15 research outputs found

    Analysis of Coal-Fired Power Unit Operation in Reduced Minimum Safe Load Regime

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    Large coal-fired power plants were typically designed as a base load units. Any changes in load level, as well as start-up time, are noticeably slow on that kind of units. However, in order to adapt to changing market conditions with increasing number of renewable energy sources, coal-fired power plants need to improve their flexibility. In the paper, 200 MWe class unit has been taken into consideration. During the test campaign, a minimum safe load of the unit was decreased from 60 to 40%. Paper presents results of a model that was made using Ebsilon®Professional software. The simulation model is comprised of boiler and turbine part of the power unit. Obtained results were validated using measurements collected from the test campaign. Parameters important from the technical and economical point of view were investigated. Results revealed that simulation model can be utilised successfully to scrutinise coal-fired units under off-design operation conditions. As the outcome of the performed analysis, a number of issues related to low load operation of the coal-fired unit are presented and discussed. Paper indicates sensitive areas that need to be addressed when operation in decreased safe load is considered. Finally, overall potential for flexibility improvement for 200 MWe class coal-fired units has been evaluated

    Uprawnienia wierzyciela z umowy przedwstępnej w razie jej niewykonania lub nienależytego wykonania przez dłużnika

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    Niniejszy tekst stanowi recenzję monografii Jarosława Grykiela, "Uprawnienia wierzyciela z umowy przedwstępnej w razie jej niewykonania lub nienależytego wykonania przez dłużnika", wydanej w 2017 r. przez wydawnictwo C.H. Beck. Celem tego tekstu jest nie tylko ocena monografii, ale również polemika z autorem i próba podjęcia dalszego dyskursu na temat umów przedwstępnych w prawie polskim. Analizie poddane zostają między innymi takie zagadnienia jak przedawnienie roszczeń, odstąpienie od umowy przedwstępnej, świadczenia na poczet umowy przyrzeczonej oraz wpis roszczeń do księgi wieczystej.This paper is a review of the book by Jarosław Grykiel, "Uprawnienia wierzyciela z umowy przedwstępnej w razie jej niewykonania lub nienależytego wykonania przez dłużnika" (Creditor's entitlements under a preliminary agreement in the event of its non-performance or improper performance by the debtor), published in 2017 by C.H. Beck. The purpose of this paper is not only to evaluate the book, but also to polemicise with the author and attempt to engage in further discourse on preliminary agreements under Polish law. Issues such as the prescription of claims, withdrawal from a preliminary agreement, payments before the final agreement and registration of claims in the land and mortgage register, among others, are analysed

    The algorithm of steam soot blowers operation based on the monitoring of fouling factors of heating surfaces of a coal-fired boiler under operating conditions

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    The article deals with the problem of optimizing the operation of soot blowers in a pulverized coal-fired boiler based on the instantaneous degree of cleanliness of heating surfaces, determined in real time. The elaborated methodology of calculations and the algorithm that determines the optimal configuration of the blowers operation has been implemented and tested on a boiler with a capacity of 380 t/h. The indicator defining the degree of cleanliness of a given heating surface is calculated using available measurements of process parameters based on the epsilon-NTU method. The calculations are carried out in the DCS system for each surface individually (air and water heaters, evaporator, superheaters). During the standard operation of the boiler, the adopted methodology was verified, having analysed the usefulness of the tool to assess the boiler cleanliness under operating condition

    Principle of cumulative concurrence of tort and contractual liability in Polish Law

