15 research outputs found

    Activity of the beta-cyanoalanine synthase pathway is associated with the response to abiotic stress by Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    Cyanide is produced throughout a plant\u27s life cycle alongside the hormone ethylene by oxidation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid. Production increases during certain developmental stages such as seed germination, seedling elongation, fruit ripening and senescence. Abiotic stresses increase ethylene production giving rise to `stress cyanide\u27. Cyanide also comes from metabolism of cyanogenic compounds. Cyanide is however, a toxic chemical which readily binds to metallo-enzymes inhibiting primary metabolic processes. Plants have mechanisms to maintain cyanide homeostasis such as the β-cyanoalanine pathway whereby cysteine reacts with cyanide forming β--cyanoalanine, mediated by β-cyanoalanine synthase and cysteine synthase. A dual nitrilase 4 enzyme then converts the β-cyanoalanine into asparagine or aspartate and ammonium. Studies have suggested that the physiological function of the pathway is not restricted to detoxification and assimilation of excess cyanide. The overall research goal was to investigate the role of the pathway in plant tolerance to water deficit and exogenous cyanide exposure in Arabidopsis thaliana. The first objective was to investigate responsiveness of the pathway to duration and intensity of water deficit and cyanide exposure. The second was to investigate the contribution of enzymes associated with the pathway to cyanide metabolism. The questions addressed were whether there is enzymatic redundancy in enzymes associated with the first step of cyanide detoxification and whether there is pathway redundancy between the β-cyanoalanine and an alternative sulfurtransferase pathway. A. thaliana Col-0 and three SALK-line mutants with a T-DNA insertion for the genesAtCysA1, AtCysC1 and AtNIT4 were grown and exposed to water stress. Physiological and biochemical measurements were taken. The results showed a transient increase in cyanide concentration and β-cyanoalanine synthase activity on exposure to stress. The response pattern was similar regardless of intensity or duration of stress. Knocking out AtCysA1 or AtCysC1 did not impair the ability of plants to metabolize cyanide and tolerate stress i.e the enzymes were functionally redundant. The AtNIT4 mutant however, was impaired in cyanide metabolism and exhibited a sensitive phenotype under both stresses, suggesting that the cyanoalanine pathway is the sole pathway in cyanide detoxification. The results show that the pathway may be an important tool in improvement of plant tolerance to abiotic stress

    The β-cyanoalanine pathway is involved in the response to water deficit in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    The β-cyanoalanine pathway is primarily responsible for detoxification of excess cyanide produced by plants. Recent evidence suggests that cyanide detoxification via this pathway may be involved in the response and tolerance to water deficit in plants. The aim of this study was to explore this role in Arabidopsis thaliana in greater detail. The first objective was to establish responsiveness of the pathway to the magnitude and duration of water deficit. The second objective was to examine how interruption of single genes (AtCysA1, AtCysC1 and AtNIT4) encoding enzymes of the pathway influenced the ability to metabolize cyanide and withstand water deficit. Arabidopsis plants were exposed to conditions which emulated acute and chronic water deficit, followed by measurement of tissue cyanide concentration, activity of enzymes, and physiological parameters. The results for wild-type Arabidopsis demonstrated a transient increase in cyanide concentration and β-cyanoalanine synthase activity, followed by a decrease in both. The increase in enzyme activity was localized to the tissue in direct proximity to the stress. The knockdown AtCysA1 mutant did not differ from wild-type while AtCysC1 mutants were slightly more sensitive to water deficit. The AtNIT4 mutant was the most sensitive showing decreased growth along with altered chlorophyll content under water deficit as compared to wild-type. Collectively, the results indicated that the pathway is responsive to water deficit although the severity of stress did not alter the nature of the response, implying that the capacity to remove cyanide generated during water deficit may contribute to tolerance to this stress in Arabidopsis

    Nitrogen supply and cyanide concentration influence the enrichment of nitrogen from cyanide in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

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    Cyanide assimilation by the beta-cyanoalanine pathway produces asparagine, aspartate and ammonium, allowing cyanide to serve as alternate or supplemental source of nitrogen. Experiments with wheat and sorghum examined the enrichment of (15)N from cyanide as a function of external cyanide concentration in the presence or absence of nitrate and/or ammonium. Cyanogenic nitrogen became enriched in plant tissues following exposure to (15)N-cyanide concentrations from 5 to 200 microm, but when exposure occurred in the absence of nitrate and ammonium, (15)N enrichment increased significantly in sorghum shoots at solution cyanide concentrations of \u3e or =50 microm and in wheat roots at 200 microm cyanide. In an experiment with sorghum using (13)C(15)N, there was also a significant difference in the tissue (13)C:(15)N ratio, suggestive of differential metabolism and transport of carbon and nitrogen under nitrogen-free conditions. A reciprocal (15)N labelling study using KC(15)N and (15)NH(4)(+) and wheat demonstrated an interaction between cyanide and ammonium in roots in which increasing solution ammonium concentrations decreased the enrichment from 100 microm cyanide. In contrast, with increasing solution cyanide concentrations there was an increase in the enrichment from ammonium. The results suggest increased transport and assimilation of cyanide in response to decreased nitrogen supply and perhaps to ammonium supply

