40 research outputs found

    Forest recovery in set-aside windthrow is facilitated by fast growth of advance regeneration

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    Funding This study was conducted as a part of research project 2012/07/ B/NZ8/01908 “Patterns and drivers of the regeneration processes following catastrophic wind disturbances in forests” funded by the Polish National Science Foundation (NCN) and research project Poland N N304 048934 “Comparison of the dynamics of woody species and vascular plants in active and passive protected areas of the Roztoczański National Park” funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. This work was also partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (DS 3421/ZBL).The disturbance of a research plot by a windstorm allowed us to study the role of the seedling bank in the regeneration processes. The released advance regeneration dominated among the saplings; taller individuals retained their position until the end of the study. Pioneer species occurred sporadically. Seven years after the disturbance, the windthrow was covered by a dense thicket of young trees. Context: The dominant role played by advance regeneration in natural regeneration processes after intense wind disturbances is still a matter of dispute. Aims: We took advantage of a windstorm in one of our research plots to study the role of the seedling bank released by the disturbance in the regeneration processes. Methods: We collected data in 70 plots, recording the survivorship of seedlings, annual height growth, and signs of browsing. The height ranking was analyzed with Kendall’s concordance coefficient, and the height growth rates were compared using Dunn’s test. Results: The density of seedlings increased from 6.7/m2 in 2008 to 8.1/m2 in 2010 and then decreased to 1.2/m2 in 2015. The density of saplings increased continuously from 0.14 to 1.9/m2. The highest size differentiation occurred in sycamore maple; the individuals which were taller before the windstorm retained their position until the year 2015. The only species that was recruited mainly from germinants was European hornbeam. Conclusion: The advance regeneration released by the windstorm played a major role in the regeneration process, while pioneer species occurred only sporadically. Seven years after the disturbance, the windthrow was already covered by a dense thicket of young trees.NC

    Climatologically based warning system against meteorological hazards and weather extremes : the example for Poland

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    This work presents a detailed scientific concept of an operational warning system concerning weather hazards, which is a component of the IT System for Country’s Protection against extreme hazards currently under development in Poland. The system displays eight weather hazards that prevail in Poland (air temperature extremes, heavy rainfall, strong wind, intensive snowfall, fog, glaze, rime, and thunderstorms with hail), which are presented on the maps. The information will also be made available to the public in the form of warnings sent automatically via the Internet or text messages. The weather hazard maps consist of two highly complementary components. The first contains maps of areas vulnerable to the hazards’ occurrence (climatological maps). These are based on observational and measurement data covering the period of 1951/1966-2010. The second component consists of operational maps based on current weather conditions, including primarily predictive data provided by the mesoscale numerical weather prediction model ALADIN (warning maps). The climatological information has been applied to the operational maps for several extremes not directly predicted by the ALADIN model

    Axillary lymph node and early breast cancer diagnostics. A case report

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    Understanding of the anatomy of the axillary lymph nodes is important in diagnostic and treatment procedures for breast cancer. An interesting case is presented here of breast cancer without a breast tumour. The first symptom of the disease was lymphadenopathy of the axillary region. This kind of case is extremely rare in clinical practise (one case per 1-5 years) and constitutes a great problem for specialists, since in many cases the primary neoplasm source is unknown. The anatomical and clinical implications of such a situation are discussed

    The use of morphometric and fractal parameters to assess the effects of 5-fluorouracil, interferon and dexamethasone treatment on colonic anastomosis healing: an experimental study in rats

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    Adjuvant chemotherapy and steroid therapy have been demonstrated to interfere with the wound healing process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 5-fluorouracil, interferon, and dexamethasone, on the healing of colon anastomosis by assessing morphometric and fractal parameters of the colonic wall. An experimental anastomosis of the ascending colon was performed in 60 male Wistar rats, which were then randomly assigned to four groups. On the second to sixth post-operative days, the rats were administered 5-fluorouracil, interferon-α, dexamethasone, or 0.9% NaCl solution as a control. Macroscopic, histomorphometric and microbiological evaluation was performed in order to assess healing of the anastomosis. In three animals from the dexamethasone group, there was leakage of anastomosis; adhesion formation was highest in the interferon group, and significantly higher than in the control and 5-fluorouracil groups. Histomorphometric parameter alterations were most pronounced on the seventh and fourteenth post-operative days in all treatment groups, with submucosal thickness the most affected parameter. Connective tissue fractal dimension was significantly decreased in those animals treated with interferon and dexamethasone. All three pharmaceutical agents impaired healing of anastomosis, and promoted infection in the anastomosis and skin wound sites. As dexamethasone induced both morphometric and macroscopic alterations, it was considered the most detrimental in this study. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 80–89