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    This article is dedicated to the relationship between tort and contractual liability in Polish law whereby if a breach of contract constitutes a tort at the same time, the victim-creditor may claim payment of damages under either of the two regimes. How- ever, due to the principle of cumulative concurrence of tort and contractual liability, the damage be compensated only once. This article analyses the requirements for the application and exclusion of this so-called cumul principle, concentrating in particular on exclusion by contract and by mandatory law. The consequences of the permissibil- ity of claiming payment of damages on the basis of the two liability regimes are also assessed, analysing in particular the possibility of redressing moral damage resulting from a breach of contract and the impact of contractual modifications of liability on the application of both regimes. It was also presented how the Polish model of cumulative concurrence of tort and contractual liability deals with the differences between both regimes, such as the burden of proof, the statute of limitations and the special rule concerning the set-off of tort claims.Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Verhältnis zwischen Haftung aus unerlaubter Handlung und aus Vertraglicher im polnischen Recht, das zwischen beiden Regimes ein Wahlrecht des Gläubigers vor- sieht (Anspruchskonkurrenz zwischen deliktischer und vertraglicher Haftung). Der Beitrag analysiert, unter welchen Voraussetzungen ein Vertragsbruch gleichzeitig als unerlaubte Handlung eingestuft werden kann. Der Grundsatz der Anspruchskonkur- renz gilt jedoch nicht ausnahmslos. Zum einen können die Parteien vertraglich von der Konkurrenzwirkung abweichen. Außerdem wird untersucht, ob bestimmte geset- zliche Bestimmungen die Anspruchskonkurrenz ausschließen. Anschließend werden die Folgen der Kumulation vertraglicher und deliktischer Schadensersatzansprüche untersucht. Dabei wird zunächst die Möglichkeit der Wiedergutmachung moralischer Schäden infolge eines Vertragsbruchs und die Auswirkungen vertraglicher Änderun- gen der Haftung auf die Anwendung beider Regelungen untersucht. Es wird auch erörtert, wie das polnische Modell der Konkurrenz deliktischer und vertraglicher Anspruchsgrundlagen mit den Unterschieden zwischen beiden Systemen umgeht, z. B. in Bezug auf die Beweislast, die Verjährung und die Sonderregel für die Aufrech- nung von Schadensersatzansprüchen

    Preliminary contracts for contracts having as their object copyrights (transferring copyrights and licenses)

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    Artykuł porusza problematykę umów przedwstępnych w odniesieniu do umów przenoszących autorskie prawa majątkowe i licencyjnych. W tekście uzasadniono dopuszczalność zawierania takich umów, biorąc pod uwagę przynależność prawa autorskiego do prawa cywilnego oraz charakter umów przedwstępnych jako ogólnej instytucji prawa zobowiązań. Analizie poddano wymaganą treść takiej umowy, w szczególności obowiązek wskazania w niej pól eksploatacji utworu, a także kwestie dotyczące formy umowy. W pracy omówiono również skutki naruszenia umowy przedwstępnej oraz kwestię odszkodowania. Uwzględniono również analizę przepisów ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych w kontekście umów przedwstępnych. Dokonana została ocena, czy przepisy o przeniesieniu autorskich praw majątkowych i umowach licencyjnych regulują również umowy przedwstępne oraz jakie skutki będzie miał wyrok sądu zastępujący umowę przyrzeczoną w przypadku uchylania się dłużnika od jej zawarcia. Analizie poddana została również możliwość spełnienia świadczenia z tytułu umowy przyrzeczonej zastrzeżonej w umowie przedwstępnej. Szczególna uwaga została poświęcona kwestii, czy prawa autorskie mogą być przedmiotem takiego świadczenia oraz zasadom rozliczeń stron w przypadku niezawarcia umowy przyrzeczonej. Zagadnienie umów przedwstępnych pozwoli na rozważenie zakresu spraw objętych wprowadzonym niedawno do polskiego systemu prawnego szczególnym trybem postępowania w sprawach własności intelektualnej. W artykule przedstawiona zostanie dopuszczalność i zakres stosowania umów przedwstępnych w prawie autorskim oraz przydatność tej instytucji.The article addresses the issue of preliminary contracts in copyright trading and during licensing. The text justifies the admissibility of such contracts, taking into account the belonging of copyright law to civil law and the nature of preliminary agreements as a general institution of contract law. The analysis covers the required content of such a contract, in particular the obligation to indicate in it the fields of exploitation of the work, and the issues refering to concerning the form of the contract. The work also covers the consequences of a breach of a preliminary contract and the issue of damages. An analysis of the provisions of the Copyright Act in the context of preliminary contracts is also considered. An assessment is made as to whether the provisions on transfer of copyrights and license agreements also regulate preliminary contracts, and what effects a court’s judgment will have as a substitute for a promised agreement if the debtor evades its conclusion. The analysis will also deal with the possibility of a performance on account of the promised contract reserved in the preliminary contract. Particular attention will be paid to the issue whether copyrights may be subject to such consideration and to the rules of settlement of the parties if the promised agreement is not concluded. The matter of preliminary contracts will allow to consider the scope of cases covered by the special legal procedure in intellectual property cases recently introduced into the Polish legal system. The article will present the admissibility and the scope of application of preliminary agreements in copyright law and the usefulness of this institution

