6 research outputs found

    Implementation of POVMs by Projective Measurements and Postselection:Optimal Strategies and Applications to Unambiguous State Discrimination

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    We present new results concerning simulation of general quantum measurements (POVMs) by projective measurements (PMs) for the task of Unambiguous State Discrimination (USD). We formulate a problem of finding optimal strategy of simulation for given quantum measurement. The problem can be solved for qubit and qutrits measurements by Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) methods

    Operational Quantum Average-Case Distances

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    We introduce distance measures between quantum states, measurements, and channels based on their statistical distinguishability in generic experiments. Specifically, we analyze the average Total Variation Distance (TVD) between output statistics of protocols in which quantum objects are intertwined with random circuits and measured in standard basis. We show that for circuits forming approximate 4-designs, the average TVDs can be approximated by simple explicit functions of the underlying objects -- the average-case distances (ACDs). We apply them to analyze the effects of noise in quantum advantage experiments and for efficient discrimination of high-dimensional states and channels without quantum memory. We argue that ACDs are better suited for assessing the quality of NISQ devices than common distance measures such as trace distance or the diamond norm.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; v2: changed title, corrected typos; v3: improved narration, corrected typos, extended numerical simulations; v4: major changes, improved narration, extended examples and numerical simulations; comments and suggestions are welcome; accompanying technical paper: arXiv:2112.1428

    Implementation of quantum measurements using classical resources and only a single ancillary qubit

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    Abstract We propose a scheme to implement general quantum measurements, also known as Positive Operator Valued Measures (POVMs) in dimension d using only classical resources and a single ancillary qubit. Our method is based on probabilistic implementation of d-outcome measurements which is followed by postselection of some of the received outcomes. We conjecture that success probability of our scheme is larger than a constant independent of d for all POVMs in dimension d. Crucially, this conjecture implies the possibility of realizing arbitrary nonadaptive quantum measurement protocol on d-dimensional system using a single auxiliary qubit with only a constant overhead in sampling complexity. We show that the conjecture holds for typical rank-one Haar-random POVMs in arbitrary dimensions. Furthermore, we carry out extensive numerical computations showing success probability above a constant for a variety of extremal POVMs, including SIC-POVMs in dimension up to 1299. Finally, we argue that our scheme can be favorable for experimental realization of POVMs, as noise compounding in circuits required by our scheme is typically substantially lower than in the standard scheme that directly uses Naimark’s dilation theorem

    Modeling and mitigation of cross-talk effects in readout noise with applications to the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

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    We introduce a correlated measurement noise model that can be efficiently described and characterized, and which admits effective noise-mitigation on the level of marginal probability distributions. Noise mitigation can be performed up to some error for which we derive upper bounds. Characterization of the model is done efficiently using Diagonal Detector Overlapping Tomography -- a generalization of the recently introduced Quantum Overlapping Tomography to the problem of reconstruction of readout noise with restricted locality. The procedure allows to characterize kk-local measurement cross-talk on NN-qubit device using O(k2klog(N))O(k2^klog(N)) circuits containing random combinations of X and identity gates. We perform experiments on 15 (23) qubits using IBM's (Rigetti's) devices to test both the noise model and the error-mitigation scheme, and obtain an average reduction of errors by a factor >22>22 (>5.5>5.5) compared to no mitigation. Interestingly, we find that correlations in the measurement noise do not correspond to the physical layout of the device. Furthermore, we study numerically the effects of readout noise on the performance of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). We observe in simulations that for numerous objective Hamiltonians, including random MAX-2-SAT instances and the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, the noise-mitigation improves the quality of the optimization. Finally, we provide arguments why in the course of QAOA optimization the estimates of the local energy (or cost) terms often behave like uncorrelated variables, which greatly reduces sampling complexity of the energy estimation compared to the pessimistic error analysis. We also show that similar effects are expected for Haar-random quantum states and states generated by shallow-depth random circuits.Comment: 27+25 pages, 6+2 figures, 0+3 table, 0+3 algorithmic boxes; v2: fixed typos, added omitted references, expanded acknowledgments; v3: updated to version accepted in Quantum, improved main narration, fixed typos;comments and suggestions are welcom