18 research outputs found

    Pendugaan Jenis Kelamin Menggunakan Ciri-ciri Morfologi Dan Perilaku Harian Pada Gelatik Jawa (Padda Oryzivora Linn, 1758) Di Penangkaran

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    Java sparrow is endemic species to Java, Bali and Bawean Island, but now introduced widely to Southeast Asia region and Srilangka. The species now scarce as a result of massive capture for the pet trade. A research on sex determination using morphological characteristics and daily behaviour of Java sparrow was carried out on May-July 2005 at Bogor. 12 unsexed individuals of Java sparrow were used in this observation. The birds put in two separate cages. The research resulted that sexing error of the sample sparrows using morphological characteristics was only 16.7%. Daily activity pattern of male and female birds was not much difference, but the male tends to be more active than female. Among its behaviour, twitter was the only characteristic which distinguish sex of the sparrows

    Transaksi Dalam Teori Exchange Behaviorism George Caspar Homans (Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah)

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    This article analyzes theory of exchange behaviorism by George C. Homans from Islamic economic perspective. Homans in Exchange Behaviorism concerns about cost and reward because in interaction people mostly concern about cost and reward obtained. The core of Homans exchange behaviorism theory lies in the collection of the propositions regarding two individuals or more who interact each other. Each of which the proposition provides an explanation of the form of social exchange that happens. Using descriptive analytic, this article tries to seek Homans' theory and its relation with the concept of cost and reward in Islamic economy perspective especially in murabahah system

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Perangkat Diagnostik ELISA Serta Variannya Untuk Deteksi Patogen Tanaman

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    Diseases aremajor constrains to agricultural crop productions in Indonesia.In the current free world trade system, the chances ofintroduction of plant quarantine agents are higher, and aredifficult to control, due to importation of seeds and otherplanting materials. Principles of the plant disease controlinclude exclusion and eradication. Early and accurate diseasediagnosis is an early and important step for a successfuldisease control. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) is a promising technique for an aneffective andefficient disease diagnosis. Some advantages of techniqueover the conventional and molecular diagnostic techniquesare economical use of reagents, high sensitivity, relativelysimple and quick, suitable for large numbers of samples,and adaptable for automation. In the past decade, severalvariants and kits of ELISA had been introduced, such asIndirect ELISA, F(ab')2 ELISA, Dot Blot ELISA, and ImmunoFluorescence Assay (ELFA). Based on the solid membraneused, the Dot Blot ELISA some variants were developed,such as the NCM-ELISA, Tissue Blotting ELISA, dan Paper ELISA. The ELISA variants had different limit of detection levels. The limit detection of the variants for bacteria is ranging from 102-105 cells/ml, while those for viruses were from 1-10 ng/ml. The times required for the ELISA tests ranging from 5-48 hours. Models and components of ELISA kits for some viral and bacterial plant pathogens had been developed, but more are still needed since generally for each pathogen needs a different kit. The commercially available ELISA kits are limited in numbers, some of themare for pathogens that are not present in Indonesia. Production of ELISA kits for domestic uses will be more effective and efficent, particularly for pathogens that are present in the country. The ELISA kits are applicable not only fo detection and identification of pathogens, but also forecological study of the pathogens in conjuction with epidemiological study of the disease. This paper is a brief review on the ELISA technique and its variants and potential uses for detection of plant pathogen

    Perlakuan Agens Hayati untuk Mengendalikan Hawar Daun Bakteri dan Meningkatkan Produksi Benih Padi Sehat

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    The research objectives were to evaluate biological agent treatments in controlling bacterial leaf blight (BLB) and increasing plant growth and seed production of rice. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse and field using the same experimental design (randomized block design with two factors) and three replications. The first factor was seed treatments, i.e. negative control, positive control, streptomycin sulphate 0.2%, Pseudomonas diminuta + Bacillus subtilis, matriconditioning + streptomycin sulphate 0.2%, and matriconditioning + P. diminuta + B. subtilis. Spraying plants (second factor): untreated control, streptomycin sulphate 0.2%, biological agent F112, biological agent F198, and biological agent F57. In the greenhouse, matriconditioning + P. diminuta + B. subtilis improved seed germination, plant height, and plant dry weight. Spraying plants with biological agent F112 increased plant dry weight. Meanwhile, matriconditioning + P. diminuta + B. subtilis followed by spraying plants with biological agent F112 reduced the BLB severity. In the field, matriconditioning + P. diminuta + B. subtilis improved seedling dry weight. Matriconditioning + P. diminuta + B. subtilis and spraying plants with biological agents F112 controlled BLB and increased plant growth. However, all treatments were not able to increase healthy seed production