    Identification and characterization of a solute carrier, CIA8, involved in inorganic carbon acclimation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology. The supply of inorganic carbon (Ci) at the site of fixation by Rubisco is a key parameter for efficient CO2 fixation in aquatic organisms including the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells, when grown on limiting CO2, have a CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) that functions to concentrate CO2 at the site of Rubisco. Proteins thought to be involved in inorganic carbon uptake have been identified and localized to the plasma membrane or chloroplast envelope. However, current CCM models suggest that additional molecular components are involved in Ci uptake. In this study, the gene Cia8 was identified in an insertional mutagenesis screen and characterized. The protein encoded by Cia8 belongs to the sodium bile acid symporter subfamily. Transcript levels for this gene were significantly up-regulated when the cells were grown on low CO2. The cia8 mutant exhibited reduced growth and reduced affinity for Ci when grown in limiting CO2 conditions. Prediction programs localize this protein to the chloroplast. Ci uptake and the photosynthetic rate, particularly at high external pH, were reduced in the mutant. The results are consistent with the model that CIA8 is involved in Ci uptake in C. reinhardtii

    Identification and characterization of a solute carrier, CIA8,involved in inorganic carbon acclimation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The supply of inorganic carbon (Ci) at the site of fixation by Rubisco is a key parameter for efficient CO2 fixation in aquatic organisms including the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells, when grown on limiting CO2, have a CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) that functions to concentrate CO2 at the site of Rubisco. Proteins thought to be involved in inorganic carbon uptake have been identified and localized to the plasma membrane or chloroplast envelope. However, current CCM models suggest that additional molecular components are involved in Ci uptake. In this study, the gene Cia8 was identified in an insertional mutagenesis screen and characterized. The protein encoded by Cia8 belongs to the sodium bile acid symporter subfamily. Transcript levels for this gene were significantly up-regulated when the cells were grown on low CO2. The cia8 mutant exhibited reduced growth and reduced affinity for Ci when grown in limiting CO2 conditions. Prediction programs localize this protein to the chloroplast. Ci uptake and the photosynthetic rate, particularly at high external pH, were reduced in the mutant. The results are consistent with the model that CIA8 is involved in Ci uptake in C. reinhardtii


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    The ability by land plants to partially close their stomata in response to high vapor pressure deficit, called the limited transpiration trait, is a rare phenomenon in crop plants. The characteristic has been demonstrated in several crop species including Sorghum bicolor. The molecular and physiological basis for the limited transpiration trait is however, not clear. This study was conducted to determine the physiological attributes associated with the limited transpiration trait in three sorghum genotypes SC1345, SC35 and Macia. Plants of these three sorghum genotypes were established in a greenhouse and subjected to water deficit stress. Chlorophyll fluorescence and relative water content were assessed after exposing plants to water deficit. The two genotypes with an ability to express the limited transpiration trait (SC35 and Macia) were able to maintain a higher water status while genotype SC1345, which does not have a transpiration breakpoint, had a significantly lower water status compared to controls. In addition, an interesting pattern for chlorophyll fluorescence was observed in the genotypes expressing the limited transpiration trait. The results confirm that the limited transpiration trait helps to maintain plant water status, and also suggest that chlorophyll fluorescence could be used to screen for the trait

    The many types of carbonic anhydrases in photosynthetic organisms

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    Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are enzymes that catalyze the interconversion of CO and HCO. In nature, there are multiple families of CA, designated with the Greek letters α through θ. CAs are ubiquitous in plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria, often playing essential roles in the CO concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) which enhance the delivery of CO to Rubisco. As algal CCMs become better characterized, it is clear that different types of CAs are playing the same role in different algae. For example, an α-CA catalyzes the conversion of accumulated HCO to CO in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, while a θ-CA performs the same function in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. In this review we argue that, in addition to its role of delivering CO for photosynthesis, other metabolic roles of CA have likely changed as the Earth\u27s atmospheric CO level decreased. Since the algal and plant lineages diverged well before the decrease in atmospheric CO, it is likely that plant, algae and photosynthetic bacteria all adapted independently to the drop in atmospheric CO. In light of this, we will discuss how the roles of CAs may have changed over time, focusing on the role of CA in pH regulation, how CAs affect CO supply for photosynthesis and how CAs may help in the delivery of HCO for other metabolic reactions