9 research outputs found

    Cisto pilonidal no crânio: relato de caso

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    Pilonidal cysts and sinuses are described as dermoid cysts which contain follicles of hairs and sebaceous glands. They clinically present as a classic case of inflammation which comes with pain, local infection and redness. The origin of pilonidal disease remains controverse. There are many hypothesis as lack of hygiene on the affected area and a penetration and growth of a hair in the subcutaneus tissue caused by constant friction or direct trauma on the damaged area. The option for clinical treatment is very frequent. However, taking into consideration the incidence and the possibility of recidive, surgical treatment is presently recommended. Complications include cellulitis and abscess formation. Pilonidal cysts are mostly found on the sacral region. In the literature is found description of pilonidal cysts on the penis, interdigital region on the hands as well as on the cervical region. We present a case of pilonidal cyst located on the vault biparietal region, without malignant degeneration.Cistos ou seios pilonidais são descritos como cistos dermóides que contêm folículos pilosos, pêlos e glândulas sebáceas. Clinicamente se manifestam com quadro inflamatório clássico traduzido por dor, tumefação local e vermelhidão. A etiopatogenia dos cistos pilonidais permanece controversa. Há várias hipóteses dentre as quais a falta de higiene local e a penetração e crescimento de pêlo no tecido subcutâneo geralmente causado por atrito constante ou trauma sobre o local. A opção pelo tratamento conservador é frequente. Contudo, levando-se em consideração a incidência e a possibilidade de recidivas, esta patologia tem hoje sido tratada cirurgicamente. As complicações comuns do cisto pilonidal incluem celulite, formação de abscesso e recorrência do cisto após o tratamento. Cistos pilonidais são quase na totalidade das vezes encontrados na região sacro-coccígea. Encontramos na literatura descrição de cistos pilonidais no pênis, na região interdigital das mãos e região cervical. Apresentamos um caso de cisto pilonidal de localização biparietal no crânio, sem degeneração maligna.27327

    Recomendações para o tratamento da crise migranosa - um consenso brasileiro

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    In this article, a group of experts in headache management of the Brazilian Headache Society developed through a consensus strategic measurements to treat a migraine attack in both the child and the adult. Particular emphasis was laid on the treatment of migraine in women, including at pregnancy, lactation and perimenstrual period743262271Neste artigo um grupo de especialistas no tratamento de cefaleia da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia através de um consenso elaborou medidas estratérgicas para tratar uma crise de migrânea tanto na criança como no adulto. Uma enfase particular foi dada no tratamento da migranea na mulher, incluindo gravidez, lactação e período perimenstrua

    Pilonidal cyst on the vault: case report

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    Pilonidal cysts and sinuses are described as dermoid cysts which contain follicles of hairs and sebaceous glands. They clinically present as a classic case of inflammation which comes with pain, local infection and redness. The origin of pilonidal disease remains controverse. There are many hypothesis as lack of hygiene on the affected area and a penetration and growth of a hair in the subcutaneus tissue caused by constant friction or direct trauma on the damaged area. The option for clinical treatment is very frequent. However, taking into consideration the incidence and the possibility of recidive, surgical treatment is presently recommended. Complications include cellulitis and abscess formation. Pilonidal cysts are mostly found on the sacral region. In the literature is found description of pilonidal cysts on the penis, interdigital region on the hands as well as on the cervical region. We present a case of pilonidal cyst located on the vault biparietal region, without malignant degeneration

    Pseudocystic form of neurocryptococcosis in pregnancy: case report Neurocriptococose na gravidez: forma pseudocística. Relato de Caso

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    We report a case of neurocryptococcosis which is unique in the literature because the patient had a pseudocystic form of the disease during pregnancy and without any evidence of AIDS. The clinical picture was that of intracranial hypertension and the epidemiological background was highly suggestive of cysticercosis. CT showed multiple round hypodense lesions in the basal ganglia and cerebellum, without contrast enhancement. Since a scolex was not visible, the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis was considered probable. CSF examination was not performed in view of its high risk. The patient had progressive downhill course. Autopsy disclosed multiple gelatinous pseudocysts in the cerebral and cerebellar gray matter, containing abundant Cryptococcus neoformans. Meningeal involvement was minimal. The child was delivered by caesarean section and was free of infection, but died later of hyaline membrane disease. The neuroimaging appearances of this rare instance of the pseudocystic form of neurocryptococcosis mimicked closely neurocysticercosis and only postmortem examination allowed correct diagnosis. The pseudocystic form has so far only been reported in AIDS.<br>Relatamos o primeiro caso da forma pseudocística da neurocriptococose na gravidez, em paciente sem evidência de AIDS. O quadro clínico era de hipertensão intracraniana que se manifestou no segundo trimestre da gravidez. A tomografia computadorizada do crânio evidenciava múltiplas lesões hipodensas, císticas, não impregnadas por contraste, localizadas na substância cinzenta cerebral e cerebelar. Dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e tomográficos apontavam para o diagnóstico provável de neurocisticercose. A autópsia, porém, revelou múltiplos pseudocistos de material gelatinoso com Cryptococcus neoformans em abundância. Havia mínimo comprometimento meníngeo. A revisão da literatura mostrou que a forma pseudocística da neurocriptococose só foi até o momento relatada em pacientes com AIDS. Os casos de neurocriptococose na gravidez até hoje publicados foram todos da forma meningítica

    Recommendations for the treatment of migraine attacks - a Brazilian consensus

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    ABSTRACT In this article, a group of experts in headache management of the Brazilian Headache Society developed through a consensus strategic measurements to treat a migraine attack in both the child and the adult. Particular emphasis was laid on the treatment of migraine in women, including at pregnancy, lactation and perimenstrual period