    Unfair contract terms : the risk is not just legal : example of loans denominated in Swiss francs in Poland

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    This article presents a legal perspective of the problem of loans denominated in Swiss franc in Poland. It explains what the valorization mechanism consisted of and the scale of the problem for a country such as Poland. It further analyses how the provisions on unfair contract terms apply in the case of loans denominated in Swiss franc and argues that, although they are provisions concerning the main subject matter of the contract, they were non- transparent and, as violating the interests of the consumer, may be considered non-binding and lead to nullity of the contract. The second part of the text proceeds with an analysis of the consequences of the invalidity of the credit agreement, the parties’ rights and the obligation to repay benefits. A social debate on the possible injustices resulting from the legal solutions as reviewed is also commented.L’article présente les aspects juridiques du problème des crédits libellés en francs suisses en Pologne. Il explique en quoi consistaient le mécanisme de valorisation et l’ampleur du problème pour un pays comme la Pologne. Il analyse ensuite la manière dont les dispositions relatives aux clauses abusives s’appliquent dans le cas des crédits libellés en francs suisses et soutient que, bien qu’il s’agisse de stipulations concernant les prestations essentielles des parties, elles n’étaient pas transparentes et, comme elles violent les intérêts du consommateur, elles peuvent être réputées non écrites et engendrer à la nullité du contrat. La deuxième partie du texte procède à une analyse des effets de la nullité du contrat de crédit, des droits des parties et de l’obligation de restituer les prestations obtenues. Un débat social sur les éventuelles injustices résultant des solutions juridiques examinées est également évoqué

    Scope of application of the contra proferentem rule and the nature of the bank account contract in the context of the notion of "circulating the money" : the critical commentary to the judgment of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland from 21 January 2021, III CSKP 80/21

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    This critical commentary on the judgement of the Polish Supreme Court concerns the analysis of the application of the contra proferentem rule in the interpretation of contracts with non-consumers which is highly debatable due to the literal content of the Polish Civil Code. The issue is particularly important when it comes to adhesive contracts with dominant entities such as banks, so this judgment is an opportunity to argue in favor of the wider application of the mentioned rule. The main subject of the commentary is to prove that the regulation of the bank account contract is anachronistic and should be modernized. The current regulation is not in line with modern economics while calling the bank activity by using the notion of "circulating the money" deposited in the bank account. That point of view does not take into account the role which banks play in money creation and how banks are taking on deposits and granting loans and credits. From the economical point of view, there is no such occurrence as "circulation" in the meaning used by the Supreme Court. Those circumstances should be considered in an analysis of the bank account contract and lead to the conclusion that the bank is not limited by the attachment of a bank account. As the result, the interest resulting from the contract should be paid to the customer even for the period when the bank account was attached

    Principle of Cumulative Concurrence of Tort and Contractual Liability in Polish Law