    Analyzing University Students Ill-Structured Problem Solving Ability in Statistics Subject

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    This study has an objective to identification university student ill-structured problem solving skills to solve statistical problem. The study is conducted using mixed method study which is including quantitative and qualitative approach. The study involved 68 university students who enrolled in social statistic subject. The data was collected by using a cognitive test instrument which was administered as pre-test and post-test. The pre-test instrument was constructed as a regular form of test instrument which provides specific instruction for university studentss to solve the test. However, the post-test was constructed based on the criteria of ill-structured problem solving. The result shows that there are difference between pre-test and post-test. The difference can be indicated by comparing the T-value which shows higher value than T-table (10,216 ≥ 1,997). it indicates that the university students have more ability in solving problem with instruction rather than solving the ill-structured problem

    Karakterisasi Rizobakteri Yang Berpotensi Mengendalikan Bakteri Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv. Oryzae Dan Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi

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    Characterization of rhizobacteri having potential to control Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and increase plant growth of rice. Rhizobacteria which are isolated from root could produce HCN, siderophore, and plant growth regulator, induce systemic resistance, and are increase uptake of plant nutrition such as phosphate. The objective of this research was to characterize rhizobacteri as controling agent for Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae (Xoo) and as plant growth promoter. The results show that the isolates of P. diminuta A6, P. aeruginosa A54, B.subtilis 11 /C, and B. subtilis 5/B inhibited the growth of Xoo. B. subtilis 5/B isolate produced the highest siderophore activity, followed by of P. aeruginosa A54, P. diminuta A6 and B. subtilis 11/C. Only P. diminuta A6 isolate produced HCN. The results also showed that all rhizobacteri produced IAA i.e. B.subtilis 5/B (22.10 µg/ml), B. subtilis 11/C (19.05 µg/ml), P. diminuta A6 (8.68 ug/ml), and P. aeruginosa A54 (2.95 µg/ml). The content of phosphatase enzyme was as folows B.subtilis 5/B (2.78 units/ ml), B.subtilis 11/C (5.7 units/ml), P. diminuta A6 (2.25 units/ml), and P. aeruginosa A54 (5.71 units / ml). Content of peroxidase enzymes in plants that were treated by using isolates was as follows B.subtilis 5/B (1.30 x 10-3 units/mg protein), P. aeruginosa A6 (1.20 x 10-3 units/mg protein), B.subtilis 11/C (1.15 x 10-3 units/mg protein), and P. aeruginosa A54 (1.05 x 10-3 units/mg protein)

    Pengaruh Formula Coating terhadap Viabilitas dan Vigor Serta Daya Simpan Benih Padi (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    The objectives of this research were to find the most compatible coating formula for rice seeds (Experiment 1), and to evaluate the effect of coating formula on viability, vigor and storability of the seeds (Experiment 2). This research was conducted in Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology at IPB, Bogor and Laboratory of Seed Technology at PT East West Seed Indonesia, Purwakarta from December 2010 to February 2011. In Experiment 1, the ten coating materials (formula) were arranged in single factor of Completely Randomized Design with four replications, i.e. uncoated seed, 3% alginate + 1% talc, 3% alginate + 1% gypsum, 3% alginate + 1% peat, 3% arabic gum + 1% talc, 3% arabic gum + 1% gypsum, 3% arabic gum + 1% peat, 1.5% CMC + 1% talc, 1.5% CMC + 1% gypsum, and 1.5% CMC + 1% peat. Experiment 2 used Split Plot Design with four replications. The main plot was storage periods i.e. 0, 1 and 2 months. The seeds were stored in two storage conditions: ambient and air conditioned room. The subplot was coating formula (same as in Experiment 1). The results of Experiment 1 showed that the most compatible coating material for rice seeds were 1.5% CMC + 1% talc, and 1.5% CMC + 1% gypsum, these formula were able to maintain vigor of the coated seeds. In Experiment 2, coating formula of 1.5% CMC + 1% peat generated higher seed vigor than uncoated seeds after two months storage, 3% gum arabic + 1% gypsum was able to keep vigor for one month storage in ambient condition. The coating formula of 3% alginate + 1% peat was able to keep viability and vigor of the coated seeds for two months in air conditioned room