626 research outputs found

    Поняття "місто" у площіні міждисциплінарних досліджень

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    The article considers the interpretation of the concept "city" as a product of man’s activity in works of historians and sociologists, economists and urbanologists, philosophers and ecologists. The author pays special attention at the statement about the role of a city, its spheres, levels, cultures, and subcultures. The article proves the necessity of the synthesis of philosophical understanding of a city itself as an object, the concept "city", and factors of development of cities in different time and in different countries.Розглядається питання трактовки поняття "місто" як продукта людської діяльності істориками та соціологами, економістами і урбанологами, філософами і екологами. Приділено увагу твердженням про призначення міста, його сфер, рівней, культур і субкультур. Доведено необхідність синтезу філософського розуміння самого міста, як об’єкта, поняття "місто", факторів розвитку міст в різний час і в різних держава

    Штучний інтелект (ШІ) крізь призму тематичних досліджень на порталі ResearchGate

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    Генеративний штучний інтелект (GenAI) різних мовних моделей за короткий час суттєво вплинув на економіку й політику у всьому світі. Наукова спільнота оперативно відреагувала на появу новітніх технологій, свідчення чому — тисячі статей на цю тему за два роки. Автор переглянув тематичні публікації за 2023 рік на науковому порталі ResearchGate. Далі було проведено проблемно-тематичний аналіз 10 статей, які мали найбільшу кількість переглядів, і зроблено висновки про тренди, породжені суспільством щодо штучного інтелекту (ШІ). Аналітичний огляд публікацій про ШІ допоможе науковцям орієнтуватися в напрямах, які рефлектують науковці у зв’язку з появою ШІ і його функціонуванням. Автор доходить висновків: суспільство потребує кардинальних змін у ставленні до свого майбутнього. З 10 розглянутих наукових статей чотири пов’язані з необхідністю змін в освітньому процесі, ще чотири присвячені впливу на ринок праці, одна стаття розглядає можливість конкуренції ШІ з людиною, і ще одна — потенціал ШІ в сільському господарстві

    Neutrino flavour relaxation or neutrino oscillations?

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    We propose the new mechanism of neutrino flavour relaxation to explain the experimentally observed changes of initial neutrino flavour fluxes. The test of neutrino relaxation hypothesis is presented, using the data of modern reactor, solar and accelerator experiments. The final choice between the standard neutrino oscillations and the proposed neutrino flavour relaxation model can be done in future experiments

    Today and Future Neutrino Experiments at Krasnoyarsk Nuclear Reactor

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    The results of undergoing experiments and new experiment propositions at Krasnoyarsk underground nuclear reactor are presentedComment: 4 page

    Virtual Screening of Human Serum Albumin Mutants to Optimize the Search for its Forms that Increase Affinity to Amyloid-Β Peptide

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    A promising approach to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the removal of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) from the patient's central nervous system by acting on human serum albumin (HSA). HSA carries 90% of Aβ in blood serum and 40-90% of Aβ in the cerebrospinal fluid (CNS). In this work, virtual screening of all possible mutant forms of HSA based on the data of the I-Mutant service made it possible to predict changes in HSA stability and identify the most “sensitive” regions of its polypeptide chain to substitutions. The data obtained will be used to optimize the search for HSA forms with increased affinity to Aβ, as well as to study the mechanisms underlying the modulating effects of HSA ligands on its interaction with Aβ, which can become the basis for the development of new approaches to therapy and prevention of AD

    Properties and application of ultrasonic Lamb waves in CdxHg₁₋xTe plates

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    Group and phase velocities of the lowest orders of Lamb waves in , directions for (100) Cd₀.₂Hg₀.₈Te plates are calculated. Frequency dispersion of a₀ and s₀ Lamb modes velocities were measured on (111)-plates in the range of frequencies from 0.2 to 10 MHz. The frequency dependencies of relative efficiency of the Lamb modes excitation using two geometrical versions: symmetrical - with two piezoelectric transducers, and antisymmetrical - with one piezoelectric transducer, have been studied. Possible applications of studied waves including ultrasonic treatment of semiconductors have been discussed

    Effect of temperature variation on shift and broadening of exciton band in Cs₃Bi₂I₉ layered crystals

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    The exciton reflection spectra of Cs₃Bi₂I₉ layered crystals is investigated in the temperature region 4.2–300 K with light polarization E ⊥ c. It is estimated that the energy gap Eg equals 2.857 eV (T = 4.2 K) and the exciton binding energy Ry is 279 meV. A nontraditional temperature shift of Eg(T) for the layered substances is found for the first time. It is learned that this shift is described very well by the Varshni formula. A transition region in the temperature broadening of the half-width H(T) of the exciton band with the increase of temperature is registered in the interval between 150 and 220 K. It is shown that this region may be identified as the heterophase structure region where ferroelastic and paraelastic phases coexist. A surge of H(T) at the point of the ferroelastic phase transition (Tc = 220 K) is also observed

    Influence of absorption level on mechanisms of Braggdiffracted x-ray beam formation in real silicon crystals

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    The methods of numerical calculations based on the formulae of the X-ray dynamic scattering theory by real crystals and of the Takagi-Topin equations were used for investigation of the basic regularities of inherent to the Bragg diffraction in conditions of a strong and weak absorption. The mechanisms of profile formation of a spatial intensity distribution of diffracted beams depending on an energy of radiation and on structural perfection parameters of crystals are discussed. The formulae for an analytical description of spatial intensity distribution profiles which take into account the dynamical corrections (coefficients of extinction) for coherent and incoherent components of the total reflectivity were used

    Initial Results from the CHOOZ Long Baseline Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Experiment

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    Initial results are presented from CHOOZ, a long-baseline reactor-neutrino vacuum-oscillation experiment. Electron antineutrinos were detected by a liquid scintillation calorimeter located at a distance of about 1 km. The detector was constructed in a tunnel protected from cosmic rays by a 300 MWE rock overburden. This massive shielding strongly reduced potentially troublesome backgrounds due to cosmic-ray muons, leading to a background rate of about one event per day, more than an order of magnitude smaller than the observed neutrino signal. From the statistical agreement between detected and expected neutrino event rates, we find (at 90% confidence level) no evidence for neutrino oscillations in the electron antineutrino disappearance mode for the parameter region given approximately by deltam**2 > 0.9 10**(-3) eV**2 for maximum mixing and (sin(2 theta)**2) > 0.18 for large deltam**2.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, submitted to Physics Letters