    Invasive treatment for carotid fibromuscular dysplasia

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    Introduction: Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an infrequent non-inflamatory disease of unknown etiology that affects mainly medium-size arteries. The prevalence of FMD among patients scheduled for endovascular treatment of carotid artery stenosis is unknown. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence and treatment options of carotid FMD in patients scheduled for carotid artery stenting (CAS). Material and methods: Between Jan 2001 and Dec 2013, 2012 CAS procedures were performed in 1809 patients (66.1% men; age 65.3 ±8.4 years, 49.2% symptomatic). In case of FMD suspicion in Doppler-duplex ultrasound (DUS), computed tomography angiography was performed for aortic arch and extracranial and intracranial artery imaging. For invasive treatment of FMD carotid stenosis, balloon angioplasty was considered first. If the result of balloon angioplasty was not satisfactory (> 30% residual stenosis, dissection), stent placement was scheduled. All patients underwent follow-up DUS and neurological examination 3, 6 and 12 months after angioplasty, then annually. Results: There were 7 (0.4%) (4 symptomatic) cases of FMD. The FMD group was younger (47.9 ±7.5 years vs. 67.2 ±8.9 years, p = 0.0001), with higher prevalence of women (71.4% vs. 32.7%, p = 0.0422), a higher rate of dissected lesions (57.1% vs. 4.6%, p = 0.0002) and less severe stenosis (73.4% vs. 83.9%, p = 0.0070) as compared to the non-FMD group. In the non-FMD group the prevalence of coronary artery disease was higher (65.1% vs. 14.3% in FMD group, p = 0.009). All FMD patients underwent successful carotid artery angioplasty with the use of neuroprotection devices. In 4 cases angioplasty was supported by stent implantation. Conclusions: Fibromuscular dysplasia is rare among patients referred for CAS. In case of significant FMD carotid stenosis, it may be treated with balloon angioplasty (stent supported if necessary) with optimal immediate and long-term results

    Temporal trends and patterns in percutaneous treatment of coronary artery disease in Poland in the years 2005–2011

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    Wstęp: Polska jest jednym z liderów kardiologii interwencyjnej w Europie w odniesieniu do liczby przezskórnych interwencji wieńcowych (PCI) na 1 milion mieszkańców wykonywanych w ostrym zawale serca. Cel: Celem pracy było zaprezentowanie zmian w epidemiologii, charakterystyce demograficznej, leczeniu i wynikach terapii pacjentów, u których wykonywano koronarografię i zabiegi angioplastyki wieńcowej w Polsce w latach 2005–2011 na podstawie Ogólnopolskiego Rejestru Procedur Kardiologii Inwazyjnej (ORPKI). Metody: Przeanalizowano dane kolejnych pacjentów poddanych angiografii wieńcowej (grupa ANGIO) oraz zabiegowi przezskórnej angioplastyki wieńcowej (grupa PCI), których włączono do prospektywnego rejestru ORPKI w Polsce. Wyniki: W latach 2005–2011 w grupie ANGIO zebrano dane o 935 429 pacjentach, natomiast w grupie PCI o 501 117 chorych. Liczba pracowni kardiologii inwazyjnej wzrosła z 75 do 137, a liczba angiografii wieńcowych wykonywanych rocznie z 99 195 do 180 935, natomiast liczba PCI odpowiednio z 50 297 do 99 614. Wewnątrzszpitalna śmiertelność okołozabiegowa i częstość udarów mózgu były podobne w ciągu lat u pacjentów, u których wykonywano koronarografię, natomiast zwiększyła się śmiertelność okołozabiegowa w grupie osób, u których przeprowadzono PCI. Użycie stentów uwalniających leki (DES) u chorych ze stabilną dławicą piersiową wzrosło z 32,8% do 55,3%, a stosowanie dostępu promieniowego z 26,8% do 39,1%. Wnioski: Stosowanie stentów typu DES, dostępu promieniowego i wykonywanie zabiegów inwazyjnych u chorych coraz większego ryzyka uległo istotnemu zwiększeniu w Polsce w latach 2005–2011. Zastosowanie się do idei programu “Stent for Life” zaowocowało zwiększającą się co roku liczbą procedur kardiologii inwazyjnej.Background: According to a recent survey, Poland is one of the leaders of interventional cardiology in Europe in terms of the number of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures per million inhabitants. Aim: To present temporal trends in epidemiology, demographics, treatment, and periprocedural outcome of patients referred for percutaneous coronary angiography and angioplasty in Poland in 2005–2011, based on the Polish National PCI Registry. Methods: Patients who underwent percutaneous coronary angiography (ANGIO group) and/or angioplasty (PCI group) were included in the Polish National PCI Registry — a prospective observational registry study in Poland. Results: There were 935,429 patients in the ANGIO group and 501,117 in the PCI group in Poland in 2005–2011. The number of catheterisation labs increased from 75 to 137, angiography procedures rose from 99,195 to 180,935, and PCIs from 50,297 to 99,614. The procedural mortality and stroke rates for the ANGIO group have remained stable whereas for the PCI group procedural mortality has increased over the years. The use of drug eluting stents (DESs) rose from 32.8% to 55.3% in stable angina and the use of a radial approach from 26.8% to 39.1%. Conclusions: Use of modern attributes of interventional cardiology like DES stents, radial approach, and treatment of higher risk patients has increased in Poland in 2005–2011. The adoption of the “Stent for Life” initiative has resulted in an increasing number of percutaneous coronary procedures over the years