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    W pracy przeanalizowano dopuszczalny w prawie polskim na podstawie art. 443 k.c. zbieg odpowiedzialności deliktowej i kontraktowej. Przedstawiono kształt tzw. zasady cumul, czyli dopuszczalności podnoszenia roszczeń opartych zarówno na podstawie kontraktowej, jak i deliktowej w sytuacji, w której naruszenie zobowiązania umownego stanowi równocześnie delikt. Przaenalizowono teoretyczne ujęcia tego problemu, zakres zastosowania zasady cumul ustalony na podstawie kryterium bezprawności oraz różnice między dwoma reżimami odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej, co pozwoliło na przedstawienie możliwie najbardziej spójnych rozwiązań, których celem jest umożliwienie wierzycielowi uzyskania kompensaty poniesionej szkody. Uwzględniono zagadnienia takie jak zakres indemnizacji, kompetencja stron umowy do uregulowania zasad odpowiedzialności w umowie, ciężar dowodu, dochodzenie odszkodowania w procesie, a także inne bardziej szczegółowe kwestie. W pracy, poza przedstawieniem obowiązującego w polskim systemie prawnym rozwiązania, przeanalizowano przede wszystkim wpływ zbiegu reżimów odpowiedzialności na funkcje odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej, możliwy konflikt między zasadami cywilnej odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej a zasadą autonomii woli oraz zasadność dalszego utrzymania w polskim systemie prawa dwupodziału odpowiedzialności. Dla kompleksowej oceny przyjętego rozwiązania przeprowadzono również analizę komparatystyczną, w ramach której zestawiono polski model z systemem francuskim, w którym obowiązuje zasada przeciwna, czyli tzw. zasada non-cumul. Ten kontekst prawnoporównawczy pozwolił na identyfikację konstrukcyjnych problemów i ocenę efektywności alternatywnych rozwiązań.The thesis analyses the concurrence of tort and contractual liability permissible in Polish law on the basis of Article 443 of the Polish Civil Code. The thesis presents the shape of the so-called cumul principle, i.e. the admissibility of raising claims based on both contractual and tort basis in a situation where the breach of a contract constitutes a tort at the same time. The theoretical treatment of this problem, the scope of application of the cumul principle established on the basis of the criterion of unlawfulness, and the differences between the two regimes of liability for damages are analysed, allowing the presentation of the most coherent possible solutions aimed at enabling the creditor to obtain compensation for the damage suffered. Issues such as the scope of indemnization, the competence of the parties to the contract to regulate the principles of liability in the contract, the burden of proof, the pursuing of damages in a court proceedings, as well as other more specific issues, are covered. The thesis, apart from presenting the solution accepted in the Polish legal system, analyses in particular the impact of the concurrence of liability regimes on the functions of liability for damages, the possible conflict between the principles of civil liability for damages and the principle of autonomy of will, as well as the legitimacy of maintenance of the dual division of liability regimes in the Polish legal system. In order to comprehensively assess the adopted solution, a comparative analysis was also carried out, in which the Polish model was juxtaposed with the French system, in which the opposite principle, the so-called non-cumul principle, applies. This comparative legal context allowed the identification of structural problems and the assessment of the effectiveness of alternative solutions

    Требование публикации в Scopus и континентальная правовая традиция: противоречие?

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    The paper analyses a phenomenon of formal requirement and informal pressure posed on academic scholars and Ph.D. candidates with scientific interest of law in the Eastern European and central Asian countries to publish in Scopus-enlisted journals. Through the years, countries belonging to the so-called civil law legal tradition have developed a special role to play by academic scholars. However, these measures contradict the idea of Scopus. The paper looks for a possible balance between the approach resulting from the Scopus requirements and the one expected from legal scholars in civil law tradition countries, as the system of evaluation based on publications in Scopus-registered journals may be detrimental to national legal systems.Мақалада Scopus деректер базасына енгізілген журналдарда жариялау үшін Шығыс Еуропа және Орталық Азия елдеріндегі құқық саласында ғылыми қызығушылықтары бар академик ғалымдар мен PhD докторларына ресми талаптар мен бейресми қысым феномені талданады. Жылдар өте өркениетті құқықтық дәстүрге жататын елдерде академик ғалымдар ерекше рөл атқара бастады. Алайда, бұл шаралар Scopus идеясына қайшы келеді. Мақалада Scopus талаптарынан туындайтын тәсіл мен азаматтық-құқықтық дәстүрі бар елдердегі заңгер ғалымдардан күтілетін тәсіл арасындағы ықтимал теңгерім қарастырылады, өйткені Scopus-та тіркелген журналдардағы жарияланымдарға негізделген бағалау жүйесі ұлттық құқықтық жүйелерге зиян келтіруі мүмкін