baboons (Papio anubis): Assessment of microfilarial loads, haematological and biochemical parameters and histopathological changes following treatment.

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    Individuals with high intensity of Loa loa are at risk of developing serious adverse events (SAEs) post treatment with ivermectin. These SAEs have remained unclear and a programmatic impediment to the advancement of community directed treatment with ivermectin. The pathogenesis of these SAEs following ivermectin has never been investigated experimentally. The Loa/baboon (Papio anubis) model can be used to investigate the pathogenesis of Loa-associated encephalopathy following ivermectin treatment in humans. 12 baboons with microfilarial loads > 8,000mf/mL of blood were randomised into four groups: Group 1 (control group receiving no drug), Group 2 receiving ivermectin (IVM) alone, Group 3 receiving ivermectin plus aspirin (IVM + ASA), and Group 4 receiving ivermectin plus prednisone (IVM + PSE). Blood samples collected before treatment and at Day 5, 7 or 10 post treatment, were analysed for parasitological, hematological and biochemical parameters using standard techniques. Clinical monitoring of animals for side effects took place every 6 hours post treatment until autopsy. At autopsy free fluids and a large number of standard organs were collected, examined and tissues fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed for standard haematoxylin-eosin staining and specific immunocytochemical staining. Mf counts dropped significantly (p0.05). All animals became withdrawn 48 hours after IVM administration. All treated animals recorded clinical manifestations including rashes, itching, diarrhoea, conjunctival haemorrhages, lymph node enlargement, pinkish ears, swollen face and restlessness; one animal died 5 hours after IVM administration. Macroscopic changes in post-mortem tissues observed comprised haemorrhages in the brain, lungs, heart, which seen in all groups given ivermectin but not in the untreated animals. Microscopically, the major cellular changes seen, which were present in all the ivermectin treated animals included microfilariae in varying degrees of degeneration in small vessels. These were frequently associated with fibrin deposition, endothelial changes including damage to the integrity of the blood vessel and the presence of extravascular erythrocytes (haemorrhages). There was an increased presence of eosinophils and other chronic inflammatory types in certain tissues and organs, often in large numbers and associated with microfilarial destruction. Highly vascularized organs like the brain, heart, lungs and kidneys were observed to have more microfilariae in tissue sections. The number of mf seen in the brain and kidneys of animals administered IVM alone tripled that of control animals. Co-administration of IVM + PSE caused a greater increase in mf in the brain and kidneys while the reverse was noticed with the co-administration of IVM + ASA. The treatment of Loa hyper-microfilaraemic individuals with ivermectin produces a clinical spectrum that parallels that seen in Loa hyper-microfilaraemic humans treated with ivermectin. The utilization of this experimental model can contribute to the improved management of the adverse responses in humans

    Species-Specific Activity of HIV-1 Vpu and Positive Selection of Tetherin Transmembrane Domain Variants

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    Tetherin/BST-2/CD317 is a recently identified antiviral protein that blocks the release of nascent retrovirus, and other virus, particles from infected cells. An HIV-1 accessory protein, Vpu, acts as an antagonist of tetherin. Here, we show that positive selection is evident in primate tetherin sequences and that HIV-1 Vpu appears to have specifically adapted to antagonize variants of tetherin found in humans and chimpanzees. Tetherin variants found in rhesus macaques (rh), African green monkeys (agm) and mice were able to inhibit HIV-1 particle release, but were resistant to antagonism by HIV-1 Vpu. Notably, reciprocal exchange of transmembrane domains between human and monkey tetherins conferred sensitivity and resistance to Vpu, identifying this protein domain as a critical determinant of Vpu function. Indeed, differences between hu-tetherin and rh-tetherin at several positions in the transmembrane domain affected sensitivity to antagonism by Vpu. Two alterations in the hu-tetherin transmembrane domain, that correspond to differences found in rh- and agm-tetherin proteins, were sufficient to render hu-tetherin completely resistant to HIV-1 Vpu. Interestingly, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain sequences in primate tetherins exhibit variation at numerous codons that is likely the result of positive selection, and some of these changes coincide with determinants of HIV-1 Vpu sensitivity. Overall, these data indicate that tetherin could impose a barrier to viral zoonosis as a consequence of positive selection that has been driven by ancient viral antagonists, and that the HIV-1 Vpu protein has specialized to target the transmembrane domains found in human/chimpanzee tetherin proteins

    Presence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Waterfowl and Wetlands during Summer 2010 in California: Are Resident Birds a Potential Reservoir?

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    Although wild waterfowl are the main reservoir for low pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIv), the environment plays a critical role for the circulation and persistence of AIv. LPAIv may persist for extended periods in cold environments, suggesting that waterfowl breeding areas in the northern hemisphere may be an important reservoir for AIv in contrast to the warmer southern wintering areas. We evaluated whether southern wetlands, with relatively small populations (thousands) of resident waterfowl, maintain AIv in the summer, prior to the arrival of millions of migratory birds. We collected water and fecal samples at ten wetlands in two regions (Yolo Bypass and Sacramento Valley) of the California Central Valley during three bi-weekly intervals beginning in late July, 2010. We detected AIv in 29/367 fecal samples (7.9%) and 12/597 water samples (2.0%) by matrix real time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR). We isolated two H3N8, two H2N3, and one H4N8 among rRT-PCR positive fecal samples but no live virus from water samples. Detection of AIv RNA in fecal samples was higher from wetlands in the Sacramento Valley (11.9%) than in the Yolo Bypass (0.0%), but no difference was found for water samples (2.7 vs. 1.7%, respectively). Our study showed that low densities of hosts and unfavorable environmental conditions did not prevent LPAIv circulation during summer in California wetlands. Our findings justify further investigations to understand AIv dynamics in resident waterfowl populations, compare AIv subtypes between migratory and resident waterfowl, and assess the importance of local AIv as a source of infection for migratory birds

    The Barley Genome Sequence Assembly Reveals Three Additional Members of the <i>CslF </i>(1,3;1,4)-b-Glucan Synthase Gene Family

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    An important component of barley cell walls, particularly in the endosperm, is (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan, a polymer that has proven health benefits in humans and that influences processability in the brewing industry. Genes of the cellulose synthase-like (Csl) F gene family have been shown to be involved in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthesis but many aspects of the biosynthesis are still unclear. Examination of the sequence assembly of the barley genome has revealed the presence of an additional three HvCslF genes (HvCslF11, HvCslF12 and HvCslF13) which may be involved in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthesis. Transcripts of HvCslF11 and HvCslF12 mRNA were found in roots and young leaves, respectively. Transient expression of these genes in Nicotiana benthamiana resulted in phenotypic changes in the infiltrated leaves, although no authentic (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan was detected. Comparisons of the CslF gene families in cereals revealed evidence of intergenic recombination, gene duplications and translocation events. This significant divergence within the gene family might be related to multiple functions of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucans in the Poaceae. Emerging genomic and global expression data for barley and other cereals is a powerful resource for characterising the evolution and dynamics of complete gene families. In the case of the CslF gene family, the results will contribute to a more thorough understanding of carbohydrate metabolism in grass cell walls
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